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上传人:平安银行年度报告 文档编号:326421 上传时间:2019-04-15 格式:PDF 页数:10 大小:153.07KB
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1、为 145.72 亿元,2006 年 6 月 30 日不良贷款总额为 146.72 亿元;虽然清收业绩良好,但由于部分 2005 年以前发放的旧贷款从正常迁徙至不良,不良贷款的总额尚未减少。2005 年及 2006 年新发放的贷款继续保持良好的质量。不良贷款率显著改善,从 2005 年 9 月 30 日的 10.3%,降至 2005年 12 月 31 日的 9.3%,到 2006 年 9 月 30 日的 8.3%。因此,不良贷款占总贷款的比例已显著降低。 资本充足率: 2006 年 9 约 30 日,资本充足率及核心资本充足率均为 3.59%,比 2005 年 9 月 30 日的3.43%/3

2、.44%均有提高,由于业务的迅速增长而资本补充步伐未跟上,比 2005 年 12 月 31日的 3.71%/3.70%均有所下降。本行计划继续通过资本的内部补充和筹集新的资本金来进一步提高资本充足率。 业务种类 报告期内业务收入 贷款(含贴现) 6,654,776,876 金融企业往来 1,032,146,755 适用 不适用 (货币单位: 人民币元) 项目 2006 年 7-9 月 2006 年 1-6 月 金额 占利润总额 金额 占利润总额 占利润总额增减(+/-)净利息收入 1,746,915,732 174.03% 2,834,4 52,435 197.15% -23.12%非利息收入

3、 211,888,405 21.11% 283,741,351 19.74% +1.37%营业费用 821,386,483 81.83% 1,484,9 76,694 103.29% -21.46%(净) 营业外收支及营业税金 133,594,005 13.31% 195,520,968 13.60% -0.29%准备前前利润 1,003,823,817 100% 1,437,696,124 100% 1.4 主营业务及其结构与前一报告期相比发生重大变化的情况及原因说明 适用 不适用 1.5 主营业务盈利能力(毛利率)与前一报告 期相比发生重大变化的情况及其原因说明 适用 不适用 2、重大事项

4、及其影响和解决方案的分析说明 适用 不适用 3、会计政策、会计估计、合并范围变化以及重大会计差错的情况及原因说明 适用 不适用 4、经审计且被出具 “非标意见 ”情况下董事会和监事会出具的相关说明 适用 不适用 5、公司管理层对会计师事务所上年度“非标意见”涉及事项的变化及处理情况的说明 适用 不适用 6、预测年初至下一报告期期末的累计净利润可能为亏损或者与上年同期相比发生大幅度变动的警示及原因说明 适用 不适用 7、公司对已披露的年度经营计划或预算的滚动调整情况 适用 不适用 8、截止本次季度公告日,未进入股改程序公司的情况说明 适用 不适用 至今未能进行股改的具体原因 股改时间安排 200

5、6年7月17日召开的本行2006年第一次临时股东大会暨股权分置改革相关股东会议未通过公司股权分置改革方案, 因此, 本行目前尚未完成股改工作。本行将积极协调主要股东,力争早日再次启动股改工作。 深圳发展银行股份有限公司董事会 2006年10月26日 附录: 1 资产负债表 2 利润表 3 现金流量表 深圳发展银行股份有限公司 资 产 负 债 表 2006年9月30日 货币单位:人民币元资 产 2006 年 9 月 30 日 2005 年 12 月 31 日 现金 966,632,136 787,992,420存放中央银行款项 18,660,163,868 20,971,705,025存放同业款

6、项 3,537,739,251 6,579,429,957拆出款项 4,747,360,012 3,284,950,887买入返售资产 5,964,482,295 8,665,334,291交易性金融资产 536,379,910 847,592,044衍生金融资产 1,525,393 5,730,440可供出售金融资产 19,382,860,983 26,267,076,779持有至到期投资 17,929,480,130 -应收及预付款项 1,680,846,596 860,941,213贷款 168,846,791,994 149,870,472,479固定资产 1,972,237,978

7、2,417,722,573在建工程 12,381,339 4,592,695无形资产 39,591,026 41,580,457长期待摊费用 120,444,934 121,482,186抵债资产 899,232,937 852,234,505递延所得税资产 932,126,470 1,000,888,827资产总计 246,230,277,253 222,579,726,778负债和股东权益客户存款 220,014,145,793 201,815,801,002向中央银行借款 -同业存放款项 13,557,795,261 10,469,234,116同业拆入 18,100,000 -卖出回购

8、款项 1,241,013,913 1,169,553,502交易性金融负债 513,137,240 679,059,418衍生金融负债 14,630,398 16,172,992应付及代理款项 3,931,681,318 2,305,055,506应交税金 436,738,894 521,756,284递延收益 147,313,264 254,916,387预计负债 55,448,513 58,718,373递延所得税负债 246,318,122 235,048,573负债合计 240,176,322,716 217,525,316,153股东权益: 股本 1,945,822,149 1,94

9、5,822,149资本公积 1,683,219,504 1,574,373,233盈余公积 322,891,443 322,891,443一般风险准备 479,704,345 479,704,345未分配利润 1,664,917,757 774,622,157外币报表折算差 -42,600,662 -43,002,702股东权益净额 6,053,954,537 5,054,410,625负债及股东权益总计 246,230,277,253 222,579,726,778董事长:法兰克纽曼(Frank.N.Newman) 首席财务官:王博民 会计机构负责人:徐兆感 深圳发展银行股份有限公司 利润表

10、 2006 年 9 月 30 日 货币单位:人民币元 项 目 2006 年 1-9 月 2005 年 1-9 月 2006 年 7-9 月 2005 年 7-9 月 一、净利息收入 4,581,368,167 3,703,867,192 1,746,915,732 1,288,870,648 利息收入 8,313,870,666 6,434,628,512 3,103,276,412 2,219,728,654 利息支出 3,732,502,499 2,730,761,320 1,356,360,680 930,858,006 二、手续费及佣金净收入 214,441,594 156,317,6

11、06 72,858,100 57,522,333 手续费及佣金收入 293,789,621 203,033,516 108,402,092 74,731,099 手续费及佣金支出 79,348,028 46,715,910 35,543,993 17,208,766 三、其他经营净收入 281,188,162 178,493,011 139,030,305 51,152,521 投资交易净收入 63,670,566 41,299,891 21,253,625 9,189,358 公允价值变动净收入 2,694,666 1,152,902 26,655,852 509,324 汇兑净收益 134

12、,744,266 87,526,399 47,846,111 35,604,927 其他业务净收益 80,078,665 48,513,819 43,274,718 5,848,911 四、营业费用 2,306,363,007 1,794,303,950 821,386,314 646,825,303 五、营业税金及附加 397,336,088 306,037,352 151,382,569 106,618,398 六、营业利润 2,373,298,828 1,938,336,507 986,035,254 644,101,801 加: 营业外净收入 68,221,115 -11,393,72

13、3 17,788,564 9,756,828 七、资产减值准备前利润 2,441,519,943 1,926,942,784 1,003,823,817 653,858,629 减: 资产减值准备 993,140,436 1,404,770,049 315,638,438 440,740,270 八、税前利润 1,448,379,507 522,172,735 688,185,379 213,118,359 减: 所得税 558,083,908 222,262,585 261,510,444 81,089,174 九、净利润 890,295,600 299,910,150 426,674,93

14、5 132,029,185 董事长:Shenzhen Development Bank Tower,No. 5047 Shennan Road East,Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, P.R. ChinaPost Code: 518001Telephone: +86 (755) 8208 8888Service Line: Cultivating Quality Growth A healthy startThe year 2006 was a memorable one for Shenzhen Development Bank. Not only did SD

15、B achieve its financial targets, it also saw significant improvements in management, its products and market recognition. This annual report illustrates the key accomplishments of SDB during 2006, a foundation year for quality growth.Cover: Cultivating Quality GrowthSustaining healthy growth in natu

16、re requires careful nurturing, sunshine and good soil. SDB continues to build on its quality capital assets as well as providing innovative products for our customers.Annual Report 2006ShenzhenDevelopmentBankAnnualReport2006Shenzhen Development Bank Tower,No. 5047 Shennan Road East,Shenzhen, Guangdo

17、ng Province, P.R. ChinaPost Code: 518001Telephone: +86 (755) 8208 8888Service Line: Cultivating Quality Growth A healthy startThe year 2006 was a memorable one for Shenzhen Development Bank. Not only did SDB achieve its financial targets, it also saw significant improvements in management, its produ

18、cts and market recognition. This annual report illustrates the key accomplishments of SDB during 2006, a foundation year for quality growth.Cover: Cultivating Quality GrowthSustaining healthy growth in nature requires careful nurturing, sunshine and good soil. SDB continues to build on its quality c

19、apital assets as well as providing innovative products for our customers.Annual Report 2006ShenzhenDevelopmentBankAnnualReport2006BeijingTianjinDalianQingdaoJinanShanghaiHangzhouNingboWenzhouGuangzhouFoshanShenzhenZhuhaiHaikouChengduChongqingKunmingNanjingEditorial: SDB Financial Information neverth

20、eless, we are pleased with the significant improvement of 2006.Message from the Chairman and CEO4“In both retail and commercial banking, the Bank is now recognized for its responsiveness to customers needs and its capabilities in providing innovative products.” 5Annual Report 2006 Shenzhen Developme

21、nt BankNet income in 2006 was up 39% from 2005, setting a historic high for the Bank. Compared with 2005, net interest income was up 32%, profit before credit provision up 43%, and profit before tax up 234%. Net fees and commission increased by 28%, and the cost income ratio was 45.6%, percentage po

22、int lower than 2005. After-tax annualized Return on Average Equity rose from 7% in full-year 2005 to 23% for full year 2006, compared with 7.4% in the first half of 2006. EPS rose from 0.6 yuan to 0.67 yuan for the full year.In 2006, both the retail and commercial business of the Bank grew significa

23、ntly, especially in our target markets and areas. Retail loans grew 87% in 2006 with the launch of innovative mortgage products and a more streamlined operation. The Bank continued its cooperation with our strategic partner, GE, on a number of retail projects, including credit card. Our commercial b

24、usiness continued to be the principal business of the Bank, and the Banks expertise and focus on trade finance and medium sized companies were further emphasized in 2006, with commercial general loans growing by 3%. In both retail and commercial banking, the Bank is now recognized for its responsive

25、ness to customers needs and its capabilities in providing innovative solutions. The CAR and CCAR of the Bank as of end 2006 was 3.7%, compared with 3.7% in 2005. As the Bank has significantly improved its earnings strength and internal generation of capital, the business grew robustly, resulting in little change in CAR. The NPL


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