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上传人:平安银行年度报告 文档编号:326416 上传时间:2019-04-15 格式:PDF 页数:158 大小:3.69MB
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1、arnings per share 0.5 0.18 20%At the year endRMB million Total shareholder equity 4,734 5,043 7% Total assets 204,443 229,216 2%Net assets per share 2.43 2.59 7%Key ratios ImprovementsNon-performing loans (NPL) ratio .4% 9.3% 20bp Return on average equity 6.42% 7.16% 74bpCapital adequacy ratio Core

2、capital 2.32% 3.71% 39bpTotal capital 2.30% 3.70% 40bpFrank N. NewmanChairmanShenzhen Development BankMessage from the Chairman and CEO4“During 2005, the Bank performed well in terms of business growth and earnings, and began some major business initiatives to turn opportunities into successes.”“We

3、expect that in 2006 and the years that follow, the Bank will share more successes with stakeholders.”substantially upgraded in core business functions such as asset liability management, credit policy, human resources policy, and IT management. In credit management, financial management, and interna

4、l controls, the Bank set out to benchmark international best practice and has become more centralized, coordinated and professional in these key areas of bank management. The 6th session of the Board of Directors has endeavored to fulfill responsibilities in accordance with the highest international

5、 standards of good corporate governance. With its blend of international banking expertise and understanding of local business and customs, the Board has contributed to many effective decisions that are supporting the Bank in this major transition period. All these achievements would not have been p

6、ossible without the trust of our customers, guidance from the regulators, the efforts of our staff, and advice and support from knowledgeable government officials. The Bank has stepped forward from a very challenging time and is on its way towards becoming a great bank with modern corporate governan

7、ce, advanced business operations, and first-class customer services, fulfilling its responsibilities in the economy. We are pleased with SDBs achievements in 2005 and believe they represent a very good start in a program for the next years. The Bank will continue to develop and maintain the highest

8、possible standards in terms of professionalism, integrity, customer service, and efficiency, and we are determined to contribute even greater value to shareholders and the economy. We expect that in 2006 and the years that follow, the Bank will share more successes with stakeholders.Frank N. NewmanC

9、hairman of the Board of Directorsand Chief Executive OfficerTo our ShareholdersShenzhen Development Bank (“SDB”) achieved a great deal of progress in 2005, a year full of challenges and opportunities. On behalf of the Board of Directors, the senior management, and all of our staff, I am very pleased

10、 to report to investors and the public some of the key accomplishments.During 2005 the Bank saw great improvement in the key challenges of capital, non-performing loans (“NPLs”), people, and processes. It performed well in terms of business growth and earnings, and began some major business initiati

11、ves to turn opportunities into successes. After a very slow start at the beginning of 2005, business started to grow actively in the second quarter, and by year-end deposits grew 21% and total loans grew 24% compared with the year-end balance of 2004. Compared with 2004, profit before tax increased

12、by 28%, and profit after tax increased 19%. After-tax Return on Average Equity rose from 6.42% in 2004 to 7.16% in 2005.The capital ratio and NPL ratio, two major challenges for the Bank in 2005, improved very dramatically during the course of the year. The Core Capital Adequacy Ratio improved signi

13、ficantly, from 2.32% at 2004/12/31 to 3.71% at 2005/12/31, as a result of internal capital generation and careful balance sheet management. Moreover, preparations have been made for substantial addition of new capital by GE. Because of successful collection on legacy problem loans and growth in good

14、 quality new credit, the NPL ratio declined from 11.4% at the end of 2004 to 9.3% at year end 2005.Commercial banking grew well with innovative initiatives in trade finance and other programs for medium size enterprises. The Banks retail business grew at an especially rapid rate and will play an inc

15、reasingly important role in the future. Our cooperative agreement with GE will help propel SDBs retail programs even more strongly.SDB is also moving forward in the two key areas of people and processes. The Bank took important steps in forming a strong team and filling in key positions. The rich ex

16、perience and knowledge of our talented people are a key driving force for our sustainable growth. Management processes were Annual Report 2005 Shenzhen Development Bank 561st PAGEPROOF08 May 2006Review of Our BusinessesTai chi This ancient form of exercise from China builds “inner health” through ba

17、lanced and coherent arm, leg and body movements. Unlike running and swimming, Tai Chi does not emphasise pace. Instead, it teaches practitioners to develop the beneficial habit of matching body movements to inhalation and exhalation.Annual Report 2005 Shenzhen Development Bank 71st PAGEPROOF08 May 2

18、006up 140 basis pointsmproved Capital BaseThe year under review was one of substantial transition and SDB continues to make marked progress in its operational areas and in its financial results. A critical achievement in 2005 was the significant strengthening of our capital base and capital adequacy

19、 ratio, with the Core Capital Adequacy Ratio (“CCAR”) improving from 2.32% at year end 2004 to 3.71%.This increase was achieved not by raising capital externally but as a result of earnings and strong execution of balance sheet management throughout 2005 to generate capital internally.This rigorous

20、balance sheet management is now an integral part of our corporate culture and is seen as a key routine discipline. This will contribute significantly to the long-term improvement of the inner health of the Bank.Capital Adequacy RatioI2004 20050.00000.01750.03500.05250.07003.70%2.30%A 20% increase in

21、 both net profits and earnings per share in 2005 was generated by careful risk-weighted assets allocation and control. Therefore we managed to grow our net capital faster than our risk-weighted assets and significantly improved the Capital Adequacy Ratio.RMB million 2004 2005 Change Net capital 3,30

22、 4,880 47% Risk-weighted assets 43,68 131,713 8%Capital Adequacy Ratio 2.30% 3.70% 40bpCore Capital Adequacy Ratio 2.32% 3.71% 39bp乙方解除本合同,应当提前三十日以书面形式通知甲方;在试用期内的,提前三日通知甲方。有下列情形之一的,乙方可以解除本合同,甲方应按规定支付经济补偿:(1)甲方未按照劳动合同约定提供劳动保护或者劳动条件的;(2)甲方未及时足额支付劳动报酬的;(3)甲方未依法为乙方缴纳社会保险费的;(4)甲方的规章制度违反法律、法规的规定,损害乙方权益的;(


24、保持党员先进性与党的先进性建设长效机制与先进性教育活动紧密结合起来,与不断深化社区党建工作紧密结合起来,与不断拓展为群众服务领域紧密结合起来,努力促进先进性教育活动深入开展,不断巩固和扩大先进性教育活动成果,扎实推进党的先进性建设,使我街道社区党建工作迈上新台阶、开拓新领域、呈现新局面,努力在构建和谐社会、创建和谐社区工作中,充分发挥党组织战斗堡垒作用和党员的先锋模范作用,为市、区经济社会的大发展贡献我们的力量。,民主决策,在决定过程中,充分听取各方意见,力求公平、公正、民主、科学。三是加强督促检查,力保分管口及社区的反腐倡廉工作开展得扎实有效。四、存在的问题1、理论学习还不够,学习抓的不紧,系统性不强,还不能完全适应当前社会经济发展和工作的需要。2、对包片社区某些方面的工作督导力度不够,抓的不够细,不够紧。20XX 年,本人所分管的社会治安综合治理、司法、安全生产、消防等工作,在街道党委的大力支持和各社区的共同努力下,圆满完成各项平安建设任务,有力地维护了辖区的社会稳定,辖区呈现了发案少,秩序好,社会稳定,群众满意的良好局面。在今后的工作中,我将努力吸取长处,改正自身不足,更好地为辖区的社会稳定、安定祥和贡献自己的力量。经干部指定,个别村甚至没有理财小组成员,村干部直接担任民主理财小组成员,使民主理财失去本身


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