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1、.词汇达人竞赛(试题卷)一、中译英January n. musician n. pilot n.scary adj. criminal n. understanding adj.creative adj. crowded adj. pioneer n.effort n. unexpected adj. reusable adj.overcome v. thirsty adj. disappoint v.embarrassed adj. advantage n. recently adj.unbelievable adj. avoid v.二、英译中活动 n. 不合理的,不公平的adj.邀请 n

2、. 对面,另一边的adj.风俗 n. 幼年,童年n.比较 v. 鼓励v.发现 v. 交流,沟通n.初级的adj. 独立的,自主的adj.假期n. 进展,进步n.保护,防护 v. 大自然,自然界n.两者都不 pron. 兼职(的)adj.有用的,有帮助的 adj. 增加,增长v.3、 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词仅用一次,每空一词。low except nearly handbag interview1. The Highland Museum is open every day _ Monday.2. The airport is so far. It _ takes an hour

3、to get there by car.3. On Emmas birthday, she got two pretty _ from Aunt Lee.4. Today in Tokyo the _ temperature is 16, and the highest is 28.safety our polite since public5. A reporter _ Mr. President, and theyre talking about the education problems.6. I have made a lot of good friends _ I came to

4、this school.7.Linda used to be too shy to speak in _, but now she is outgoing.8.The man asked _, “Could you please tell me where the bank is?”9.For your health, for your _ , keep away from the drugs(毒品).10.The table manners in France are quite different from_ , but I am getting used to them.belong t

5、o absent use make humorous 11.If you dont_ a flash, then it may be OK.12.When it began to rain, Ben was helping his mom _dinner.13.It could be Meis hair band. Or it might_ Linda. They both have long hair.14. The British teacher is very_. He always tells us interesting jokes.15. If you are always _fr

6、om class, you will fail the examination.abroad discuss memory beside surprise16. A new school will be built _ the river next year.17. My desk-mate has an excellent _ for telephone numbers.18. Today some students choose to study _ for further education.19. We were _ to see little Tommy run faster tha

7、n big John in the race.20. We _ the differences between Britain and the US in the English class yesterday.四、根据句意完成已给出首字母或汉语提示的单词。1. Your p_ is in one of the boxes. Can you guess what it is? 2. The students from America live on the fifth f_. 3. Houses in some cities now are much more e_ than before.

8、4. Would you like to go for a _(野炊) with us tomorrow?5. Chocolate is u_childrens favorite food. 6.You may be _(担心) if you are in trouble and have no one to help you. 7.You wont know the result until you finish_ (读) the story. 8.They played so _ (认真) that they won the football match. 9.The boy (名叫) W

9、ei Hua won the first prize in the long jump.10.Everyone should make a contribution to _ (改善)the environment. 11. He knows a lot about _(西方)culture.12. Lets go h_ after work, shall we?13. Many art _(珍品)will be on display in this exhibition.14. Shanghai is in the eastern p_ of China.15. Mr. White rang

10、 the airport to find out the latest f_ from New York to Beijing.16.Madam, before you take the _ (药) , you must look at the instructions very carefully 17. I think English is very useful. Are you _ (感兴趣) in it?18.Yesterday I was doing some shopping in the supermarket when I met a friend of _(我的) .19.

11、For some _(未知的) reason, Sam moved to Japan.20.The Great Wall of China is one of the _ (奇迹) of the world.五、选择题1. Im still _. Could I have more rice, please?A. tired B. hungry C. busy D. thirsty2. If you dont take more _, youll get fat. A、 medicine B. lessons C. photos D. exercise3.I thought I failed

12、my exam but I just found out I _.A. passed B. did C. finished D. won4.My watch doesnt work. Could you mend it? Sorry. But the worker in the shop may be _.A. carefulB. kind C. hard-workingD. helpful5.This TV show is too _. Id rather listen to music.A. fantastic B. exciting C. boring D. interesting6.T

13、onys mum looks young and beautiful. Its hard to imagine she is already in her _.A. fiftiesB. fifty C. fiftiethsD. fiftieth7.He used to be _, but now he likes to meet and talk to new people.A. busy B. strong C. tall D. shy8. _more clothes,or youll catch a cold.A.Put on B.Wear C.Have on D.Dress 9.You

14、can _ the magazine for two weeks.A.borrow B.lend C.keep D.renew10.Thank you for _ me a book.A.borrowing B.lending C.keeping D.returning11.This is a big class and _ of the students are girls.A.two third B.second three C.two thirds D.two three12.Woman wants her daughter _ English every morning.A.read

15、B.reads C.reading D.to read13. -Han Hong has a round face.-_ .A.So does she B.So she does C.So did she D.So she did 14.- Dont you think her radio is too noisy? -Yes, Ill go and ask her to_ .A.turn it up B.turn it down C.turn it on D.turn it over 15.Thank you for _ my grandma when I was away.A.lookin

16、g after B.look over C.looking at D.look for 16.Our teacher asked us to _ the new word in a dictionary.A.look up B.look at C.look into D.look for17.After discussing,the students _ some good ideas to work on the project.A.put up B.set up C.caught up with D.came up with 18.The plane from Shanghai to Pa

17、ris will _ in an hour.A.take up B.take away C.take out D.take off 19.The windows are broken and need to be repaired, I think so. They can hardly _ the cold now.A.keep out B.give out C.take out D.put out 20.Computer is very useful.Yes, with the help of computers,news can_ every corner of the world.A.

18、get B.return C.arrive D.reach一、中译英January n.一月 musician n.音乐家 pilot n.飞行员,引航员scary adj.胆小的,可怕的 criminal n.罪犯,犯人understanding adj.宽容的,通情达理creative adj.创造性的,有创意的crowded adj.拥挤的,水泄不通的 pioneer n.拓荒者,开发者,先驱者effort n. 努力,尝试unexpected adj. 想不到的,意外的reusable adj.可重复使用的overcome v. 战胜,克服,压倒thirsty adj.口渴的,渴望的

19、disappoint v.使失望,使破灭embarrassed adj.为难的,尴尬的,窘迫的advantage n.有利条件,优越性 recently adv.最近,近来unbelievable adj. 不可相信的 avoid v.避开,避免二、英译中活动 n. activity 不合理的,不公平的adj.unreasonable;unfair邀请 n. intitation 对面,另一边的adj.opposite风俗 n.custom 幼年,童年n.childhood比较 pare 鼓励v.encourage发现 v. discover 交流,沟通munication初级的adj. pr

20、imary 独立的,自主的adj.independent假期n. vacation;holiday 进展,进步n.progress保护,防护 v. protect 大自然,自然界n.nature两者都不 pron. neither 兼职(的)adj.part-time有用的,有帮助的 adj. helpful 增加,增长v.increase三、1. except 2.nearly 3.handbags 4.lowest 5. is interviewing 6. since 7. public 8. politely 9. safety 10. ours11.use 12. make 13.

21、belong to 14. humorous 15. absent16.beside 17. memory18.abroad19.surprised 20. discussed四、1. present 2. floor 3 expensive.4. picnic 5 usually 6. worried 7. reading 8. carefully/seriously 9. named/called 10. improving11. Western 12. hiking 13. treasures 14. part 15. flight 16. medicine 17. interested 18. mine 19. unknown 20. wonders五、选择题1-5 BDADC 6-10 ADACB 11-15 CDBBA 16-20 ADDAD.18;7-10&#筽0慻2脹礀T(辬簀螯餁匀騀蟙餁簀螯餁讀缁H缀窢襆餁椀蔂夃范愒愒愒愒愒愒愒愒愒愒愒愒愒愒愒愒焒猔塎搀漀挀愀戀戀攀挀戀昀搀攀搀昀搀搀最椀昀塎搀漀挀尀尀挀戀搀愀挀挀戀攀挀愀搀戀唀愀攀椀匀甀琀匀焀焀稀甀堀椀愀夀眀瀀匀吀昀瀀夀嘀昀一匀焀眀塎桞琀琀瀀猀眀眀眀眀攀渀欀甀渀攀琀挀漀洀椀氀攀刀漀漀琀尀圀攀渀欀甀渀攀琀椀氀攀刀漀漀琀尀攀搀昀攀攀挀昀挀搀昀挀昀塎湨乎煬豑İİ打鹴İ打钖聹İ塎止İ塎織屝齛İ溈豢襔桛慑譧İ乎煬豑慠İ譬鹔


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