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1、Lesson 21 My Favourite Food 一、教学目标知识与技能目标:四会掌握词汇: breakfast lunch supper 能够了解一些东西方的食物,并能熟练运用句型 What s your favourite food ? (你喜欢什么食物?)I like (我喜欢)I don t like (我不喜欢)What s your favourite food ? 你喜欢什么食物?I like 我喜欢I don t like 我不喜欢情感目标通过有效的语言活动,协助同学逐步掌握所学的语言知识与技能,使同学发生成绩感,并自信地参与语言活动,从而使其初学英语的好奇和对活动的喜好

2、转化为耐久稳定的学习兴趣。二、教学准备录音机、录音带,图片三、教学过程Class opening and review 1. Listen and say. Listen to a song! What food do you hear? 2. Free talk Let s go to the food shop! This is These are I want to eat I want to drink New Concepts 1. Ask and answer 2. Chain game What is your favourite food for dinner ?( break

3、fast , lunch )( 这个游戏是用来复习第二册中同学所掌握的一日三餐、一天中的三个时间段的单词。 利用这个简单的游戏, 调动起同学的积极性。 ) T: What s your favourite food ? ( 同学会说出自身喜欢的食物,此时教师利用同学说的这些食物来引导同学做游戏,目的是引出本课重点。 ) C: I like sandwich / milk / fish T: Please draw picture of your favourite food. ( 让同学画出自身喜欢的食物的图片为后边的学习打基础 ) ( 在同学画好后教师用他们的图片进行重点教学 ) T: I

4、like sandwich and milk. ( 教师指着图片对同学说,这样可以使同学更容易的理解其意思。同时教师要注意用自身的肢体语言使同学明白 like 的意思。 ) 3. Let s listen and read the text! Listen to the tape and read after it. ( 这个环节不只让同学练习听,还要训练同学说的能力。 ) Answer the questions a.What s Jenny s favourite clothes? b.What s Danny s favourite clothes? ( 此环节除了复习 Favourit

5、e 的,同时也为本课要学习的重点内容做铺垫。 在同学回忆起 Favourite 的用法是教师在这时要不失时机的说 ) Practice 1. Role play Act the dialogue. T: Do you want to know what the others favourite food? Please make a dialogue in group, then show your fruit. ( 让同学在小组内编对话,以次来练习同学说英语的能力 ) 2. Ask and answer Let s make a menu for your lunch! What s you

6、r favourite food for lunch? I like_. My favourite food is are _. 3. Write and draw your meals. I have _ in the morning. I like _. I have _ at 12;30. I like _. I have _ in the evening. I like _. 4.Look and say. Then write. What is your favourite food? _ Class closing Homework: Draw and write, Make a menu for your dinner.


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