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1、.冰果英语智能作文系统4篇14分以上作文仅供参考学习作文序列号 12991得分: 14.1 / 15分制您提交的作文:标题: The tenth assignment 正文:My Suggestions to English TeachersTo begin with I think it necessary to make a small summary of the great deal of things that Ive learnt during this semester. It can be divided into three parts according to the re

2、spective courses. First of all, the English reading and writing course has greatly trained such skills of mine, the explanations given by the teacher was in explicit English, followed by numerous good examples of phrases. Apart from some exercises weve done on class, every student was required to co

3、mplete an essay weekly, which furthermore improves our writing skills.Personally, I think Ive benefited most from the online course, which provides me with a platform on which I can fully practice my listening and reading, especially when I have to use logic and reason to do exercises and tests on i

4、t.Besides, on the oral English class, Ive been granted of a wonderful opportunity to make a presentation in public, a formal one which Ive never tried before. Its really exciting to deliver such a speech, which has been a very rewarding experience.So here, Id like to give some advice on each course

5、so that they can better live to students academic expectations.The listening class is really good; thanks to the modern facilities the school has given us. We always enjoy the English videos displayed before and after class, but I think if there were a resting time between class and class, the stude

6、nts would be more concentrated on the whole. In addition, if the records listened on class were played only once, in the same form of the CET exams, I believe wed be better prepared for those tests. The oral class is my favorite, so I hope there would be more interaction between student and teacher.

7、 It comes well if we can play some word games together, and we can communicate easier with each other.As for the reading and writing class, I strongly suggest that the teacher could introduce us more English movies, as long as it does not conflicts with the requisites of the course. That will add po

8、ints to the whole impression of the class, as many students just lack sufficient attention and interest. 得分: 14.1 / 15分制评语: Congratulations. Nobody is perfect but the language in your essay is pretty good. Youve succeeded with flying colors in structure and vocabulary. Your essay shows that you are

9、very knowledgeable about the topic.收起作文序列号 12990得分: 14.4 / 15分制您提交的作文:标题: The ninth assignment 正文:Cars in the CityCars, as a very significant way of transportation in todays society, are introduced to more and more urban families year after year. Its not uncommon of there being more than one car in

10、a single medium-class family. The possession of a car is almost essential for every income earner, in order to satisfy the increasing need of moving more conveniently and efficiently around the city.Either to go to school or go to work, going by car will certainly save a lot of time, besides being p

11、rovided a rather comfortable space despite a terrible weather.However, with the rising petrol price, cars are becoming a financial burden for their owners, not to mention the cost of the car itself. Neglecting all this, the best advantage of cars is weakened with the unbearable long traffic jams tha

12、t drive all of us crazy.It is just one side of the problems that cars are causing. Instead of favoring a better transportation atmosphere, it is becoming the number one culpable for todays traffic problems. Everything thats too excessive is surely bad thing, so do cars. Too many cars create congesti

13、on, harming the traffics health. Apart from that, the gases that a car discharges are usually harmful to the environment. The carbon dioxide, for example, contributes to the global warming, which leads to environmental crisis of more seriousness.Therefore, actions should be taken in order to rid the

14、 problems that cars are causing.Fist of all, we should be fully aware of the consequences of owing a car. In fact, owing a car is like having a child. You have to be responsible for it. If you wont use it very often, youd better choose a public means of transportation rather than a personal vehicle.

15、Secondly, the government should provide more public transportations for citizens, such us building rail-way lines, hiring more taxis, providing more buses, etc. In this way, people would be willing to use them, which are cheaper and convenient. If more people do this, there would be more free spaces

16、 in our cities, without the pressure of building more parking lots.Last but not least, we need to protect our environment. Restoring its original state may be difficult, but if we plant more trees and buy less cars, I think the day when well see a more beautiful world is not very far. 得分: 14.4 / 15分

17、制评语: Nobody is perfect but the language in your essay is pretty good. Your essay shows varied structure and wide range of vocabulary. Your essay shows that you are very knowledgeable about the topic. Congratulations.您需要注意这些单词的拼写: transportations,收起作文序列号 12359得分: 14.8 / 15分制您提交的作文:标题: The Eighth assi

18、gnment 正文:Getting to know the World Outside the CampusTheres an increasing necessity for college students to learn how to integrate themselves to the society in near future. Today when you enter a Chinese university, especially a well-known one, it gives you the impression that most students are mai

19、nly absorbed in their studies, leaving no time to explore the world outside the campus.Whether or not this constitutes a mayor risk for their future career development is not the only worrisome issue. What is more alarming is the fact that some students are losing aspirations not only in studies but

20、 also in their future positions in society.There is, fortunately, a wide range of ways for one to learn to integrate into the society. The public media for example, provides an explicit introduction for the individual to find out what everything happening everyday is about, and is also persuasive in

21、 the way that it encourages students make their minds to become part of the society from now on. Another two ways to learn about the society are volunteering and social practice. Both of them can help the student get rid of his immaturity, and sign for a lighten experience of helping others. The min

22、ute the student join in such activities, he will get access to a wealth of knowledge about interpersonal relationships, something he would never become acquainted through textbooks.Besides, the volunteering experiences will greatly change the judgment of the individual toward society. Because there

23、is still a lot to be done, and every effort offered will be appreciated, the student will be more committed to serve the society in the future.I think sometimes we students tend to overestimate our ability to integrate into society. The fact that our current lifestyles are relatively relaxed in comp

24、arison with our high-school ones makes us more likely to be contented with what we already have, and forget the purpose we resolved to effort.Therefore I think the first thing I should do is to take the matter of become part of society seriously. After all, theres no how-to book that tells me the ri

25、ght way to get involved, but only that unique experience Id create myself. The situation urges me to act so that I must waste no time to pick up all that knowledge through volunteering, social practice, the pubic media, daily communications with others, etc.Only by being conscious of what we lack ca

26、n we put the effort to make up for that debility, which in this case, is our insufficient connection with the society outside our campus. 得分: 14.8 / 15分制评语: The language in your essay is effective, keep it up. You have a wide range of sentence structure and vocabulary. Its evident that you have cove

27、red the points required in your writing and showed strong writing skill. Congratulations.您需要注意这些单词的拼写: debility,收起作文序列号 12014得分: 14.1 / 15分制您提交的作文:标题: The sixth assignment 正文:Cheating in examinationsThe incidence of cheating at school is rising sharply these years. Actually cheating is becoming a ni

28、ghtmare, not only for perceptive teachers, but also for students who dont want to follow this trend.Reasons accounting for the issue of cheating are various. On the one hand, many students are under the pressure of a society that cares too much about the grades of the individual. People tend to judg

29、e a person by his achievements rather by his efforts. Thus, some students try to get high marks whatever the method. They cheat on exams, and even on daily assignments. Of course there are other examples of students who really have a tough time in their studies. In some way they just dont fit learni

30、ng. Though they try hard they cannot obtain a satisfactory mark. So they sell out to convenience and cheat, too.All in all, were living in a time when people have a lot of things to demonstrate about themselves. It is likely that the credit we achieve is not in direct proportion with our sacrifices,

31、 so why not go the easy way? Why not cheat instead of working hard for nothing?On the other hand, cheating is kind of being fashionable. There are honest students who dont want cheat, but are seeing other people doing this all the time. It is unfair that the former get the same mark as those who did

32、 without effort. So they start cheating inevitably.However, the problem of cheating can be confronted and defeated if we put our heart into it. It is a matter of integrity. Therefore, as students we should follow the inner compass of our conscience. We should know clearly the boundary between the il

33、licit and the moral. We can decrease the rate of cheating through the following ways.Firstly, if we have problems while studying, we mustnt yield to the temptation of stealing other persons intellectual property by copying their homework or exam papers. Instead what we should do is to seek help from

34、 teachers, and with their understanding and assistance well progressively move on.Secondly, if were already relying on cheating, we should stop faking right away. Dont give yourself excuses for doing such a thing. Wed better use that energy of cheating on our classes, and try to absorb the important

35、 points the teachers give us. I good performance at class will ensure a high mark on exams. So when were caught in a dilemma whether to cheat or not, we should hold firmly to our integrity, because that is the choice of a mature person, our actions surely speak louder than our grades. 得分: 14.1 / 15分

36、制评语: Congratulations. The language in your essay is effective, keep it up. Youve succeeded with flying colors in structure and vocabulary. Your essay has thorough development of the thesis.;.第七单元 燃烧及其利用 课题1 燃烧与灭火 1 奥运圣火从其发祥 地希腊传遍全世界 的五大洲。 运载神州七号的火箭顺利升空 2 快乐的篝火晚会 3 燃烧事例燃烧现象 镁带在空气中燃烧 木炭在氧气中燃烧 铁丝在氧气中燃烧

37、 氢气在空气中燃烧 耀眼白光、放热、生成白色固体 发出白光、放热、生成无色气体 火星四射、放热、生成黑色固体 产生淡蓝色火焰、放热、烧杯壁 有水珠 发光、放热、化学变化 4 一、燃烧的定义 可燃物与氧气发 生的一种发光、 放热的剧烈的氧 化反应! 与氧气反应 燃烧的现象 燃烧的程度 氧化反应 5 细致分析下燃烧 : 一、都是化学反应 二、一定放光放热,但是放光放热的不一定 是燃烧 三、燃烧不一定都有O2参加 四、燃烧不一定都要点燃,加热 都有新物质的生成! 如:C的燃烧、S的燃烧、Fe 的燃烧 如灯泡通电发光放热 ,是物理变化 如:2Mg+CO2=2Mg0+C H2+Cl2=2HCl 如:白磷

38、能自燃 (所谓的鬼火) 点燃 点燃 6 提出问题 进行猜想 请根据已学知识和生活经验猜想一下燃 烧 需要什么条件? 请结合具体事例 谈一谈。 假设与猜想 物质是否可燃物质是否可燃 可能需要达到一定的温度可能需要达到一定的温度 可能与氧气(或空气)有关可能与氧气(或空气)有关 7 石头 木块 点不着 点燃了 实验一 总结:物质必须具有可燃性 8 实验二 熄灭了 总结:可燃物要与氧气接触 9 实验三 纸条 木块 很快燃烧了 很久才燃烧 总结:可燃物达到燃烧所需要的最低温度 (即可燃物的着火点) 10 实验7-1 活动与探究 铜片上白磷燃烧了铜片上白磷燃烧了, , 铜片的红磷和热水中铜片的红磷和热水

39、中 的白磷不燃烧的白磷不燃烧 热水中的白磷在热水中的白磷在 通入氧气后燃烧通入氧气后燃烧 了了 11 【思考思考1 1】铜片上的白磷燃烧而红磷不燃烧铜片上的白磷燃烧而红磷不燃烧 说明燃烧需要什么条件?说明燃烧需要什么条件? 答:答:温度要达到可燃物的温度要达到可燃物的着火点着火点。 着火点:着火点:可燃物燃烧所需的最低温度可燃物燃烧所需的最低温度 是物质固有的属性,无法改变是物质固有的属性,无法改变。白磷:40 红磷 240 【思考思考2 2】铜片上的白磷燃烧而铜片上的白磷燃烧而 热水中的白磷不燃烧说明燃烧需热水中的白磷不燃烧说明燃烧需 要什么条件?要什么条件? 答:答:燃烧需要燃烧需要氧气氧

40、气(或(或空气空气)。)。 实验: 12 【思考思考3 3】向水中的白磷通氧气,白磷居然在水向水中的白磷通氧气,白磷居然在水 中燃烧起来,这再次说明燃烧需要什么条件?中燃烧起来,这再次说明燃烧需要什么条件? 答:答:燃烧确实需要燃烧确实需要氧气氧气。 13 v可燃物与氧气发生的一种发光、放热的剧烈的 氧化反应叫做燃烧,燃烧需要三个条件: v(1)可燃物; v(2)氧气(或空气); v(3)达到燃烧所需的最低温度(也叫着火点)。 三、燃烧条件 14 浇水灭火 盖上锅盖灭火 草垛远离房屋避火 它们灭 火的原 理是什 么? 隔绝氧气 隔离可燃物 降低温度 15 灭火的根本就是要 破坏燃烧的条件 1、

41、控制或移开可燃物; 2、使可燃物与氧气或空气隔绝; 3、降温到可燃物的着火点以下。 三者只需其一 三、灭火与防火 (一)灭火原理 16 课本130页实验7-8 点燃两支蜡烛,其中一支蜡烛上 扣一只烧杯;将另一支蜡烛放在烧杯 中,然后向烧杯中加适量碳酸钠和盐 酸,观察现象并分析原因. 17 观察与思考 现 象 熄灭 继续燃烧产生气泡后,蜡烛熄灭 分 析 可燃物与 空气隔绝 与空气接触 碳酸钠与盐酸反应生成 了不支持燃烧的二氧化 碳,使蜡烛熄灭。 Na2CO3+2HCl=2NaCl+H2O+CO2 18 吸滤瓶 碳酸钠 浓溶液 浓盐酸 Na2CO3+2HCl=2NaCl+H2O+CO2 切勿让侧管

42、对着别人或自己 ! 注意: 19 (二)、常用灭火材料 水既能降低燃烧物 的温度,受热蒸发 的水蒸气还可以把 空气隔离。 三、灭火与防火 20 (二)、常用灭火材料 三、灭火与防火 二氧化碳不支持燃 烧,本身不燃烧,密 度比空气大。不少灭 火器中的灭火材料就 用二氧化碳. 21 泡沫灭 火器 干粉灭 火器 二氧化碳 灭火器 喷射二氧化 碳及泡沫, 用来扑灭木 材、棉布 引起的失火 压缩二氧化碳 吹干粉,用来 扑灭油、气引 起的失火 喷射液态二氧化 碳,用来扑灭图 书、贵重设备、 精密仪器引起的 失火 22 泡沫灭火器 可用来扑灭木材.棉 布等燃烧引起的失火. 23 干粉灭火器 扑灭一般的火灾外

43、, 还可用来扑灭油、气等 燃烧引起的失火 24 液态二氧化碳 灭火器 可用来扑灭图书 .档案.贵重设备.精 密仪器等处的失火. 25 (三)、逃生常识 三、灭火与防火 26 着火部位 请告知: 详细地址 火源种类 燃烧状况 27 房 屋 灭 火 时 的 注 意 事 项 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 另外,除火药外,可燃性的气体在空气中达到一定的另外,除火药外,可燃性的气体在空气中达到一定的 浓度,遇火也会发生爆炸。如:浓度,遇火也会发生爆炸。如:HH 2 2 、COCO、CHCH 4 4 等。等。 爆炸:爆炸:在有限的空间在有限的空间 里发生剧烈地里发生剧烈地燃烧燃烧,

44、 就会在短时间内聚积就会在短时间内聚积 大量的热,使气体的大量的热,使气体的 体积膨胀而引起爆炸体积膨胀而引起爆炸 。 你理解了爆炸吗?你理解了爆炸吗? 化学变化化学变化 注意:注意:并非所有的爆炸都是化学变化:如气球爆并非所有的爆炸都是化学变化:如气球爆 炸、自行车轮胎爆炸等,都属于物理变化。炸、自行车轮胎爆炸等,都属于物理变化。 37 可燃物在有限的空间内,急剧的燃烧, 所释放的能量使产生的气体迅速膨胀 而引起了爆炸。 爆炸的条件: 1.有限空间内急剧的燃烧 2.可燃物与氧气的接触面积较大,或 氧气浓度较高 38 常见气体的爆炸极限 气 体爆炸极限(体积分数) H2 4%-75% CH4 5%-15% CO 12.5%-74% 39 v如上图所示,剪去空金属罐和小塑料瓶的上部,并在金属 罐和小塑料瓶的底侧各打一个比橡皮管外径略小的小孔,连 接好装置,在小塑料瓶中放入面粉,点燃蜡烛,用塑料盖盖 住罐(如图所示)。从橡皮管一端鼓入大量的空气(人距 离该装置远一些),使面粉充满罐,观察现象并分析原因。 40 可燃物与氧气的接触面积越大,燃烧就越剧烈 这就是油库、面粉加工厂、纺织厂 和煤矿的矿井内,都标有“严禁烟火 ”字样或图标的原因,因为这些地方 的


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