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1、 local leased lines network in key locations Aggressive deployment of backbone infrastructure to provide unparalleled bandwidth Establish high bandwidth international gateway to differentiate internet access Superior service with clear positioning “The clear alternative to CT” ISP Long distance voic

2、e Capture early revenue from to fund development of subsequent business models Top 60 POPs by end of year 2000 utilizing mix of leased lines from CT and CNC network Position offnet voice as first product from “Chinas first datacom carrier” Do not overextend resources in VOIP as it does not fit CNCs

3、long term strategy Create “dial-around” solutions for business and interconnect terms - 17930 - - 6 - China Netcom - The Boston Consulting Group -Confidential-Destroy by Shredding-45034-05-Interim-14Dec99-TZD-gx-SHI Enterprise solutions POTENTIAL BUSINESS MODELS COVER WIDE RANGE OF PRODUCT/MARKET AL

4、TERNATIVES Opportunity for growth Current market size Wholesale/ carrier Consumer ISP? Domestic and International Long Distance Voice ResidentialMed/large enterprise customers Carriers Potential traffic per consumer Products Emerging datacom Data Voice Emerging data niche - 7 - China Netcom - The Bo

5、ston Consulting Group -Confidential-Destroy by Shredding-45034-05-Interim-14Dec99-TZD-gx-SHI AGENDA Business Models Domestic and international long-distance voice Wholesale/carrier Enterprise solutions Issues going forward - 8 - China Netcom - The Boston Consulting Group -Confidential-Destroy by Shr

6、edding-45034-05-Interim-14Dec99-TZD-gx-SHI APPROACH TO DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL VOICE BUSINESS MODEL ObjectivesHypothesized Approach Capture early revenue from launch of prepaid IP calling cards “Cash cow” for funding other business model development Pursue prefix and equal access long distance fo

7、r business customers as soon as possible to begin establishing relationships Manage pricing and product life cycle effectively to maximize total margin and avoid investing in declining products Do not overextend ourselves nor blur our “datacom” image Fight the regulatory battle to ensure favorable a

8、pproaches to equal access and interconnect Market calling cards to business customers in the short term for travelling personnel Emphasize quality image/brand to distinguish from CT and Unicom-position calling card as first step in becoming a next generation full services provider Establish mechanis

9、ms to link marketing expenditures with revenue and margin growth by product to ensure effective investment Emphasize low cost targeted marketing and loyalty programs Do not overextend Always emphasize advanced technology and evolution to full services provision - 9 - China Netcom - The Boston Consul

10、ting Group -Confidential-Destroy by Shredding-45034-05-Interim-14Dec99-TZD-gx-SHI DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL VOICE SUMMARY Preliminary Economics Phase I CapEx (2000,2001): 3.8 B RMB Fiber/construction: 2.4 B RMB IP/DWDM equipment: 720 M RMB POP/VOIP: 530 M RMB OSS/Network management system: 100 M RM

11、B OpEx expected to be 30% of revenue by 2002 Market share and revenue estimates - 2002 Offnet DLD: 30% Offnet ILD: 30% $2 B RMB IP Intl. termination: 27% 5 year NPV: Essentially breakeven considering offnet voice alone1 Key Issues to be Addressed Interconnect agreements with local PTAs; attempt to o

12、btain blanket policy from MII International gateway license and connectivity Settlement charges commensurate with VOIP pricing Development of business offnet strategy Scalable “dial-around” solutions in short term Equal access longer term Quality of service for voice, must approach switched quality

13、rapidly Point of diminishing returns for adding VOIP gateways vs. strategic value of providing coverage (1) Highly sensitive to settlement fees - 10 - China Netcom - The Boston Consulting Group -Confidential-Destroy by Shredding-45034-05-Interim-14Dec99-TZD-gx-SHI LARGE MARKET WITH POTENTIAL TO GAIN

14、 SHARE QUICKLY New entrants typically gain share quickly Example: IDD and DLD services Market sizeable - off-net traffic accounts for 15% of total DLD/ILD revenue by 2004 Source: China Telecom annual reports; CNCs team inputs; BCG surveys, analysis various benchmarks; BCG analysis Voice revenueShare

15、 assumptions 0 1 2 3 4 199920002001200220032004 CNC Revenue (RMB BN) Off-Net DLD % of total CNC revenue 100%76%37%30%23%16% Off-Net ILD Internationa l Termination 1999 3% 80% 1% 3% 80% 1% 5% 80% 0% Off-Net DLD Off-net share of total DLD Geographic coverage of CNC CNC share within coverage Off-Net IL

16、D Off-net share of total ILD Geographic coverage of CNC CNC share within coverage International Termination IP share of total Geographic coverage of CNC CNC share within coverage 2000 10% 60% 25% 11% 60% 25% 11% 60% 20% 2001 17% 75% 29% 18% 75% 29% 18% 75% 25% 2002 23% 90% 33% 26% 90% 33% 24% 90% 30

17、% 2003 30% 100% 30% 33% 100% 30% 30% 100% 30% 2004 32% 100% 28% 35% 100% 28% 35% 100% 31% - 13 - China Netcom - The Boston Consulting Group -Confidential-Destroy by Shredding-45034-05-Interim-14Dec99-TZD-gx-SHI PRELIMINARY ECONOMICS FOR LONG DISTANCE VOICE MODEL (PHASE I BUILDOUT) VOIP Revenue Alone

18、 Justifies Building Backbone -2300 -1400 3700 -700 740 -500 570 -100 -490 -5000 -4000 -3000 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 5 year PV(1) (M RMB) CapEXOpEx Revenue 5 year NPV15%:5 year NPV15%: -500M RMB 5 year IRR:5 year IRR:12% Essentially breakeven economics for operating backbone for VOIP o

19、nly VOIP(2)Backbone construction Backbone International termination IDD DLD IP POP/Access platform OSS Present value of cash flows (1) Assuming 15% cost of capital (2) Including settlement charges estimated at 10% of VOIP revenue, and marketing/sales at 10% of revenue (3) Backbone OpEx charges alloc

20、ated 1/3 each to VOIP, wholesale, and enterprise business model economics Source: BCG benchmark database; industry interviews; BCG analysis - 14 - China Netcom - The Boston Consulting Group -Confidential-Destroy by Shredding-45034-05-Interim-14Dec99-TZD-gx-SHI AGENDA Business Models Domestic and int

21、ernational long-distance voice Wholesale/carrier Enterprise solutions Issues going forward - 15 - China Netcom - The Boston Consulting Group -Confidential-Destroy by Shredding-45034-05-Interim-14Dec99-TZD-gx-SHI APPROACH TO WHOLESALE/CARRIER BUSINESS MODEL ObjectivesHypothesized Approach Develop who

22、lesale business as traffic generator to improve economics of backbone through higher utilization Become the wholesale carrier of choice with technologically superior service offerings including high bandwidth international gateway connectivity Consider wholesaling access to CT, Unicom, and Jitong de

23、pending on competitive implications Superior customer service with clear positioning “The clear alternative to CT” Aggressive deployment of backbone infrastructure Connecting top 15 cities by end of 2000 and expanding to top 50 cities by 2002 Seek partnerships to establish high bandwidth internation

24、al gateway connectivity-absolutely essential for differentiating CNC offering Develop interconnection capabilities in all major POPs and mobile basestations in key geographical locations Wholesale access to incumbent providers where feasible, but do not wholesale sources of competitive advantage (e.

25、g., enhanced data services such as IP VPNs) Rollout product offering in staged manner to ensure quality of service Internet connectivity Mobile interconnect Access ports to backbone - 16 - China Netcom - The Boston Consulting Group -Confidential-Destroy by Shredding-45034-05-Interim-14Dec99-TZD-gx-S

26、HI WHOLESALE/CARRIER SUMMARY Preliminary Economics Phase I CapEx (2000,2001): 100 M RMB ISP access platform: 50 M RMB OSS/Provisioning systems: 50 M RMB OpEx expected to be 10% of revenue by 20021 Market share and revenue estimates - 2002 Mobile (backbone): 15% ISPs: 9% 1.1 B RMB Access ports: 100%2

27、 Dark fiber: 100%2 5 year NPV: $2.1 B RMB Assumes launch date of 3Q 2000 for leased lines and relatively aggressive mobile shares Potentially too optimistic Key Issues to be Addressed Backbone technology platform - QOS for voice vs. lower cost deployment? High-bandwidth international gateway paramou

28、nt to differentiating ISP access Favorable regulatory backing for courting regional CT mobile carriers Ensuring existing VOIP gateways can serve wholesale needs Revenue opportunity of wholesaling dark fiber vs. enabling competition Organizational challenges (1) Including allocation of backbone OpEx

29、(2) Market estimates based on revenue generation by CNC alone - 17 - China Netcom - The Boston Consulting Group -Confidential-Destroy by Shredding-45034-05-Interim-14Dec99-TZD-gx-SHI POTENTIAL WHOLESALE CUSTOMERS INCLUDE ISPs, MOBILE OPERATORS, AND FIXED LINE CARRIERS ISPs offer significant potentia

30、l if CNC can provide superior bandwidth access and to international gateway Current satisfaction among regional ISPs very low International gateway license in conjunction with high bandwidth trans- oceanic carrier alliance could provide vastly superior service Mobile carriers will be searching for l

31、ower cost alternatives to carry long distance traffic due to intensifying competition CNCs new high capacity VoIP network and international gateway likely to yield lower costs Fixed line carriers potentially looking for alternatives Existing long-haul transport infrastructure limited China Telecom c

32、ould even be a possible customer given current focus on increasing residential teledensity - 18 - China Netcom - The Boston Consulting Group -Confidential-Destroy by Shredding-45034-05-Interim-14Dec99-TZD-gx-SHI OVERALL WHOLESALE MARKET SIZE IS SUBSTANTIAL AND GROWING AT A MODEST RATE Anticipated Pr

33、ice Decrease in Leased Lines Limits Overall Revenue Growth 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 1998199920002001200220032004 Leased Lines - ISP Market Size (RMB B) 15 Total Leased Lines - Mobile 99-04 CAGR Access Ports Leased Lines - Paging 18 18 20 22 26 28 4% 41% 1% 152%(1) 9% (1) 01-04 CAGR Source: CNC team inputs

34、; foreign benchmarks; BCG analysis Dark Fiber 68%(1) - 19 - China Netcom - The Boston Consulting Group -Confidential-Destroy by Shredding-45034-05-Interim-14Dec99-TZD-gx-SHI CARRIERS SEEKING ALTERNATIVES. ISPs definitely seeking alternatives to CTMobile carriers likely to follow “We need a telecom s

35、ervice provider that is not our competitor.” -Founder, Eastnet “China Telecom, with their own network development plans, tends to starve us on capacity or to force us to pay in advance for excess capacity.” -Manager, Infohighway “The fact that it takes China Telecom two months every time we need an

36、extra line makes it very difficult to have our own customers. We want another operator who can get us leased lines fast.” - Manager, Infohighway Mobile carriers might consider diverting part of their traffic to alternative service providers with: more attractive pricing higher quality service higher

37、 bandwidth Interviews with regional mobile carr某公司未来业务发展战略、 市场运营及组织改进计划 组织结构与关键绩效考核指标 -2- 议程 综述 主要发现 项目建议 实施计划 -3- 总结 ( 一 ) 某公司目前的组织结构 / 管理体系存在一定的问题 , 但已经处于逐步完善的过程之中 组织结构 -汇报线较多 -一种职能分散于几个不同地方 -区域内的生产和采购向销售大区报告 关键绩效指标 -关键绩效指标未能与岗位描述相联系 -多数关键绩效指标只是定性的指标 -未能把关键绩效指标和企业战略联系起来 - 需给更多的人力投入来建立关键绩效指标考核体系 -考

38、核结果与奖励系统不明确相关 人事管理 -能力差距是某公司的主要人员问题 , 取决于招聘 , 培训等人力资源关键职能 -4- 总结 ( 二 ) 流程 -自上而下的目标设定未经全面市场调查和来自第一线的自下而上的反馈 -仅设定总体销售目标,而不考虑成本、渠道、产品组合等 -不同职能部门在制定年度预算时缺乏协调性 -在作出资本支出决策前未进行严格的可行性分析 信息系统 -没有建立起关键部门的计划和预测的信息平台 项目管理 -缺乏储备人才库来满足对项目经理不断增长的需求 -5- 总结 ( 三 ) 为了保证某公司的组织结构与激励机制和公司的发展规划协调一致,某公司应采 取若干行动 关键绩效指标管理系统

39、-为高级经理,生产与销售系统设立关键绩效指标,并与价值创造 的驱动因素紧密连接 -在关键绩效指标和薪酬之间建立更加明确的联系 组织结构重组 -组织结构的设计应更加注重业务职能的发挥而非地区职能 -强化业务支持部分的角色和在整个组织架构中的地位 -6- 议程 综述 主要发现 -概述 -组织结构 -关键绩效指标 -人事管理 -流程 -信息系统 -项目管理 项目建议 实施计划 -7- 组织结构 / 管理体系的关键组成部分 战略规划 投资决策 战略规划 投资决策 组织架构 岗位与责任 职位描述 组织架构 岗位与责任 职位描述 关键绩效考核指标 激励机制 关键绩效考核指标 激励机制 结构 关键绩效指标/

40、激励机制 流程 招聘 培训 招聘 培训 人事管理 任务小组 设计项目组 委员会 任务小组 设计项目组 委员会 项目团队 信息需求 系统结构 信息需求 系统结构 信息技术( 1) 行为与结果行为与结果 业务发展战略业务发展战略 ( 1 ) 未包括在本项目范围中 -8- 双重挑战:改进当前的组织结构 与为今后的业务发展作准备 战略规划 投资决策 战略规划 投资决策 组织架构 职能与责任 职位描述 组织架构 职能与责任 职位描述 关键绩效考核 指标 激励机制 关键绩效考核 指标 激励机制 结构 关键绩效指标/ 激励机制 流程 招聘 培训 招聘 培训 人事管理 工作团队 设计团队 委员会 工作团队 设

41、计团队 委员会 项目团队 信息需求 系统结构 信息需求 系统结构 信息技术( 1) 行为与结果行为与结果 业务增长战略业务增长战略 挑战一 : 发现并解决当前组织结构 的问题 例如 : 员工当前的能力差距 激励体系的问题 关键流程中的不协调合作 挑战一 : 发现并解决当前组织结构 的问题 例如 : 员工当前的能力差距 激励体系的问题 关键流程中的不协调合作 挑战二 : 调整组织架构为未来业务 发展做好准备 例如 : 发现员工所需的新能力 岗位与责任的重新定位 挑战二 : 调整组织架构为未来业务 发展做好准备 例如 : 发现员工所需的新能力 岗位与责任的重新定位 下面的幻灯片将具体阐述这两方面的

42、问题下面的幻灯片将具体阐述这两方面的问题 -9- 议程 综述 主要发现 -概述 -组织结构 -关键绩效指标 -人事管理 -流程 -信息系统 -项目管理 项目建议 实施计划 -10- 组织结构组织结构 主要发现:组织结构 过于频繁的职能部门变化 - 例如:财务部 , 培训部 岗位和职责不对称 - 例如 人力资源总监 未能专设业务发展部 - 当前专设业务发展职能不 太健全 有必要加强对高级经理的授 权 不利于能力的快速培养 , 而且 具体工作的责任权限难以落实 难以分配权利和相应职责 各部门之间合作不协调 缺乏人才培养的平台以满足快 速增长的业务发展需要 在进行决策时,总是依赖于最 高层管理者 现

43、象. 但可能会成为问题 某公司在成长和成熟过程中 正在调整摸索合适的组织结 构 考虑到中国果汁行业发展历 史较短,相关人才较为短缺 某公司最近 1-2 年的新业务显 著增长 公司处于快速发展阶段时需 要快速决策 . 这是某公司当前发展状况 的自然产物 . -11- 实例 2 :培训部实例 3 :设备部实例 1 :财务相关部门 频繁的部门设立 / 撤并对专业能力培养、业务范围 的针对性以及职责的明确都产生了负面影响 2001 年 7 月以前 财务部 资金部 2001 年 7 月到 9 月 会计检算部 财务管理部 付审办 2001 年 10 月起 会计检算部 财务管理部 2001 年 10 月 成

44、立培训部 2001 年 11 月 撤消培训部 2001 年 12 月 在人力资源部内重设培训分部 2001 年 7 月以前 设备管理部 2001 年 7 月 撤消设备管理部并将这一部分 功能并入总部的生产部 2001 年 11 月 重新成立设备部 “ 由于部门的设立和撤消经常发生,很难知道谁为特定的任务负责,更不用说积累专业经验了 ” “ 由于部门的设立和撤消经常发生,很难知道谁为特定的任务负责,更不用说积累专业经验了 ” 组织结构组织结构 -12- 额外的任务导致对核心责任的关注不够 例如: 人力资源总监 常规的 角色 “ 额外 的任务 ” 设置该项职责的原因 当前的重点 人力资源总监通常的

45、角色和责任 人力资源总监人是某公司内部为数不多的知道 如何利用猎头来进行高级管理人员招聘的人之 一 人力资源负责人是第一位将局域网概念引入某 公司的人 “ 人力资源负责人有食品行业数年的工作经验 ,最主要的是他英语流利” 角色和任务 50-55% 40% 5% 2% 组织结构组织结构 ( 时间分配 ) 负责人力资源分配 监督培训规划和协调及其有 效性等 监督人员招聘 负责高级管理人员的招聘 负责信息部 婴儿食品合资企业项目经理 -13- 某公司的组织结构中存在一系列的问题 存在的问题 汇报线较多 有些情况下多达 8 条 一种职能分散于几个不 同地方 如,财务、采购 区域内的生产和采购向 销售大区报告 组织架构组织架构 总裁 副总裁 信息 总务 办公室 保卫 车管 工程 膳食 环卫 绿化 法务 集团办 党委办 工会 财务管理 会计核算 财务总监战略发展 监察审计国际业务 研发中心 产品开发供应 设备技术 质管


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