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1、.江苏省地方标准 DGJJ11973-2012 DGJ32/TJ1312011 房屋面积测算技术规程Construction technical specification of building area surveying and mapping2011-12-17发布 2012-3-1实施 江苏省住房和城乡建设厅 审定 发布前言根据苏建科2011231号关于印发2011年度江苏省工程建设标准编制、修订计划的通知要求,编制组收集了近十年来国家、行业和全国各省、市有关房屋面积测算方面的法规文件和标准规范,进行系统的梳理与分析,并考虑到目前新的建筑结构和新技术等对房产面积测算的影响,通过广泛征

2、求省各市有关部门、专家和实际作业工程技术人员的意见,对涉及的主要问题与具体内容进行了专题论证,反复讨论、协调和修改后制定了本规程。本规程主要内容包括:1 总则、2 术语、3 房屋面积测算的数据采集、4 房屋建筑面积计算规定、5 房屋的变更测算、6 房屋面积测算成果报告。本规程由江苏省住房和城乡建设厅负责管理,苏州市房地产测绘队负责解释。各单位在执行本规程过程中,如有修改建议和意见,请反馈至江苏省工程建设标准站(地址:南京市江东北路287号银城广场B座四楼,邮政编码:210036)。本规程主编单位、参编单位、主要起草人和主要审核人主 编 单 位:苏州市房地产测绘队无锡市曦晨测绘有限公司 参 编

3、单 位:徐州市宏伟测绘制图公司 苏州工业园区测绘有限责任公司主要起草人:高巧森 管建平 富 强 吴炳友 陈宪章 奚长元 陆建生 陈耀亮 姚钟惠 于春生 王龙慧主要审核人:高俊强 汤 杰 兰孝奇 冯金龙 钟 容 王成华 虞继进目 次1 总 则 2 术 语 2.1 房屋面积测算术语 2.2 建筑术语 3 房屋面积测算的数据采集3.1 房屋预售测绘的数据采集 3.2 房屋实测数据的采集4 房屋建筑面积计算规定4.1 一般规定 4.2 计算细则 4.3 共有建筑面积的分摊与计算5 房屋的变更测算5.1 变更分类 5.2 受理变更 5.3 变更测算 6 房屋面积测算成果报告 6.1 房屋面积测算数据的处

4、理原则 6.2 检查、验收与成果资料 .1 总 则1.0.1 为规范全省房屋建筑面积测算工作,统一全省房屋建筑面积计算技术标准, 依据房产测量规范GB/T 17986-2000,特制了定本规程。1.0.2 本规程规定了房屋面积测算工作的基本术语、工作方法和房屋建筑面积计算与房屋共有建筑面积分摊一般与特殊情况的处理原则。1.0.3 本规程适用于江苏省行政区域内房产管理中的各类房屋面积测算。1.0.4江苏省行政区域内的房屋面积测算工作除应遵循本规程外,尚应符合国家、行业现行有关标准的规定。2 术 语2.1 房屋面积测算术语2.1.1 房屋面积测算 building area surveying a

5、nd mapping 利用测绘和计算机辅助的技术和方法,采集与表达房屋相关信息,为房屋管理等部门提供基础数据和资料。2.1.2 房屋面积测算成果 products of building area surveying and mapping 房屋面积测算过程中所形成的各类图表、数据的总集。包括受理相关要件,房屋面积测算技术报告,房产平面图集等。2.1.3 房屋建筑面积 building area 房屋外墙(柱)勒脚以上各层的外围水平投影面积之和。2.1.4 房屋套内建筑面积area of the inside property 房屋套或门范围内由单个所有权人占有和使用的建筑面积,包括套内使用面

6、积、墙体面积及阳台建筑面积三部分组成。2.1.5 房屋的使用面积usable floor area 房屋套内全部可供使用的空间面积。2.1.6 房屋的登记面积registered property area 产权主依法拥有房屋所有权的房屋建筑面积。房屋登记面积由市、县(市)房屋登记机构登记确认。2.1.7 房屋套内墙体面积interior wall area 成套房屋套内使用空间周围的围护或承重墙体或其他承重支撑体所占的面积。其中各套之间的分隔墙和套与公共建筑空间的分隔墙以及外墙(包括山墙)等共有墙,均按水平投影面积的一半计入套内墙体面积。套内自有墙体按水平投影面积全部计入套内墙体面积。2.1

7、.8 共有(公用)建筑面积shared (common) building area 建筑物内由多个权利人共同占有或使用的建筑面积。包括:幢内共有(公用)建筑面积和非幢内共有(公共)建筑面积。 共有(公用)建筑面积还包括套与共有建筑之间的分隔墙,以及外墙(包括山墙)水平投影面积一半的建筑面积。共有(共用)建筑面积包含有:应分摊共有(公用)建筑面积和不分摊共有(公用)建筑面积。2.1.9 房屋专有建筑面积 proprietary building area 建筑物内由单个权利人占有或享有独立使用的建筑面积。2.1.10 房屋建筑面积预测算 forecast calculation of buil

8、ding area 依据规划建设主管部门核准的建筑施工图,按本规程,对房屋的特征信息进行图上采集计算,出具房屋面积预测算报告。用于房屋的预售审批与备案。2.1.11 房屋建筑面积实测算 physical surveying building area 房屋竣工后,根据本规程,对房屋的特征信息实地采集计算,出具房屋面积测算成果。为房屋登记、交易,旧城改造、征地拆迁等提供基础资料。2.1.12 房屋面积的变更测算 surveying building area for its alternating 房屋登记后,因房屋的产权界线、房屋面积等发生变化而进行的房屋建筑面积测算。2.1.13 房屋基本单

9、元 elementary building area 有固定界线、可以独立使用并有明确、唯一编号(幢号、房(室)号等)的房屋或特定空间。2.1.14 房屋 building 具有承重支柱,有顶盖(屋面)及围护墙(柱)体,以钢、钢筋混凝土或以钢筋混凝土、砖、石、木等材料建造作为人们生产、生活或经营场所的建筑物。2.1.15 中误差standard deviation 在一定测量条件下,观测量的各个观测值真误差的平方和的平均值的平方根2.1.16 限差 tolerance 在一定观测条件下规定的测量误差的限值。2.2 建筑术语2.2.1 层高 storey height 上下两层楼面或楼面与地面之

10、间的垂直距离。2.2.2 室内净高 interior net storey height从楼、地面面层(完成面)至吊顶或楼盖、屋盖底面之间的有效空间的垂直距离。 2.2.3 自然层数 natural storey 按楼板、地板结构分层的楼层数。2.2.4 假层 informal floor 指位于自然层以上,层高不是全部为2.20m以上的非正式层。2.2.5 夹层 inter layers 在一个楼层内,以结构板形式增设的局部楼层,为非自然层。2.2.6 阁楼 attic 位于自然层内,利用房屋内的上部空间或人字屋架添、加建的暗楼。2.2.7 架空层 open floor 仅有结构支撑而无外围










20、xampleis;Anotherexampleis;Forexample; A case in point is2、做比较方法:写完一个要点,比较与之相似的;又写完一个要点,再比较与之相反的;世界上没有同样的指纹,没有相同的树叶,文章亦同,只有通过比较,你才会发现二者的相同点(throughcomparison)和不同点(throughcontrast)。下面是一些短语:相似的比较:incomparison,likewise,similarly,inthesamemanner相反的比较:ontheotherhand,conversely,whereas,while,instead,nevert


22、arit.Thatistosay,IcannotputupwithitorIamfedupwithit.更多短语:inmoredifficultlanguage,insimplerwords,putitmoresimply四、范文分析Who and How to Take Care of seniors? Since China adopted one-child policy, together with improvement made in the social undertakings such as welfare and health care, there has emerged

23、 a problem of how to support seniors in recent years.As every coins has two sides, the side effect of one-child policy has appeared, for example, the child regarded by other family members as the little prince or princess, always has his wishes satisfied without difficulty. Growing up in this family

24、, no wonder, they lack in sense of caring for others and learning to be independent of parents. Can they support their aging parents whose life expectancy has been prolonged?To effectively cope with this social problem of taking care of seniors today, I may put forward several suggestions as follows

25、: First, young adults in a family should spend more time with their elder members, giving financial help, chatting over favorite topics, doing family work. Secondly, the governments at all levels should finance the construction of more seniors care centers for aged people who wish to lessen the burd

26、en of their children. Last but not the least, the sense of responsibility for caring the seniors should be planted to the heart of everyone.To sum up, I firmly hold that taking care of the seniors is one of the traditional virtues in China and it involves the effort of young adults together with lov

27、e from every corner of the society, particular social institutions. Only by doing so can we build a harmonious society.常用的过渡连接词有:表示顺序的:first, second, third, finally; firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally; to begin with,in addition/additionally,last but not least; on the one hand, on the other hand; fo

28、r one thing, for another; first things first, in the second place, finally表示附加说明的:another, also, besides, in addition (to), additionally, furthermore, moreover whats more; for instance, for example, such as, equally important, in fact; similarly, at the same time, accordingly, likewise, in the same

29、way表转折关系:on the contrary, by contrast, in contrast, in contrast to, however, different from, whereas, nevertheless, on the one hand, on the other hand, however, otherwise, even so, unlike, in opposition to, on the opposite side, but, while表示原因: because, because of; since; owing to, thanks to; due to

30、; as a result of; on account of; in view of, for this reason, since, as, thanks to, oweto, now that, seeing that, for fear that, due to表示结果: thus, therefore, in consequence, consequently, accordingly, as a result, result in, hence表示让步: although; even though; despite, in spite of; granted that表示列举: f

31、or example, for instance, for one thing, to illustrate, in other words, as follows, takefor example, generally speaking, on the wholetraffic jam表示比较: similar to, similarly, likewise, correspond to, correspondingly, resemble, in the same way, to havein common, to be parallel in表示强调: chiefly; especial

32、ly; in fact; as a matter of fact; particularly; most important of all, admittedly 表示概括总结: therefore; in a word; in short; to sum up; in summary; in conclusion; all in all, in brief, in consequence, on the whole; generally speaking; to sum up; altogether作文常用句型 1. Nowadays there is a heated debate on

33、/as to.2. . is a heated topic in recent years. 3. There is a big controversy surrounding/over.4. With the development (improvement, growth) of.5. When it comes to, . 6. It has raised public concern that the violence in the society is on the rise over the past decades. 7. People have shown concern on

34、 the consequences of car emission.8. Some people claim (think, argue, believe) that, while others hold an opposite view. 9. It is generally (widely, increasingly) believed/ held/ acknowledged that 10. According to a recent survey (investigation, poll) 11. As the saying goes 12. When it comes to, it

35、is advised that.13. As far as I am concerned, I subscribe to/ side with/ am in favor of the idea that 14. As far as I am concerned/ From my point of view/Personally, the advantages of . are many. 15. As far as I am concerned, I object to/ oppose/ am against the opinion that16. It is my view that sho

36、uld be taken into consideration when we 17. To deal with the pressing problem, we should take measures to solve it. 18. Although.would create a number of problems, their overall effect may be positive. 19. has become one of the most serious social problems as a direct result of. 20. is critical for

37、long-term economic development, human health and environmental sustainability. 21. can pose risks to, resulting in . 23. will contribute to . 24. Rapid growth will put a strain on around the world. 26. is of critical importance. 27. Good architecture is a masterpiece and bad architecture is the reve

38、rse. 28. has been widely recognized as 29. Considering the fact that, is very likely to become more popular in the years ahead. 30. There is no doubt that 31. It should be noted that 32. It cant be denied that 33. People consider to be the fastest growing threat to 34. Excessive use of natural resou

39、rces can place human beings at risk. 35. Taking advantage of travel does broaden your mind. 36. Crime rates are on the rise. 37. Mothers tend to work outside the home in that country. 38. It can be argued that cultural diversity may be vital for the long-term survival of humanity. 39. Playing games

40、has long been the most common computer activity for children, but computer games vary widely in terms of content and potential effect. 40. It is the family that determines the formation of one personality and improves ones morality and proper behavior. 41. Violent crimes broadcasted by media have a

41、massive impact on the audience. 42. It is obvious that people differ in many dimensions, including age, ethnicity, social background and gender. 43. There is a growing recognition that animals should not be used or regarded as property by human beings. 44. There is no doubt that parents can have a s

42、ignificant role in modifying the influence of media on childrens knowledge, attitudes and values. 45. It is obvious that lifestyles in rural areas are distinct from those in urban areas, partly because public services and facilities are limited there. 46. Considering the fact that learners are allow

43、ed to control the time and place for studies, distance learning is very likely to become more popular in the years ahead. 47. It is worth noting/ It should be noted that repeated exposure to a brand during the course of an advertising campaign can enhance consumers memory of the brand and improve their attitudes toward this brand. 48. Research has revealed that young people who are exposed to advertisements for alcohol are likely to drink more. 49. It is likely that population pressure will lead to


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