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1、同C.对淋巴液的需求量不同 D.对津液的需求量不同.39.对冠脉血流量影响很大的因素是 (C)A.血管因素 B.动脉血压 C.心肌节律性舒缩活动 D.血细胞40.体循环起始于左心室,终于 (C)A.左心房 B.左心室 C.右心房 D.右心室41.循环系统包括 (A)A.心血管系统和淋巴系统 B.心脏和血管 C.血管和淋巴管 D.心脏和淋巴管42.从动脉到静脉,血压逐渐 (C)A.升高 B.波动增加 C.降低 D.以上均不对43.循环系统平均充盈压是指 (C)A.动脉收缩压 B.动脉舒张压 C.血液停止流动时对血管壁的侧压力 D.以上均不对44.测血压时,放开血压计气门,当听诊器里搏动声突然变低

2、或消失时,所指刻度是 (B)A.收缩压 B.舒张压 C.平均动脉压 D.以上均不对45.正常人的心律是由何发起并控制的? (A)A.窦房结 B.房室结 C.浦肯野纤维 D.以上均不对46.一般来说,起到弹性贮器作用的是 (B)A.大静脉 B.大动脉 C.毛细血管 D.小动脉47.肺静脉里的血液属于 (B)A.静脉血 B.动脉血 C.两者都对 D.两者都不对48.经过体循环之后,最后流入右心房的血液属于 (A)A.静脉血 B.动脉血 C.两者都对 D.两者都不对49.测血压时,袖带太紧可导致测得的血压 (B)A.偏高 B.偏低 C.血压波动 D.以上均不对50.机体调节心血管的活动,主要通过何种

3、机制? (C)A.神经调节 B.免疫调节 C.神经-体液调节 D.内分泌51.消化系统主要由消化管以及何种器官构成? (C)A.消化道 B.消化液 C.消化腺 D.消化酶.52.食物在消化道内被分解为小分子物质的过程叫 (B)A.分解 B.消化 C.排遗 D.吸收53.食物消化后,可吸收成分透过消化道粘膜进入血液或淋巴液的过程叫 (D)A.分解 B.消化 C.排遗 D.吸收54.按解剖位置,咽可分为鼻咽部、口咽部以及 (B)A.舌咽部 B.喉咽部 C.腭咽部 D.以上均不对55.食道位于喉咙与胸腔的后面,是连结咽喉到何种器官的肌肉管道? (A)A.胃 B.十二指肠 C.大肠 D.肛门56.食管

4、下段括约肌的英文简写名称是 (C)A.ELS B.SLE C.LES D.SEL57.食管下段括约肌的主要生理功能是 (B)A.加快食物推送 B.防止胃内容物逆流入食管C.减慢食物推送 D.防止胆汁返流 58.上下消化道分解的标志是 (D)A.十二指肠 B.幽门窦 C.胰管开口 D.Treitz 韧带59.食糜由胃排入十二指肠的过程叫 (A)A.胃排空 B.消化 C.吸收 D.排遗60.进食时反射性引起胃壁平滑肌的舒张叫做胃的 (B)A.反射性舒张 B.容受性舒张 C.紧张性收缩 D.蠕动61.胃壁组织由外而内可分为四层,则外面第二层应为 (A) A.肌层 B.粘膜下层 C.浆膜层 D.粘膜层

5、 62.胃可分为五个区域,以下哪个区域离十二指肠最近? (C)A.贲门 B.胃底 C.幽门 D.胃体63.幽门括约肌和幽门瓣具有的作用是 (C)A.加强胃的蠕动及容受性舒张B.保证胃的紧张性性收缩C.控制胃内容物排入十二指肠以及防止肠内容物逆流回胃D.控制十二指肠液的分泌速率.64.小肠特有的运动形式是 (B)A.紧张性收缩 B.分节运动 C.蠕动 D.袋状运动65.阑尾是附着于何种器官之上的? (C)A.空肠 B.回肠 C.盲肠 D.十二指肠66.人体最大的消化腺器官是 (C)A.胃 B.十二指肠 C.肝 D.脾 67.以下哪项不是肝脏的生理功能? (D)A.代谢的枢纽 B.解毒 C.分泌胆

6、汁 D.产生抗体68.左右肝管合并后称为 (B)A.胆总管 B.肝总管 C.胆囊管 D.主胰管69.胆汁由何种细胞分泌? (B)A.胆细胞 B.肝细胞 C.上皮细胞 D.间质细胞70.下列哪项不是胆汁的生理功能? (D)A.乳化脂肪 B.中和胃酸 C.刺激肠蠕动 D.调节情绪71.胆囊的生理功能不包括 (A)A.产生胆汁 B.贮存胆汁 C.浓缩胆汁 D.输送胆汁72.正常胆汁的分泌、排放特点是 (B)A.间歇分泌、持续排放 B.持续分泌、间歇排放C.持续分泌排放 D.间歇分泌排放73.胆盐进入小肠后,90%以上被回肠末端粘膜吸收,通过门静脉又回到肝脏,再成为合成胆汁的原料,然后胆汁又分泌入肠,

7、该过程称为 (B)A.回收利用 B.肠肝循环 C.门脉循环 D.肝胆循环74.胆盐对胆汁分泌的作用是 (A)A.促进胆汁分泌 B.减慢胆汁的分泌 C.促进胆汁合成 D.以上均不对75.神经系统的基本结构和功能单位是 (B)A.神经胶质 B.神经元 C.神经纤维 D.神经轴突76.神经元代谢与营养的中心是 (D)A.尼氏体 B.树突 C.轴突 D.胞体.77.神经组织由神经元和何种细胞构成? (C)A.上皮细胞 B.杯状细胞 C.神经胶质细胞 D.巨噬细胞78.将冲动由胞体传向外周的功能主要由何种结构承担? (D)A.髓鞘 B.胞体 C.树突 D.轴突79.根据神经元的功能,可分为感觉神经元、运

8、动神经元以及 (B)A.单极神经元 B.联络神经元 C.双极神经元 D.以上均不对80.神经纤维的结构有轴突以及 (A)A.髓鞘 B.胞体 C.树突 D.轴突81.下列哪项不是神经胶质细胞的功能? (D)A.支持作用 B.修复和再生作用 C.绝缘和屏蔽作用 D.产生兴奋82.神经元间联系方式是互相接触,而不是细胞质的互相沟通该接触部位的结构特化称为 (A)A.突触 B.触突 C.树突 D.以上均不对83.突触的基本结构不包括 (D)A.突触前膜 B.突触间隙 C.突触后膜 D.以上均不对84.指细胞膜或细胞内能与某些化学物质发生特异性结合并诱发生物效应的特殊生物分子称为 (B)A.抗原 B.神

9、经递质 C.受体 D.调质85.中枢神经系统除了脑之外,还包括 (B)A.脊柱 B.脊髓 C.神经节 D.以上均不对86.以下哪项不属于脑干结构? (D)A.中脑 B.脑桥 C.延髓 D.小脑87.在中枢神经系统里,神经细胞胞体集中的部位又称为 (B)A.白质 B.灰质 C.黑质 D.纹状体88.大脑由左、右大脑半球构成,连接两半球的是 (C)A.基底节 B.纹状体 C.胼胝体 D.漏斗结节89.调整肌紧张,维持身体平衡,控制肌肉的张力和协调主要由哪部分脑结构承担? (C)A.脑干 B.脊髓 C.小脑 D.延髓.90.维持个体生命,包括心跳、呼吸、消化、体温、睡眠等重要生理功能的中枢系统是 (

10、A)A.脑干 B.脊髓 C.小脑 D.端脑91.人体共有多少对颅神经? (B)A.11 B.12 C.7 D.892.反射活动的结构基础称为 (C)A.反射带 B.条件反射 C.反射弧 D.以上均不对93.许多简单反射活动的低级中枢位于 (B)A.大脑 B.脊髓 C.肢体 D.以上均不对94.在中枢神经系统里,不含胞体只有神经纤维聚集的部分称为 (A)A.白质 B.灰质 C.黑质 D.纹状体95.神经元的基本功能除了感受刺激外,还有 (C)A.营养功能 B.支持功能 C.传导兴奋 D.吞噬功能96.从传导速度来看,直径粗的神经纤维较细的 (B)A.传导更远 B.传导更快 C.传导更慢 D.无影

11、响97.从传导速度来看,有髓的神经纤维较无髓的 (B)A.传导更远 B.传导更快 C.传导更慢 D.传导更近98.关于神经胶质细胞特性,哪项叙述错误? (D)A.数量多:10-50 倍于神经元细胞B.分布广:星型、少突、小胶质、施旺细胞、卫星细胞等C.无化学突触有缝隙连接 D.可产生动作电位99.神经细胞静息时,递质在胞体一般贮存于何处? (B)A.线粒体 B.突触小泡 C.高尔基体 D.溶酶体100.神经细胞冲动到达时,神经递质可释放入何处: (C)A.突触前膜 B.突触后膜 C.突触间隙 D.以上均不对101.大脑表面的突起及凹陷称为 (D)A.大脑半球 B.脑叶 C.脑岛 D.大脑沟回1

12、02.下列哪项不是脑脊液的功能? (D)A.缓冲 B.保护 C.运输代谢产物 D.吞噬.103.周围神经与脑之间的通路是 (D)A.脑干 B.小脑 C.神经节 D.脊髓104.处于调节和指挥人体生理活动中的主导地位是 (C)A.免疫系统 B.代谢系统 C.神经系统 D.内分泌系统医学基础试题1.人体结构和功能的基本单位是(C细胞 )A器官 B.系统C细胞 D.组织2.对骨的营养生长和骨折后的修复都有十分重要作用的结构是(D.骨膜 )A骨密质 B.骨松质C骨髓 D.骨膜 骨膜内层的成骨细胞,与骨的长粗和骨折的修复有关;骺端软骨层的细胞与骨的长长有关。3.关于脑干的组成下列哪项是错误的?(B.间脑

13、 )A延髓 B.间脑C脑桥 D中脑4.分布于骨骼肌,受意识支配的神经是( A躯体运动神经 )A躯体运动神经 B.躯体感觉神经C内脏运动神经 D.内脏感觉神经5.体循环途径是由下列哪部分射血入主动脉再经各级动脉送到毛细血管? ( A左心室 )A左心室 B.右心室C左心房 D.右心房6.心脏前后略扁,大小与本人的拳头相似,形状像 ( B.倒置的圆锥体 )A蚕豆形 B.倒置的圆锥体C半圆锥体 D.楔形7.在左房室口的周缘附有的瓣膜是( B.二尖瓣 )A三尖瓣 B.二尖瓣C肺动脉瓣 D.主动脉瓣8.下列器官属于呼吸系统的是( D.肺 )A心脏 B.肝C肾脏 D.肺9.引导血液离开心的血管是(B.动脉

14、)A静脉 B.动脉C毛细血管 D.淋巴管10.人体的内环境是指( C细胞外液 ).A体液 B.细胞内液C细胞外液 D.血液11.正常成人血液中,细胞数值为 4000-10000/mm3的血细胞是(B.白细胞 )A红细胞 B.白细胞C血小板 D.血红蛋白12.胃底腺的主细胞主要分泌(C胃蛋白酶原 )A盐酸 B.内因子C胃蛋白酶原 D.粘液13.消化食物和吸收营养物质的主要部位是(C小肠 )A口腔 B.胃C小肠 D.大肠14.下列泌尿系统的组成器官中产生尿液的器官是( A肾 )A肾 B.输尿管C膀胱 D.尿道15.卵巢分泌的激素主要是(雌激素和孕激素 )A雄激素 B.雌激素C雌激素和孕激素 D.孕

15、激素16.关于内分泌系统的组成,描述错误的是 ( C由内分泌腺组成 )A通过内分泌细胞分泌激素发挥作用B.是人体重要的功能调节系统C由内分泌腺组成(由内分泌腺和分布于其它器官的内分泌细胞组成)D.与神经系统密切联系相互作用17.关于结缔组织的描述,错误的是(D.细胞间质少 )A细胞种类多数量少 B.无极性C含大量丰富的血管 D.细胞间质少18.斑疹伤寒是由下列哪种病原微生物感染引起的?( B.立克次体 )A支原体 B.立克次体C衣原体 D.螺旋体19.青霉素过敏性休克属于(A型变态反应 )A型变态反应 B.型变态反应C型变态反应 D.型变态反应20.宿主睡眠后,爬到肛门外皱壁处产卵的寄生虫是(

16、 C蛲虫 )A蛔虫 B.钩虫C蛲虫 D.猪肉绦虫21.关于感染性发热,下列说法正确的是(D.细菌引起的疾病 )A妇女排卵 B.中暑C甲状腺功能亢进 D.细菌引起的疾病22.腹痛位于中上腹部,疼痛于卧位时加重,前倾位可减轻,多见于下列哪种疾病?( B.急性胃炎 )A急性胆囊炎 B. down. Then it took me months to turn it from tree to boat.When it was time to launch, I realized I had made my boat too far from the nearest stream. The boat w

17、as far too heavy for me to move. I tried bringing the water to the boat instead of the boat to the water. I soon saw it would take me twenty years of constant labor.I celebrated my fourth year on the island with two boats, but I was no closer to a sea journey.-Taken from The Adventures of Robinson C

18、rusoe34. Paragraph 2 mainly tells us .A. how much rice and wheat I harvested B. how many tools I made to bake breadC. how I protected my crop from the birds D. how I kept the wild goats away from my crop35. What does “a new problem“ in Paragraph 3 refer to?A. How to plant grain. B. How to make pots.

19、 C. How to store grain. D. How to fix the baskets.36. By the last sentence “I was no closer to a sea journey“, the writer means .A. I was getting closer and closer to the sea B. I was getting farther and farther from the seaC. it was possible for me to have a sea journey in my boatsD. it was still i

20、mpossible for me to explore the island by sea37. What can we infer(推断) from the passage?A. I managed to turn over the ships boat. B. I spent months bringing the boat to the nearest stream.C. I tried to solve the problems with my courage and wisdom.D. I spent the third year on the island in farming a

21、nd baking.CThis spring, the town of Oso saw twice the usual rainfall. When the sun finally shone, LoAnna and Kriss three older kids ran outside. Inside, LoAnna nursed their four-month-old Kristian. Suddenly LoAnna heard a loud noise. She rushed outside in time to see a half-mile-wide mud and sand th

22、undering down the hill toward them, knocking over hundreds of trees.Mudslide(泥流)!LoAnna gathered everyone into the bedroom farthest from the falling hill side and waited.Kris got a call from LoAnna, He hurriedly drove home.Highway 530 was covered with thick sand, fallen trees. Kris had to run home.T

23、he mud came up to his knees. Suddenly he heard a woman screaming for help. He pulled through mud, over pieces of houses to the source of the cries.At first, he saw an arm reaching up through the debris. There, a woman, buried under pieces of walls. furniture, and trees. was holding a baby. Finally,

24、he freed the baby. By this time, other citizens had come.After saving the woman, Kris moved on. He was still a mile from home. Ahead lay two fallen houses. He heard a moan. Stepping toward the house, Kris nearly killed himself in the mud. An older man was trapped in house debris. He was twice Kriss

25、weight. Hed have to wait for more help.Just then, Kris heard another man moaning from the second house. Kris pulled away some pieces of the house, but the man was buried too deeply for him.Hearing helicopter(直升飞机) on the roof, Kris climbed up, met a member of the search-and-rescue team and led him t

26、o the first man. Then he headed back and kept digging until he could turn the second man over. After the rest of the team arrived, Kris moved on to find his family.Kris finally reached home. It was flooded, but the mud had stopped just shy of the house. His truck was gone, as were LoAnna and the oth

27、ers. He checked cars and houses nearby for survivors, then ran to the command center.Not long after he arrived, he saw his truck coming down the road. LoAnna jumped out.Kris was praised by the Red Cross for his heroics.38. The purpose of the first two paragraphs is to .A. create an unusual setting o

28、f the story B. introduce the central idea of the storyC. describe a turning point of the story D. review the main character of the story39. Which of the following is the correct order of the story?a. Kris found a man buried too deeply for him. b. Kris heard a woman screaming for help.c. Kris led a r

29、escue member to save the older man. d. Kris found LoAnna, kids and his truck gone.e. Kris was nearly killed in the mud.A. beacd B. badec C. aecbd D. aedbc40. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?A. Kris saved three persons in all. B. Kris saved the baby by himself.C. Kris pulled the first man ou

30、t of mud. D. Kris found some survivors near his house.41. Which sentence best shows the central theme in the text?A. Kris got a call from LoAnna. B. He was still a mile from home.C. He saw his truck coming down the road. D. Kris was praised by the Red Cross for his heroics.D“Growing up, Einstein saw

31、 his father struggle to support the family and move the family for different jobs, Einstein had to move between schools and it was challenging for him to catch up with his new class.”This story about the struggles(f +)of famous scientists cant be found in your science textbook, but a new study sugge

32、sted maybe it should be.In the study, 402 9th- and 10th-grade students from four New York City high schools in low-income areas were divided into three groups. The students read some 800-word stories about Albert Einstein and Marie Curie. The control group read a regular science textbook description

33、 about their great achievements. Another group read about the scientists personal struggles, like Einsteins running away from Nazi Germany. The third group read about the scientists intellectual struggles, as they tried different experiments- and failed.As it turned out. the students who had read ab

34、out scientists struggles, whether personal or intellectual, had higher grades than students who had read about achievements. Those who werent getting good grades to begin with gained the most. Those in the control group not only didnt see a grade increase, they had lower grades than the grading befo

35、re the study began.“We think that struggle stories showed scientists weaknesses.” the researchers write, “which creates a sense of connection between the students and scientists. And that may make it easier for students to see them as role models.”“When kids think Einstein is a talent who is untouch

36、able, then they believe they will never get there, “said lead researcher Xiaodong Lin-Siegler, PhD.If we want to educate a future generation of great scientists, we can start by changing the way we talk about the great scientists of the past. An 800-word story about scientists failures, not just the

37、ir achievements, in science textbooks will make it happen.42. What does the article mainly talk about?A. Learning about struggles of scientists may help students succeed in science.B. Reading stories of scientists achievements will help educate future scientists.C. Science textbooks should describe

38、scientists failures instead of their achievements.D. Stories of scientists struggles may make students see scientists as being untouchable.43. From Paragraph 4, we can know that .A. those good at science achieved most from this exerciseB. the control group had lower grades than the other two groupsC. the students grades in the control group remained th


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