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1、 Reading 八年级人教新目标下册 Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf? Why dont you learn to sing English songs? SOME ENGLISH SONGS Im a big big girl ! in a big big world ! Its not a big big thing if you leave me. but I do do feel. that I too too will miss you much. miss you much! Big big world-emilia When I was

2、young Id listen to the radio waiting for my favorite songs When they played Id sing along It made me smile those were such happy times and not so long ago how I wonder where theyd gone but theyre back again just like a long lost friend all the songs I love so well every sha-la-la-la every wo-wo stil

3、l shine every shinga-linga-ling that theyre started to sing so fine when they get to the part where hes breaking her heart it can really make me cry just like before, its yesterday once more Yesterday Once More Goodbye to you, my trusted friend, Weve known each other since we were nine or ten; toget

4、her weve climbed hills and trees, learned of love and a-b-cs, skinned our hearts and skinned our knees. goodbye my friend, its hard to die, when all the birds are singing in the sky; now that the spring is in the air, pretty girls are every where; think of me and Ill be there. we had joy, we had fun

5、, we had seasons in the sun; but the hills that we climb were just seasons out of time. Seasons in the sun Think of fun ways to improve English. Make suggestions. A. How about taking part in English Corner? B. What about having English Speech Contest? C. Why not act famous plays on stage? D. Why don

6、t you sing English songs? Other ways to learn English 1. Listening to English radio program 2. Watching English movies 3. Reading English books 4. Making friends with a native speaker of English Section 1 Before You Read Reading strategy To understand the important ideas from the text, we must “summ

7、arize”. Do this by answering “who, what, where, why” questions as you read. 理解文章的重点, 必须对文章加以提炼、总结。 一般需要回答是谁、干什么、在哪里和为什么这些问题。 What is the passage mainly about? First reading: Some good ways of improving English, especially singing English songs. Today many Chinese people want to improve their English

8、 in different ways. For example, twenty-four young singers from across China entered a contest by singing popular English songs. Nearly all the singers sang very clearly, and looked comfortable on stage. Some of these singers were able to sing English songs just as well as native speakers. clearly a

9、dv. 明朗地; 明显地 from across China=from all over China 来自全中国 by+名词/动词-ing 通过; 以 as+形容词或副词原形+as 像一样 Section 2 While You Read The singers really came from all age groups, and from all over China. The winner of the mens competition was a 40-year-old man from Xian, and the winner of the womens competition w

10、as a 19-year-old girl from Dalian. Both winners were very modest, and said that they didnt think they were better than the other singers. Jiang Mei, the winner of the womens competition, said studying English helped her win the prize. Six months earlier, she felt her English was not good enough, so

11、she had to study hard. She also said that singing English songs made her more interested in learning English. winner n. 胜利者 modest adj. 谦虚的 Six months earlier 六个月以前 interested adj. 感兴趣的 This kind of contest encourages people in China to speak English. Many Chinese people agree that they make progres

12、s by singing English songs and that it is a good idea to have fun with English. encourage v. 鼓励 encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事 make (great) progress 取得(巨大)进步 Its + 名词 + to do sth. 做某事是怎样 have fun with sth. 在中获得乐趣 have fun (in) doing sth. Have you ever heard of the Beijing Speaks English program? I

13、f not, why dont you find out about it? It suggests ways for Beijingers to take an interest in learning English. Besides singing English songs, there are many other fun ways to learn English. What about watching English movies, or reading English books? Maybe you could even make friends with a native

14、 speaker of E配,其中5mm15mm与10m25mm粒径的比例应按混凝土配合比设计及试验确定。 粗骨料的物理性能与杂质含量应符合现行行业标准水运工程混凝土施工规范的规定,其中水锈石含量不超过10,粒径5mn以下含量控制在6左右。424外加剂可经试验选定,外加剂的质量应符合现行行业标准水运工程混凝土施工规范的规定。425拌和用水应符合现行行业标准水运工程混凝土施工规范的规定。426管节构造用钢筋,应符合本规程第323条的规定。43 混凝土技术参数431 复合法成型管节混凝土应符合下列要求: (1)强度等级木小于C60; (2)水泥用量 400kg/m3500kgm3; (3)水灰比不

15、大于 0 35; (4)混凝土拌和物维勃稠度控制在2535。 (5)混凝土重力密度大于 2500kgm3; (6)吸水率不大于35; (7)抗渗等级大于W8。432 立式法成型管节混凝土应符合下列要求: (1)强度等级不小于C60; (2)水泥用量大于500kgm3; (3)水灰比不大于 0.40; (4)塌落度控制在3Omm左右; (5)吸水率不大于4; (6)抗渗等级大于W8。433冬季施工必须按现行行业标水运工程混凝土施工规范的规定执行。 44管节成型工艺441复合法管节所使用的钢筋笼垫块,应采用高密度聚乙烯塑料压制成表面为凹凸形的卡式垫块,不得使用砂浆垫块。442复合法管节预留孔道成型

16、工艺,应采用在拉杆上装壁厚4mm4.5mm的纯橡胶套管。管节成型后,混凝土强度达设计值的70时,抽去拉杆和橡胶套管形成孔道。 443 纯橡胶套管的物理力学性能应符合下列要求: (1)拉断强度不小于17MPa; (2)伸长量不小于6O0; (3)硬度为48邵尔度左右; (4)老化为12左右。 4 4 4 立式法管节预留孔道的成型工艺,它采用直径 25mm两端带有螺纹的拉杆,外套无缝钢管作为芯套管,混凝土初凝后抽去拉杆和芯套管形成孔道。 445 钢筋笼制作符合下列规定。 4451 复合法管节钢筋笼应采用钢筋笼自动编织机按设计尺寸要求成型。钢筋必须经冷拔处理,以确保钢筋笼的质量。 4452立式法管节

17、钢筋笼可采用盘园钢筋冷拉后,用简易成 型机点焊成型。 446 钢笼允许偏差应符合下列规定: (1)骨架长度 5mm; (2)直径上 5mm; (3)环向筋螺距 10mm; (4)纵向架立筋间距 10mm。用5 管桩拼接51 预应力钢筋511 钢绞线应按技术条件证明书分批进行外观检查和机械性能的抽样试验。其检验方法应按有关标准的规定执行。不合格者,不得使用。512 钢绞线的贮存应采取有效的防锈措施,不得与油脂、碱、盐、酸及有害气体等接触。513 钢绞线贮存时,不得竖立或直接与地面接触,应平放在仓库内的搁板上,保持通风干燥。不得在其附近进行焊接或其他作业,以免对材质产生不良影响。514 搬运和装卸

18、钢绞线时,不得雨淋、抛掷和砸伤。严禁将扭曲或折弯的钢绞线调直后再使用。515 钢绞线下料应采用高速砂轮片切割。锚具放松切割可用气割法,但其切割点应距锚具5Omm以上,并应采取措施防止锚具产生退火或回火现象52 钢绞线锚具521 钢绞线锚具结构型式应符合管桩设计构造要求。522 钢绞线锚具应有出厂合格证,并按下列规定进行验收。 5221 外观检查应从每批500套中抽取10且不少于10套的锚具检查外观和尺寸。当有一套表面有裂纹或达不到产品标准及设计图纸规定的允许偏差时,应另取双倍数量的锚具重做检查。如仍有一套不符合要求,则不得使用或逐套检查,合格者方可使用。伸试验方法(GB1040)的规定执行。

19、5333 弯曲抗拉强度大于20MPa。试验按现行国家标准塑料弯曲试验方法(GB1042)的规定执行。 5334 湿热老化试验,各项技术指标的保留率大于 90。试验按现行国家标准漆膜湿热测定法(GB1740)的规定执行。534 管桩拼接粘结固化后,其粘结处的轴心抗拉强度应大于管节混凝土本体轴心抗拉强度。试验方法按现行行业标准港口工程混凝土试验规程的规定执行。54 拼接张拉工艺541 管桩拼接前应对拼接台车、张拉装置进行检查及调整。5 4 2 管节混凝土抗压强度应符合设计要求,且龄期大于 14d管节应符合现行行业标准港口工程质量检验评定标准(JTJ242)的有关质量要求不合格管节不得使用。543

20、管节拼接时,管节端面应平整、无明显缺损和无油污。预留孔道洁净并畅通。544 管节的粘结面及外侧倒角应进行清洁处理,并在干燥的状态下涂改刷粘结剂。粘结面应涂刷均匀饱满。管节合拢后,应将管节端面内外侧用粘结剂补平,贴上胶带纸,以防粘结剂流淌。545 拉伸机与油压表必须配套使用。并应定期维护和校验。以确定张拉力与油压表读数的关系曲线。油压表精度不宜低于1.5级,校验设备仪表精度允许偏差为2。校验时拉伸机活塞的运 行方向应与实际张拉工作状态一致。张拉设备的校验期限,不宜超 过半年。张拉设备出现反常现象或拉伸机检修以后,必须重新校验。 546 锚具夹持钢绞线后,应保证与孔壁间有 3mm一4mm水泥浆体锚

21、固间隙,如图 3112所示,钢绞线张拉力的作用线必须与孔道中心线重合,对预留孔道侧壁不得产生侧向力。 547 钢绞线的张拉应对称和同步缓慢进行。 548 钢绞线的张拉应分二次进行。第一次张拉在一定的压力下使管节粘结,待粘结剂达到规定强度后,再进行第二次张拉至设计控制值。549 第一次张拉力宜按下列规定: (1) 第一次张拉后,当不需要将管桩吊离拼装台车时,张拉控制力取设计值的304O; (2) 当要求将管桩吊离拼装台车时,则其张拉控制力要适当提高,一般取设计值的4050。5410第一次张拉作业完成后,管拉吊运至第二次张拉作业区域时,应控制在粘结剂终凝前2h,否则必须经第二次张拉作业完成后方可吊运。 管桩吊点位置和数量应作验算。各搁支点应平整和坚固,防止不均匀沉降。


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