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1、ow she has lost 30 kg and feels much better than ever before. Her experience is to take action and support. (60 words)2. 论说类文章1)现象分析型【文本分析】该类型文章主要围绕某一现象进行分析、说明或评论,此类文章的典型结构及内容要点见下表:文本结构内容要点说明第一部分呈现现象的具体表现文本中的具体例子和数据不需要写入概要,但总结性的展开说明则需要第二部分分析或说明1. 主题句2. 展开说明的支持性细节,如方式、影响等第二部分评论及其他信息积极/负面/谨慎的评论1. 如与前文

2、内容重复,可不写入概要2. 本部分可能不出现在文本中【概要写作步骤】1 根据此类文章的基本结构,将文本分为三个部分。2 圈划各个部分的内容要点。3 撰写概要。概要由以下三个部分组成:l 第一部分:现象具体表现的关键信息。l 第二部分:现象的分析或说明等主题句及支持性细节的关键信息。l 第三部分(如有):文本所提供的影响、评论等其他信息。4 用精炼的语言连接、润色每个部分。5 认真检查。自检标准:现象的具体表现,以及围绕其进行分析、评论的主题句与支持性细节的关键词句。【例题解析】Gene Therapy“We used to think that our fate was in our star

3、s, but now we know that, in large measure, our fate is in our genes,” said James Watson. Watson is a molecular (分子的)biologist and co-discoverer of DNA structure. Why? Scientists are seeing that gene therapy is revolutionizing the treatment of disease.1 现象具体表现的关键信息1In gene therapy, healthy genes are

4、introduced into defective(有缺陷的)cells to prevent or cure disease. 2 现象具体表现的关键信息2While much of the research is in the beginning stages, some successes point to the real benefit 3 展开说明的主题句of the therapy. In Italy, doctors have recently treated one genetic disease with gene therapy. This disease most of

5、ten begins to destroy the brain when children are between 1 and 2, stopping them from walking and talking. By inserting normal, healthy genetic material into a virus and then infecting the patients, scientists seem to be able to cure the disease. Although the children given the therapy still need fo

6、llow-up treatments, they now lead a relatively normal life.4 展开说明的支持性细节1Gene therapy has also been used to help older patients. These people suffer from a disease that causes slow movement and uncontrollable shaking because part of the brain dies. Those treated with gene therapy showed a 23.1 percen

7、t improvement when tested six months later.5 展开说明的支持性细节2Gene therapy appears to be a more positive alternative to surgery or medicine and is an exciting new approach that is just making the news. Researchers hope that in the coming years, every genetic disease will have gene therapy as its treatment

8、. But more research is needed to assure its safety.6 对现象谨慎的评论Possible version of the summary:Gene therapy, intended to prevent or cure disease by inserting healthy genes into faulty cells, is changing the treatment of disease revolutionarily. Though still in the initial phases, gene theory has benef

9、ited both children and older patients with genetic disease by improving their conditions. However, more research should be done to ensure its safe. (54 words)2)因果关系型【文本分析】该类型文章主要说明某一现象产生的原因。此类文章的典型结构及内容要点见下表:文本结构内容要点说明第一部分呈现1. 现象的具体表现2. 引出“原因”一般两到三个原因,并具体展开第二部分原因1. 主题句2. 展开说明支持性细节,如原因、方式、影响等第三部分总结对全

10、文内容的总结本部分可能不出现在文本中【概要写作步骤】1 根据此类文章的基本结构,将文本分为两到三个部分。2 圈划各个部分的内容要点。3 撰写概要。概要由以下三个部分组成:l 第一部分:现象的具体表现,以及引出“原因”的关键信息;l 第二部分:每个原因的主题句与支持性细节的关键词;l 第三部分(如有):总结部分的关键词。4 用精炼的语言连接、润色每个部分。5 认真检查。自检标准:每个部分的主题句,以及每个原因的主题句与展开说明。【例题解析1】ShynessIfyousufferfromshyness,youarenotalone,forshynessis a universal phenomen

11、on. 1 现象具体表现的关键信息It isnotsurprising that social scientistsareexploring its environmental causes.2 引出“原因”的关键信息 The first environmental cause ofshynessmany be a childs home and family life.3 原因1的主题句 Todays childrenaregrowing up in smaller and smaller families,with fewer and fewer relatives living near

12、by. Growing up in homes in which both parents work full time,children maynothave the socializing experience of frequent visits by neighbours and friends. Because of their lack of social skills,they may begin to feel shy when they start school. 4 原因1的支持性细节。展开说明了这个环境根源是如何产生的。A second environmental cause ofshynessin an individual may be ones culture.5 原因2的主题句 In a large study conducted in Japan,55 percent participants rated themselves as shy. Researchers Lynne Henderson and Philip Zimbardo say, “One expectation is


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