农民专业合作社财务会计制度 (2).doc

ASME常用词汇 Abrasion, allowance for 磨损,裕量 Accessibility,pressure vessels 压力容器可达性 Access openings 通道孔 Allowance for corrosion, erosion, or abrasion 腐蚀裕量侵蚀或/磨损裕量 Applied linings, tightness 应用衬里密封性 Approval of new materials, 新材料的批准 Articles in Section V 第V卷中的各章 Article 1, T-150 第1章T150 Article 2 第2章 Attachments 附件 lugs and fitting 支耳和配件 lugs for platforms, ladders, etc. 平台,梯子等的支耳 nonpressure parts 非受压件 nozzles 接管 pipe and nozzle necks to vessel walls 在器壁上的管子和接管颈 stiffening rings to shell 壳体上的刚性环 Backing strip 垫板 Bending stress, welded joints 弯曲应力,焊接接头 Bend test 弯曲试验 Blind flanges 盲板法兰 Bolted flange connections 螺栓法兰连接 bolt lands 螺栓载荷 bolt stress 螺栓应力 design of 关于设计 flange moments 法兰力矩 flange stresses 法兰应力 materials 材料 studs 双头螺栓 tightness of 紧密性 types of attachment 附件类型 Bolts 螺栓 Braced and stayed surfaces 支持和支撑面 Brazed connections for nozzles 接管的钎焊连接 Brazed joints, efficiency of 钎焊接头,焊缝系数 maximum service temperature 最高使用温度 strength of 强度 Brazing, cleaning of brazed surfaces 钎焊,钎焊的表面清理 fabrication by 用……制造 filler metal 填充金属 fluxes 钎焊剂 heads into shells 封头接入壳体 operating temperature 操作温度 Buttstraps, curvature 对接盖板,曲率 forming ends of 成型端 thickness and corrosion allowance 厚度和腐蚀裕量 welding ends of 焊接端 Carbon in material for welding 焊接用材料中的碳 Cast ductile iron vessels, design 可锻铸铁容器,设计 pressure-temperature limitations 压力-温度界限 service restrictions 使用限制 Castings 铸件 carbon steel 碳钢 defects 缺陷 impact test 冲击试验 inspection 检查 quality factor 质量系数 specifications 标准 Cast iron circular dished heads 铸铁碟形封头 Cast iron standard parts, small 铸铁标准部件,小件 Cast iron pipe fittings 铸铁管件 Cast iron vessels 铸铁容器 corners and fillets 圆角和倒角 head design 封头设计 hydrostatic test 水压试验 nozzles and fittings 接管和配件 pressure-temperatures limitations 压力-温度界限 Certificate of Authorization for Code Symbol Stamp 规范符号标志的认可证书 Certification of material 材料证明书 Certification of Nondestructive Personnel 无损检验人员证明书 Magnetic Particle Examination 磁粉检验 Liquid Penetrant Examination液体渗透检验 Radiographic Examination 射线超声检验 Ultrasonic Examination 超声检验 Chip marks on integrally forged vessels 整体锻造容器上的缺口标志 Circumferential joints alignment tolerance环向连接,组对公差 assembling装配 brazing钎焊 vessels subjected to external pressure 承受外压的容器 Clad material, inserted strips 覆层材料,嵌条 examination 检查 Clad plate 复合板 Cleaning ,of brazed surfaces 钎焊表面清理 of welded surfaces 焊接表面 Clearance between surfaces to be brazed 钎焊表面间的间隙 Combination, of different materials 不同材料组合 of methods of fabrication制造方法 Computed working pressure from hydrostatic tests 由水试验计算的工作压力 Conical heads 锥形封头 Conical sections 圆锥截面 Connections ,bolted flange (see Bolted flange connections)连接,螺栓法兰(见螺栓法兰连接) brazed 钎焊 clamp 卡箍 expanded 胀接 from vessels to safety valves 由容器至安全阀 studded 双头螺栓 threaded 螺纹 welded 焊接 Cooling, after postweld heat treating 冷却,焊后热处理 Corrosion allowance 腐蚀裕度 Corrosion resistant linings 防腐蚀衬里 Corrugated shells 波纹形壳体 Corrugating Paper Machinery 波纹板机械 Cover plates 盖板 on manholes and handholes 在人孔和手孔上的 spherically dished 球形封头 Cracking, stress corrosion 应力腐蚀裂缝 Cutting plates 板材切割 Cylindrical shells, supplementary loading 柱状壳体,附加载荷 thickness 厚度 transition in 过渡段 Data report, guide for preparation 准备数据报告的指南 Defects in welded vessels, repair 修理焊接容器中的缺陷 Definitions 定义 Design, brazed vessels 设计钎焊容器 carbon and low alloy steel vessels 碳钢及低合金钢容器 cast ductile iron vessels 可锻铸铁容器 cast iron vessels 铸铁容器 clad vessels 覆层容器 ferritic steel vessels with properuts enhanced by heat treatment 经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体钢容器 forged vessels 锻造容器 high-alloy steel vessels 高合金钢容器 loadings 载荷 multichamber vessels 多受压室容器 nonferrous vessels 非铁金属容器 welded vessels 焊接容器 design pressure 设计压力 Diameter exemption 直径的豁免 Dimensions, checking of 尺寸,校核 Discharge of safety valves 安全阀泄放 Dished heads (see formed heads) 碟形封头(见成形封头) Disks, rupture 防爆膜 Dissimilar weld metal 不同金属的焊接 Distortion, of welded vessels 大变形、焊接容器 supports to prevent 用支撑防止 Drainage, discharge from safety and relief valves 排放,由安全阀和泄压阀泄放 Drop weight tests 落锤试验 Eccentricity of shells 壳体的偏心度 Edges of plates, metal removal from 由加工板边去除金属 tapered 锥度 Efficiency, around openings for welded attachments 焊缝系数,环绕焊接附件孔口 Elasticity, modulus of 弹性模量 Electric resistance welding 电阻焊 Ellipsoidal heads 椭圆封头 Erosion, allowance for 侵蚀裕量 Etching, of sectioned speciments 侵蚀,关于截面试样 solutions for examination for materials 检验材料的溶液 Evaporators 蒸发器 Examination, of sectioned speciments 剖面试样的检验 of welded joints 焊接接头的检验 Exemptions diameter and volume 直径和容积的豁免 Expanded connections 胀接连接 External pressure, tube and pipe 外压管 External pressure vessels 外压容器 allowable working pressure for 许用工作压力 charts 算图 design of heads for 封头设计 joints in shells of 壳体上的接头 reinforcement for openings 开孔补强 stiffening rings in shells 壳体上的刚性环 supports for 支承 thickness of shell 壳体厚度 reducers 变径段 Fabrication, brazed vessels 制造,钎焊容器 Ferritic steels vessels with tensile proper ties enhanced by heat treatment, design 经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体钢容器,设计 fabrication 制造 head design 封头设计 heat treatment热处理 heat treatment verification tests 热处理验证试验 marking 标志 materials 材料 stamping 标记 welded joints 焊接接头 Field assembly of vessels 容器的现场安装 Filler plugs for trepanned holes 锥孔的管塞 Fillet welds 角焊 Fired process tubular heaters 直接火管式加热炉 Fitting attachments 附件装配 Flange connections 法兰连接 Flange contact facings 法兰接触面 Flanges 法兰 bolted design 螺柱法兰设计 of formed heads for welding 用于焊接成型封头 type of attachment 附件的类型 Flat heads and covers, unstayed 无支撑平封头和盖板 reinforcement of openings 开孔补强 Flat spots on formed heads 成型封头上的平坦部分 Flued openings 翻边开孔 Forged parts, small 锻造部件,小的 Forged vessels 锻造容器 heat treatment 热处理 localized thin areas 局部薄壁区 welding 焊接 Forgings 锻件 identification of 识别 Ultrasonic Examination 超声检验 Form manufacturer’s data report 制造厂数据报告格式 partial report 零部件数据报告 Formed heads 成型封头 flued openings in 封头上翻边开孔 insertion of, welded vessels 插入,焊接容器 joint efficiency 接头系数 knuckle radius 转角半径 length of skirt 直边长度 on welded vessels 在焊接容器上 reinforcement for openings 开孔补强 Forming 成型 ends of shell plates and buttstraps 壳体板和对接搭板端 forged heads 锻造封头 shell sections and heads 筒节和封头 Furnaces 炉子 temperatures for postweld head treatment 焊后热处理温度 Furnaces for heat treating 热处理炉 temperature control of 炉温控制 Galvanized vessels 镀锌容器 Gasket materials 垫片材料 Girth joints (see circumferential joints) 环缝接头(见环向接头) Handhole and manhole openings 手孔和人孔开孔 Head flange (skirt) length 封头翻边(直边)长度 Head joints 封头接头 brazing 钎焊 welded 焊接 Head openings 封头开孔 entirely in spherical portion 全部在球体部分 Head joints 封头接头 concave and convex 凹面和凸面 flat (see flat heads) 平板(见平封头) forged 锻造的 formed (see Formed heads) 成型的(见成形封头) forming 面型 thickness, after forming 厚度,成型之后 Heads, design, conical 封头,设计,锥形 ellipsoidal 椭圆形 hemispherical 半球形 spherically dished 球状碟形 toriconical 带折边的锥形 torispherical 带折边的球形 torispherical, knuckle radius 带折边的球形,转角半径 Heads and shells 封头和壳体 external pressure, out-of-roundness 外压,不圆度 openings through or near welded joints 通过或靠近焊缝处的开孔 roundness tolerance 不圆度公差 Heat exchangers 热交换器 Heat treatment 热处理 by fabricator 由制造厂进行 carbon and low-alloy steel vessels 碳钢和低合金钢容器 ferritic steel vessels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment 经过热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体的容器 forged vessels 锻造容器 furnaces 炉子 high-alloy vessels 高合金容器 of test specimens 试样的热处理 verification tests of 热处理验证试验 Hemispherical heads 半球形封头 High pressure vessels 高压封头 Holes 小孔 for screw stays 用于螺丝固定 for trepanning plug sections, refilling 用于穿孔螺塞部分,再填充 telltale 指示孔 unreinforced, in welded joints 不补强,在焊缝上 Hubs, on flanges 高颈,在法兰上 Hydrostatic proof tests 水压验证试验 destructive 破坏性 prior pressure application 在升压之前 Hydrostatic test 水压试验 cast iron vessels 铸铁容器 combined with pneumatic 与气压试验混合的 enameled vessels 搪玻璃容器 external pressure vessels 外压容器 galvanized vessels 镀锌容器 standard 标准 welded vessels 焊接容器 Identification 识别 of forging 锻件 of plates 平板 of welds 焊接 Identification markers, radiographs 识别标志,射线照相 Impact test 冲击试验 certification 证明 properties 性能 specimens 试样 temperature 温度 Inspection 检查 before assembling 组装之前 carbon and low-alloy steel 碳钢和低合金钢 cast ductile iron vessels 可锻铸铁容器 cast iron vessels 铸铁容器 clad vessels 覆层容器 during fabrication 在制造期间 ferritic steel vessels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment 经过热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体的容器 fitting up 组对 forged vessels 锻造容器 heat treatment, forgings 热处理,锻件 high-alloy steel vessels 高合金钢容器 magnetic particle 磁粉 material 材料 nonferrous vessels 非铁金属容器 plate 板材 postweld heat treatment 焊后热处理 pressure vessels, accessibility 压力容器,可达性 quality control 质量管理 sectioning of welded joints 焊接接头的剖面检验 spot examination 抽样检查 ste
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