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1、.c.Person who has interests both in and outside his work. d.Person who has interests neither in nor outside his work. 37. From the passage,what conclusion can we draw?a. Most teachers are born with skills to teach.b. It is not necessary for teachers to spend time and energy on their work.c. teachers

2、 should be trained to love all of the students they are teaching.d. even if a teacher has a good knowledge of his subject,he cant be a good teacher if he doesnt have the ability to pass it on to his studentsPassage Two Barbara Jordan,one of the most respected lawyers and politicians in the United St

3、ates,was the first black woman from the South to be elected to Congress. She was born in Houston,Texas,on February 21,1936.Right from the start ,she set high standards for herself in school. In high school,Miss Jordan decided to become a lawyer.At Texas Southern University she studied political scie

4、nce and history and graduated in 1956 at the top of her class.By 1959,she had earned a law degree from Boston University. Miss Jordan began practicing law at her parents dining room table .Three years later she opened her own office. The restless Miss Jordan first broke into politics in 1966 ,becomi

5、ng the first black woman elected to the Texas senate(参议院).After an impressive record as state senator she entered national scene. In 1972 she won a seat in the U.S.House of Representatives.During her time in office ,she devoted her legislation to helping minorities,the poor ,and the elderly.“My appr

6、oach is to respect the humanity of everbody.”She once said.Thats just the way Barbara Jordan is.38. Miss Jordan decided to become a lawyer_.a. before she ever started school b. when she was in high schoolc.while she was in Congress d. the story doesnt mention it 39. At Texas Southern University she

7、studied _. a. education and sociology b. law and physical science c. medicine and psychology d. history and political science 40. When she broke into state politics,Miss Jordan become the first_. a. black woman in the Texas senate b. woman in the Texas senate c.black person to win an election in Tex

8、as d.Both A and B 41. In national politics she won_. a. an ambassadorship to France b. an appointment to the presidents cabinet c. a seat in the U.S.Senate d. a seat in the U.S.House of Representatives 42. Miss Jordan was the first black woman _ a. to be appointed to an office b. from the south to b

9、e elected to Congress c. to be appointed to the presidents office d. to win a national election五、 Put the following sentences into English and write your answer on the Answer sheet 43.她现在上的正是她的祖父曾任教三十年的那所大学。 44.她抱怨伙食不好的时候,我碰巧在厨房里。 45.明年要有更多的学生。这有必要再找一位教员。 46.我没有放弃上大学的机会就好了,今天就不会为自己受教育中的那段空白而感到遗 憾。 4

10、7课程除了电视广播节目之外,还包括书面作业和小组讨论。六、 Translate the following from English into Chinese48In addition to proteins and fats ,the body needs vitamins,but too much fat will make a person unwell.49By“package trip”we mean a trip taken by a group of tourists ,for whom flights ,rooms and meals are all provided.50In

11、 order to get a degree as quickly as possible ,Jane did not take one course a year but three courses instead.七.Complete the following sentences 51. When I went into the room, I noted that because . 52. Ann didnt see many interesting placeand , However . 53. If she had received your letter, now, but

12、. 山西广播电视大学开放英语英语专业入学综合英语测试题(A卷)答案1. 1-5abbcb 6-10 badcd 11-15 acbca2.16-22ca bcaca3.2332bacda dacdb4.3337全国2012年4月高等教育自学考试对外经济管理概论试卷课程代码:00053一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。1发展中国家在国际技术贸易市场上的主要地位是( )A创造者B.出口者C.接受者D.授予者2把全世界联结成一个整体,促成真正意义上的世界市场形成的是( )A

13、第一次社会大分工B.私有制的产生和国家的出现C.地理大发现D.资本主义国际分工体系的形成3下列国际贸易理论中,主张“奖出限入”政策的是( )A重商主义B.绝对成本论C.比较成本论D.要素禀赋论4我国对商标注册采取的原则是( )A抢注原则B.注册在先原则C.混合原则D.使用在先原则5美国在华设立保险公司属于国际服务贸易中的( )A境外消费B.商业存在C.跨境支付D.自然人流动6发达国家在当代国际服务贸易中( )A占绝对优势B.占绝对劣势C.处中等水平D.属后来居上7在里昂惕夫之谜中,其推论与里昂惕夫验证结果不一致的国际贸易理论是( )A比较成本论B.绝对成本论C.产业内贸易理论D.要素禀赋论8在

14、技术差距论中,模仿国开始生产该种技术产品直到能完全掌握这种技术,自行生产并满足本国的国内需求,不再需要从原创新国进口该产品的时间间隔称之为( )A需求时滞B.反应时滞C.模仿时滞D.掌握时滞9以进出口商品价格为标准征收一定比例关税的方法称之为( )A从价税B.从量税C.复合税D.混合税10按商标的用途划分,“同仁堂”药店属于( )A等级商标B.证明商标C.图形商标D.营业商标11通过贸易途径并以企业为交易主体的技术转让属于( )A无偿的技术转让B.有偿的技术转让C.援助性的经济合作D.非常性质的技术援助12世界贸易组织争端解决机制规定,专家小组审查争端的期限原则上不应超过( )A30天B.60

15、天C6个月D9个月13下列贸易措施中,属于鼓励出口措施的是( )A出口补贴B进口配额制C海关估价D技术性贸易壁垒14具有开发援助性质的政府贷款的主要资金来源是( )A财政拨款B银行贷款C风险投资D股票融资15下列商品中,属于国际服务贸易的是( )A饮料及烟草B机械和运输设备C金融和保险D主要按原料分类的制成品16国际分工形成和发展的决定性因素是( )A自然条件B国际生产关系C资本国际化D社会生产力17一国(或地区)在一定时间内进出口贸易总额在该国(或地区)的国内生产总值中所占的比重称之为( )A对外贸易货物结构B对外贸易依存度C对外贸易地理方向D对外贸易量18最早把货币数量论应用到国际收支的先

16、驱者是( )A大卫休谟B托马斯阿奎那C古斯塔夫卡塞尔D梅纳德凯恩斯19国际货币基金组织人为创设的只能用于成员国之间支付的储备资产是( )A黄金储备B外汇储备C特别提款权D在基金组织的储备头寸20浮动汇率制度下,根据本国需要对汇率随时进行干预的管理浮动又称为( )A自由浮动B清洁浮动C肮脏浮动D联合浮动21我国1994年外汇体制改革重要内容之一是实行( )A额度留成制B外汇留成制C银行结售汇制D人民币完全可兑换22在我国境内设立的契约式合营企业称作( )ABOT投资方式B中外合资经营企业C外商独资企业D中外合作经营企业23我国服务贸易发展特征之一是( )A发展速度快,但总体水平不高B发展速度快,总体水平也很高C发展速度慢,总体水平也不高D发展速度慢,但总体水平很高24由几个承包商共同承揽某一工程项目,各承包商分别负责工程项目的某一部分,它们共同对业主负责的承包形式是( )A总包B单独承包C二包D联合承包25投标保函是( )A银行根据投标人的请求开给业主的B银行根据业主的请求开给投标人的C投标人根据业主的请求开给银行的D业主根据投标人的请求开给银行的26我国企业进行境外投资的股权方式有( )A独资企业B管理合约C交钥匙合同D许可证合同27按照拨款使用方向划分,根据既定计划向受援国提供的援助一般


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