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1、 B. Ginas Chinese friend C. Ginas Chinese name D. Ginas Japanese name ( ) 63. Whats Sun Meis telephone number? A. 858-6788 B. 867-4209 C. 876-4029 D. 867-4029 ( ) 64. What does the underlined word “music” mean in Chinese(划线单词music的中文意思是什么)? A. 运动 B. 玩具 C. 音乐 D. 爱好 ( ) 65. From the passage, we can kn

2、ow(知道)_. A. Gina is in China now. B. Gina buys(买)the CD for Sun Mei. C. Gina meets Sun Mei in the afternoon. D. Ginas telephone number is 868-6778.C.阅读配对(共5小题, 每小题1分,共5分)( ) 66. John wants to buy a pair of shoes. He likes Nike best.( )67.Lucy needs some fashionable(时尚的) T-shirts, skirts, shorts.( )6

3、8. Tom is very fat, he hopes to lose weight(减肥) by playing basketball.A. Dongguan Daily We report everyday news. It costs you one yuan.B. Nike There are some new arrivals in our shop. Come and get what you want.C. http :/ Wenchuan,cn. We offer the latest news about the earthquake.D. Sports World All

4、 kinds of balls. We open all the day round.( ) 69. Tony is a sports collector, he wants more balls. He is free at night. ( )70. Jane wants to know about Sichuan earthquake(地震). There is no computer at her home.E. Fashion store We have T-shirts and shorts. They are fashionable. We also have skirts. T

5、hey are fit for girls.F. Sunny Gym Its a good place to lose weight. And you can play basketball.G. Sports Club We sell many kinds of balls. We only open in the afternoon.五、单词拼写(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)71. My _ (父母)are at home.72. Gina has a happy _ (家庭).73. What can you see in the _ (图画).74. _ (这些) girls are

6、 my friends.来源:学_科_网Z_X_X_K75. Mike is my brother. I am his _ (妹妹).六、翻译句子(共5小题, 每小题2分,共10分)76. 这位是我的朋友。她的名字是 Linda。 _ 77. 你是杰克的朋友吗?_ 78. -这个用英语怎么说?-是一个苹果。_79. -他的夹克是什么颜色的?-是红色的。_80. -那三个男孩是谁?-我的表弟。_七、看图填词(共5小题, 每小题1分,共5分)根据图画所提供的语景,在空格中填入适当的词,使其意思完整、语法正确,每空格限填一个英语单词。(5分) My name is Lucy Smith. I am

7、13. My telephone _81_ is 89756491. This is my good friend Linda White. Her _82_ name is Linda and her _83_ name is White. She is in China. She is a nice girl. She likes yellow very much. She is 12. Her telephone number is 78656121. I _84_ in Grade(年级) Seven. Linda _85_ in Grade Six. Linda and I both

8、 like English very much.81_ 82_ 83_ 84_ 85_八、书面表达 (本题10分)同学们,来到新学校,你认识你的新同学了吗?假如你是Andy,请写一篇文章介绍自己。 写作要点:你的名字,年龄,来自哪里;介绍你的家庭成员;还可以说说你最喜欢的运动和音乐。写作要求:拼写正确,语句通顺,意思连贯,适当发挥,书写工整,60个词左右。七年级第一次月考答案一 听力部分1-5:BAACB 6-10: ABCBA11-15: ABCAA 16-20: AABCB21. girl 22. first 23. family 24. phone 25. 273-49二单选:26-30

9、: ADCCB 31-35: CDBBB36-40: BDADD 41-45: BBBAB三完形填空:46-50:BCBCD 51-55:AADBA四阅读理解:56-60:BDCBA 61-65: BBBCA 66-70: BEFDC五单词拼写: 71. parents 72. family 73. picture 74. These 75. sister六翻译句子 76. This is my friend. Her name is Linda.77. Are you Jacks friend?78. Whats this in English? - Its an apple.79. Wha

10、t color is his jacket? - Its red.80. Who are those three boys? - My cousins.七看图填词。81. number 82. first/given 83. last/family84. am 85. is 骉楒獓襞彎葛楒扲箌鑎卞罟0扬玖蹑箍束譬噥譬犋颋蒘慖骉楒扖箌葎榍彲葛铿扵箌罎呢羍乎煬豑繎豶慎骉戠箌葑楒彎葛楒扲箌鑎卞罟譬0屧葲扶箌癖葎羁癏筥葑虏恎偑鷿杏譬骉恛偑葛徎鑧罞呢羍0尰喀翿罞扬甀瀀瘀蝎戀吀礀焀樀洀愀愀礀椀挀栀倀嘀戀吀挀甀夀堀堀刀嘀伀琀渀愀娀眀爀娀甀伀嘀琀伀吀一圀栀洀琀娀椀圀攀瀀昀挀搀戀攀戀昀昀攀愀攀挀昀攀昀昀2019

11、年春期中考试三年级英 语 试 题听力部分(40分)一. 听录音,将听到单词的序号填在题前的括号内。(10分)( )1. A. boy B. teacher C. student( )2. A. siother B. father C. brother( )4. A. China B. Canada C. America( )5. A. grandpa B. girl C. woman二. 听录音,按听到的单词的顺序将序号填在括号内 。(10分)1. A.children B.apple C.giraffe D. pupil E. jeep( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )2.A. teac

12、her C.family D. fish E.bag( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三. 听录音,判断。相符的打“”,不相符的打“”。(10分)( )1. Im from Canada. ( )2. Watch out !( )3. Goodbye, Mr. Black.( )4. Hes my father.( )5. This is my friend Amy.四. 听录音,选择你所听到的句子 (10分)( ) 1. A. Who s the man? B. Who s that woman?( ) 2. A. Let s watch TV. B. Lets fly a kite.(

13、 )3. A. This is my friend. B. This is my father.( )4. A. How many pens do you have? B. How many pencils can you see?( )5. A. Welcome back to school. B. Let s draw a picture. 笔试部分(60分)五.找出英、汉相对应的词。(10分)( ) 1.UK A. 英国 B. 联合国 ( ) 2. 嘴 A.mouth B. mouce( ) 3.tail A. 泥巴 B. 尾巴 ( ) 4.新的 A.ne China. ( )2.How

14、 many birds can you see? B. Hes my brother.( )3. Nice to meet you. C. Thank you!( )4.Where are you from? D. Nice to meet you, too.( )5.Happy Womens Day! E. I can see 18 . .八、单项选择 (10分)( )1.A:Who is that man? B: _ is my teacher,Mr.Wang.A. She B. He C. It( )2. The elephant has a_noseA. long B. short C

15、.small.( ) 3. This _ my mother.A. am B. is C. are( )4.I am _ the UK.A. from B. in C.come( )5.Look, I have _ice cream. A. an B. a C. /九、情景对话,把序号写在括号里。(10分)( )1、有一天,你上课迟到了,你该怎样说?A. Im sorry. B. How are you? C. Here you are.( )2、你第一次认识Mike,感到十分高兴,你应该这样说:A. Me too. B. Nice to meet you. C. Good afternoon

16、.( )3、John说:“I like yellow.”你的爱好跟他一样,你可以说:A. Great! B. My names Bai Ling. C. Me too.( )4、你想知道对方有多少只钢笔,你该怎样问?A. How many pens do you have? B. How many rules do you have? C. How many pens can you see?( )5. 你想知道那个女的是谁,该怎样问?A. Whos that man. B Good morning. C. Whos that woman十.阅读理解(10分)Ann is my new friend. She is from China. She is 10 years old. Now she is in Class 2. She likes bread ,fruit and meat. She has a white dog.


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