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1、(精华版)国家开放大学电大C语言程序设计高级英语阅读(1)网络课形考网考作业及答案(精华版)国家开放大学电大C语言程序设计高级英语阅读(1)网络课形考网考作业及答案 (精华版)国家开放大学电大C语言程序设计高级英语阅读(1)网络课形考网考作业及答案 C语言程序设计网络课答案 形考任务1 一、选择题(共40分,每小题2分) 题目1 在每个C语言程序中都必须包含有这样一个函数,该函数的函数名为()。 选择一项: A. main 恭喜你,答对啦! 题目2 C语言源程序文件的缺省扩展名为()。 选择一项: D. c 题目3 由C语言目标文件连接而成的可执行文件的缺省扩展名为()。 选择一项: B. e

2、xe 题目4 程序运行中需要从键盘上输入多于一个数据时,各数据之间应使用的分隔符为()。 选择一项: D. 空格或回车 题目5 每个C语言程序文件的编译错误被分为()。 选择一项: B. 2类 题目6 不符合C语言规定的复合语句是()。 选择一项: D. y=10 题目7 C语言程序中的基本功能模块为()。 选择一项: D. 函数 题目8 在一个函数定义中,函数头包括的3个部分依次为函数类型、函数名和()。 选择一项: C. 参数表 题目9 在一个程序文件中,若要使用#include命令包含一个用户定义的头文件,则此头文件所使用的起止定界符为一对()。 选择一项: B. 双引号 题目10 在C

3、语言程序中,多行注释语句使用的开始标记符为()。 选择一项: B. /* 题目11 在printf()函数调用的格式字符串中,若使用格式符为“%c”,则对应输出的数据类型为()。 选择一项: A. char 题目12 在printf()函数调用的格式字符串中,若使用格式符为“%5d”,则规定对应输出的数据占用的字符位置个数为()。 选择一项: A. 5 题目13 转义字符表示的字符是()。 选择一项: C. 反斜线 题目14 枚举类型中的每个枚举常量的值都是一个()。 选择一项: A. 整数 题目15 运算符优先级最高的是()。 选择一项: D. != 题目16 设x和y均为逻辑值,则x &

4、y为真的条件是()。 选择一项: A. 它们均为真 题目17 设有语句“int a=12; a+=a*a;”,则执行结束后,a的值为()。 选择一项: C. 156 题目18 x0 & x5的相反表达式为x+yb | b=5)的相反表达式为(ab & b=5)。 选择一项: 错 题目46 若x=5,y=10,则xy逻辑值为真。 选择一项: 错 题目47 假定x=5,则执行“a=(x?10:20);”语句后a的值为10。 选择一项: 对 题目48 带有随机函数的表达式rand()%20的值所在的区间范围是019。 选择一项: 对 题目49 假定x=5,则执行“y=x+;”语句后,x的值为5。 选

5、择一项: 错 题目50 假定x=5,则执行“y=+x;”语句后,y的值为6。 选择一项: 对 形考任务2 一、选择题(共20分,每小题2分) 题目1 当处理特定问题时的循环次数已知时,通常采用的语句是( )。 选择一项: a. for 题目2 在switch语句的每个case块中,假定都是以break语句结束的,则此switch语句容易被改写成的语句是( )。 选择一项: b. if 题目3 for语句能够被改写成的语句是( )。 选择一项: d. while 题目4 下面循环语句执行结束后输出的i值为( )。 for(int i=0; in/2) couta 题目7 与结构成员访问表达式x.

6、name等价的表达式为( )。 选择一项: c. (&x)-name 题目8 假定一个链表中结点的结构类型为“struct AAint data, struct AA *next;”,则next数据成员的类型为( )。 选择一项: b. struct AA* 题目9 假定一个链表的表头指针为f,结点中包含有data和next域,则向该链表的表头插入一个地址为p的结点时,应执行的操作为( )。 选择一项: b. p-next=f和f=p 题目10 标准输入设备键盘的文件流标识符是( )。 选择一项: a. stdin 题目11 表示文件结束符的符号常量为( )。 选择一项: c. EOF 题目1

7、2 C语言中打开一个数据文件的系统函数为( )。 选择一项: d. fopen() 题目13 从一个数据文件中读入以换行符结束的一行字符串的系统函数为( )。 选择一项: b. fgets() 题目14 向一个二进制文件中写入信息的函数fwrite()带有的参数个数为( )。 选择一项: d. 4 题目15 在C语言中,为只写操作打开一个文本文件的方式为( )。 选择一项: d. “w“ 二、判断题(共40分,每小题2分。叙述正确则回答“是”,否则回答“否”) 题目16 在结构类型的定义中,其中的数据成员可以是本身类型的直接对象。 选择一项: 错 题目17 在结构类型的定义中,允许出现结构类型

8、不完整的超前定义。 选择一项: 对 题目18 定义结构类型的变量时,不能够同时进行初始化。 选择一项: 错 题目19 使用一个结构类型时,必须一起使用关键字struct和类型标识符。 选择一项: 对 题目20 假定一个结构类型的定义为 “struct Aint a,b; A* c;”,则该类型的长度为12。 选择一项: 对 题目21 假定一个结构类型的定义为 “struct Bint a5; char* b;”,则该类型的长度为20。 选择一项: 错 题目22 执行calloc(n,8)函数调用时,将动态分配得到8*n个字节的存储空间。 选择一项: 对 题目23 执行malloc(sizeof

9、(struct BB)函数调用时,得到的动态存储空间能够保存具有struct BB结构类型的一个对象。 选择一项: 对 题目24 假定要访问一个结构对象x中的由a指针成员所指向的对象,则表示方法为x.a。 选择一项: 错 题目25 假定要访问一个结构指针p所指对象中的b指针成员所指的对象,则表示方法为p-b。 选择一项: 错 题目26 与结构成员访问表达式(*fp).score等价的表达式是fp-score。 选择一项: 对 题目27 在C语言中,对二进制文件的所有不同打开方式共有6种。 选择一项: 对 题目28 C语言中的标准输入和输出设备文件都属于字符文件。 选择一项: 对 题目29 在一

10、个磁盘数据文件的文件名中,文件主名和扩展名都是必须的,不可省略。 选择一项: 错 题目30 在数据文件打开方式字符串中,字符r、w和a具有确定的含义,分别代表读、写和追加方式。 选择一项: 对 题目31 一个磁盘数据文件的文件名由文件主名和扩展名所组成,其中间用圆点分开。 选择一项: 对 题目32 C语言系统中提供一个用来描述文件属性的类型标识符为FILE。 选择一项: 对 题目33 每次只能向文本文件中写入一个字符,不能一次写入一个字符串。 选择一项: 错 题目34 对二进制文件进行读和写操作将使用相同的系统函数。 选择一项: 错 题目35 在C语言中,系统函数fseek()用来移动数据文件

11、中的文件位置指针。 选择一项: 对 三、写出下列每个程序运行后的输出结果(共15分,每小题5分) 题目36 #include struct Worker char name15; /姓名 int age; /年龄 float pay; /工资 ; void main() struct Worker x=“wanghua“,52,4300; struct Worker y, *p; y=x; p=&x; printf(“%s %d %6.2fn“,x.name,y.age,p-pay); 答: wanghua 52 4300 题目37 #include #include struct Worke

12、r char name15; /姓名 int age; /年龄 float pay; /工资 ; void main() struct Worker x; char *t=“liouting“; int d=38; float f=3493; strcpy(x.name,t); x.age=d; x.pay=f; printf(“%s %d %6.0fn“,x.name,x.age,x.pay); 答: liouting 39 2493 题目38 #include struct Worker char name15; int age; float pay; int Less(struct Wo

13、rker r1, struct Worker r2) if(r1.ager2.age) return 1; else return 0; void main() struct Worker a4=“abc“,25,2420,“def“,58,4638, “ghi“,49,4260,“jkl“,36,3750; struct Worker x=a0; int i; for(i=1; i4; i+) if(Less(x,ai) x=ai; printf(“%s %d %6.0fn“,x.name,x.age,x.pay); 答: def 58 4638 四、写出下列每个函数的功能(共15分,每小题

14、5分) 题目39 void QA(struct Worker a, int n) int i; for(i=1; inext; return c; 假定struct IntNode的类型定义为: struct IntNode int data; IntNode* next; 答: 统计出以表头指针为f的链表中结点的个数。 题目41 void xw1(char* fname) FILE* fout=fopen(fname,“w“); char a20; printf(“每个字符串长度小于20,字符串end作为结束标志n“); while(1) scanf(“%s“,a); if(strcmp(a

15、,“end“)=0) break; fputs(a,fout); fputc(n,fout); fclose(fout); 答: 把从键盘上输入的若干个字符串保存到由fname参数所指定的文本文件中。 高级英语阅读(1)网络课答案 形考任务一(70分) Chapter 1 Exercise(分值7分) 题目1 I. Vocabulary skills(3 points) Look at the columns below. Match each vocabulary word on the right with the correct definition on the left. (0.5

16、points each) 1.the bus or subway 2.proof of completion of courses of students 3.money for students from scholarships, grants, or loans 4.formal talks by professors or instructors on subjects of study 5.courses by video, video conferencing, or computers to students in different places 6.the points or

17、 grade a student gets on a test 答案: II. Reading Comprehension (4 points) Read the passages, then answer the questions that follow. (1 point each ) Experiencing Culture Shock A When Eliza James arrived at the University of Xian, she was excited to live in a new country, to improve her Chinese, and to

18、 experience a culture so different from her own. But soon her excitement turned to frustration as she encountered one roadblock after another. “I felt like I couldnt accomplish anything. My dorm room had no heat, I couldnt get into the classes I wanted, and every time I asked someone for help they g

19、ave me the runaround. I felt like no one was listening to me.“ Eliza met with administrators, sent letters of complaint, and even contacted the consulate in Beijing, but she got nowhere. What Eliza didnt realize was that her American approach to solving problems was very different from the Chinese o

20、ne in which patience and negotiation skills are key. She soon learned how to solve problems within the cultural norms of Chinese society instead of forcing her own values onto those around her. “I finally feel like I fit in and that I know what Im doing. In fact, its really fun being in a place that

21、s so incredibly different from what I am accustomed to.“ B Yoshi Yamamoto is a junior at a small college outside of Boston. Although he is an honors student now, Yoshi didnt always have such an easy time studying in America. “Teaching methods are very different here than they are in Japan. It took m

22、e a long time to get used to learning in seminars and discussing ideas with my classmates. At first it seemed like I wasnt actually learning anything.“ Yoshis reaction was to totally withdraw: he didnt participate in class discussion; he spent lots of time alone in his room, and he even skipped clas

23、s on occasion. “I thought I could teach myself. Now I recognize the value of the U.S. academic system, and I am able to adapt it to my own learning style.“ C Both Eliza and Yoshi experienced what is called culture shock: psychological disorientation due to living in a new culture. For many internati

24、onal students, studying abroad can offer exposure to new cultures and an opportunity to study new fields and languages. However, it also offers the greater challenge of trying to function in a foreign culture. Studying and reading about a certain culture is poor preparation for the reality of living

25、 in it. According to psychological studies, the four stages of culture shock are 1. euphoria, 2. hostility, 3. gradual adjustment, and 4. adaptation. Culture shock can be manifested in many ways: homesickness, boredom, stereotyping of or hostility towards the host culture, overeating or overdrinking

26、, withdrawal, and inability to work effectively. D Different people experience different levels of culture shock and react in different ways. For example, Eliza got angry while Yoshi withdrew from society. The most important thing to remember is that culture shock is normal; it is not something to b

27、e ashamed of. Luckily, there are some things international students can do to make their adjustment to a new country go more smoothly. For instance, they can stay in touch with family and friends from home, join international student organizations, meet people from their own countries, and get invol

28、ved in campus activities. Most importantly, they can adjust to life abroad by keeping a sense of humor and trying to remain positive. Recognizing Paragraph Topics(choose the paragraph letter) 题目2 7. an explanation of culture shock 选择一项: C. C 题目3 8. ways that students can adjust to living in a new co

29、untry 选择一项: D. D 题目4 9. the experience of an international student in the United States 选择一项: B. B 题目5 10. the experience of an international student in China 选择一项: A. A Chapter 2 Exercise(分值7分) 题目1 I. Vocabulary Skills(2 points) Sometimes examples can explain the meaning of a word or phrase. For ex

30、ample, sun, rain, and wind are examples of kinds of weather. Look at the columns below. Match each vocabulary word or phrase in the first column with the examples in the second column. (0.4 points each) 1.kinds of extreme weather 2.Earths natural materials and gases 3. diseases or health disorders 4

31、. seasons of the year 5. natural areas or regions of the earth 答案: II. Reading Comprehension (5 points) Complete the following statements by choosing the best from the answers A, B or C. (1 point each) Seasonal Affective Disorder: More than Just the Blues A Joshua dreads the winter months, not only

32、because of the cold New England weather-the sleet, snow, wind, and rain-but because as the seasons change from summer to fall to winter, the days get shorter. As the days get shorter, he starts feeling depressed and irritable and spends more and more time at home, eating and sleeping. A graduate stu

33、dent in philosophy, Joshua finds that he gets little work done during the winter months and has trouble paying attention in class and concentrating on his research. “I soon realized that what I thought was just the winter blues was something more extreme than that.“ Josh visited a doctor who diagnos

34、ed him with SAD. B Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, is a kind of depression that occurs seasonally. It is associated with the long hours of darkness and lack of sunlight during the winter months (people with SAD usually feel worse from December through February). Scientists dont completely under

35、stand the exact causes of SAD, but they believe it is related to a biochemical imbalance in the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is the basic part of the brain that controls the bodys breathing, heartbeat, metabolism, and hormone release. The effects of SAD include moodiness, irritability, low energy,

36、 increased appetite for carbohydrates (foods such as potatoes, rice, and bread), difficulty concentrating, and the tendency to oversleep. C Although doctors described SAD for the first time in 1984, humans have probably dealt with the disorder for thousands of years. It is not a coincidence that man

37、y cultures have important celebrations during the short days of the winter months. Christmas, Hanukkah, and Winter Solstice celebrations all occur in December. These celebrations involve lighting candles in order to bring light, warmth, and happiness to an otherwise depressing time of year. D So wha

38、t can SAD sufferers do to feel better? Naturally, they need more light. For people who have mild cases of SAD, exercising in the morning sun could be enough to help them. Phototherapy, or light therapy, is usually prescribed for people who have more serious cases of the disorder. In light therapy, p

39、atients sit in front of a light box, a strong artificial light, for up to four hours a day. Phototherapy is effective in over 80% of SAD cases, and patients usually see results within three to four days. Although the symptoms of SAD are similar to those of clinical depression, traditional antidepres

40、sants have not proven useful in treating SAD. While psychological counseling cannot treat the symptoms of SAD, it is recommended to help SAD sufferers learn to accept and deal with their illness. 题目2 6. Joshua starts feeling depressed and irritable in the winter because 选择一项: B. he suffers from Seas

41、onal Affective Disorder 题目3 7. Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, is a condition that researchers believe affects people during the winter months. Scientists believe it is caused by 选择一项: C. lack of sunlight and a biochemical imbalance in the brain 题目4 8. Humans have probably struggled with SAD si

42、nce 选择一项: A. ancient times 题目5 9. People who suffer from SAD can to feel better. 选择一项: A. do light therapy 题目6 10. This passage talks about_. 选择一项: B. Both A and B. Chapter 3 Exercise(分值7分) I. Reading Comprehension (5 points) Read the passages, then answer the questions that follow. (1 point each )

43、Fast food can be good food Many people are too busy to prepare and eat three nutritious meals a day.so they turn to the convenience of fast-food restaurants. Many of the items at fast-food restaurants, snack bars, and food stands are fattening and not very nutritious.But fast food doesnt have to be unhealthy.you can eat at fast-food restaurants and still eat well. Pay Attention to Calories and Fat Content By paying attention to the number of calories and fat that a food item has ,you can make smarter choices.Calories are “units for measuring how much energy a food will produce”


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