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1、2019年全国大学生英语竞赛C类初赛试题Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks) Section A (5 marks) In this section, you will hear five short conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, one question will be asked and you will have fifteen seconds to read the four choices

2、marked A, B, C and D, decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre. I.A. The more one rests, the better one performs duties.B.A good rest makes ones brain more creative.C.Drinking a cup of coffee is also a good way to r

3、est.D. Working without rest is harmful to health.2.A.She reported the problem to her boss.C.She kept a record of her contribution.3.A.Tones and characters.C. Grammar and vocabulary.4.A.He is interested in reading its war stories.B.She negotiated with Tim for a solution.D.She asked her colleague to h

4、elp her.B.Reading and writing.D.Idioms and culture.B.He learns about the heroic deeds of ancient warriors.C.He applies its strategies to basketball matches.D.He tells its war stories to the basketballers he coaches.5.A.Its punctual but a bit scary.C.Its a nightmare during rush hours.Section B B.Its

5、the best means of transportation.D.Its not bad but too crowded.In this section, you will hear two long conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation there will be a one-minute pause. During the pause, read the questions and make your answers on the answer s

6、heet with a single line through the centre. Conversation One Listen to the conversation, and mark each statement as either true (T) or false (F) according to what you hear. 6.The woman wanted to know why Robert was applying for a year off during his university life.7.Robert got plenty of work experi

7、ence in Australia and he also travelled a lot in Australia and New Zealand.8.Robert enjoyed working on a building site because he wanted to be a good engineer.9. The reasons why Robert chose to study in Westley University were its good reputation in Civil Engineering andthe good future of its gradua

8、tes. IO.Robert wanted to learn mountaineering so he could go hiking sometimes. Conversation Two Listen to the conversation. Then read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer according to what you hear. 11. How many scientists did the man cite as examples to illustr

9、ate his point?A. 3.B. 4.C.134D.13512. What was Archimedes doing when he got his inspiration ?A.He was doing research in the lab.C.He was having a bath at home.B.He was resting in a cafeteria.D.He was making mould for painting.13.How did Robert Root-Bernstein conduct his study?A.He collected data fro

10、m many high achievers in science.B.He did a psychology test among 134 famous scientists.C.He compared the hobbies of Nobel Prize winning chemists with those of other scientists.D.He made a detailed analysis of the hobbies of 134 Nobel Prize winning scientists.14.What did Robert Root-Bernstein find a

11、bout the Nobel Prize winning chemists in his recent study?A. They were all artistic as well as intelligent.B.Most of them had a long-lasting hobby.C.They enjoyed playing musical instruments.D.They were all environmentally friendly.15.What is the conclusion of Robert Root-Bernsteins study?A.Only the

12、most creative person can be genius.B.Inspiration usually comes when one expects it.C. There are connections between different aspects of life.D. Creative hobbies and interests often help people excel.Section C In this section, you will hear five short news items. Each item will be read only once. Af

13、ter each item there will be a fifteen-second pause. During the pause, read the question and the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre. 16.What is the aim of Theresa Mays pla

14、n?A.To negotiate with the EU for an alternative Brexit deal.B.To win the House of Commons support for her reelection.C.To reject the British Parliaments proposal on Brexit.D.To seek Parliaments approval of Britains withdrawal from the EU.I 7. What is the main function of the simple device ? A.To ide

15、ntify crop diseases quickly.B.To provide treatment for crop diseases.C.To control the spread of crop diseases.D.To warn farmers of crop diseases.18.What are some scientists doing with Sarah Taylor?A.Identifying the possible cause of her illness.B.Studying the relations between pain and illness.C.Loo

16、king for an objective way to measure pain.D.Designing a device to effectively cure pain.19.What does Ellen Jovin do in New Yorks subway?A.She invites charity donations from passengers.B. She gives tourists information about New York.C.She helps passengers get on and off the trains.D.She answers gram

17、mar questions from passengers.20. Where does the information about carbon emissions come from?A.A university environmental projects analysis.B.The study by an independent research group.C.The governments annual environmental report.D.Experts estimate based on last decades data.Section D (IO marks) I

18、n this section you will hear two short passages. The passages will be read twice. After each passage there will be a thir(Y-second pause. During the pause, write the answers on the answer sheet. Dictation Listen to the passage. For questions 2125, fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases y

19、ou hear. Tomatoes originally come from South years.Today, tomatoes are popular (21) of (22) surrounding them. America and have been eaten by people there for thousands of . However, when they were first introduced, there was quite a bit _ Ancient Aztec writings mention recipes for dishes of tomatoes

20、, peppers, and salt probably the first salsa recipe! Spanish soldiers conquered the Aztecs and brought tomato seeds back with them to Europe. In Europe, these yellowish tomatoes were first called (23) .People were afraid to eat tomatoes because the plant looked similar to the nightshade plant, a dea

21、dly poison. German people even thought that if someone ate tomatoes, they would (24) werewolf. However, by the mid-l 800s, people all over the world had accepted tomatoes as a good food to eat. Nevertheless, tomatoes were due for more problems. Do you think tomatoes are a fruit or vegetable? Actuall

22、y they are a fruit. However, in America, they are a vegetable by law.Why are tomatoes legally a vegetable in America? In the 1800s, there was no import tax on fruit from other countries, but there was an import tax on vegetables. At that time, many tomatoes were coming from other countries into Amer

23、ica, and American tomato farmers became worried about (25) . The government made tomatoes a vegetable by law so that non-American tomatoes would be taxed. Summary Listen to the passage. For questions 2630, complete the notes using no more than three words for each blank. The list of changes that mig

24、ht occur in the future came from (26) _ of various fields in Europe and the United States. They were trying to (27) _ about how life will be different in the year 2025. The group says that (28) will be used for more than just keeping people healthy.People in advanced countries will use less energy t

25、han before whereas people in countries without (29) _ will use more energy than before.Detailed personal information will be included in special identification cards.Moreover, international travel will become easier in the future because (30) will be used by most travelers. Part II Vocabulary&Gramma

26、r (15 marks) There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each blank there are five choices marked A, B, C, D and E. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre. 31. The police accused himthe

27、fire.setting fire to the building but he firmly denied in the area on the night of A.from; beingB.in; beingC.of; having beenD.on; to beE. on; to have been32.You should try to make someof your differences so that you can work together without quarrels. A.adjustmentB.a订angementC.developmentD.improveme

28、ntE.movement33.The United Nations is trying tothe serious problems created by the energy crisis. A.comply withB.cope withC.come up withD. put up with34.The companys profits last year were worse than expected so they are certainly going toA.care forB.help outC.lay offD.put down3 5. When Catherine tol

29、d me that she was going to ride the horse herself in the race I was couldnt think of anything to say. A.caught upB.driven awayC.wiped outD.pulled off36.I cant give you an answer yet. I needmore time to consider my decision. A.everB.fairlyC.quiteD.rather37.Simon still hasnt returned from the meeting.

30、 Really ? Im sure he expected to be back E.submit tosome workers. E.strike onand for a while E.taken abackE.someA. before long nowB.long before nowC.now before longD.now long before E.long now before38.To our surprise,_lessons were not so difficult as we thought.A. the first few EnglishB. the few fi

31、rst EnglishC. the English few firstD. the first English fewE. the English first few39.Every citizen in this country has the right and freedom to live where they want toA.by way ofB.in the light ofC.owing to40.as much as one-fourth of all timber harvested is not used.A.Being estimated thatC.It is est

32、imated thatE. There is estimatedB.It estimates thatD. That is estimatedD.regardless ofthe colour of their skin. E.with regard to41.Have you heard an English expression about dogs and tricks? Yeah, it is You cant teach an dog tricks. A.old; newB.idle; anyC.old; difficultD.idle; suchE.old;odd42.The pa

33、inter Jacob Lawrence frequently incorporated patterns into his compositions, making them morestriking than they would have been.A. thereforeB.stillC. otherwiseD.ratherE.better43.In 1908, the first international rugby match waspainted the happy scene and The Football Playersbackground.in Paris betwee

34、n France and England. Henri Rousseau a landscape with rich colours in the trees and A.held; arousesB.made; flowsC. operated; ownsD.played; features E.designed; aims44.Come on! I forgot how to play this computer game. Its easy. Just follow the instructions. A.Im sorry to hear thatC. Youre welcomeE.Ar

35、e you kidding?45.You look so happy.What happened? I became a member of the drama chub. A.Im sure you will do better next time.C.Im really glad to hear that.E.Can you let me go this time?Part III Cloze (IO marks) B.Oh, now I seeD.Please try again.B.Are you ready to give up ?D.Ive been trying for a mo

36、nth now.Read the following passage and fill in each blank with one word. Choose the correct word in one of the following three ways: according to the context, by using the correct form of the given word, or by using the given letter (s) of the word. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.

37、 Celebrities and the media have a distinctly love-hate dependency, striking a balance between their (46) res relationship and, whilst they recognize their mutual interests is an on-going challenge for both groups. In the worlds of sport, entertainment and politics, celebrities depend on the press, s

38、ocial media, photographers and radio and television to raise their public profile.and afford them the visibility essential to success in their highly (4 7) compete) professions. For example, top-class sports celebrities rely on income from commercial sponsorship to pay for (48) fi expense) coaching,

39、 fitness and training facilities. In the entertainment business, glamorous award ceremonies and opening nights of much-anticipated films not only (49) pro _the cast with what is undoubtedly an enjoyable and well-deserved celebration of their success, but also an opportunity for valuable exposure to

40、their fans as well as to influential figures in their own (50) ind. At the same time, sales revenues from advertising and audience ratings are boosted by stories about famous _ on their purpose figures, which range from casual gossip to carefully researched information, (51) dep and target audience.

41、 The (52) con between these apparently compatible interests lies in deciding how much access the media should have to the daily lives of the famous and the amount of privacy any individual should be entitled to. This clash has been intensified in the first two decades of the 21st century by recent d

42、evelopments in communications and digital science. There can be little doubt that the (53) _ (drama) expansion of online social media has made it possible to spread rumours, true or false, instantly across the globe. This has significantly increased the power of the press to e咄ance or damage the rep

43、utation of any public figure. Due to advances in high-tech photographic equipment, it has become easier than ever for photojournalists to intrude on the private lives of well-1叩own personalities without their 1叩owledge or agreement. This has led, on many occasions, (54) legal battles between the med

44、ia and celebrities to determine whether newspapers should be entitled to publish images of high-profile personalities taken when they are not appearing in public. Another example of how the press has used dubious methods to obtain information about famous personalities is phone hacking, or listening

45、 in to private phone calls, which has also (55) res in a number of court cases. Part IV Reading C omprehension (35 marks) Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions. Respond to the questions using 吵rmationfrom the passage. Remember to write the answers on the answer s

46、heer. Section A (5 marks) Questions 5 6-60 are based on the following passage. The demand for energy is certain to increaseas an ever larger population strives to improve its standard living. Petroleum, natural gas, hydroelectricity, supply networks, new renewable energy technology, nuclear energy a

47、nd more. Managing the energy challenge each country faces is very complex nowadays and will be decisive for the future. The future for petroleum use at the moment looks rather uncertain, despite enjoying the major benefit of a very advanced infrastructure already in place. The downsides from the env

48、ironmental point of view are patently obvious: harm to public health through carbon dioxide emissions in exhaust fumes. The picture for natural gas is similarly mixed. While its main strength lies in its being a relatively clean fuel involving little processing and being easily transportable via pip

49、elines, natural gas requires compression or low temperatures if it is to be used for cars or other vehicles. Yet there is another problem with natural gas. It may produce less carbon dioxide than other fossil fuels, but the major stumbling block to its use is that the methane released lives for a lo

50、ng time in the atmosphere. In addition, as it is a no-renewable energy source like petroleum, in coming years natural gas will not be in use. But in the short term at least, the situation looks rosy. Ethanol, the production from grain is relatively straightforward. It is made from harvested crops. A


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