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1、20072008学年度第一学期期末考试七年级英语试题题号听力部分笔试部分总分IIIIIIIVVIIIIIIIVV得分听力部分(30分)I听单词或短语,并把你所听到的单词或短语写在合适的位置上。(5分)1. Food: _ 2. Clothes:_3. Date(日期):_ 4. Subject:_5. Movie: _II听句子,将你所听到的物品的颜色写在相应的位置上。(5分)6. _7._8._9._10._III. 听对话和问题,选出适当的答语。(5分)( )11. A. Peter. B. Mary. C. Henry.( )12. A. A ruler. B. A ring. C. A

2、 watch.( )13. A. The boys sister. B. The girls sister. C. The boys friend.( )14. A. At 6:30. B. At 7:00. C. At 5:30.( )15. A. Play the guitar. B. Swim. C. Paint.IV听短文和问题,完成下列问题。听第一段材料,为16-20小题选择适当的答案。(5分) ( )16. A. On weekends. B. On Monday. C. In the evening. ( )17. A. Your parents. B. Your sister.

3、 C. Your friend. ( )18. A. Comedies. B. Thrillers. C. Action movies. ( )19. A. Jackie Chan. B. Stephen Chow. C. Jet Li. ( )20. A. Its exciting. B. Its interesting. C. Its boring.听第二段材料,判断21-25小题的正误。(5分) ( )21. John is a Grade One student. ( )22. Mr. Black is taking John to the school. ( ) 23. Johns

4、mother doesnt go to work on Sunday. ( ) 24. They are going to take the No. 21 bus. ( )25. Johns teacher is wrong.V听一个小片段,完成表格。(每空1分,共5分)NameJim_Age_Date of birthJune 3rd , _Telephone number_AddressNo. 2 Kings Street, New YorkFavorite sport_ 笔试部分(90分)I单项选择。(每小题1分,计20分)A)选择与句中划线部分意思相同或相近的词或短语。 ( )26.

5、I like comedies. Theyre interesting. A. boring B. relaxing C. sad D. funny ( )27. What time is it? A. What color is it? B. Whats the time? C. Where is the clock? D. What day is it? ( )28. Can I help you? A. What do you want? B. Can you help me? C. What can I do for you? D. What do you like? ( )29. H

6、ow much is the sweater? A. What color is B. How many is C. How old is D. Whats the price of ( )30. I usually get up at around 6 oclock. A. much B. only C. about D. forB)你知道用哪个选项完成句子最好?试试看! ( )31. This is _ alarm clock. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )32. We dont like_. A. broccoli B. broccolis C. a brocco

7、li D. broccolies ( )33. _. Is this your pen? A. Sorry B. Hello C. Excuse me D. Hi ( )34. Do you have two _? A. tennis racket B. tennis rackets C. tennis racket D. tennis rackets ( )35. He _ his homework at school. A. doesnt do B. dont does C. isnt do D. does not ( )36. _this your guitar? A. Am B. Is

8、 C. Are D. Do ( ) 37. Lets _ now. A. go to home B. to go home C. go home D. to go to home ( ) 38. How much are these shoes? _ twenty dollars. A. Are B. There C. Theyre D. Their ( ) 39. My father usually_ a shower _the morning. A. take; in B. takes; in C. take; on D. takes; at ( )40. _you play the vi

9、olin? A. Are B. Can C. Is D. When ( )41 -This is my sister Ann. -Is _ a student?A. she B. he C. her D. his ( )42. I _ two baseballs and my friend _five baseballs. A. have; have B. have; has C. has; have D. has; has ( ) 43. -Is that your book? -Yes, _. A. it is B. it isnt C. its D. this is ( )44. Mis

10、s Wei often helps us _ our English. A. at B. in C. of D. with ( )45. I want _ the music club. A. join B. to join C. joins D. be joinII从A、B、C、D中选择最恰当的选项填进文章中去,你会读到一个有意思的故事。(10分)I like my Chinese teacher very much. He is a 46 man, about 25 years old. He is tall 47 black short hair. He is a very humoro

11、us(幽默的) person. He often 48 us jokes(笑话) and 49 to make our class more 50 . In class, he is a very 51 teacher. If we dont listen to him carefully, he will give us some punishment(惩罚) by 52 us some questions. But after class, he becomes a very good 53 of us. He often talks with the girls and plays 54

12、 with the boys. All of us really like him. He is our 55 teacher.( )46. A. old B. young C. very old D. aged( )47. A. and B. for C. with D. at( )48. A. tells B. says C. speaks D. speak( )49. A. a story B. storys C. story D. stories( )50. A. tired B. difficult C. interesting D. boring( )51. A. busy B.

13、strict C. interested D. well( )52. A. ask B. asks C. asking D. asked( )53. A. teacher B. teachers C. friend D. friends( )54. A. a basketball B. the basketball C. basketballs D. basketball ( )55. A. favorite B. the favorite C. favoritest D. a favoriteIII经过一学期的英语学习,你的阅读理解能力一定有了很大提高。(40分)ADear Mr. Wang

14、, Someone comes to the office to see you in the morning, but you and your wife are out. He comes here at 10am. Because he is very busy, he goes away half an hour later. He tells me that he is your classmate at college(大学). Now he teaches Chinese in a high school(高中) in this city and he lives near th

15、e No. 6 Middle School. He is a very tall man with short hair. He wears a pair of glasses. He tells me his telephone number is 33426685. He is often at home at 7:00 pm. So you can call him in the evening.( )56. The author(作者) writes this note(便条) to _.A. Mr. Wang B. Mr. Wangs wife C. Mr. Wangs classm

16、ate D. me( )57. Mr. Wangs classmate is _. A. a teacher B. a worker C. a farmer D. an actor( )58. When is Mr. Wangs classmate often at home?A. In the morning B. In the afternoon. C. At 7:00. D. We dont know.( )59. How long does Mr. Wangs classmate stay in the office?A. Ten hours. B. An hour. C. Two h

17、ours. D. Half an hour.( )60. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Mr. Wang and his wife are classmates. B. Mr. Wangs classmate is short.C. Mr. Wang goes out with Mrs. Wang in the morning.D. Mr. Wangs classmate meets Mr. Wang in the morning. BI will never forget my first English class. It is very intere

18、sting. Its the first class in the morning. The teacher goes into the classroom with a smile on his face. At the beginning, he makes a self-introduction(自我介绍). And he tells us that his English name is John. Then he asks all of us to think of English names for ourselves. We are very excited(兴奋的) to fi

19、nd a good name. Then he asks us to write our names down on a piece of paper. I think about my English name for a long time. Then I come up with(想出) a beautiful name -Shirley. All the students write their names down and give the paper to the teacher. When the teacher calls “Shirley” to answer his que

20、stion, three girls stand up at the same time.( )61. What do we do in the first English class?A. Tell the teacher our Chinese names. B. Find English names for ourselves.C. See an English film. D. Draw pictures.( )62. What does our teacher do first?A. He asks every student to make a self-introduction.

21、B. He introduces(介绍) himself to all of us.C. He asks us many difficult questionsD. He tells us a story.( )63. Whats the English name of our En愀缀漀漀欀刀攀愀搀愀猀瀀砀椀搀嬇葒籖蘪湲/Ki前台访问/p-615989.html220.181.108.1030勈嚄攀瀀栀琀洀氀嬇怃籉蘪5ewap前台访问/BookRead.aspx?id=114472183.36.114.1020勈嚄銰莀椀瀀栀琀洀氀伀嬇葒蘫/Mi前台访问/p-2789938.html123.1






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28、动2361.611.228410728.HK中国电信-9401.9-2.92 20762.HK中国联通中国联通1657.20.689220788.HK中国铁塔-17771.0-1.80 30552.HK中国通信服务714.60.239036088.HKFIT HON TENG-856.7-0.14 40215.HK和记电讯香港343.40.051946869.HK长飞光纤光缆-104.1-0.11 排名股票代码股票名称 占总股本 比例 持股市值(亿 元) 排名股票代码股票名称 占总股本 比例 持股市值 (亿港 币) 1300308.SZ中际旭创中际旭创12.38%37.6610941.HK中国

29、移动7.68%752.01 2300383.SZ光环新网光环新网7.75%19.3120728.HK中国电信5.49%140.42 3600522.SH中天科技6.11%14.2430762.HK中国联通4.54%58.39 4002281.SZ光迅科技光迅科技2.82%5.4040763.HK中兴通讯4.37%56.04 5002396.SZ星网锐捷星网锐捷2.57%4.1750439.HK光启科学4.23%0.62 6300394.SZ天孚通信天孚通信2.15%2.8566869.HK长飞光纤光缆3.60%3.03 7000063.SZ中兴通讯1.99%35.6876088.HKFIT HON TENG3.30%3.78 8600498.SH烽火通信烽火通信1.86%4.1880552.HK中国通信服务1.92%4.43 9603236.SH移远通信移远通信1.75%3.7092342.HK京信通信1.25%0.63 10300628.SZ亿联网络亿


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