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1、ridges most impressive characteristic?A. The number of departments.B. The broad choice of goods.C. The small group of guards.D. The well-trained sales guides.27. What is the main purpose of the article?A. To introduce the history of Selfridge .B. To compare different department stores.C. To encourag

2、e readers to spend more.D. To explain how to start a department store.CTop chefs arent known for their friendly character. Assistants who overcook food by ten seconds usually struggle to get out of the kitchen alive. My father was a top chef. Wed had a stormy relationship for years, but I decided to

3、 follow in his footsteps anyway, and train as a chef. It was better than the dead-end I d reach with the job Id been doing.After three years, I became head chef in a restaurant called The Tortoise. As the boss, I made important decision but if anything went wrong, I was the one who should take the r

4、esponsibility. Experiencing the sweaty kitchens, I learned why my father was the way he was. When I began, I didnt have my sights set on anything much-I just wanted a regular jobbut soon I realized my career was taking off. The rich and famous started to visit the restaurant and eventually came the

5、time when I had to decide about my future: I could either open my own restaurant or go and work for one of the big ones. Then life made the decision for me. My father tried and I got his job.On my first day, I received an unfriendly welcome. No one would talk to me. What made it worse was that I was

6、 illI had a cold , and my hands were shaking as I went into the kitchen. I held my breath, stood up in front of everyone and said, My name is Leah Kleist. You all know my father. whether you loved him or hated him, I dont care. He is the past. Now lets get to work. And we did.28. What will happen to

7、 assistants who overcook food? A. They got punished B. They eat the food C. They get some advice D. They get fired29. Why did the author decide to work as a chef? A. It was his favorite B. It was a better job. C. He was forced to D. He lost his job.30. What does the underline part tell us about the

8、author? A. He knew little about the job. B. He misunderstood his father C. He didnt have a clear goal. D. He had a very poor eyesight.31. What caused the staffs unfriendly attitude towards the author? A. His lack of experience B. His poor health condition C. Their impression of is father D. Their en

9、vy at his successDWhere do you keep ice? In die freezer, of course. Thats what scientists might have thought when they were looking for a safe place to store ice from mountain glaciers from around the world. Theyve decided to store ice in Antarctica because global warming is causing some of the glac

10、iers in places like the Alps to melt.Jerome Chappellaz of the French National Centre for Scientific Research is involved in creating an ice vault (地下室)there. He says: “We are probably the only scientific community whose sample (样本) is in danger of disappearing from the face of the planet. If you wor

11、k on rocks or on tree rings, the raw material is still here and will be for many centuries.And why do scientists need to study ice from the Alps, for example? Ice formed on the top of a mountain is made of snow accumulated over thousands of years. Trapped air bubbles (气泡) contain samples of the atmo

12、sphere that existed when that ice was formed. Ice is a record of climate By examining ice. we know carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is higher now than in the last three million years. Researchers use this kind of data to build computer models and try to predict what might happen in the future.The ic

13、e vault will be housed in a snow cave at the Concordia Research Station, which is operated by scientists from France and Italy. The ice samples will be sealed in bags and placed 10 meters below the surface. at a constant temperature of -50*C. This will put the scientists minds at rest. Losing the ic

14、e samples would be a disaster, and nobody wants to see a mine of scientific knowledge lost forever in a giant pool.32. What makes Antarctica a safe place to store ice?A. Its large mountains.B. Its function as a freezer.C. The abundant ice samples there.D. The absence of global warming.33. Jerome com

15、pares ice with rocks and tree rings to state that_.A. its necessary to store iceB. its more valuable to study iceC. ice disappears very quicklyD. ice should be stored at home34. What is the researchers purpose of studying ice?A. To learn about climate.B. To learn about the Alps.C. To trap air bubble

16、s.D. To reduce carbon dioxide.35. What do scientists think of storing ice in Antarctica?A. They consider it an easy job.B. Theyre not optimistic about it.C. They think it will cause disasters.D. They think its a reliable way.第二节(共5小题,共10分) Some people just know how to start a conversation with anyon

17、e, in any place. If youre not one of these lucky types, dont worry. 36_Remark on the surroundings or occasion. If youre at a party, for example, you could comment on the food or the music in a positive way like this: “I love this song. or “The foods great.”37 _ For example. “How is the wine?” or “Wh

18、o do you know here?- Most people enjoy talking about themselves so asking a question is a good way to get a conversation started.38_ For example, “I really like your purse. Can I ask where you got it?- or “Youre really doing well in this. Can you show me how to do it?”Remark on anything you have in

19、common. People would like your saying “My daughter went to that school, too. How does your son like it?39_Dont say something that obviously causes offence and avoid heavy subjects such as politics or religion. Stick to light subjects like the weather, surroundings,and anything you have in common suc

20、h as movies or sports teams.Listen effectively. 40 You cant concentrate on what someones saying if youre thinking about what youre going to say next. The key to effective communication is to focus fully on the speaker and show interest in whats being said. Nod occasionally, smile at the person, and

21、encourage the speaker to continue with or “uh huh.”A. Choose subjects youre interested in.B. Use a praise to create a good atmosphere.C. Keep the conversation going with small talks.D. It is not the same as wailing for your turn to talk.E. Ask specific questions that arc related to the drinks.F. Ask

22、 a question that requires more than just a yes or no answer G. Here are some ways to have a conversation with someone new.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45) Last Christmas, I didnt get a single Christmas present. This wasnt a _41_ I had asked for it. A week before Christmas. I decided that instead of 42 present

23、s. I wanted to buy presents for the 43 in the local orphanage (孤儿院).When I told my family my plans, there was a lot of _44_ . On Christmas Day, however. the _45_ shocked me.As I knocked on the door of the orphanage that morning. I fell _46_ and unprepared for what was coming. I almost _ 47_ , but th

24、en a woman opened the door and _48_ as she led me in.Id heard a lot about how orphanages were _49_ built but the reality was still a shock.I instantly _50_ it. There were no smiles. It felt a bit like being in a huge house filled with forgotten. _51_ kids.I was taken to a room full of children, and

25、was suddenly _52_ at how empty it felt. I wanted to make these children smile. I felt 53 ,and I was.But then, as my presents were _54_ , the atmosphere in the room changed. I could see the _55_ in the eyes of the children. My feeling of powerlessness _56 _. A little girl ran up to me and _57_ my leg

26、s. I carried a little boy in my arms and he kissed me on the nose before lying_ 58_ against my shoulder, which moved me to tears.For many of us, Christmas is the best time of the year. The time I spent in the orphanage taught me that the _59_ I felt at Christmases should not be taken for granted. It

27、 taught me to _60_ everything that was mine.41. A. joke B. holiday C. surprise D. story42. A. distributing B. receiving C. donating D. exchanging43. A. doctors B. patients C. workers D. children44. A. support B. doubt C. disagreement D. humor45. A. trend B. disaster C. reality D. emotion46. A. energ

28、etic B. ashamed C. excited D. uncomfortable47. A. turned up B. turned away C. broke down D. broke in48. A. hesitated B. smiled C. whimpered D. cried49. A. secretly B. frequently C. poorly D. randomly50. A. hated B. left C. forgot D. abandoned51. A. unwanted B. unwilling C. unbearable D. unconscious5

29、2. A. regretful B. angry C. confused D amused53. A. proud B. encouraged C. disappointed D. powerless54. A. picked out B. put aside C. turned down D. handed out55. A. envy B. kindness C. excitement D. tension56. A. arose B. grew C. disappeared D. returned57. A. hugged B. bit C. scratched D. hit58. A.

30、 heavily B. gently C. quickly D. guiltily59. A. happiness B. gratitude C. respect D. loneliness60. A. receive B. keep C contribute D. value第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45)第二节(共15分)I was born in London, bill I grew up in Taunton, which is a small town with not much to do,so I had to invent a lot of garner. This

31、is probably 61_ I was good at making things. As a child. I always enjoyed 62_ (design) objects. At the age of 16,1 decided to leave school to work for a design company. 63_ (main) doing routine work in the office. During this time I learnt a lot 64 _my manager. She was quite inspiring and taught me

32、how 65_(solve) problems by looking at things in a different way.In 2006. I 66_(feel) I needed a new challenge so I decided to take a film-making course. My 67_ (apply) was successful and I spent a(n) 68_ (enjoy) month learning film-making. It was at this time that I realized the most suitable job fo

33、r 69_ was designing advertisements and commercial films. I made up my mind to develop different 70_ (skill) so that I would be able to work in this field in the future.第三部分 写作(共两节,满分35)第一节 改错(满分10分)Our school was founded in 1989. Its in the foot of a mountain. Its a real beautiful school in our city

34、, that many flowers and trees have been planted. There is no dormitory for student in the school so no one else lives in it. School starts at seven oclock but we have to get up very early大力发展卫材生产制造生产主业,本次“卫材生产制造建设项目”将充分发挥技术领先优势与人才优势,通过企业技术改造提升技术水平,购置先进的技术装备,采用规模化生产经营,提升企业市场竞争力,充分利用当地资源,大力发展高附加值产品,促进


36、0万元,年均净利润14026.28万元,年均上缴税金及附加为411.59万元,年均上缴增值税为3429.89万元,年均上缴所得税4675.43万元,项目年可为当地上缴税金总额8516.91万元。因此,项目的实施可有效促进项目地经济发展进程。2.4项目建设可行性分析 2.4.1政策可行性中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划纲要指出:绿色是永续发展的必要条件和人民对美好生活追求的重要体现。必须坚持节约资源和保护环境的基本国策,坚持可持续发展,坚定走生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的文明发展道路,加快建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,形成人与自然和谐发展现代化建设新格局,推进美丽中国建设,为全


38、态系统退化加剧;污染物无害化处理能力低;全球环境问题已成为国际社会关注的焦点,亟待提高我国 . word 资料 电气工程图例符号 概述:电气工程图集中表现了电气工程设计的意图,是电气设备安装的重要施 工依据。电气工程图有以下特点: - 1)电气工程图只表示电气线路 的原理和接线,不表示电气设备和元件的准确形状和位置。 2 )为了使绘图、 读图方便和图面清晰,电气工程图采用国家统一制定的图例符号及必要的文字 标记,来表示实际的线路和各种电气设备和元件。为了能读懂电气工程图,施 工人员必须熟记各种电气设备和元件的图例符号及文字标记的意义。目前,有 些设备和元件国家还没有规定标准的图例符号,允许设计

39、人员自行编制,所以 读图时,还要弄清设计人员自行编制的符号及其意义。 3 )读图时要明白设计 人员的思路,按设计人员划分不同的分布工程,仔细读图,每个分部工程,先 阅读系统图,了解该部分的电气设计总构思,然后结合剖面图、有关安装施工 标准图集,理清思路,对施工做好整体规划。 现在时刻: 19:45:22 图列符号名称图列符号名称 普通砖墙窗 普通砖墙钢筋混凝土 普通磗柱金属 砂、灰土、及粉刷材料窗 普通砖不可见孔洞 混凝土双扇弹簧门 钢筋混凝土柱墙内单扇推拉门 不可见孔洞自然土壤 坑槽夯实土壤 可见孔洞墙内双扇推拉门 双扇门标高符号 ( 单位 m) 轴线与附加轴线污水池 . word 资料 木

40、材单扇门 玻璃 楼梯首层 标准层 顶层 表 2-2 常用电气图用图型符号 国标序号图形符号名称及说明备注 06-19-03 06-19-06 双绕组变压器三绕组变压器 11-15-01 11-15-02 11-15-04 11-15-05 11-15-06 11-15-07 1 (1)屏、台、箱、柜一般符号 (2)电力或电力 - 照明配电箱 (3)照明配电箱(屏) (4)事故照明配电箱(屏) (5)多种电源配电箱(屏) (6)电源自动切换箱(屏) 画于墙外为明装 距地一般 1.8mm 画于墙内为暗装 距地一般 1.4mm 2 5 3 6 4 11-16-09 11-16-10 11-16-12

41、 按钮盒一般型及保护型 密闭型防爆型 带指示灯型 点数应符号按钮数目 08-02-01 V 电压表 A 电流表 W 功率表 08-04-03 08-04-15 Wh -有功电能表 varh -无功电能表 11-18-19电信插座一般符号 可用文字或符号加以区别 TP电话; TV电视; TX电 传; M传声器; FM调频 . word 资料 08-10-01 08-10-02 (1)灯一般符号信号灯一般符号 (2)闪光型信号灯 (1)灯的颜色标注(在符 号旁) RD红; BU绿; WH 白 (2)灯的类型标注(在符 号旁) Xe灿; Na钠; Hg汞; I 碘; IN 白枳; FL 荧光; EL

42、 电发光; ARC弧光; LED发 光二极管 11-19-02 11-19-03 (1)投光灯一般符号 (2)聚光灯 11-19-05 11-19-06 (1)示出配线照明的引出线位置 (2)在墙上的照明引出线 出示配线向左边 11-09-07 11-09-08 (1)荧光灯的一般符号 (2)三管荧光灯 11-18-02 11-18-03 11-18-04 11-18-05 (1)单相插座(2)暗装 (3)密闭(防水)(4)防爆 明装一般距地1.8m 暗装一般距地0.3m 11-18-06 11-18-10 (1)带保护接点插座(单相三极) (2)带接地插孔的三相插座(三相四 极) 暗装、密闭

43、、防爆的半圈内 表示方法同上。 11-18-21(1)带熔断器的三极插座(2)暗装 11-18-14 (1)插座箱(板)(2)熔断器箱 (盒) 11-18-22 11-18-35 11-18-36 (1)灯开关一般符号 (2)单级拉线开关 (3)单级双控拉线开关 平面图表示 一般距地 2-3 米 . word 资料 11-18-23 11-18-24 11-18-25 11-18-26 (1)单极开关(2)暗装 (3)密闭(防水)- (4)防爆 暗装一般距地1.3m 11-18-27 11-18-31 (1) 双极开关(单极双位开关) (2)三极开关(単极三位开关) 11-18-38 (1)双

44、控开关(单相三线) (2)暗装 07-02-01 07-13-02 07-13-03 (1)开关一般符号(2)多极开 关一般符号 (3)多极开关 (1)本符号也可以做动合 (常开)触点符号。(2) 单线表示(短线)表示极 数 。( 3)多线表示。 07-13-07 07-21-07 07-21-09 (1)断路器(2)熔断式开关 (3)熔断式隔离开关 07-13-08 07-13-10 07-21-06 (1)隔离开关(2)负荷负荷开 关 (3)跌开式熔断器 07-21-01熔断器一般符号 电阻器一般符号 11-06-01 11-06-02 (1)向上配线 (2)向下配线 11-06-03垂直

45、通过配线 (1)由下引来配线(2)由上引来配 线 (3)由上引来向下引去配线(4) 由下引来向上引去配线 11-B1-02 11-B1-03 11-B1-04 11-B1-05 架空电话交接箱 落地电话交接箱 壁龛电话交接箱 墙挂式电话交接箱 . word 资料 11-B1-05 11-B106 11-B107 (1)分线盒一般符号 (2)室内分线盒 (3)室外分线盒 可加注 A-B/C*D A-编号; B-容量; C-线序 D-用户数 08-10-06 08-10-10 08-10-05 (1)电铃的一般符号 (2) 蜂鸣器 (3)电喇叭 07-07-02 按钮开关动合触点 按钮开关动断触点

46、 11-16-03 11-16-04 (1)电磁阀 (2)电动阀 07-15-01操作器件线圈一般符号 07-15-12交流继电器的线圈 06-04-01旋转电机的一般符号 圆圈内“ *”必须用下面字 母代替: C同步交流机, G 发电机, GS同步发电机, M 电动机, MC能做发电机和 电动机的电机, MS同步电 动机, SM伺服电动机, TG 调速发电机, TM力矩电动 机, TS感应同步器,( 2) 可在上面符号下加符号 “”交流,“”直流 06-05-03 06-05-02 06-05-01 06-05-04 (1)他励直流电动机 (2)并励式直流电动机 (3)串励式直流电动机 (4)复励式直流电动机 绕组放置位置不做规定 06-05-06永磁直流电动机 06-08-01 06-08-03 (1)三相鼠笼型电动机 (2)三相绕线转子异步电动机 . word 资料 07-22-03 (1)避雷器(2)管型避雷器 (3)阀型避雷器、磁吹避雷器 11-B1-14 11-B1-15 11-B1


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