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1、课时训练.单词拼写1.You did wrong to your little sister,so you should (道歉)to her for your fault.答案:apologize2.After the earthquake broke out in that country,the people there were full of (悲伤).答案:sadness3.It is (明显的)that he is telling lies to us.答案:obvious4.Social (风俗)vary greatly from country to country.答案:c

2、ustoms5.Anyone cant enter her room without her (许可).答案:permission6.As we all know,AIDS and drug-taking are (世界性的)problems.答案:worldwide7.My mother (擦)the table with a damp cloth after dinner.答案:wiped8.The crops were (淹没)after the serious flood.答案:drowned9.Please (提醒)me that I must call him up before

3、noon.答案:remind10.He couldnt help (哭泣)at his mothers sudden death.答案:sweeping/crying.选词填空turn upkeep ones wordhold ones breathset offremind.of.apologize to . for .have fun withwipe away1.You should always ;otherwise no one will depend on you any longer.答案:keep your word2.The children are when they ar

4、e watching the wonderful cartoon.答案:holding their breath3.I couldnt find my watch for a long time,but one day it in a coat pocket.答案:turned up4.It is late now.We need to at once;otherwise we cant catch the last bus.答案:set off5.Give your child more opportunities to riddles(谜语)as a way of promoting hi

5、s thinking ability.答案:have fun with6.I have to you not being able to attend your wedding.答案:apologizeto;for7.Talking of the matter me the terrible experience when we worked together.答案:reminds;of8.The girl tears and went on with her sad story.答案:wiped away.句型转换1.A:I apologized to my teacher for bein

6、g late.B:I my teacher for being late.答案:made an apology to2.A:Since you promised,you mustnt break your word.B:Since you promised,you must .答案:keep your word3.A:Obviously,he is a reliable man.B:he is a reliable man.答案:It is obvious that4.A:I reminded him that he should go home early.B:I going home ea

7、rly.答案:reminded him of5.A:He doesnt like being played tricks on.B:He doesnt like .答案:being made a fool of.完成句子1.Marys classmates by telling her the party was called off.(fooln.)玛丽的同学们骗她说聚会取消了。答案:made a fool of her2.the gentleman is looking for something to help the homeless man.(obvious)很明显,这位绅士正在寻找

8、东西来帮助这个无家可归的人。答案:It is obvious that3.He for what they had done to him.(forgive)他原谅了他的朋友们对他所做过的一切。答案:forgave his friends4.The picture .(remind)这幅画让我们想起了一位中国古代诗人。答案:reminds us of an ancient Chinese poet5.You must .(apologize)让她等了这么久,你应该为此向她表示歉意。答案:apologize to her for keeping her waiting so long6.As w

9、e all know,he is a person who .(keep)我们都知道,他一向是信守诺言的人。答案:always keeps his word7.In some foreign countries,you are if you are invited to be a guest by a family.(expect)在一些外国国家,如果你被一个家庭邀请做客人,你应该按时到达。答案:expected to arrive on time8.If you wish to invite a friend over to visit,you must first .(permission

10、)如果你想邀请朋友拜访,首先你必须征得你主人的同意。答案:ask your host for permission9.The teacher told us .(breath)老师让我们停下来喘口气。答案:to stop and take a breath10.We will .(set)我们打算明天去工厂。答案:set off for the factory tomorrow.七选五DifferentCulturesThe cultures of the East and the West really distinguish each other a lot.1The origin of

11、the Eastern culture is mainly from two countries:China and India.Both of the two cultures are developed by riversthe Yellow River in China and the Hindu River in India.2When the two mother rivers gave birth to the Eastern culture,another famous culture was brought up on the Mesopotamian Plainthe Mes

12、opotamian Civilization.This civilization later on developed into the cultures of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.3 Like the Chinese culture,the European culture also crossed waters.When the British settled down in America,their culture went with them over the Atlantic Ocean.So the American culture d

13、oesnt distinguish from the European culture a lot.4 Take the language system for example.In the East,most languages belong to the pictographic language while the Western languages are mostly based on the Latin system.Other causes like human race difference count as well.But whats more,due to the far

14、 distance and the steep areas between the East and the West,the two cultures seldom communicate until recent centuries.So they grew up totally in their own ways with almost no-interference(干扰)from the other.The differences are everywhere.5 But different cultures make the world of 21st century more c

15、olorful.The cultural gap should not be the obstacle(障碍) to the civilization of human beings.It ought to be the motivation of our going farther.A.Let us work together to keep a variety of culture.B.One important thing is to learn about other cultures.C.And these two are well-known as the base of the

16、European culture.D.At the same time,some other differences add to the cultural differences.E.This is because the culture systems are two separate systems on the whole.F.They helped the two cultures develop for centuries and form their own styles.G.They are obvious and affect peoples ways of thinking

17、 and their views of the world.答案:15 EFCDG.语法填空Christmas is no fun when youre poor.Twenty years ago,I was a young,1.(struggle) substitute teacher(代课教师) whose calls into work had been few.Money was tight,and bills were due,2. my wife and I couldnt even afford to get Christmas gifts for each other.The

18、only gifts we could get for our children were a few soft toys that I had found 3.(sell) at half price in the supermarket.I opened the door and brought in the gifts I 4.(hide) in our old cars trunk.Then I handed 5.(they) to my son and daughter.I watched with a sad smile as they did their best to tear

19、 off the wrapping paper.As they pulled out their toys,though,I noticed their 6. lit up and they jumped up and down.My daughter 7.(happy) hugged her toy and then hugged her mom and me as well.I laughed as I watched my children play with their toys 8.hours,and I thanked God for the 9.(great) gift I ha

20、d ever been given.Till today I still treasure 10.gift of pure love that my son and daughter gave me that day.答案:1.struggling2.so/and3.sold4.had hidden5.them6.eyes/faces7.happily8.for9.greatest10.the.短文改错Every year on the four Thursday of November is Thanksgiving Day.Its a festival for Americans and

21、Canadians with the purpose of showing thanks to harvest,while Canadians celebrate it in the second Monday of October.I have a pen-friend in American.He wrote to me about his last Thanksgiving Day.He told me it was a time for family reunion.Family would come back to home to celebrate the festival alt

22、ogether.Most of the time it was his mother whom prepared the dinner.Turkey is must for the festival.It looks like a huge chicken.His mother also made pumpkin pies and other delicious food for us.After the dinner,they talk with each other about the old things or the future plan.He said sometime they would invite some friends to share the happiness of Thanksgiving Day.In a word,he had a great time on Thanksgiving Day.答案:第一句:fourfourth第二句:inon第三句:AmericanAmerica第六句:去掉第一个to;altogethertogether第七句:whomwho/that第八句:must前加a第十句:usthem第十一句:talktalked第十二句:sometimesometimes


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