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1、第十七 科普知与代技第二部分 第十七 科普知与代技一、基 累(默写本)名:1.机器_ 2.像, _ 3.个人算机_ 4. ,子算机_ 5. _ 6.无 ,收音机_ machine videoPC=personal computercomputerkeyboard radio 第十七 科普知与代技7.音机_ 8.磁,音_ 9.互网,因特网_ 10.(互网)网站_ 11.明,造_ 12.科学_ recorder tapeInternetwebsiteinvention science 第十七 科普知与代技13.技_ 14.机器人_ 15. _technologyrobot experiment第十

2、七 科普知与代技 :1.明,造_ 2.失_ 3.看_ 4.印刷_ 5.比,比_ invent fail showprintcompare 第十七 科普知与代技6.拉,拖_ 7.造,造成_ 8.推_pullcreatepush第十七 科普知与代技短:1.通收音机_ 2.出,射出_ 3.日日夜夜_ 4.运不正常,出毛病_ on/over the radio send up day and nightout of order第十七 科普知与代技5.引来,引,吸收_ 6.把分成_ 7.和解,化_ 8.由成,构成_ bring in divide into make upmake up of 第十七 科

3、普知与代技常用句子:1. 被用来做什么? 搜索信息,与朋友聊天,玩游,等等。_What are the computers used for?They are used for searching information, chatting with friends and playing games, and so on.第十七 科普知与代技2.随着科学技的展,多大的明改了我的生活。_3.随着 的展, 和手机广泛地用于人的生活中。_With the development of science and technology, our life has been changed by some

4、 great inventions.With the economical development, computers and mobile phones are widely used in peoples life.第十七 科普知与代技4.网上物在中学生中越来越流行。_5.有了 ,人的生活得更方便。_Shopping online becomes more and more popular among middle school students.With the help of the computer, peoples life becomes more convenient.第十七

5、 科普知与代技二、完形填空 We are now living in the 21st century.Is your classroom living in the 21st century, too? Tony is a student in Grade 8 at an American middle school.He was surprised when he saw his modern 1 on the first day of school. In Tonys classroom, there are many new electronics, like iPads. 第十七 科

6、普知与代技This semester, they will 2 the electronics to take notes, watch videos and do projects and homework.“Its 3 ,” said Tony.“I prefer using an iPad to work on math or other projects 4 my team members.” The school uses new technology in classrooms to help students see, hear, touch and sometimes expe

7、rience第十七 科普知与代技their tasks.“Technology is pretty common in most of our classrooms now,” the headteacher said. “Were trying to use technology to 5 the world to kids.It can bring the outside world in.” Science teacher Mr.Miller agrees.“It is a 6 way for students to know the outside world,” he said.第十

8、七 科普知与代技Mr.Miller now regards himself as a guide of learning 7 as a teacher.“If they have a question for me, I will try to teach them 8 to find the answers rather than tell them what the answers are,” he said. Dale, another student, loves technology. He was not really interested in class before, 9 n

9、ow he likes the classes very much.“It helps me use what I know about technology at school,” Dale said.“Most importantly, I 10 the classroom.This, of course, will help my study.”第十七 科普知与代技( ) 1.A.dormitory B.playground C.library D.classroom( ) 2.A.allow B.use C.want D.help( ) 3.A.boring B.relaxing C.

10、amazing D.disappointing( ) 4.A.on B.by C.at D.with( ) 5.A.open up B.look up C.put up D.call up( ) 6.A.wrong B.slow C.quick D.bad( ) 7.A.because of B.instead of C.according to D.thanks to( ) 8.A.why B.what C.when D.how( ) 9.A.but B.and C.or D.so( ) 10.A.stand B.hate C.enjoy D.dislikeDBCDACBDAC第十七 科普知

11、与代技三、 理解AThe Space Science Center The Space Science Center allows you to take a wonderful journey to a different world! Find out if youve got what it takes to go into space.See some real satellites(人造星) and learn a little rocket science.Ticket:21.00第十七 科普知与代技Our Earth At Our Earth, you can take a ti

12、me machine and experience a journey that will take you from the beginning of time to the unknown future of our planet.Afterwards you can cool down in a real rain storm.Ticket:18.50第十七 科普知与代技The Eden Project The largest greenhouses in the world can be found at the Eden Project.Explore all the relatio

13、nships(关系)between plants and people.Ticket:22.00第十七 科普知与代技World Life Discover the secrets of life itself at World Life.If youd like to see the worlds first 5D film showing a baby developing from the embryo(胚胎) to birth, look no further! You can also experience bungee jumping here.Ticket:19.95第十七 科普知

14、与代技( ) 1. If you want to see some real satellites, you can visit _.A.the Space Science Center B.Our Earth C.the Eden Project D.World Life( ) 2. If you would like to take a time machine, you should see Box _.A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4AB第十七 科普知与代技( ) 3. How much should he pay if Mr.Green wants to go to the Eden

15、Project and the Space Science Center?A.22.00. B.43.00. C.21.00. D.40.00.( ) 4. What can people know in Box 3? A.A little rocket science. B.The unknown future of our planet. C.The secrets of life itself. D.The relationships between plants and people.BD第十七 科普知与代技( ) 5. The writer wrote the passage to

16、_.A.encourage us to learn more about future B.introduce some attractionsC.explain some interesting facts D.show us some famous museumsB第十七 科普知与代技B Have you ever had dreams about building a robot? Or putting together a spaceship? Or even seeing your face made out of chocolate? Done.All you need is a

17、3-D printer! The possibilities of 3-D printing seem endless.All the user has to do is to design() an object on the computer and choose a material(材料) to print第十七 科普知与代技in.The printers print in hundreds of different materials including glass, sugar and even skin! When the user presses “print”, the 3-

18、D printer spreads the material layer() by layer and like magic the object is produced. The first 3-D printer was invented in 1986 by an American, Charles Hull.But 3-D printing has only become cheap第十七 科普知与代技enough recently for most people to use.Designers now use 3-D printing to create unusual thing

19、s.The Dutch artist Dirk Vander Kooj prints furniture made from old fridges.And doctors have used 3-D printing to print human body parts! The Telegraph reported in February that scientists from Cornell Medical College even printed a man-made ear. 第十七 科普知与代技But like a lot of new technologies, if 3-D p

20、rinting gets into the wrong hands, it can be dangerous.In 2011 a group of four men in the US used 3-D printing to produce ATM skimmers(提款机盗刷器).These were placed on an ATM and stole over $ 400,000 from users of the ATM.It is terrible to think that criminals like them might one day use a 3-D printer t

21、o print a gun.第十七 科普知与代技 But for better or for worse, 3-D printing has been put into use.In a few years, youll probably be wondering how you could ever live without your 3-D printer!第十七 科普知与代技( ) 6. _ invented the first 3-D printer.A.Charles Hull B.Dirk Vander Kooj C.A doctor called Cornell D.Four m

22、en in the US A第十七 科普知与代技( ) 7. What is the correct order for people to use a 3-D printer? a.Choose a proper material. B.Press the print button.c.The 3-D printer spreads the material. d.Use a computer to design an object.A.a-b-c-d B.d-a-b-cC.a-c-d-b D.d-c-b-a B第十七 科普知与代技( ) 8. The underlined word “ c

23、riminals ” in the fourth paragraph might mean “_” in Chinese. A.技 B.人 C.罪犯 D.用 ( ) 9. According to the passage, people have NOT yet produced _ with a 3-D printer.A.some furniture B.a man-made ear C.ATM skimmers D.a gun CD第十七 科普知与代技( ) 10. What does the writer think of the 3-D printer?A.It is necessa

24、ry only for our work. B.It is helpful but dangerous.C.It is too expensive for most people. D.It is useless in our daily life. B第十七 科普知与代技C配 。左是5个人的相关信息,右是7个APP的介。根据5个人的情况他 最需要的APP。( ) 11.Li Hua is a college student.He is learning English.He needs to look up some words. ( ) 12.Betty is a housewife.Sh

25、e hopes that her family can have healthy food.She hates GMOs (基因食品).CF第十七 科普知与代技( ) 13.Tina is a businesswoman.She often has to eat outside.Sometimes she is too busy to find some restaurants. ( ) 14.Tom has to take the bus to work.He needs to know the bus times of the bus near his home.( ) 15.Susan

26、loves fashions.She is a DJ.She needs some DJ music.AGD第十七 科普知与代技A.OpenTable helps people choose restaurants when they want to go out to eat.It is a free service that shows users restaurant availability based on where and when they want to dine(用餐).B.FreekyFace overlays funny eyes and mouths on top o

27、r your friends face, using your iPhones camera.It is as easy as point, shoot and LAUGH!第十七 科普知与代技C. Chinese English DictionaryEnglish to Chinese & Chinese to English dictionary & TranslatorIt includes more than 750K words and expressions.Easy to use, fast, works offline.D.DJ Free provides a lot of D

28、J music which is really exciting.You will be a great DJ if you have it.第十七 科普知与代技E.Fashion Shopping Mall is an interesting game.You can create your own shopping center and write your own mall story for free. F.Non-GMO Project Shopping is designed to support consumers right to know what is in our foo

29、d and in avoiding GMOs.Use this guide any time you shop.第十七 科普知与代技G.Reading Next Bus provides you with real-time or scheduled bus times for every stop in reading.You can also see every nearby bus route.There are live directions, too.第十七 科普知与代技四、短文填空(原) With the development of the mobile phone and th

30、e Internet, peoples can communicate with each other easily.At the same time, they also 1._ some problems to peoples life.More and more people become phubbings (低族).John is one of them.bring第十七 科普知与代技 Last Dragon-boat Festival, Johns family got 2._ to have a big dinner at his home.When they arrived a

31、t Johns home, Johns wife began to 3._ dinner.All the family sat together eating and drinking.But they didnt chat much with each other.Instead, all of them just took out their mobile phones 4._ iPads and concentrated on them.togethercookor第十七 科普知与代技They 5._ little around them, but only looked at thei

32、r “pets” whenever they had time.Everyone spent time sending messages, surfing the 6._ or sharing something with friends by QQ or WeChat (微信).7._ seemed that mobile phones and Ipads are everything to them.Even though Johns wife got everything ready for the meal and asked caredInternetIt第十七 科普知与代技them

33、 to enjoy it, they paid no 8._ to this.What a pity!Spending time with family is very 9._ to all of us.But it doesnt mean you only stay with them, you have to chat with them and do some activities 10._ them.So, I hope everyone can throw away your mobile phones or iPads and do something meaningful wit

34、h your family.attentionimportantwith第十七 科普知与代技五、(原)写合A.信息 仔 文章,并根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。 From the day Robert Adler invented the television remote control in the 1950s, people around the world have tirelessly searched for ways to get lazier.Although the day that a robot wakes you up, cleans your room and第十七 科

35、普知与代技walks your dog might still be twenty years off, they are surely going to go from the factory floor to your family room.On the cover of a scientific magazine, Bill Gates said “the Age of Robots” is coming. Whats behind this new age? Its partly a matter of technology.There are now a few different

36、 ways for第十七 科普知与代技robots to move around.They can walk or ride on wheels.Companies like Sony and General Electric are working on designs for small robots.Products like the Roomba, a robot that can be used to clean floors, are coming into peoples homes. Todays robot revolution(革命) is to make them for

37、 第十七 科普知与代技everyday use.Robots will do basic housework such as cleaning or gardening, or just help you have more fun on the basketball court.What makes a robot different from an ordinary machine is the ability to sense and make changes to the environment.For example, a floor-cleaning robot should be

38、 able to sense第十七 科普知与代技your scared cat and move out of the way. Todays computing ability is, for the first time, able to make machines that could “think”, at least in certain ways. However, there are also worries that robots will one day take the place of humans to be the master of the world.What w

39、ill the future be like? Lets wait and see!第十七 科普知与代技Information CardThe time the television remote control was invented 1.The person who said “the Age of Robots” is coming 2.The two companies that are trying to make small robots 3.The use of Roomba 4.The ability that makes a robot different from an

40、ordinary machine 5.in the 1950s Bill GatesSony and General Electricto clean floorsto sense and make changes to the environment第十七 科普知与代技B.面表达。你相信机器人代将会来 ?你就此写一篇短文。内容包括:1.如果可以有一个机器人,你希望它具哪些能力?什么?2.你 机器人会取代人成世界的主宰?什么?作文要求:1.不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出学校的真名称和学生的真姓名。2.句 ,数80左右。第十七 科普知与代技【写作指】第一步: : 文,一般在第二步:列提第一段:如果

41、可以有一个机器人,你希望它具哪些能力?什么?参考句型:(1)If I can have a robot, I hope it is able to because (2)Besides, I hope it can to 第十七 科普知与代技第二段:你 机器人会成世界的主宰?什么?参考句型:(1)In my opinion, its possible/impossible that robots will become the master of the world.(2)This is because Whats more, 第十七 科普知与代技第三步:列出主要的 、短和句型。1.能_ 2.

42、帮助某人做某事_3.做家/照孩子/提供医服_ be able tohelp sb (to) do sth.do housework/ look after the children/ offer medical serve第十七 科普知与代技4.忙于做_5.花 做_ 6.不必_7.明_第四步:运用and, or, so, because, but, first, then等接将以上要点成文章,注意句型多化。busy doing sth.spend time doing sth.needntinvent第十七 科普知与代技【整篇写作】_ If I can have a robot, I hope

43、 it is able to do all my housework for me because I am very busy with my study and I dont have much time for housework.Besides, I hope it can listen to me when I am unhappy or serve as a doctor when I am ill.第十七 科普知与代技_ In my opinion, its impossible for robots to become the master of the world.This is because man invented robots and robots need to be designed and operated by man.They may be able to “think” on their own but they can never be as smart as man.谢谢观看!


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