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1、Current Release NumberStd. Revision LevelNameIdentifierEngineering Standard NumberPARTICLE,MAGNETICINSPECTION SPECIFICATION(TEST METHOD)16048Page 1 of 10015992020-095EngineeringStandardsCUMMINS CONFIDENTIALThis document (and the information shown thereon) is CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY and shall no

2、t be disclosed to others in hard copyor electronic form, reproduced by any means, or used for any purpose without written consent of Cummins Engine Company, Inc.1.ScopeThis standard covers the equipment and material used for magnetic particle inspection, commonlycalled Magnaflux and Magnaglo, and th

3、eir operational control. It applies to the detection ofcracks, seams and other surface or near surface defects in magnetic material such as cast iron andsteel.2.Applicable DocumentsApplicable documents listed below may be obtained from the respective organizations listed inCES 10054, Standard Organi

4、zation Addresses.a.ASTM D86-62, Test Methodb. ASTM D93-62, Test Methodc.ASTM D130-65, Test Methodd. ASTM D156-64, Test Methode.ASTM D445-65, Test Methodf.CES 10054, Standards Organization Addressesg. CES 10056, General Glossary3.DefinitionsThere are no unique definitions in this standard. Terms used

5、 in this standard that have a generaldefinition for usage in Cummins Engineering Standards are defined in CES 10056, GeneralGlossary.4.Specification4.1. Equipment4.1.1. Circular or Longitudinal MagnetizationMagnetic particle inspection equipment must be capable of providing both circular andlongitud

6、inal magnetization and may be either: Stationary or automatic magnetizing equipment with D.C. or rectified A.C. currentcapableof providinga headshot (circular magnetization) orcoil shot (longitudinal magnetization),or both, as specified in the Inspection Standard for various components. The

7、ratio of the partdiameter (diagonal major dimensions perpendicular to length) to coil diameter should not begreater than one to ten.Current Release NumberStd. Revision LevelNameIdentifierEngineering Standard NumberPARTICLE,MAGNETICINSPECTION SPECIFICATION(TEST METHOD)16048Page 2 of 10015992020-095En

8、gineeringStandardsCUMMINS CONFIDENTIALThis document (and the information shown thereon) is CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY and shall not be disclosed to others in hard copyor electronic form, reproduced by any means, or used for any purpose without written consent of Cummins Engine Company, Inc.

9、. Multiple-directional magnetizing equipment, similar to “Duovec” (Trademark ofMagnaflux Corp). This equipment utilizes an alternate application of a longitudinal and circularmagnetic field to the part being inspected. The applicability of multiple-directional equipment is dependent upon sev

10、eralvariables,and someof those variables areinter-related. However,thereare afewgeneral rules thatmight be helpful in determining the applicability of multiple-directional equipment. These are asfollows: Part characteristics which are not conducive to inspection by the multiple-directional

11、 method:a.Highly polished or plated surfacesb. Highly retentive materialc.Subsurface discontinuitiesd. Poor l/d ratio4. Part characteristics which are conducive to inspection by the multiple-directionalmethod:a.Moderately rough surface finishb. Slightly or moderately retentive materialc.Surf

12、ace type discontinuitiesd. Good l/d ratio (say 10 or greater) Because of differences between multiple-directional equipment and equipmentutilizing separate head and coil shots, which include different magnetizing ampere values,necessity to balance field intensities, and lower average inten

13、sity of indications with multiple-directional equipment, a review of technical literature and consultation with the equipmentmanufacturer should be performed prior to its application to machined parts or parts longer than 20inches (508 mm).4.1.2. Magnetizing Current (Amperes) The amperes and

14、 ampere turns specified in Cummins Inspection Standards formagneticparticleinspectionareforequipmentutilizingfullwaverectifiedthreephaseA.C.currentwiththemagnetizingcurrentmeasuredbyaconventionalD.C.meterindicatingtheaveragecurrentof the entire cycle.Current Release NumberStd. Revision LevelNameIden

15、tifierEngineering Standard NumberPARTICLE,MAGNETICINSPECTION SPECIFICATION(TEST METHOD)16048Page 3 of 10015992020-095EngineeringStandardsCUMMINS CONFIDENTIALThis document (and the information shown thereon) is CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY and shall not be disclosed to others in hard copyor electroni

16、c form, reproduced by any means, or used for any purpose without written consent of Cummins Engine Company, Inc. Magnetic Particle Inspection4. Equipment can vary considerably as to type of magnetizing current. Following aretypes of currents that could be encountered:a.Full Wave Rect

17、ified AC - Three Phaseb. Full Wave Rectified AC - Single Phasec.Half Wave Rectified ACd. Single Phase Alternating Current (AC)e.Three Phase Alternating Current (AC)f.Direct Current (DC) - Batteries4. Technical literature should be reviewed and consultation should be made with theequipment ma

18、nufacturer to determine equivalent current settings required on equipment beingused to meet the requirements of various 16000 Series Inspection Standards. For magneticparticleinspection equipment,suchas that manufacturedby DenishijikiIndustry Co., Ltd., (Tokyo, Japan), which utilizes half wa

19、ve rectified single phase A.C. current formagnetization, with a meter indicating peak current, the amperes specified in CumminsInspections Standards must be multiplied by 3.14 to obtain the approximate equivalentmagnetization. Mathematical conversion of amperage values specified in Cummins I

20、nspectionStandards for application of multiple-direction equipment is not practicable. The following guidelines should be observed in setting up multiple-directionmagnetic particle inspection equipment:Table 1: Example of Conversion of Cummins Specified AmperesHead ShotCoil ShotCummins Inspe

21、ction Standard(Full wave rectified threephase A.C. current)1600 amp (mean)3000 ampere turnsConverted (Half wave recti-fied single phase A.C. cur-rent)5020 amp (peak)(3.14 x 1600)9420 ampere turns(3.14 x 3000)Current Release NumberStd. Revision LevelNameIdentifierEngineering Standard NumberPARTICLE,M

22、AGNETICINSPECTION SPECIFICATION(TEST METHOD)16048Page 4 of 10015992020-095EngineeringStandardsCUMMINS CONFIDENTIALThis document (and the information shown thereon) is CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY and shall not be disclosed to others in hard copyor electronic form, reproduced by any means, or used fo

23、r any purpose without written consent of Cummins Engine Company, Inc. Part to be inspected should be clamped between the head. Centerline of part shouldcoincide with centerline of coils. Coils should be positioned as close to part as possible (allowing adequate space foreasy inse

24、rtion and removal of part). For the best results, it is desirable to have the ends of the partactually extend into the respective coils. If the laminated head and tailstock extensions are beingused, the ends of the laminations (farthest from part) should extend slightly into the coils. Mag

25、netizing fields should be balanced.Under balanced conditions, the fieldintensities should produce comparable indications in both directions (longitudinal and transverse).If the fields are very much out of balance, the weaker field may not be capable of overcoming theresidual effects of the stronger

26、field. Hence, sensitivity might be greatly reduced in the directionassociated with the weaker field.The procedure to be followed in balancing the magnetic fields will be dependent upon theavailability of parts containing typical defects (in both directions) and past experience on similarparts (estab

27、lished current settings for both head and coil shots). The following procedures aresuggested:a.When parts containing typical defects are available:Defective part should be clamped between heads.Coils should be positioned according to previous instruction.Thesingleshot current requirements(forbothhea

28、dandcoil shots)shouldbedeterminedby using the continuous method and viewing the indications.Inspect defective parts by the multiple-directional method using the continuous methodand the previously determined single shot current settings.In the event that any of the indications are weak, advance the

29、appropriate tap switch onetap at a time until the desired results are obtained.b. When only current settings (single shot) specified in Cummins Inspection Standards forparts are available:The tap switches should be set on tap higher than the tap settings which correspond tothe established single sho

30、t current settings.Current Release NumberStd. Revision LevelNameIdentifierEngineering Standard NumberPARTICLE,MAGNETICINSPECTION SPECIFICATION(TEST METHOD)16048Page 5 of 10015992020-095EngineeringStandardsCUMMINS CONFIDENTIALThis document (and the information shown thereon) is CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPR

31、IETARY and shall not be disclosed to others in hard copyor electronic form, reproduced by any means, or used for any purpose without written consent of Cummins Engine Company, Inc.4.2. Material Approval4.2.1. Approval ProcessAll materials purchased for use under this standard must be approved by the

32、 Materials Laboratory,the NDT Laboratory and the Medical Department of Cummins Engine Company, Inc., or itsaffiliates before shipment of material. There shall be no changes in their composition or brandname without notice and approval by the Materials Laboratory.4.2.2. Approved MaterialTable 2: Powd

33、ersNameSupplierMagnaflux Powder No. 7C BlackMagnafluxMagnaflux Powder No. 9C RedMagnafluxMagnaglo Powder No 14AMagnafluxMagna Rite FY-64005Denshijiki Industry Co., Ltd. Tokyo,JapanLY-1500 PowderKomoroLY-2300L PowderJapan Drop ForgeTable 3: OilsNameSupplierCarrier IIMagnafluxShell Insecticide Base Co

34、de 81516Shell Oil CompanyApco 467 & Apco 467 (Deodorized)Anderson Prichard, Inc.Camsol 467Commerce Industrial Chem. Inc.Factopure T30Standard Oil CompanyCurrent Release NumberStd. Revision LevelNameIdentifierEngineering Standard NumberPARTICLE,MAGNETICINSPECTION SPECIFICATION(TEST METHOD)16048Page 6

35、 of 10015992020-095EngineeringStandardsCUMMINS CONFIDENTIALThis document (and the information shown thereon) is CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY and shall not be disclosed to others in hard copyor electronic form, reproduced by any means, or used for any purpose without written consent of Cummins Engine

36、 Company, Inc.Sentry 7245Sentry Inc.Odorless KeroseneBritish Petroleum Ltd.Shell Ltd.Premium Grade KeroseneMobil Ltd.S-252Superior Products Co.140 SolventShell Oil Co. or equivalent productLOPS-DG-IPExxonMacco Inspection Fluid 225Witco Chemical Corporation; Metal TreatingChemicals DivisionTable 4: W

37、aterNameSupplierOrdinary Tap WaterTable 5: Wetting AgentsNameSupplierImmunol 438-5BHarry Miller CorporationWA-2BMagnafluxWA-4MagnafluxBC-600Tokushu Corp., Tokyo, JapanPlus LightJapanTable 3: Oils (Continued)NameSupplierCurrent Release NumberStd. Revision LevelNameIdentifierEngineering Standard Numbe

38、rPARTICLE,MAGNETICINSPECTION SPECIFICATION(TEST METHOD)16048Page 7 of 10015992020-095EngineeringStandardsCUMMINS CONFIDENTIALThis document (and the information shown thereon) is CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY and shall not be disclosed to others in hard copyor electronic form, reproduced by any means,

39、 or used for any purpose without written consent of Cummins Engine Company, Inc.4.3. Liquid Carrier for Magnaflux and Magnaglo Powders4.3.1. Oil BathThe liquid carrier should be a light well refined, colorless, petroleum distillate, treated for odorremoval, low in sulfur content and having a medium

40、to high flash point. Properties of oils formagnetic particle wet method are as follows:a.Viscosity, Kinematic at 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius) - 3 centistokesmaximum ASTM test method D-445-65.b. Flash Point, Tag Closed Cup - 140 degrees Fahrenheit (60 degrees Celsius) minimumASTM test

41、method D-93-62.c.Initial Boiling Point - 380 degrees Fahrenheit (193 degrees Celsius) minimum ASTM testmethod D-86-62.d. End Point - 500 degrees Fahrenheit (260 degrees Celsius) maximum ASTM test method D-86-62.e.Color, Saybolt Plus 25 ASTM test method D-156-64.f.Sulfur, Low Available - Must pass co

42、pper test ASTM test method D-130-65.g. Flourescene - noneunderultraviolet or Black Light. (This is arequirement for Magnaglocarrier only).4.3.2. Water BathOrdinary tap water is suitable. One of the following water conditioners must be added; Immunol438-5B, WA-4, WA-2B, BC-600. Recommended concentrat

43、ions are:a.Immunal 438-5B (Liquid) - 8 1/2 fluid ounces/gallon of waterb. WA-4 (liquid) - 1 1/3 fluid ounces/gallon of waterc.WA-2B (Powder) - 1 1/3 ounces/gallon of waterd. BC-600 - 3 percente.Plus Light - 2-5 percentf.The use of a water displacing preservative is required to protect parts from cor

44、rosion whena water bath is used.Preservative is to be applied after part has been inspected anddemagnetized.Current Release NumberStd. Revision LevelNameIdentifierEngineering Standard NumberPARTICLE,MAGNETICINSPECTION SPECIFICATION(TEST METHOD)16048Page 8 of 10015992020-095EngineeringStandardsCUMMIN

45、S CONFIDENTIALThis document (and the information shown thereon) is CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY and shall not be disclosed to others in hard copyor electronic form, reproduced by any means, or used for any purpose without written consent of Cummins Engine Company, Inc.4.3.2. Water Bath (Continued)g.

46、 Prior to converting from an oil bath to a water bath, the equipment manufacturer must becontacted and the equipment certified for water usage. Unit must be checked for adequateelectricalgroundingandmaterialsusedinunitsconstructionmustbecompatiblewithwaterto prevent corrosion.4.4. Operational Contro

47、l4.4.1. New Bath Preparation4.4.1.1. Clean unit thoroughly. Fill the tank with oil or water as required, note the number of gallons. Turn on pump motor and make sure agitation system is functioning properly. Weigh or measure Magnaglo or Magnaflux powder concentrate as follows

48、:a.Magnaflux 7C (Black) - 1 1/4 ounces/gallon of bathb. Magnaflux 9C (Red) - 1 1/4 ounces/gallon of bathc.Magnaglo 14A (Fluorescent) - 1/6 ounces/gallon of bathd. Denshijiki Magna Rite FY-6400S - .75-1.0 gram/liter of bath4.4.1.5. Oil BathAdd the premeasured Magnaglo or Magnaflux powder concentrate

49、into the oil bath at the pumpintake so that it will be quickly drawn into the pump and dispersed. Water Batha.Use of Immunol 438-5B - add the premeasured Magnaglo or Magnaflux powderconcentrate to the required amount of Immunol and mix well. Pour the Immunol-powderconcentrate mixture into th

50、e water bath at the pump intake.b. Use of WA-2B or WA-4 Water Conditioners - Add WA-2B or WA-4 water conditioner inthe recommended concentration to the water bath at the pump intake. Then add the pre-measuredMagnagloorMagnafluxpowderconcentratetothewaterbathatthepumpintake.Current Release NumberStd.


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