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1、20xx-20xx学年度第二学期学校教学设计 教案说明:本教案注重了培优辅差及学困生的转化,注重学生的全面发展,教案环节齐全、内容详细,可以A4纸直接打印。 学 科 : ;任课班级 : ;任课教师 : ;20xx年 月 日六年级上册英语全册单元测试题姓名:_ 年级:_ 得分_人教版小学六年级上学期英语第一单元测试题一、读一读下列单词中的划线字母读音是否相同,相同请在括号中写“S”,不同写“D”。(12分)1、 peak beat ( ) 2、pig kite ( ) 3、thin dish ( ) 4、apple cake ( )二、看图片,选出正确的短语。(12分)2、A、go at a g

2、reen light B、stop at a red light2、A、turn right B、turn left ( )1、 B、by ship ( )2、A、turn right B、turn left ( )2、 B、by ship ( )3、 A、by bus B、by ship ( ) 三、选出下列单词中不同类的一项,把正确的答案填在左边的括号里。(15分)( )1、A、yellow B、rules C、red( )2、A、on foot B、by plane C、by way( )3、A、light B、stop C、go( )4、A、school B、China C、Canad

3、a( )5、A、fifth B、one C、fourth4、 圈出有拼写错误的单词或短语,并改正。(16分)1、 biek bus 2、by train by foot 3、grene red 4、 stop wiat绿 红 红 五、根据句子意思,填正确单词。(30)1. do you go to school ? I go to school foot.2. How you go to school? My home is . I go to school on foot, I by bike.4. We must know the . at a red light. at a yellow

4、 light. Go a light.5. I get to the park ? can get there bus.6. There are always three lights in every country: , and 六、阅读对话,判断对错。(15分)Zhang:Excuse me,how do we get to the Peoples Park Man: You can go there by the No.5 bus ,or you can go on foot.Zhang: How do we go on foot ? Man: Its easy. Turn left

5、at the traffic lights. The park is near a tall office building. John: Thank you very much. Hurry up, Zhang Peng! Zhang: No! The light is red. Stop!John: Thats right. We have to wait. Zhang: Now its green. Lets go!(1) John and Zhang Peng cant go to the park by the No.5 bus.( )(2) John and Zhang Peng

6、want to go to the park on foot.( ) (3)The Peoples Park is near the traffic lights.( ) (4 )John wants to go at a red light. ( ) (5) Zhang Peng follows the traffic rules. ( )PEP六年级(上)英语单元测试卷Unit 11、Write the words(写单词)10%2、Write the notes(看图,照样子标注)12%3、Read and choose(读句子,选择适当的内容填空)10%(1) How do (you/

7、 your) go to England?(2)My school is near my home. It is not (near/far).(3)Lets go to the bus stop (on/by) foot.(4) Our classroom is on the (two/second) floor.(5) See you (in/at) 9 oclock.4、Read and match(句子搭配)(10%) A. How do you go to the supermarket? a. Sure, if you like. B. Can I go on foot? b. I

8、ts near a fast food shop. C. Where is your home? c. I go there by the No. 15 bus. D. Look at the traffic lights. d. you can get there on foot. Its not far. E. How can I get to the bookstore? e. We must stop.5、Choose the right answer. 读句子,根据句子意思从A、B、C中选择正确的选项填空(10%)( )(1). How she go to the park? A.

9、is B. does C. do( )(2). We go to the USA . A. by ship B. buy ship C. at ship( )(3). If the traffic light is yellow, we must .A. go B. wait C. stop( )(4). In China, drivers drive the side of the road.A. on; left B. in; right C. on; right( )(5). We can go to school foot. A. by B. on C. in( )(6). at a

10、green light. A. Go B. Stop C.Wait( )(7). In England, drivers drive on the side of the road. A. right B. left ( )(8). 你告诉别人打算骑自行车去周游世界时,应该说:A. Im going to go around the world by car.B. Im going there by like.C. Im going to go around the world by bike.( )(9). 当你询问别人怎样去Australia时,应该说:A. Do you go to Au

11、stralia by plane.B. How do you go to Australia.C. Where is Australia?( )(10). It means . A. by bike B. no bikes6、Finish the sentences(阅读理解并填空)(14%)rules, go, lights, sometimes, by, wait, RedI am a university students. I like reading. Every week, I to Xin-hua Bookstore. Usually I go there bus, but I

12、go by bike. I know the traffic are the same in every country. Means stop. Yellow means and green mean go. But some traffic are different. In Australia, people go on the left side of the road, but in China we go on the right side. If you go to Australia, remember it.PEP小学六年级第二单元试题笔试部分(60分)六、选出划线部分读音不

13、同于其他三个的单词。(5分)( )1. A. book B. food C. school D. too( )2. A. seven B. very C. get D. remember( )3. A. find B. bike C. cinema D. side( )4. A. play B. way C. plane D. traffic( )5. A. west B. left C. next D. excuse七、英汉互译。(5分)邮局 science museum 电影院 交通规则 右边 左边 医院 在哪儿里 请 到达 八、选择填空。(10分)( )1. How she go to

14、the park? A. is B. does C. do ( )2. We go to the USA . A. by ship B. buy ship C. at ship( )3. You can go straight _ five minutes. A. on B. for C. at ( )4. The Science Museum is near the school _the right. A. on B. at C. in ( )5. Please come to my _ birthday party. A. twelve B. twelfth C. two ( )6. -

15、 Is there a cinema near your home? - _ A. Yes, there isnt. B. Yes, there is. C. No, there is. ( )7. Walk straight _ five minutes. A. at B. of C. for ( )8.If the traffic light is yellow, we must . A. go B. wait C. stop ( )9. I want _ a pair of shoes. A. buy B. buys C. to buy ( )10. Turn right _ the s

16、chool, then go _. A. of, straight B. at, straight C. in, straight 九、 把下列单词组合成正确的句子。(10分)1. foot ,on, go , school , usually , I ,to . 2. please, is, the, where, hospital ,?3. can, get, how, museum, I, to, the, science ?4. cinema , the , is , it , north of . 5. do ,how ,go , to , school , you ?十、用所给词的

17、适当形式填空。(10分)1、Is there a cinema near here?肯定回答:_2、My home is near the post office.对划线部分进行提问:_3、Im going to buy a pair of shoes after school.对划线部分进行提问:_4、Its next to the hospital.用cinema进行提问:_5、You can go to bookstore by No.18 bus.对划线部分进行提问:_十一、句子搭配。(10分) I II( )1. How do you go to the supermarket? A

18、. Sure, if you like.( )2. Look at the traffic lights. B. Its near a fast food shop.( )3. Where is your home? C. I go there by the No. 15 bus.( )4. Can I go on foot? D. you can get there on foot. It s not far.( )5. How can I get to the bookstore? E. We must stop.十二、阅读短文,判断对错。(对的在题前括号中写T,错的写F)(10分)Liu

19、: Excuse me. Where is the ZhongBai Supermarket(超市), please? Policeman: Its west of the hospital. Liu: Is it far from here? Policeman: Yes. Liu: How can I get there? Policeman: First, turn left and take the No.16 bus at the bus stop. Next, get off at the hospital. Then, cross(穿过) the street. Youll be

20、 in front of the post office. Liu: Thank you. Policeman: Youre welcome.( ) 1 .The post office is next to the supermarket.( ) 2 .The supermarket is west of the hospital.( ) 3 .Liu Yun goes to the supermarket on foot.( ) 4 .Liu Yun asks a policeman for help.( ) 5 .Liu Yun take the No. 16 bus at the bu

21、s stop. PEP小学英语六年级上册第三单元测试题一、写出所缺字母c_ _icbook n_ _spap_ _ _ _stca_d b_y aft_ _noon二、选择不同类的单词 (10%)( ) 1. A. need B. tomorrow C. next week D. today( ) 2. A. post office B. pet shop C. post card D. theme park( ) 3. A. CDB. post cardC. story book D. cake( ) 4. A. shop B. shoe C. hospitalD. supermarket(

22、 ) 5. A. train B. bus C. buy D. ship三、根据提示写出所缺单词 (5%)1、Where are you going this _ ?(o i n m r g n )2、Im going to the _.(b o k o r e s o t)3、What are you going to _ ?(y u b)4、Im going to buy a _(m i c o c) book.5、What are you _ to do ? (n i g o g)四、选出下面各组单词中划线部分字母读音不同的单词 (4%)( ) 1. A. path B. father

23、C. apple D. asking( ) 2. A. nut B. put C. thumb D. must( ) 3. A. supermarket B. sun C. run D. hungry( ) 4. A. can. B. family C. fat D. bathroom五、选择正确答案 (16%)( ) 1.What are you going to do this afternoon?A. Im going to buy a book. B. Im a student. C. I go to school by bike. D. Are you a teacher? ( )

24、2. Excuse me. Where is the library?A. Wheres the museum? B. Wheres the school?C. Wheres the hospital? D. Its next to the post office.( ) 3. Im going to buy an English book.A.Do you have comic book? B. What are you going to buy? C. This afternoon. D. Im going to plant trees.( ) 4. 当你去商店时,售货员通常首先会说: _

25、A. How are you ? B. What are you going to do?C. Are you a student? D. Can I help you ?( ) 5. Where are you going this afternoon?A. Im going to buy some comic books. B. Im going to the bookstore.C. Can I help you? D. Im going to visit my aunt.( ) 6. How do you go there?A. Im going to buy a magazine a

26、bout plants. B. By bus.C. Im fine. D. Im going to the shoe store.( ) 7._This afternoon? A. Where are you going B. What are you going to do C. When are you going D. Whats your name( ) 8. What are you going to buy? _ A. By a trin. B. Im busy. C. A book. D. Good idea.九、给下面的问题选择正确的答案。(10%)( )1. What are

27、 you going to do? A. By train.( )2. When are you going? B. Take a trip.( )3. Where are you going? C. Yes,I am.( )4. How do you go to the zoo? D. At 3 oclock.( )5. Are you going to use any books?E. Im going to Beijing. 十一、阅读理解,判断文后句子的正(T)误(F)(8%) My name is Amy. Tomorrow is Saturday. We have no class

28、es. My parents arent going to work, but we are going to be very busy tomorrow. My mother is going to buy something for next week. My father is going to visit my aunt and uncle. Im going to the bookstore by bus. Then Im going to buy a dictionary. Tomorrow evening we are going to visit my grandparents

29、 and have a big dinner. After that we are going to the cinema. I think we are going to have a nice weekend.( ) 1.Tomorrow is Saturday.( ) 2. Amys mother is going to buy something for next week.( ) 3.Amys father is going to visit his grandparents in the morning.( ) 4.Amy is going to play computer gam

30、es with his sister.( ) 5. Amy is going to the bookstore by bike.( ) 6. Tomorrow evening Amy is going to watch TV.( ) 7.Tomorrow evening they are going to the cinema.( ) 8. Amy is happy!六年级上学期英语期中考试题笔试部分(50)六、找出与其它三个不同的一项,将其字母填入题前的括号中。(10分)( )1. A. train B. plane C. go D. ship( )2. A. usually B. what

31、 C. sometimes D. Often( )3. A.library B. traffic C.hospital D.bookstore( )4. A. what B. who C. where D. white( )5. A. morning B. tonight C. tomorrow D. Straight七、情景对话,根据左边句子的意思从右边中选择合适的答语,将序号填在括号里( )1.How do you go to school? A. This afternoon( )2.Where is the library? B.Im going to the cinema.( )3.

32、 Is it far from here? C. Its near the post office.( )4.What are you going to do this evening? D . No, it isnt( )5.When are you going? E. I go to school on foot.八、选择填空(每小题1分,10分)( )1.I go to school _foot.A.by B.on C.to( )2.Where _ the cinema? 新|课 |标 |第 |一| 网A.are B.is C.am( )3.What are you _ to do?A.

33、go B.going C.to go( )4.The cinema is _ to the hospital.A.next B.to C.in( ) 5. 当你想知道对方打算做什么,,应该怎么问:( )A. What are you going to do ? B. What do you do ?( ) 6 当你不知道医院在哪儿,,应该问: ( )A. Where is the hospital, please ?B. How can I get the cinema, please?( )7. _can we get there? 新 课 标第 一 网A.What B. How C Whe

34、re( )8. Turn left _ the bookstore.A.on B.at C with( )9._, where is the post office?A.Excuse me B.Sorry C.Thank you( )10.I want _ a new book. xKb 1. ComA.buy B.to buy九、连词成句。(每题2分,共10分)1.How , I , go , to , can , school ,?2. at bookstore left Turn the3. When , going , are , you , ?4. What , going , ar

35、e , to , do , you , ?5.school , by , I , go , to , bike Usually .十、阅读理解(十分)新 课 标 第 一 网Today is Friday. Im going to the supermarket this afternoon. Im going to buy some food and a comic book. Tomorrow morning I m going to Guangzhou for a trip. Im going there by train. Im going to read my new comic bo

36、ok on the train. The day after tomorrow Im going to Kunming by plane from Guangzhou. In Kunming , Im going to see folk dances and eat snack. Ill be very happy this holiday.( ) 1. Im going to take a trip next Friday.( ) 2 Im going to buy some food and a comic book tomorrow.( ) 3. Im going to Guangzhou by train this morning.( ) 4. Im going to Kunming by plane.( ) 5. Im going to see modern dances in Kunming.Unit1-3综合复习题一、找出与其它三个不同的一项,将其字母填入题前的括号中。 ( )1. A. train B. plane C. go D. ship( )2. A. usually B. what C. sometimes D. often( )3. A.library


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