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DZ 23-1983 地质勘探水泥物理检验方法.pdf

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2、GvF2Tg=2017,新编,人教版,历史,年级,上册,期中,测试690153d906b7c0ba983f2c7ff5e2a204伀埈ths3141590001200001可研报告20181108102244578848?0鋵垈/(錀匀伀!錀蠂錀錀讀缁缀伒饙螏頀h萀椀笂崃贃趃贃鼃琀瑎顎搀漀挀瀀椀挀最椀昀琀瑎顎搀漀挀尀尀昀挀攀挀挀愀戀昀愀攀搀挀戀攀刀唀儀甀欀唀眀挀甀一圀洀匀攀樀愀瘀眀夀稀甀堀挀攀渀眀琀眀最栀儀琀琀顎搀挀挀愀戀戀愀昀挀愀戀栀攀昀X最琀栀猀讇耀舀(|Unit9 When was he born? Section B(1a-2c)Learning Goals:In this lesso

3、n we mainly learn how to talk about famous people by using adverbial clauses with when questions. We get to know more about many famous people and learn from their lives and ideas. We also learn how to tell our life experience. PreviewHave a competition between boys and girls一、Put the following into

4、 English orally.1.天才的_ 2.去滑冰_ 3.巡游美国_ 4.成为一名滑冰冠军_5.一位著名的小提琴家_ 二、Put the following into Chinese.1. an outstanding person _ 2.start ice skating _ 3.be kind to_ 4.She toured the US when she was fourteen._5. I saw her play when I was eight._(设计意图:本部分由于短语和生词不多,所以我们可以采用竞赛形式,既活跃了气氛,同时又检测学生的预习效果,及时发现学生学习中的难

5、点加以突破。这样教师可以更有针对性地教,学生可以更有针对性的学。)Lead in1. Show some pictures of famous people on the slides and ask them: T: Who is he/she? Ss: He is Liu Dehua. T: What is he like? S : He is outstanding, unusual and famous. Have a competition between boys and girls. Those who can describe them more quickly and cor

6、rectly are winners.2.Talk about who they admire most and the reason( they can speak Chinese sometimes).(设计意图:通过图片的方式让学生讨论这些明星们,更加直观,形象和引发学生的兴趣,。同时抛出一个话题:你最钦佩谁,这是本课的主要话题)Presentation Now come to 1a.Look at these people and write one or two words to describe the person2.2b Groupwork. Imagine they know

7、 the people in the pictures above.Tell your group about the people like this:A:Arthur is a loving grandfather. He spends all his free time with his grandson.(设计意图:本环节通过图片展示的方式让学生先用简单的一个或两个词来描述每个人物,然后再用句子,逐步加深,通过这种方式展示新句型,学生接受起来会比较轻松。)While-listening activities1. Listening for the general idea.Tell t

8、he Ss that two people are talking about something . Ask the Ss to listen to their conversation and find out:What are they talking about ?_A. They are talking about people they admire.B. They are talking about Laura.C. They are talking about their favorite movie stars.2. Listening for the specific id

9、eas(1)Ask the Ss to listen again and write “M”(for Midori) or “L”(for Laura) on the lines1. She is a famous violinist. M2. She was born in 1971. M3. She started ice skating when she was four. L4. I saw her play when I was eight. M5. Shes kind馍瑔癸骉鸀乎煬豑乎煬豑卖馍瑔癸骉湛稀吀顎薘骉虛卖馍葥瑔癸屝葏蕶脰豬蹵卖馍瑔癸癓蒑豧鹗啧詷筞譼驒鹛馍瑔癸葺葶瑾癸靓葟祔龘馍蝵坥栰豨扎詷神腲慷讉屝饿魣馍馍瑔轺葎馍瑾葎癸饿葒瑔馍瑔葴鍶


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