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139 水下不分散混凝土试验规程.doc

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1、分裂的方式进行生殖细菌的生殖:以分裂的方式进行生殖 vv4.4.细菌的数量计算细菌的数量计算 细菌是以分裂的方式进行繁殖,每繁殖一代就是原来的细菌是以分裂的方式进行繁殖,每繁殖一代就是原来的2 2倍,繁殖倍,繁殖N N代就是代就是 其基数乘以其基数乘以2 2的的N N次幂。例如,次幂。例如,100100个细菌繁殖个细菌繁殖5 5代,就是代,就是 10022222=100210022222=1002 5 5 =3200=3200(个)(个) 细菌的繁殖速度很快,一般细菌的繁殖速度很快,一般20-3020-30分钟就能繁殖一带,若按分钟就能繁殖一带,若按3030分钟繁殖一代分钟繁殖一代 计算,计算

2、,4 4小时就能繁殖小时就能繁殖8 8代。代。 单细胞,个体十分微小单细胞,个体十分微小 不同的细菌形态不同,常见的有杆状、球状、螺旋状不同的细菌形态不同,常见的有杆状、球状、螺旋状 基本结构:细胞壁、细胞膜、细胞质、未成形的细胞核基本结构:细胞壁、细胞膜、细胞质、未成形的细胞核 特殊结构:荚膜、鞭毛、芽孢特殊结构:荚膜、鞭毛、芽孢 细菌的结构示意图 一个细菌也是一个细胞。它和动植物的细胞都不同,主 要区别在于它虽有DNA集中的区域,却没有成形的细胞核。 此外,细菌有细胞壁(有些细菌的细胞壁外有荚膜,有些细 菌生有鞭毛),却没有叶绿体,大多数细菌只能利用现成的 有机物生活,并把有机物分解为简单

3、的无机物。它们是生态 系统中的分解者。 第四章 分布广泛的细菌和真菌第四章 分布广泛的细菌和真菌 第三节 真菌第三节 真菌 vv1.1.各式各样的真菌。各式各样的真菌。 vv(1 1)多细胞真菌,如蘑菇、木耳等食用真菌;如青霉菌、曲霉菌等霉)多细胞真菌,如蘑菇、木耳等食用真菌;如青霉菌、曲霉菌等霉 菌。菌。 vv(2 2)单细胞真菌,如酵母菌。)单细胞真菌,如酵母菌。 vv2.2.真菌的基本结构。真菌的基本结构。 vv(1 1)多数为多细胞个体,也有单细胞个体。)多数为多细胞个体,也有单细胞个体。 vv(2 2)每个细胞都有细胞壁、细胞膜、细胞质和细胞核。)每个细胞都有细胞壁、细胞膜、细胞质和

4、细胞核。 vv(3 3)多细胞个体的菌体由菌丝构成。)多细胞个体的菌体由菌丝构成。 vv3.3.真菌的繁殖:通过产生大量孢子来繁殖后代。真菌的繁殖:通过产生大量孢子来繁殖后代。 九 真菌 一 真菌的形态 较大的真菌一般由菌丝体构成,微小的真菌由一个细胞构成(如:酵母菌) 二 真菌结构 列表比较细菌和真菌的异同 区大小胞核繁殖方式 菌微小无分裂繁殖 真菌个体微小或 大 有子繁殖 共同点:胞内没有叶体 三 真菌繁殖 真菌是靠孢子繁殖的,每个孢子在适宜的环境条件下,都能发育成一个新 个体。 1.细菌和真菌在自然界中的作用 作为分解者参与物质循 环,如:食物、生物遗 体的腐败食物的腐败 、生物遗体的分

5、解 引起动植物和人患病,如:链球菌 引起人的扁桃体炎等,真菌引起人 的臂癣 、足癣等 细菌和真菌在自 然界中的作用 与动植物共生,如:地衣、 根瘤菌等 第五章 细菌和真菌在生物圈中的作用第五章 细菌和真菌在生物圈中的作用 第一节 细菌和真菌在自然界中的作用第一节 细菌和真菌在自然界中的作用 2.评价实验方案 实验方案一 实验方案二 实验方案三 实验方案 逐一仔细分析、比较每个方案 (可参照对照实验法) 得出最佳实验方案 第五章 细菌和真菌在生物圈中的作用第五章 细菌和真菌在生物圈中的作用 第二节 人类对细菌和真菌的利用第二节 人类对细菌和真菌的利用 1.人类对细菌和真菌的利用 细菌、真菌与食

6、品的制作,如: 发酵现象等 细菌、真菌与食品的保 存,如:防腐、食品保 存等 人类对细菌和真菌的利用 细菌、真菌与疾病 防治,如:抗生素 、转基因药物等 细菌与环境保护,如 :利用细菌净化生活 污水和工业废水 2.课外实践 ()制作甜酒 ()制作发酵食品 十 真菌和细菌在生物圈中的作用 (一) 1 作为分解者参与物质循环 2 引起动植物和人患病 3 与动植物共生 共生有些细菌和真菌与动物或植物共同生 活在一起,相互依赖,彼此有利,一旦分开, 两者都不能独立生活,这种现象叫做共生。 问题: 常被利用进行发酵的细菌和真菌分别有哪些? (二) 真空包装: 依据破坏需 氧菌类的生 存环境。 烟熏法:通

7、过 太阳光或熏烟 把水分蒸发掉 脱 水 法 腌制法:用 盐液除去鲜 鱼中的水分 。 罐藏法: 依据高温 消毒和防 止细菌和 真菌接触 。 巴斯德消 毒法:依 据高温灭 菌的原理 。 防止食品腐败所依据的主要原因:是把食品内的细菌和真菌杀死或抑制它们 的生长和繁殖。 (三) 第六单元 生物的多样性及其保护第六单元 生物的多样性及其保护 第一章 根据生物的特征进行分类第一章 根据生物的特征进行分类 第一节 尝试对生物进行分类第一节 尝试对生物进行分类 对生物进行分类的依据 植物分类 花、果实、种子等生理功能 形态结构特征动物分类 细菌、真菌分类内部结构 将生物分类的知识应用于日常生活 生物分类是研

8、究生物的一种基本方法。生物分类 主要是根据生物的相似程度把生物划分为种和属等不同的 等级,并对每一类群的形态结构等特征进行科学的描述, 以弄清不同类群之间的亲缘关系和进化关系。分类的依据 是生物在形态结构等方面的特征。分类的基本单位是种。 双名法:属名+种加词+命名者 林奈和双名法 一 生物分类 双子叶植物 藻类植物 裸子植物 蕨类植物 单子叶植物 苔藓植物 植株无根茎叶的分化,根是假根 靠种子来繁殖后代,种子裸露 植株矮小,只能生长在潮湿的环 境,有茎叶分化,根仍是假根 种子繁殖,种子外有果皮包被两 片子叶,叶脉多为网状脉 生活在潮湿的环境,有了根茎叶 的分化 种子外有果皮包被,子叶一片,

9、叶脉多为平行脉 请你帮忙完成: 第六单元 第六单元 第一章 根据生物的特征进行分类第一章 根据生物的特征进行分类 第二节 从种到界第二节 从种到界 生物分类的单位 包 含 种 类 共 同 特 征 界门纲目科属种大小 生物在分类上分为七个等级,从大到小依次是 :界、门、纲、目、科、属、种。在每一个种里, 只有一种生物(一个生物便是一个物种)。“种”是 最基本的分类单位,同种生物的亲缘关系最密切。 二 从种到界 水稻 水稻 水稻属 禾本科 禾本目 单子叶植物纲 种子植物门的被子植物亚门 植物界 猴 猴 猴属 猴科 灵长目 哺乳纲 脊椎动物门 动物界 马 马 马属 马科 奇蹄目 哺乳纲 脊椎动物门

10、动物界 桃 桃 梅属 蔷薇科 蔷薇目 双子叶植物纲 种子植物门的被子植物亚门 植物界 常见的生物 第二章 认识生物的多样性第二章 认识生物的多样性 生物多样性的内涵 生物种类的多样性 基因的多样性 生态系统的多样性 动物的多样性 植物的多样性 其他生物的多样性 同种生物个体差异 不同种生物的基因差异 我国宝贵的基因遗传资源 保护生物多样性的原理 保护的根本措施 各种生物之间相互联系 生物与环境之间相互影响 保护生物栖息环境 保护生态系统的多样性 生物多样性 生物种类的多样性 基因的多样性 生态系统的多样性 三 认识生物的多样性 我国一级保护动物 水生无脊椎动物:红珊瑚 鹦鹉螺;鱼类:中华鲟 白

11、鲟 陆生无脊椎动物:金斑缘凤蝶 爬行类:鳄晰 扬子颚 哺乳类:大熊猫 金丝猴 白鳍豚 藏羚羊 麋鹿 亚洲象 华南虎 白头叶猴 我国一级保护植物 人参 珙桐 水杉 银杉 桫椤 建立自然保护区是保护生物多样性最为有效的措施。我 国现已建成许多保护生态系统的自然保护区和保护珍稀动植物 的自然保护区。 为保护生物多样性,我国相继颁布了中华人民共和国 森林法 中华人民共和国野生动物保护法和中国自 然保护纲要等法律和文件。 十 保护生物的多样性 Unit 9 When was he born? A: When were you born? B: I was born in/on when were you

12、 born? A: I was born in/on Pairwork: International Sports Stars Deng Deng YapingYaping A great Chinese A great Chinese ping-pong playerping-pong player Michael JordanMichael Jordan An American An American basketball playerbasketball player Martina Martina HingisHingis A great Swiss A great Swiss ten

13、nis playertennis player David BeckhamDavid Beckham A great British A great British soccer playersoccer player Deng Yaping ping-pong player Born: Michael Jordan basketball player Born: Martina Hingis tennis player Born: David Beckham football player Born: 19731963 19801975 International Sports Stars

14、A: Whos that? B: Thats Deng Yaping. She is a great Chinese ping-pong player. A: When was she born? B: She was born in 1973. A: Whos that? B: Thats _. He is a great _. A: When was he born? B: He was born in _ 1963 _. Michael Jordan American basketball player A: Whos that? B: Thats _. She is a great _

15、. A: When was she born? B: She was born in _. A: Whos that? B: Thats _. He is a great _. A: When was he born? B: He was born in _. Martina Hingis Swiss tennis player 1980 David Beckham British football player 1975 Pairwork: A:Whos that in Picture? B:Thats A: When was born? B: He/She was born in 1963

16、1973 1975 1980 19831980 7 1982 4 3215 6 8 9 10 11 12 19801954 1981 1982 1982 Michael Jordan He was born in 1963. He started playing basketball when he was 10 years old. He played basketball for 29 years. talented (有天赋的) unusual (不寻常的) Rain He was born in 1982. He started singing when he was 20 years

17、 old. He sang for 4 years outstanding (杰出的) 1.When was Rain born? 2.When did he start singing? 3.How long did he sing? Period Two Who Has world record for How longStarted Stopped Charles Smith hiccupping69 years and 5 months Donna Green sneezing 19221990 978 days Jan 13, 1981 Sep16, 1983 A: How long

18、 did Charles Smith hiccup? B: He hiccupped for years and months. A: When did he start hiccupping? B: He started in . A: When did he stop hiccupping? B: He stopped in . 695 1922 1990 19631973 1975 1980 1954 19831980 105 11 22 18 17 Writing: My favorite star is . . I think is great/ beautiful /cool /

19、talented / outstanding / famous. 29 2819 30 6 17 8 1980 6 20 1982 20 4 1978 1810 1980 19 7 time: Yao MingYao Ming Name : 18 years old18 years old Play for national Play for national basketball teambasketball team When When Yao Ming Yao Ming waswas 18 18 years old, he playyears old, he playeded for f

20、or national basketball team.national basketball team. Name : Liu Liu XuanXuan Time:17 years old17 years old win a gold medalwin a gold medal WhenWhen Liu Liu XuanXuan waswas 17 17 years old, she years old, she wonwon a gold a gold medal.medal. Name : Tiger WoodsTiger Woods time:ten months oldten mon

21、ths old Start playing golfStart playing golf When When Tiger Woods Tiger Woods waswas onlyonly ten months old, he ten months old, he startstarteded playing golf. playing golf. Name : Time: Deng Deng YapingYaping about 5 years oldabout 5 years old Start playing ping-pongStart playing ping-pong WhenWh

22、en Deng Deng YapingYaping waswas about 5 about 5 years old, she started playing years old, she started playing ping-pong.ping-pong. You are never You are never tootoo young young toto start doing things. start doing things. The things you did Your age More information Your friends age More informati

23、on went to a movie swam read ate dinner by yourself sang a song Talk about your first time: The things you did Your age More information Your friends age More information went to a movie swam read ate dinner by yourself sang a song Talk about your first time: I first went to a movie when I was 7 yea

24、rs old. It was an action movie called Shaolin Temple. Jack first Tiger WoodsShirley Unit 9 When was he born? A: When were you born? B: I was born in/on when were you born? A: I was born in/on Pairwork: International Sports Stars Deng Deng YapingYaping A great Chinese A great Chinese ping-pong player

25、ping-pong player Michael JordanMichael Jordan An American An American basketball playerbasketball player Martina Martina HingisHingis A great Swiss A great Swiss tennis playertennis player David BeckhamDavid Beckham A great British A great British soccer playersoccer player Deng Yaping ping-pong pla

26、yer Born: Michael Jordan basketball player Born: Martina Hingis tennis player Born: David Beckham football player Born: 19731963 19801975 International Sports Stars A: Whos that? B: Thats Deng Yaping. She is a great Chinese ping-pong player. A: When was she born? B: She was born in 1973. A: Whos tha

27、t? B: Thats _. He is a great _. A: When was he born? B: He was born in _ 1963 _. Michael Jordan American basketball player A: Whos that? B: Thats _. She is a great _. A: When was she born? B: She was born in _. A: Whos that? B: Thats _. He is a great _. A: When was he born? B: He was born in _. Mart

28、ina Hingis Swiss tennis player 1980 David Beckham British football player 1975 Pairwork: A:Whos that in Picture? B:Thats A: When was born? B: He/She was born in 19631973 1975 1980 19831980 7 1982 4 3215 6 8 9 10 11 12 19801954 1981 1982 1982 Michael Jordan He was born in 1963. He started playing bas

29、ketball when he was 10 years old. He played basketball for 29 years. talented (有天赋的) unusual (不寻常的) Rain He was born in 1982. He started singing when he was 20 years old. He sang for 4 years outstanding (杰出的) 1.When was Rain born? 2.When did he start singing? 3.How long did he sing? Period Two Who H

30、as world record for How longStarted Stopped Charles Smith hiccupping69 years and 5 months Donna Green sneezing 19221990 978 days Jan 13, 1981 Sep16, 1983 A: How long did Charles Smith hiccup? B: He hiccupped for years and months. A: When did he start hiccupping? B: He started in . A: When did he sto

31、p hiccupping? B: He stopped in . 695 1922 1990 19631973 1975 1980 1954 19831980 105 11 22 18 17 Writing: My favorite star is . . I think is great/ beautiful /cool / talented / outstanding / famous. 29 2819 30 6 17 8 1980 6 20 1982 20 4 1978 1810 1980 19 7 time: Yao MingYao Ming Name : 18 years old18

32、 years old Play for national Play for national basketball teambasketball team When When Yao Ming Yao Ming waswas 18 18 years old, he playyears old, he playeded for for national basketball team.national basketball team. Name : Liu Liu XuanXuan Time:17 years old17 years old win a gold medalwin a gold

33、medal WhenWhen Liu Liu XuanXuan waswas 17 17 years old, she years old, she wonwon a gold a gold medal.medal. Name : Tiger WoodsTiger Woods time:ten months oldten months old Start playing golfStart playing golf When When Tiger Woods Tiger Woods waswas onlyonly ten months old, he ten months old, he st

34、artstarteded playing golf. playing golf. Name : Time: Deng Deng YapingYaping about 5 years oldabout 5 years old Start playing ping-pongStart playing ping-pong WhenWhen Deng Deng YapingYaping waswas about 5 about 5 years old, she started playing years old, she started playing ping-pong.ping-pong. You

35、 are never You are never tootoo young young toto start doing things. start doing things. The things you did Your age More information Your friends age More information went to a movie swam read ate dinner by yourself sang a song Talk about your first time: The things you did Your age More informatio

36、n Your friends age More information went to a movie swam read ate dinner by yourself sang a song Talk about your first time: I first went to a movie when I was 7 years old. It was an action movie called Shaolin Temple. Jack first Tiger WoodsShirley Unit 9 When was he born? A: When were you born? B:

37、I was born in/on when were you born? A: I was born in/on Pairwork: International Sports Stars Deng Deng YapingYaping A great Chinese A great Chinese ping-pong playerping-pong player Michael JordanMichael Jordan An American An American basketball playerbasketball player Martina Martina HingisHingis A

38、 great Swiss A great Swiss tennis playertennis player David BeckhamDavid Beckham A great British A great British soccer playersoccer player Deng Yaping ping-pong player Born: Michael Jordan basketball player Born: Martina Hingis tennis player Born: David Beckham football player Born: 19731963 198019

39、75 International Sports Stars A: Whos that? B: Thats Deng Yaping. She is a great Chinese ping-pong player. A: When was she born? B: She was born in 1973. A: Whos that? B: Thats _. He is a great _. A: When was he born? B: He was born in _ 1963 _. Michael Jordan American basketball player A: Whos that

40、? B: Thats _. She is a great _. A: When was she born? B: She was born in _. A: Whos that? B: Thats _. He is a great _. A: When was he born? B: He was born in _. Martina Hingis Swiss tennis player 1980 David Beckham British football player 1975 Pairwork: A:Whos that in Picture? B:Thats A: When was bo

41、rn? B: He/She was born in 19631973 1975 1980 19831980 7 1982 4 3215 6 8 9 10 11 12 19801954 1981 1982 1982 Michael Jordan He was born in 1963. He started playing basketball when he was 10 years old. He played basketball for 29 years. talented (有天赋的) unusual (不寻常的) Rain He was born in 1982. He starte

42、d singing when he was 20 years old. He sang for 4 years outstanding (杰出的) 1.When was Rain born? 2.When did he start singing? 3.How long did he sing? Period Two Who Has world record for How longStarted Stopped Charles Smith hiccupping69 years and 5 months Donna Green sneezing 19221990 978 days Jan 13

43、, 1981 Sep16, 1983 A: How long did Charles Smith hiccup? B: He hiccupped for years and months. A: When did he start hiccupping? B: He started in . A: When did he stop hiccupping? B: He stopped in . 695 1922 1990 19631973 1975 1980 1954 19831980 105 11 22 18 17 Writing: My favorite star is . . I thin

44、k is great/ beautiful /cool / talented / outstanding / famous. 29 2819 30 6 17 8 1980 6 20 1982 20 4 1978 1810 1980 19 7 time: Yao MingYao Ming Name : 18 years old18 years old Play for national Play for national basketball teambasketball team When When Yao Ming Yao Ming waswas 18 18 years old, he playyears old, he playeded for for national basketball team.national basketball team. Name : Liu Liu XuanXuan Time:17 years old17 years old win a gold medalwin a gold medal WhenWhen Liu Liu XuanXuan waswas 17 17 years old, she years old, she wonwon a gold


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