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4、分配的因素构建存货质押融资模式的成员企业贡献度评价指标体系,依据贡献度将供应链金融的利润在成员企业间进行合理分配;在此基础上,探讨成员企业根据利润分配确定出自身的定价区间,并在定价区间内与交易对手进行讨价还价的重复博弈分析,制定自身满意的交易价格;另外,考虑市场需求发生变动时各成员企业在合作博弈模式下的最佳定价;最后将模型参数数值化,并代入理论模型进行数值运算,运用模拟结果对理论模型进行验证。关键词:供应链金融;存货质押融资;合作博弈;成本收益分析:定价决策j量夏变通态堂金盐亟堂僮途童 旦S!堡!AB STRACTSMEs play an important role in ChinaS ec

5、onomic and social development process,but financing is difficult to restrict the survival and development of SMEsFinancialinstitutions such as banks designed services commodity supply chain for SMEsfinancing difficultiesOn the perspective of supply chain,product design different fromtraditional sing

6、le evaluation for credit the main way but more focused on the stability ofthe supply chain members of the cooperative relations between the qualification andscale of the authenticity of the upstream and downstream trading activities backgroundaS well as strength of cotmterparty credit and SO onThrou

7、gh the involvement of coreenterprises in the supply chain and third-party logistics companies,on the one hand toease SME financing difficulties,on the other hand small and medium enterprisesenhance their own credit rating with the help of the core enterprises,the credit risk toSMEs also decreased fo

8、r banksThis paper selects the inventory to pledge financingmodel for the study,to improve the existing inventory financing modeStarting from theperspective of cooperative game to explore the pricing decisions while safeguarding theoverall interests of supply chain financial members of the enterprise

9、 through bargainingto get a reasonable distribution of benefits to achieve the goal of supply chain finance ingeneral and benefit and individual benefit,and promote the development of supplychain finance a sustained and stableFirst,we discuss the basic theory of supply chain fmanceThis paper reviews

10、 theconcept of supply chain finance and analyzes transaction cost theory,commissionagents and asymmetric information theory and the theory of self-liquidating tradefinanceBased on the funding gap for SMEs in the supply chain,this paper describedthree typical mode of operation of the supply chain,fin

11、ance and risks and risk controlmeasures which lay the theoretical foundation for the study of the whole textSecond, we researches mode of financing inventory financing qualitatively, andanalyzes inventory financing mode theoretical basisBased on the main financing,inventory financing way,and the ris

12、ks and control measures to introduce the existingInventory financing mode,and analyze the current problems in inventory financing andfuture development trendsThird,this paper introduced the business transactions between core companies andfinancing companies into the inventory financing modeBegin wit

13、h procurement stagejb立銮通叁堂金盐亟堂僮途塞 旦S!of financing companiesWe analyze the benefit cost of all member enterprises ininventory financing mode and explore the member enterprises to their own profitmaximization as the goal of cooperation and noncooperative individual pricingdecisionsOn this basis,we ana

14、lyze conflicts of interest between the overall interestswitll member companies on th觩0馯)(开匀夀釸开开开讀缁缀夌蟨漁螏頀h椀猃猃猃猃猃猃猃猃猃猃猃猃猃猃猃猃猃猃甃趑癸搀漀挀瀀椀挀最椀昀趑癸搀漀挀尀尀愀戀戀戀攀昀戀挀挀挀搀攀攀欀愀爀焀猀儀焀最圀挀漀倀瘀刀倀椀挀渀栀夀猀猀挀栀圀琀匀伀刀栀瘀挀搀伀倀樀眀趑癸愀攀攀戀搀搀挀攀搀昀栀栀肕椀挀瘀7开:(1)(胔-輀棙i缀$金融风暴与ECFA下的反倾销策略.docpic1.gif金融风暴与ECFA下的反倾销策略.doc2019-5316bff91bb-86f6-488b-

15、ab8a-9677a41a1c366NxDPuMsk5KemCG2a68RqUeOMVTZ88UEAi9kC1PRll67rzoQ/NjN1g=金融,风暴,ECFA,反倾销,策略9343e10b278d6e893014c8ee5b812966本案承辦人:貿易發展組 陳梅蘭 電話:(02)2703-3500 分機 187傳真:(02)2754-2895 E-mail : mlchencnfi.org.tw 金融風暴與ECFA 下的反傾銷策略實務研習營日 期:民國 98 年 11 月 24 日至 11 月 26 日(星期二、三、四)地 點:台北福華文教會館 101 室(台北市新生南路三段 30 號

16、)主辦單位:經濟部國際貿易局 執行單位:全國工業總會主 持 人:全國工業總會邱碧英組長議 程:時 間 11 月 24 日(星期二) 11 月 25 日(星期三) 11 月 26 日(星期四)09:00-09:10貴賓致詞:經濟部國際貿易局主席致詞 主席致詞09:10-10:40產業如何善用貿易救濟措施主講人:東海大學法律系所李成副教授如何利用產業合作消弭反傾銷爭端主講人:永豐餘(股)公司羅光志經理ECFA 貿易救濟探討主講人:全國工業總會林永樂顧問10:40-12:10美加反傾銷實務主講人:理律法律事務所林鳳律師 美加反傾銷程序異同 如何填寫出口商問卷 如何試算反傾銷稅率 美加價格複查之異同歐

17、盟反傾銷實務主講人:禾同國際法律事務所/吳綏宇律師暨同仁 歐盟反傾銷程序 填答問卷之注意事項 實地查證之事前準備 實地查證之因應之道 事前防範與風險管理申請書的認定與傾銷調查主講人:財政部關政司 申請書的認定 財政部的傾銷調查損害的認定(13:30-15:30)主講人:經濟部貿易調查委員會 損害的認定 公聽會注意事項 實地查證13:30-16:30美加反傾銷實務主講人:理律法律事務所林鳳律師 美加反傾銷程序異同 如何填寫出口商問卷 如何試算反傾銷稅率 美加價格複查之異同 Q & A歐盟反傾銷實務主講人:禾同國際法律事務所/吳綏宇律師暨同仁 歐盟反傾銷程序 填答問卷之注意事項 實地查證之事前準備 實地查證之因應之道 事前防範與風險管理 Q & AECFA 下的反傾銷策略(15:30-16:30)主講人:全國工業總會邱碧英組長本案承辦人:貿易發展組 陳梅蘭 電話:(02)2703-3500 分機 187傳真:(02)2754-2895 E-mail : mlchenc


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