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1、_学年度第一学期期末考试初二年级英语试题 知识运用(共70分)三、单项选择。(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并写在答题纸上。21. If you want to be healthier, you must eatjunk food, I think.A. more B. less C. fewer D. many22.You will not know every detail about this bookyou finish reading it carefully.A. unlessB. if C. when D.

2、 after23. Please cutthe bananasmall pieces.A. up, to B. up, intoC. off, to D. off, into24. -My parentsme to get better grades next term. -You can do it if you work hard.A. hope B. forget C. expect D. give25. Basketball is so popular a game in the world thatpeople play it for fun and exercise.A. mill

3、ion of B. millions C. millions of D. two millions of26. -Could I borrow your CD player? -, but you will have to return it tomorrow.A. No problem B. Im sorry C. Im not sure D. I hope so27. Which of the following is NOT Flossies nickname?A. Luckless Monster B. Scaredy CatC. Nessie D. Landlubber28. Whi

4、ch do you think is the real reason that Brother left his new trainers on the bus?A. He was too careful.B. He wanted to make his mom angry.C. He didnt want to make the room too noisy any more.D. He might believe the story that his new trains were alive.29. In Blackbones Saves the School, which of the

5、 following descriptions show the rudeness of Mr. Blackbones?a. Suddenly the door flew open.b. The new teacher strode in.c. He had a black patch over one eye and a sword at his belt.d. His beard hung in thick dark curls.e. He sat down on top of his desk.f. He kicked off his black boots.h. He was mend

6、ing the hole in his sock.A. abch B. acdfC. abef D. abeh30. In The Big Chance, on one dared to complain about the tea because.A. they loved the tea lady so muchB. they were terrified of the tea ladyC. they wanted to win the football matchD. they were so friendly to each other四、首字母填空(共6分,每小题1分)In the

7、English class, weve been reading Number the Stars recently.The b31of the story was a running competition between two girls. However, the happy atmosphere suddenly changed because two German soldiers a 32. It was d 33for Jews to live in Denmark, so their friends helped them to escape to Sweden. The b

8、ook provides us a chance to take a closer look at World War II from childrens perspective, and how war made a little girl g 34up and overcome difficulties. It is educational for teenagers like us, for it teaches us how to be b 35and how to fight with fear. War is cold. War is cruel. We long for p 36

9、in the depth of our heart.五、阅读理解(共30分,每小题2分)AInvitation to a Going-away PartyThursday, 19 MarchDear Joy and Mary, You are invited to a good-bye party for the “GREEN FAMILYS VISIT TO AFRICA”Date to leave: 4 MayThe best part of our big adventure to Africa will be when we come face-to-face with, elepha

10、nts, lions, crocodiles and other African wildlife. We have always wanted to do this.Party given by: Mr. and Mrs. Green, Tom and JohnDate: Saturday, 9 April 2009Time: 5:00Place: 29 King Street, New Town, SydneyReply by: Tuesday, 5 April Phone: 64589156Food and drinks will be provided at the party.P.S

11、. This event is NOT to be missed! We hope to see you there!37. Who is the invitation sent to?A. Joy and Mary.B.Mr. and Mrs. Green.C. Joy only. D. Mary only.38. When are the Greens going to leave for Africa?A.5 April. B. 9 April. C.4 May. D. we dont know.39. How many days earlier should be invitation

12、 be replied before the party at least?A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Seven.BHow long would it take you to read a dictionary?Do you like reading? Do you have trouble finding a novel that takes your interest? What do you think of following Ammon Sheas example and starting reading a dictionary? Mr.Shea

13、owns over 1,000 dictionaries and he likes to read them for fun. He recently spent a year reading all 20 different kind of dictionaries. The dictionary contains(包括) more than 20,000 pages and over 59 million words. As he read from A to Z, he noted down interesting words in a notebook. This includes w

14、ords such as happify, meaning to make someone happy, and tripudiate which means to dance, skip or leap for joy. Mr.Shea also kept a diary about his experience which has been turned into a best-selling book. Why did he do this? He says it was fun: “Ive always enjoyed reading dictionaries, they are fa

15、r more interesting than people give them credit for (给他们的赞扬). Im not against big words or fancy or obscure words, but I should use them because they should also be used,” he said. In fact, as a result of reading so many words, Mr.Shea often forgot his everyday vocabulary. He wrote, “My head was so f

16、ull of words that I often had trouble forming simple sentences.”Mr.Shea is not alone in his love of reading dictionaries. Elaine Higgleton, a representative of Collins Coluild dictionaries, said that thousands of crossword and Scrabble fans (拼字游戏迷) read dictionaries for fun and to improve their game

17、. Ms.Higgleton did however note that, “Its probable not the best way to learn English, and youd learn more than you need.” It is not known how many of the 59 million words Mr.Shea has remembered but he has certainly made history with his hobby. (2010 通州初三模考C篇)40. Mr. Shea is interested in _. A. coll

18、ecting novels B. reading dictionaries C. selling good books D. remembering big words 41. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. Mr.Shea thought that big words should be used. B. It can make you pleased to read a few dictionaries. C. The writer also does well in reading dictionar

19、ies. D. Reading dictionaries is the best way to learn English. 42. Mr. Shea read the dictionary because.A. he often forgot his everyday vocabularyB. it provided him with much funC. he expected to get praise from othersD. learning big words benefited him a lot43. What is probably the best title for t

20、he passage? A. How do you think of reading dictionaries? B. Reading dictionaries and improving games.C. For your interest, read a dictionary! D. Why not try to read a dictionary?CHow do you feel when you have to make a speech in front of class? What about when you go to a birthday party? Do you get

21、really shy?Shyness means feeling nervous or frightened when youre around other people. Experts have found that more than 80 percent of middle school students feel afraid to be the center of attention. Some kids are born shy. Some become shy later because of their life experiences. Its OK if it takes

22、 you a while to feel yourself again when you go to a new place or meet new people. In fact, everybody gets a little shy sometimes. Its just a case of how much.Most people have red faces and talk in broken sentences when they get shy. But some become so shy that they wont go to a restaurant because t

23、hey are too nervous to order and pay for their food. Some are afraid of meeting new people, so they seldom go outside. This kind of shyness can be bad for a person.If shyness doesnt stop you from doing something you want to do, being shy isnt a very big problem. Some experts say shy people are cleve

24、rer because they think more and talk less. Shy people are also good at working with others because they think more for other people. Some great people in history were shy, too. You see, being shy isnt all bad. But remember not to let good opportunities pass by just because of it! If you have to sing

25、 a song at a birthday party or practice your spoken English in front of others, just do it! Theres nothing to be afraid of. 44. The underlined phrase “to feel yourself again” in the third paragraph means “_”.A. to find oneself B. to be oneselfC. to enjoy oneself D. to help oneself45. What kind of sh

26、yness can be bad according to the passage?A. You find it hard to enjoy yourself at a party.B. You feel a little nervous when you go to a new place.C. You seldom go outside, afraid of meeting new people.D. You have a red face when youre asked to answer a question in class.46. If you have to make a pr

27、esentation in English class, _.A. try to get rid of shyness and perform as well as you canB. just let the chance pass byC. youd better ask someone to help youD. tell your teacher youre too shy to do that47. We can infer from the passage that_.A. kids are all born shyB. you cant change yourselfC. shy

28、 people can also be successfulD. shy people are not good at working othersDWhen she turned ten, my daughter decided I was no longer good enough to provide input on anything useful. Then, in high school she took a parenting class. “Mum, I need your idea,” she told me. “What are the skills you need to

29、 be a good parent?” she asked, pencil pointed over her homework. Skills? Id always thought of parenting as requiring patience, understanding and kindness. And I was pretty sure those were characteristics, not skills. “Hang on, I know this one,” I told her, thinking fast. Looking at the wall calendar

30、, I noted that my next seven days included two appointments (约会), 20 minutes each, three forms to hand in at two different schools and a cover for the pool to pick up. “Organizational (组织的) skills,” I answered. “It also helps if you can driveand have the ability to be in two places at once.”“Got it,

31、” she said. “What else?”I thought about the school year: school fees, class pictures, running shoes. Not to mention weekly shoppingthe bill for which was growing as fast as the kids. “Financial (理财的) skills,” I said. “Youll have to plan your moneyespecially if you end up with two birthdays in one pa

32、y period. You must be good at math, too.”“Money and math make sense,” she said. “Anything more?” “You also need a good memory,” I continued. “At any given time, you may remember birthdays, names of people and who likes apples or who cant stand grape juice.” I talked and talked. My daughters pencil m

33、oved quickly as she tried to keep up with what I was saying. Her homework finally finished. My daughter told me about a new parenting-skill project. “Were getting dolls programmed to cry from time to time. We have to keep them with us all the time and take care of them. Its to show us how hard it is

34、 to be a parent.”I thought if students would come up with a doll that throws things around and shouts at the top of its voice, that might give them an idea of the patience, understanding and kindness that parenting requires. (2008朝阳二模B篇)48. The daughter asked her mother for advice because _. A. she

35、was interested in the topic B. she wanted to be a parent herself C. she was not happy at home D. she had to finish her homework 49. The mother first talked about _. A.patience B. kindness C.organizational skills D.good memory 50. The following statements are wrong according to the passage EXCEPT.A.

36、The daughter took a parenting class because she thought her mother was no longer goodB. The daughter took down notes carefully while her mother talked about her opinionsC. The mother was sure that good parenting required some skillsD. The new parenting-skill project asked the students to take dolls

37、that can shout and throw things around.51.What did the mother think of the parenting-skill project? A.Excellent. B.Good. C.Not perfect. D.Very bad.六、翻译句子(共14分,每小题2分)52.尽管我们能让机器人像人类一样移动,但很难让他们像人类一样真正地思考。53.然而,我仍然很愿意帮你分担任何聚会的准备工作,例如策划游戏。54.最好不要逃避我们的问题。55.巴黎(Paris)博物馆因许多著名的雕塑而闻名。56. Jenny可以在五分钟内看得出来一个人

38、是否适合这份工作。57. The islands scenery is breath-taking.58. The formation of a childs personality is strongly affected by his family and friends.七、书面表达。(共10分)新年伊始,寒假临近。相信除了回顾过去成长中的收获外,你也更期待即将到来的新的一年。请结合自身实际情况,以“My New Years Resolutions”为题,写一篇不少于50词的文章,对你未来一年的学习及生活进行规划。至少含有3点规划,且每条规划包括整体计划和具体安排。提示词语:improv

39、e, effort, make resolutions, plan to 注意:1、文中不能出现真实人名、地名。 2、请在答题纸方框内书写。北大附中2015-2016学年度第一学期期末考试答案2016.1三、单选选择22-30BABCC ACDCB四、首字母填空31. beginning 32. appeared 33. dangerous34. grow 35. brave 36. peace五、阅读理解37-39 ACC40-43BABD44-47BCAC48-51DCBC六、翻译句子52. Although we can make robots move like human, but

40、it will be difficult to make them really think like human.53. However, I still would like to help you with any party preparation, like planning the games.54. It is best not to run away from our problems.55.Paris Museum is famous for many sculptures.56. It only takes Jenny 5 minutes to tell whether a person is suitable for the job.57.这个岛屿的景色让人屏息。58. 一个孩子性格的养成被他的家庭和朋友强烈影响着。七、作文(省略)9 / 9


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