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1、 the 14th century.A. John Wycliffe B. Watt Tyler C. Somerset36. By the end of the Wars of the Roses the House of _ began.A. Tudor B. Lancaster C. Plantagenet37. In the “_” of 1388 five lords accused the Kings friends of treason under a very expansive definition of crime.A. All Estates parliament B.

2、Merciless ParliamentC. Model Parliament38. In the Wars of the Roses the Lancastrians wire badges of _ rose.A. white B. red C. pink D. yellow39. The first Civil War in Britain lasted from _ to _.A. 1600, 1604 B. 1640, 1644 C. 1642, 164640. William Shakespeare is mainly a _.A. novelist B. dramatist C.

3、 poet41. In 1689 the “Bill of Rights” was passed. _ began in England.A. The Constitutional Monarchy B. All Estates ParliamentC. House of Lancaster42. The _ carried on trade relations with Russia and central Asian countries.A. Moscow Company B. Eastland CompanyC. East India Company43. _ started the s

4、lave trade in the second part of the 16th century.A. John Hawkins B. Francis Drake C. Diaz44. In 1534 Parliament passed the “_”, according to which Henry VIII was declared the head of the English Church.A. the Bill of Rights B. Act of Supremacy C. Act of Settlement45. Under Elizabeth I _ was restore

5、d, and she was declared “governor” of the church.A. the Roman Church B. the Catholic ChurchC. the Anglican Church46. In 1337 the hostility between England and _ resulted in the Hundred Years War.A. France B. Spain C. Russia47. The religious persecution mainly existed during the reign of _.A. Cromwel

6、l B. Charles I C. Henry VIII48. England first became a sea power in the time of _.A. Henry VII B. Elizabeth I C. Victoria49. The Industrial Revolution first started in _.A. the iron industry B. the textile industry C. the coal industry50. From 1688 to 1783 English Parliament was mainly controlled by

7、 the party of _.A. Tory B. Whig C. Labour51. The English Prime Minister during the Second World War was _.A. Churchill B. Chamberlain C. Baldwin52. At the End of _ century, the East India Company was formed.A. 15th B. 16th C. 14th53. The Seven Years War between England and France lasted from _ to _.

8、A. 1756, 1763 B. 1713, 1720 C. 1754, 176154. In 1689 Parliament passed “_”, limiting the powers of the crown.A. Habeas Corpus Act B. the Bill of RightsC. Navigation Act55. _ contrasted the first successful steam locomotive.A. George Stephenson B. Samuel CromptonC. James Hargreaves56. The “Peterloo Massacre” took place in _.A. Birmingham B. Liverpool C. Manchester57. Between 1911 and 1914 took place the following strikes except _.A. railway strike B. strike of the postmenC. coal strike D. strike of the transport58. The Victorian Age was over t


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