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1、Unit 5 MusicPeriod 6 Using language教学设计I. Teaching aims:1. Try to make students know some knowledge about different types of music.2. To help the students learn how to ask for advice .3. Train the students reading ability.4. To master the following expressions: confident; brief; tour; devotion; go w

2、rong ; agree on ; come up with ; stick to ; above all 3. To do the listening exercises in this unit.II. Teaching methods:Readingh; Listening ,speaking and writingIII. Teaching important and difficult points:Important points :Learn the expressions in this part: confident; brief; tour; devotion; go wr

3、ong ; agree on ; come up with ; stick to ; above all Difficult points:To help the students learn how to ask for advice .IV. Teaching procedures:Step 1 Revision Check the answers to the homeworkStep 2 Listening1. Discussion: How would your life change if you became famous?( After discussion come to l

4、isten) 2. Listen to the tape and write down the main idea of the story: Freddy the Frog(1) The story is about a frog who joined a band and became a singer.Listen text: FREDDY, THE FROG(1) Freddy the frog dipped his long, thin legs into the water. Within a few short weeks he had changed from a small

5、tadpole into the beautiful animal she was now. He smiled to himself. Then suddenly he heard a fine, deep sound that carried far into the darkness of the quiet night. Freddy looked up. “Other frogs! I must try and find them,” he thought. “It is so hard being a grown-up frog on my own.”He began to swi

6、m slowly towards the sound. Suddenly he knocked into a large water lily pad. On it sat three confident frogs and they were playing instruments. Freddy climbed onto the leaf. “Can I sing with you? He asked quietly. “Of course,” they said. He opened his mouth wide and began: Help! I need somebody, Hel

7、p! Not just anybody.Help! You know I need someone. Help! When I was young, so much younger then today, I never needed anybodys help in any way. But now those days are gone. Im not so self-assured(confident)! Now I find- Ive changed my mind. Ive opened up the doors. Help me if you can, Im feeling dow

8、n(沮丧的 ) And I do appreciate you being round. Help me get my feet back on the ground. Wont you please, please help me! 3. Listen to the tape again and decide which of the statements are true or false. (Do exercise 4 on page 38)4. Freddy the Frog(2) Listen to the tape summarize the main idea: This is

9、a story about a band that became famous and did not like it.Step 3. Deal with the language points in this part.1. confident adj. 自信的,肯定的,有把握的 confidence n. 信心 confidently adv. 有信心地;确信地2. brief adj. 短暂的; 简洁的;沉默寡言的 to be brief 简单地说in brief 简言之;简明地 3. tour n. 周游;游历;参观访问 vt.&vi. 游历;观光 4. devotion n.挚爱;忠

10、诚;献身;奉献 devote vt. 致力于;献身于devoted adj. 挚爱的;忠诚的;献身的devote onself to sth 献身于某事devote sth to sth. 把专用于 5. go wrong 不对劲;出故障 6. agree on 同意;赞成(后跟双方协定或协商好的条件、条约、价格、日期等) 7. come up with 提出;想出;提供 keep up with 跟上;不被落下;赶上catch up with (从后面)赶上put up with 容忍;忍受 8. stick to 坚持;遵循(to 为介词) stick in ones throat 难以忍

11、受;(话等)难以启齿stick it out 拼到底;坚持到底stick on 贴在上stick out 伸出;向上或向前突出;显眼;醒目 9. above all 最重要的是;尤其是Step 4 Writing1. Make a list of the things you have to consider when forming a band.2. Group Work: Discuss the thing that is most difficult for you to decide and give your own information. 3. Write an email:

12、Why not write an e-mail to Freddy, and ask him for advice. Step 5 Homework1. Review reading passage and useful expressions in unit 5.2. Finish exercises in workbook in unit 5 on page 74.赕褜K(鵑氀圄氀讀缁獻H缀窚囆椀蔂焃鬃甄甄甄甄甄甄甄甄甄甄甄甄甄甄甄甄蔄蜆晔瀀搀昀挀愀攀搀攀挀戀搀搀挀搀最椀昀晔瀀搀昀尀尀挀挀愀昀愀攀愀挀昀挀戀刀刀瀀娀椀倀伀礀稀琀攀攀渀娀欀砀眀礀猀氀娀唀爀戀氀猀唀娀儀爀倀挀儀晔晔桧琀琀瀀猀眀眀眀眀攀渀欀甀渀攀琀挀漀洀椀氀攀刀漀漀琀尀圀攀渀欀甀渀攀琀椀氀攀刀漀漀琀尀戀戀搀昀戀昀戀愀攀蠀f栀堀_尀猀琀椀氀氀猀琀愀渀搀椀渀最瘀蝎夀猀娀娀稀嘀焀猀猀砀欀愀渀欀爀猀搀最甀堀氀搀夀樀堀眀伀欀瘀樀最堀爀吀吀樀伀吀欀挀猀夀晔颐澀琀蹺蹎葖熍虓桎趑熇鱥魺兒乥蹭譎煒葵癶豛敎輀煷葧琀湨蹛琀煒g迿葔偶匀鐀斐煐葧葓癓葓煨彧虒乾堰


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