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1、Lesson 11 How s the Weather Today?教学目标:1. 知识目标:能掌握描述天气的词汇 cloudy, rainy, snowy, sunny, windy 。能口头运用句型 How s the weather today ? It s sunny. 2能力目标:通过学习培养学生根据实际情况描述天气的能力。3情感目标:培养学生敢于开口说英语的积极性。教学重、难点:使学生能听、说、读、写和正确运用词汇 cloudy, rainy, snowy, sunny, windy; 句子 :Hows the weather today ? Its_ 使学生在真实的情境中灵活运用

2、句型 Hows the weather today ? Its_ . 教具准备 : 磁带,录音机,单词卡片教学时间 : 一课时教学过程: .Greetings. -What day is it? -It is Friday, April eleventh. -What day is tomorrow? -It is It s Saturday,April twelfth. (设计意图:学生复习问候用语和日期表达方法。) .Review: Show the students the pictures in the cards and ask the students to say the wor

3、ds one by one. T: What s this? S:It s rain. (设计意图:学生复习 snow, wind, rain , cloud , sun 几个名词,引出 cloudy ,rainy , snowy, sunny, windy 的学习,并为对比名词和形容词做准备。) . New Concepts: Step1:Show the pictures of the new words. T:Look at the picture.The weather is rainy. It s rainy.Say together!( 板书rainy) Ss:Rainy. T:W

4、hat s the meaning of it? S1:下雨的。(学生拼读、练习读单词。)教师用彩粉笔把 y 板书在 rain 后面,学生对比发现它们的差别。(设计意图:学生通过比较,初步了解本课中的天气词汇与上一课学习的名词的联系。)Step2 Teach windy , rainy , cloudy and sunny. 教师引导学生在 wind, rain , cloud , sun 的后面加上 y,把它们变成形容词,并让学生试读出单词。注意特别强调 sunny 的不同。(设计意图: 加强新旧知识之间的联系, 让学生发现学习的规律,掌握学习的方法。)Step3:Play games 1.

5、 “ What s missing? ” (sunny/snowy/cloudy/rainy/windy.) 2. “ Guess the words ” 猜单词游戏( 教师扣起单词卡片,学生猜。)Step4:Show the students the pictures of the weather and practice. -Is it rainy? (Is it a rainy day?) -No. It s sunny. / Yes. It s rainy. ( 教师和学生示范,为对话练习做准备,同时把课本上的第一部分充分练习。 ) Step5:Practice in their gr

6、oups. Step6:Check up the dialogue. Step7:Teach “ How s the weather today? ”T: How s the weather? ( 出示一张天气图片 ) Ss: It s rainy. T: How s the weather today? Ss:It s sunny. (学生根据当天的天气回答。)板书句子 -How s the weather today? -It s sunny (设计意图:学生学会使用 How s the weather today? It s _.句式问答天气。) Step8:Listen to the

7、tape.Try to find the questions: a.What day is it? b.What day is tomorrow? c.How s the weather today? Step9:Answer the questions. Step10:Read after the tape together. . Enrichment Step1:Demonstrate T:What day is today? S:It s Friday,April eleventh. T:What day is tomorrow? S:It s Saturday,April twelft

8、h. T:How s the weather today ? Is it Sunny? S:Yes,it s sunny. / No,it s cloudy. (设计意图:学生在编对话的过程中,综合运用所学的知识。)Step2:Practice in pairs. ( 小黑板出示下列句式 ) -What day is today? -It s Friday,April eleventh. -What day is tomorrow? -It s Saturday,April twelfth. -How s the weather today ? Is it Sunny? -Yes,it s sunny. / No,it s cloudy. Step3:Present their dialogues and the teacher should praise the students. .Class Closing 学生总结本课所学内容,布置课下作业。板书设计Lesson13 How s the Weather Today? sun sunny How s the weather? It s _. cloud cloudy rain rainy wind windy snow snowy


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