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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。工程/机械绘图员英文简历模板导语:简历对一个人的求职起着很大的作用,一份简历的美观度,整洁度等会影响到用人单位对其的的第一印象,那么如何能写好简历呢?今天小编就为大家整理了工程/机械绘图员英文简历模板,欢迎参考阅读!工程/机械绘图员英文简历模板Name: xxxhttp:At present location: nanhai national: the han nationalityThe registered permanent address locus: nanhai figure: 172 cm, 65

2、kgEducation backgroundGraduate school: jingmen collegeThe highest degree: college degree: no graduation date: the 2020-06-01Major one: mechanism process and equipment major 2:Language abilityLanguage: good EnglishMandarin level: excellent cantonese level: excellentJob objective and work experienceTa

3、lent type: ordinary jobApplied position: industrial/product design, electronics/electrical/semiconductor/instrumentation, engineering/mechanical draftsman:Term: the title: no titleJob type: full-time available date: a monthMonthly salary requirement: more than 20000 hope work areas: foshan foshan gu

4、angzhouWork experience:Company name: guangdong Iraq made pu electric appliance co., LTDStart-stop years: 2020-07The company properties: a sino-foreign joint venture by sector: communication/telecom/network equipmentIn the position of: ministerJob description: responsible for the development of new p

5、roducts, such as structure design, product development process of follow-up, product cost price, cost reduction plan proposal, new material experiment and adopted, the early market research and innovation technology development, the department personnel management, etc.【延伸阅读】如何撰写一页纸的英文简历In general,

6、most employers want a concise resume without a lot of extraneous information. They only spend seconds reviewing it, so the more compact it is the easier it will be for the hiring manager or recruiter to review.一般来说,大多数的雇主都希望收到一份简洁明了、无多余信息的简历。他们审阅的时间非常短,所以简历内容越紧凑明确就越能讨得HR喜欢。In addition, many employer

7、s use software to screen job application materials, so making sure your resume is focused on the job you're applying for will help you get chosen for an interview.除此之外,许多雇主还会利用软件来审查求职者的材料,所以保持简历的重点突出,职位针对性强绝对能够有利于被选进面试阶段。In some cases, a longer resume might be in order. For example, graphic desi

8、gners or visual artists might benefit from creating an illustrated resume, and academics, researchers, or long-time executives may need more than one page to capture the breadth of their experience. But, in general it's best to avoid overburdening busy recruiters with a resume that drags on and on.在某些情况下,稍长篇幅的简历也能达到整齐美观的效果。例如,图像设计师或视觉艺术家就能通过设计图文并茂的简历获得垂青,而专家学者们或是资深的行政主管还需要多于一页的篇幅以列明个人的研究经验。不过,总的来说还得尽量避免让招聘人员在一份冗长拖沓的简历上花费过多的精力。


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