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电线管预埋施工规范 (2).doc

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1、three”.你说的是“tree”.我说的是“three”Listen and repeat .听并重复。Listen to me saying it .听我说。Listen to the way I say it(listen to how I say it ) .听我是怎么说的。Listen again carefully and then you try.再仔细听,然后你试一试。Listen to the way my voice goes up .听我的声音是怎么往上升的。Watch my mouth closely.仔细看我的口型。Watch my lips very careful

2、ly.仔细看我的嘴唇。4spelling(拼写)How do you spell “buses”? “buses”怎么拼?How is “giraffe” spell?“giraffe”怎么拼?How do you spell the word “glass”? “glass”怎么拼写?Whats the correct spelling of this word?这个字的正确拼法是什么?Spell “ship” for me.请拼一下“ship”Spell it aloud .大声拼读它。Spell it in English .用英语拼读出来。Im afraid this is spell

3、 wrong .恐怕这个拼错了。Im sorry, youve made a spelling mistake.很遗憾,你犯了一个拼写错误。There are two words youve spell wrong.有两个词你拼错了。Whats letter is mistake ?缺了一个什么字母?Is this letter right/ correct ?这个字母对吗?Spell it with an “e” and then a “r”.先是e然后是 “r”.There is a “k” missing .丢了一个 “k”A “k” is missing .同上。“k” is miss

4、ing .同上。Theres one letter too many/ few .多了/少了一个字母。Youve got one “I ”too many/few .你多了/少了一个 “I ”.Its spelt with two “p” s not one.应该是两个p而不是一个。Double “k”. 两个“k”You need an extra letter here.这儿需要多一个字母。There should be an “o” instead of a “u”.这儿应该是“o”而不是 “u”Write it with a capital “J”.是用“J”开头的。Its spell

5、 the same as in English .英语也是这么拼写的。Why do you need two “o” s ?你为什么要写两个O?Write it as one word two words.写成一个词/两个词。Write it separately/together.分开写/拼在一起。These two words are the wrong way round.这两个字母反了。What does “blue” mean here ? “ blue”在这是什么意思?First ,lets look at the word .让我们先看这个词。How do you pronoun

6、ce the word ? 这个词你怎么发音?Is it correct , class?大家说,对吗?Did he pronounce it correctly?这个音他发的对吗?What does this word mean? 这个词是什么意思?What is the meaning of this word ?这个词是什么意思?Say it in English ,please?请用英语说它。Use English .用英语。Try it in English .用英语试一试。Is that right?这对吗?What is the answer?答案是什么?Was that the

7、 correct answer.这个答案正确吗?Can you say that?你能那样说吗?Can you say it like that?你能像那样说吗?You missed the verb out .你把动词落掉了。You forgot the preposition.你忘掉了介词。You uses the wrong tense.你的时态用错了。You misunderstood the instructions.你错误的理解了题的要求。How should you say it ?你应该怎样说。What should you say?你应该说什么?How should you

8、answer?你应该怎样回答?What would you say .你该说什么?Did anyone notice the mistake? 有人注意大错误了吗?What other word could you use here? 这还可以用什么词?What else could you say ?/ How else could you say it?你还可以怎么说?第3部分 书写教学Lets learn to write the first three letters.让我们学写前三个字母。Write the letter “a”.写字母“a”Write the word in sma

9、ll letters.小写这个词。Copy the alphabet.抄写字母表。I want you to rewrite the three sentences on the board conjunction “before”.我要你们用连词before来重写黑板上的三个句子。Copy this word(text).抄写这个词(课文)Now ,copy it .现在抄写。Re-copy it .重抄!Correct it .把它改正。Copy this word (sentence) five times.把这个词(句子)抄5遍。You must write the first let

10、ter of the first word with a ca公共卫生服务工作。免费向群众提供14项国家基本公共卫生服务,开展农村适龄妇女两癌筛查和待孕妇女免费发放叶酸等重大公共卫生服务项目。家庭医生签约工作扎实开展,老年人签约率达到*以上,计生特殊家庭签约率*,贫困人口签约率*,重点人群续约率*%以上。五是做好财务后勤保障,营造安全就医环境。健全财务制度,加强价格管理,实行成本核算,降低运行成本,对医院各项诊疗、检查价格进行公示。做好后勤保障和消防安全工作,水、电、汽、物资供应、餐饮等后勤工作安全、有序、到位,未发生一例安全责任事故,保障了医院工作顺利开展。3、 自评情况及自评中发现的问题



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