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1、9, China accounted for about four percent of world trade; today, its share is approaching ten percent. 1999年,中国在世界贸易总额中占4%;今天,中国所占的份额接近10%。12. As we have already heard, worldwide mortality from tobacco is likely to rise from 4 million deaths a year in 1998 to about 10 million a year in 2030.正如我们所知,全

2、世界烟草致死人数可能从1998年的每年400万人增加到2030年的每年1000万人。13. The rate of forest coverage rose 1.7 percentage points, from 16.6% in the period.在此期间,森林覆盖率从16.6%又增长了1.7个百分点。14. From 1989 to 1996, 7.4 million upper and middle-income households left cities for suburbs while only 3.5 million moved from suburb to city.从1

3、989年到1996 年,740万个中上收入家庭从市区迁往郊区,但只有350万户从郊区迁往市区。15. In 2002, Chinas import and export volume amounted to 620.8 billion dollars, ranking fifth in the world.2002年,中国对外贸易总额为6208亿美元,居世界第五位。16. Today, the facts speak for themselves: aid to agriculture fell from $8 billion dollars in 1984 to $3.4 billion d

4、ollars in 2004.今天,事实不言自明;对农业的援助从1984年的80亿美元降至2004年的34亿美元。17. The dollar fell by 50% against the yen when President Reagan and the Japanese government both agreed to give up fixed rate of 250 yen to $1 in 1983.1983年,里根总统和日本政府同意取消日元对美元250比1的固定汇率,随后,美元兑日元的汇率下跌了50%。18. On present trends, transport will

5、account for more than 60% of the EUs increase in carbon dioxide emissions between 2005 and 2020.根据现在的趋势,欧盟在2005到2020年间增加的二氧化碳排放量中,由交通运输产生的将占到60%以上19. Im pleased to report that we are making progress, though our work is not done. According to the latest data, the US federal budget deficit fell by abo

6、ut half, from 2% of GDP to 1% between 2005 and 2007.我很高兴地宣布我们正在取得进步,尽管我们要做的工作还没完成。根据最新的数据,美国联邦预算赤字下降了一半左右,从2005年到2007年间,由占GDP的2%下降到1%。20. Sport cuts across cultural,political and economic divides with football as perhaps the best example-over 700 million people across the globe watched the 2006 worl

7、d cup final.体育运动能跨越文化,政治及经济方面的鸿沟,足球可能就是最好的例证,全球有7亿多人观看了2006世界杯决赛。21. The Chinese News Agency says Chinas population has grown to 1,031,882,511 persons.中国新闻社报道称中国的人口已经增长到十亿三千一百八十八万两千五百一十一。22. Retail sales of consumer goods in the country totaled 2,684 billion yuan (US$323.4 billion), representing an

8、actual increase of 10.2 percent.全社会消费品零售总额达到26843亿元(3234亿美元),实际增长10.2%。23. The per-capita disposable income of city dwellers rose by 3.4 percent and the per-capita net income of rural residents by 4.6 percent.城镇居民人均可支配收入和农民人均纯收入分别实际增长3.4%和4.6%。24. Last year, 7 million people in cities and towns foun

9、d their first jobs, and 2.45 million laid-off workers were re-employed, and the registered unemployment rate in cities and towns was 3.1 percent.全年城镇新就业700万人,下岗人员再就业245万人,城镇登记失业率3.1%。25. The peoples living standards continued to improve. The natural population growth rate was 10.06 per thousand.人民生活

10、继续得到改善。人口自然增长率为10.06。26. The 82 percent share of Christians todays much larger population means there are now about 230 million American Christians.今天的人口基数大的多,82%就意味着美国基督徒的数量约有2.3亿。27. In 2009, the bilateral trade volume reached US$ 7.15 billion.2009年,双边贸易额达到71.5亿美元。28. The Ministry of Public Securi

11、ty has sent 1,569 person-times of peacekeeping police for 7 UN peacekeeping operations since 1999.自1999年起,公安部共向7项联合国维和行动派出1569人次的维和警察。29. Since 1945, the United Nations has helped to negotiate more than 170 peace agreements.自1945年起,联合国共帮助协商达成了170多项和平协定。30. China has introduced 31,600 projects and re

12、ached US$66.5 billion by the end of last September.截至九月底,中国已引进三万一千六百个项目,项目资金总额达六百六十五亿美元。31. The known history of Gaza spans 4,000 years.加沙可考的历史至今已有4000多年了。32. The US GNP has been growing steadily, rising from more than $3400 billion in 1983 to around the $5500 billion mark by 1990.美国国民生产总值稳定持续增长,从19

13、83年的三万四千多亿美元增长到1990年的约五万五千亿美元。33. From 1960 to 1990, state and local governments increased their employees from 6.4 million to 15.2 million, while the number of federal employees rose only from 2.4 million to 3 million.从1960年到1990年,州政府和地方政府工作人员从六百四十万人增加到一千五百万人,但联邦政府的雇员增长较少,从二百四十万人增长到三百万人。34. The qui

14、z show, which routinely drew more 15 million viewers in the late 1990s, now attracts fewer than 5 million.这一档益智竞猜节目,在上世纪90年代后期吸引的固定观众数超过1500万,但目前的观众不足500万。35. In all, 84 different versions of the show have been made, shown in 117 countries.这档节目共有84个版本在117个国家制作、播放。36. Over the past year the Indian ec

15、onomy has grown by an impressive 9.2%, not far behind Chinas 10.4%.过去一年印度经济显著增长,达9.2%,接近于中国的10.4%。37. The number of visitors to Macau has grown from 10 million in 2003 to 22 million in 2006.从2003年到2006年,访澳游客数量已经从1000万人次增至2200万人次。38. The central government used 725.3 billion yuan to support agricultu

16、re, rural areas, and farmers, an increase of 21.8%.中央财政用于“三农”的支出7253亿元,增长21.8%。39. Through combined measures, we brought soil erosion on 48,000 square kilometers of land under control. 综合治理水土流失面积4.8万平方公里。40. The central government allocated 42.6 billion yuan in special employment funds, an increase

17、of 59%.中央财政安排就业专项资金426亿元,比上年增长59%。41. The European Union, total exports decreased 27.3%, but exports to China fell by only 25.6%.欧盟地区出口总体下降27.3%,但是对中国的出口只下降25.6%。42. During this period, in 2009, our exports fell by 26%, but imports only reduced by 11%, a decrease of 132 billion U.S. dollars surplus.

18、在2009年,我们的出口降低26%,但进口仅降低11%,顺差减少了1320亿美元。43. Statistics for the last year show that Chinas gross domestic product (GDP) reached 7,477.2 billion yuan (US$900.87 billion), an increase of 8.8 percent over the previous year, among which primary industry grew by 3.5%, secondary industry 13.8%, and tertia

19、ry industry 8.2%.据统计,去年我国国内生产总值完成74772亿元(9008.7亿美元),比去年增长8.8%,其中,第一产业增长3.5%,第二产业增长13.8%,第三产业增长8.2%。44. The total output of meat came to 53.54 million tons and aquatic products to 35.61 million tons.肉类和水产品总产量分别为5354万吨和3561万吨。45. In May, the United Nations projected the world population would reach 9.

20、3 billion in 2050 and 10.1 billion by 2100.今年五月,联合国预计全球人口将在2050年达到93亿,在2100年达到101亿。吨的高强瓦为180克/m2,其每平方米价应为: (1800/1000)(180/1000)1.59 = =0.516(元/平方米) 4瓦楞纸板原材料每平米成本价的计算 现有客户要制作五层瓦楞纸箱,要求采用面纸为牛皮卡300克/高瓦180克(A/B楞)/格纸180克普/里纸280克茶板纸,试计算箱板纸每平方米之成本价格。 列表计算: 纸名 克重 进价(元/吨) 层数 系数 计算式(元/每平方米) 面纸牛皮卡 3

21、00 5200 1 1 (300/1000)(5200/1000)11=1.56 高强瓦纸 180 2250 2(1.56+1.39) (180/1000)(2250/1000)22.95=2.39 芯纸 180 1700 1 1 (180/1000)(1700/1000)11=0.306 里纸茶板纸 280 2500 1 1 (280/1000)(2500/1000)11=0.70 总和(元/每平方米) =4.96 5. 瓦楞纸板出厂价计算的主要因数及系数 纸箱出厂价应包含纸箱原料成本价与其它应摊费用之总和。 其它应摊费用包括辅助材料(粘合剂、油墨、扁丝、动力)、设备折旧、工人工资、税收等等

22、。 在纸箱出厂价中一般纸箱原料成本占0.50.7,其它应摊费用占0.50.3,一般厂家取值是纸箱原料成本占0.65,其它应摊费用占0.35。而简易推算则采用工料对半即0.5的系数进行大既估计。 6. 瓦楞纸板的出厂价 箱板纸的出厂价=箱板纸原材料每平米成本价/0.65 根椐4. 箱板纸原材料每平米成本价的计算中提供的资料可计算出箱板纸的出厂价应为; 箱板纸的出厂价=4.96/0.65=7.63元/平方米 二、纸箱的面积计算 1) 1)纸箱的展开面分为含四个箱侧面的单片和含两个箱侧面的单片(见插图)。 2)纸箱面积的计算公式 纸箱厂生产纸箱绝大数用的原料是卷筒纸,卷筒纸的一般幅宽为960mm、1

23、100mm、1600mm和1940mm,也可根据用户要求而定做。纸箱厂的设备幅宽最宽为2.2m,一般为1.6m。纸箱面积计算如下:(第1)项插图) 用设备的幅宽(假设设备的幅宽为X米)除以纸箱的(宽高0.06m)取整数(假设这个整数为y)则y表示该设备的幅 宽能同时生产几个纸箱的板材。因此设计纸箱时应尽量考虑到将就幅宽来设计纸箱的宽与高,即设计者要优先考虑内容物放多少行、放多少层既满足销售计数,又满 足纸张多开的个数,减少纸张因裁切个数少而造成纸箱的单个成本增高。 纸箱计价面积的宽为 XYB,纸箱计价面积的长为该纸箱的(长宽0.06)20.04A,即A为纸箱计算面积的长,因此纸箱的面积为BAS

24、,即S为纸箱在计价时的面积。公式中的长、宽、高数量单位均为米(m) 公式中0.06代表了纸箱板在长和宽方向上的修边量为60mm,0.04为舌边,这两个值是只可增大,不能减小的数值。 三、计算实例: 现有客户要制作五层瓦楞纸箱,内径尺寸为(500mm310mm240mm)要求采用面纸为牛皮卡300克/高瓦180克(A/B楞)/芯纸180克普瓦/里纸280克茶板纸,试计算该纸箱价格。机器设备卷纸幅宽为1.6m.。 (1)纸箱的面积计算如下: 纸箱的宽:1.6(0.240.310.06)2 1.620.8 纸箱的长:(0.50.310.06)20.041.78m2 纸箱的面积为:1.780.8=1.

25、42 m2 (2)五层瓦楞纸箱箱板纸每平方米价为:7.63元(见一节第3条的计算) (3)纸箱的价格为7.631.4210.83元 箱隔板、填心板仿此法计算。 纸箱厂根据客户的实际需求量,如果需求量大,则可专门采用1.3m纸在1.6m的机器上制作,则纸箱价格又将降低许多,仍以上面算例计算如下: (0.310.240.06)21.22 则纸箱厂可以用幅宽为1.3m的原料做纸箱。 纸箱瓦楞纸板的计价宽为1.320.65 纸箱瓦楞纸板的计价长为(0.50.310.06)20.041.78 纸箱的面积S1.780.651.157 则该纸箱的价格为1.1577.638.83元 不同的箱型有不同的表面积,相同的箱型由于单片所含的纸箱侧面个数的减少而增大每一个纸箱的价格。 纸箱价格计算中纸的进价是变化的、出厂价系数是否合理、纸箱制造厂的设备能力怎么样,使用卷筒料的宽度是否与所制作的纸箱宽度相匹配等等将影响纸箱的价格。.最搀栀琀洀氀揀踁/Me前台访问/p-3051356.html180.97.35.890勈溥椀瀀栀琀洀氀揀鐀踁5Sqwap前台访问/d-1578403.html220.181.108.1170匀漀眀愀瀀瀀栀琀洀氀揀踁


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