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1、为本套教材的教与学提供服务服务电话:010-5978 5973 传真:010-5978 5972服务网址:E-mail: 主 编 马 承 李世虬 英 Heather Inwood 副 主 编 王传伟 安宏侠美术设计 炽热风美术工作室审 校 美 Betty Marple 法律顾问 唐国玺责任编辑 肖 叶 邓 文责任校对 王勤杰 责任印制 马宇晨法律顾问 宋润君 英语. 五年级下册 / 北京市现代教学研究所编著 . 北京 : 科学普及出版社 ,2015 ( 义务教育教科书 ) ISBN 978-7-110-08816-6 . 英 . 北 . 英语课小学教材 . G624.311图书在版编目 (CI

2、P) 数据中国版本图书馆 CIP 数据核字 (2014) 第 268143 号致 同 学 们同学们好!新学期开始了,祝大家在新学期里取得优异的学习成绩。本册课本将带同学们进入一个新奇的英语世界。在“一课一话题,一课一句型,一课一阅读,一课一活动”的学习中,大家将和书中的同学一起度过一学期的愉快时光。通过学习本册课本,同学们将学会一些话题的对话,这些话题包括数字、时间、职业、学校生活、日常生活和交通安全等。同学们还将学会说一些新的句子,例如“可以做某事吗?”“通常几点起床?”“做什么工作?”以及怎样说“星期几”和“几点几分”等。在这本书里,同学们还将读到一些有趣的小故事,例如好心的医生是怎样助人


4、个学期里,有许多有趣的东西等着大家去学,有许多好玩的活动等着大家去做。希望这册课本能成为你的好朋友,陪伴你度过愉快的新学期。 编 者Lesson 1May I speak to Mary? 2Lesson 2We mustnt cross the street now 8Lesson 3How many pupils are there? 14Lesson 4Where do you live? 20Lesson 5What do you do? 26Lesson 6Revision 32Lesson 7Its seven thirty-five 38ContentsContentsLesso

5、n 8What day is it today? 44Lesson 9Do you always have lunch at twelve? 50Lesson 10Does she always come before six thirty? 56Lesson 11When do you usually get up? 62Lesson 12Revision 68Words in each lesson 76Word list 79Word families 82(K = Kate, R = Mrs Read)R: Hello!K: Hello! May I speak to Mary?R:

6、Sorry, shes not in. Whos this?K: Its Kate. Is that Mrs Read?R: Yes. K: Good afternoon, Mrs Read. I want to ask Mary a question. Can you ask her to call me this evening?R: OK. May I have your number? K: Certainly, its 8-6-0-4-2-7-5.R: 8-6-0-4-2-7-5, right?K: Right. Thank you. Goodbye.R: Bye.Lets talk

7、may I speak to mary?Lesson 12Star light, star bright,First star I see tonight.I wish I may, I wish I might,Have the wish I wish tonight.use your bikeask you a questiongo home nowwatch TV nowMay/Can I use your pen?Certainly.Lets learnLets chant3May I use your ruler?Yes. Here it is.Listen and chooseA

8、game( ) 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.MarksABA BABA B4Listen and say(T = Tom, D = Dongdong)T: Hello! Can I speak to Dongdong?D: This is Dongdong speaking. T: Hi, Dongdong. This is Tom. What are you doing now?D: Im having lunch. Whats up?T: How about playing football this afternoon?D: Good idea. What time?T: W

9、hat about three oclock?D: OK. Where shall we meet?T: At the sports centre, OK?D: OK.5Mom, are you making a pizza? May I help you?Yes, Tom. Thanks.Mom, can I learn how to make it?Certainly.Can I put some water into it now?Yes, please.Making a pizzaReadpizza /?pi:tsE/ 比萨饼 6Let me put some meat on it,

10、OK?OK.Can we bake it now?Yes, we can. Mom, its done.May I eat some now?Of course, you may! You did a great job. bake /beIk/ 烤 its done 做好了 7(J = Jim, M = Mum)J: Are you going shopping, Mum? M: Yes. J: May I go with you?M: Yes, but you mustnt run in the street. J: OK. M: Look at the red light. We mus

11、tnt cross the street now. J: OK. M: Now the light is green. We can cross the street. J: Yes.M: Look at these white lines. We must cross the street here. J: Oh, I see.Lets talkwe mustnt cross the street nowLesson 28No left turn Left turnNo parking Parking No u-turn U-turn Look to the left.Look to the

12、 right.There is a car in sight.So we do whats right.Theres none on the left.Theres none on the right.The way is clear.We can cross without fear.You mustnt cross the street here.You can cross the street there.turn leftpark the carturn aroundOK.Lets learnLets chant9 1. 2. 3. 4. 3 2 4 1 1342ershptd55.

13、A puzzleWrite the words.DownListen and number 1. 2. 3. 4. AcrossMarks10(G = Girl, B = Boy, W = Woman)G: Look, a seat! You can sit here.B: No, you sit here, please.G: Thank you.B: Look, an old granny!G: I should give my seat to her.B: Yes. G: Hello, Granny! Please sit here.W: Oh, thank you.G: Youre w

14、elcome.Listen and say11Tom and his cousin Bob are going to play football. Now they are walking in the street. Bob is playing with his ball. “Hi, Bob! You mustnt play with your ball here,” says Tom. “All right,” Bob answers.“Oh! You mustnt cross the street here. We must cross there.”“Oh, yes.”ReadDon

15、t cross the street here12“Look! The light is green.”“We can cross now.”“Yes. Lets go.”“Dont cross now. The light is red. We must wait.”“OK.”13(K = Kate, D = Dad)D: Hi, Kate! What are you doing?K: Im making some flowers for our classroom.D: Do you have a new classroom this term?K: Yes, Dad.D: Is it n

16、ice?K: Yes. We have a big glass blackboard.D: Do you have a clock in your classroom?K: Yes, we have a new clock and we have some green plants, too.D: How many pupils are there in your class this term?K: There are forty-five.D: Oh, thats a big class.Lets talkHOW MANY PUPILS ARE THERE?Lesson 314How ma

17、ny girls are there in Class Two?Girls in Class Two: 23 Women in the car: 3Men in the room: 3 Boys in Class One: 35 There are 23. Number 23.Lets learnA gameHere! Number 30.Here! Number .15Look and writeListen and number1. How many red balls are there? _2. How many blue balls are there? _3. How many y

18、ellow balls are there? _4. How many green balls are there? _Marks16How many desks are there?There are twelve.How many chairs are there?There are .17Look and saytwelve desks Some people drop things everywhere. They drop paper in the streets. They drop bottles in the parks. This makes the streets and

19、parks very dirty. But many of the things are useful. We shouldnt throw them away. Its Sunday. There are many pupils in the park. They are picking up useful things.ReadDoing a good job18Mary and Meimei are picking up paper. Ann is putting the paper into a bin.How much paper is there? About half a kil

20、o.Mike and Li Lin are picking up bottles. Jill and Liu Xin are putting them into a bag. How many bottles are there? There are forty-eight. The pupils are doing a good job, and they are very happy. 19bin 垃圾箱(B = Boy, M = Man)B: Excuse me. Where do you come from?M: I come from the USA.B: Where do you

21、live?M: I live in New York.B: Where does Ms Green come from?M: She comes from the USA, too.B: Does she live in New York, too?M: No, she doesnt. She lives in Washington.Lets talkWhere do you live?Lesson 4New York /Lnju:?jC:k/ 纽约 Washington /?wFSIYtEn/ 华盛顿20Where do you come from?France, Paristhe UK,

22、LondonChina, BeijingRussia, Moscow Where do you come from?I come from China.Where do you live?I live in Beijing.Lets learnLets singWhere do you come from? Where are you from?I come from England. Im from England. Where do you live? Where do you live?I live in London, in London.Where does he come from

23、? Where is he from?He comes from China. Hes from China.Where does he live? Where does he live?He lives in Beijing, in Beijing.21I come from .I live in .Where do you come from?Where do you live?Lets practiseListen and choose( ) 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.A A A A A B B B B B Sichuan Henan Anhui Jilin M

24、arks2223Listen and say(P = Policeman, L = Lingling)P: Hi, little girl. Why are you crying?L: I cant find my mum.P: Oh, dont worry. I can help you. Whats your name?L: Lingling.P: How old are you?L: Four.P: Where do you live?L: I live in a tall building.P: OK. Do you know your mothers phone number?L:

25、Yes, its 6253382.P: OK. Let me call your mother.L: Thank you.Read for fun24A kind doctorLiu Jun is a doctor. He comes from Sichuan. Now he is working in a small town in Yunnan. He is always ready to help others.One day a farmer came to his office. “My wife is very ill. Can you come and see her?” “Wh

26、ere do you live?” asked Liu Jun. “I live in a small village.” “OK. Lets go at once.”25They walked for a long time and got to the village very late.Liu Jun examined the sick woman and gave her some medicine.The farmer took out some money and gave it to him. Liu Jun didnt take it.The farmer thanked hi

27、m, but Liu Jun said, “Its my pleasure. Im happy to help others.” examine /IG?zZmIn/ 检查 Its my pleasure/?pleWE/. 不客气。 (G = Girl, F = Farmer)G: What do you do?F: I am a farmer.G: Where do you work?F: I work on a farm.G: Is your work easy?F: No, it isnt.(G = Girl, P = Policeman)G: Are you a policeman?P

28、: Yes, I am.G: Where do you work?P: I work in the street.G: Is your work interesting?P: Yes. I like it very much.Lets talkWhat do you do?Lesson 526doctor, hospitalteacher, schoolpostman, post office What do you do? I am a worker. Where do you work? I work in a factory.Lets singLets learnWhat do you

29、do?What do you do? What do you do?I am a teacher. Im a teacher.Where do you work? Where do you work?I work in a school.27A A B B What do you do?I am a .Where do you work?I work .Listen and circleMatch and say1234MarksA A B B 28Listen and sayA: Hi!B: Hello! A: Where do you come from?B: I come from th

30、e UK.A: Do you work in this city now?B: Yes, I do. A: What do you do?B: Im a doctor.A: Thats a good job. Where do you live?B: I live near the hospital.A: Do you like this city?B: Yes. Its beautiful, and the people here are very nice.29Mr Smith is a manager. He wants an office worker. Two girls want

31、to get this job. Mr Smith doesnt know who to choose. Then he has an idea.Go and find your manager.OK. But can you help me clean the room?No. Its not my job. I cant help you.Excuse me. Is Mr Smith here?What do you do?No, he isnt.Im a cleaner.ReadWhich girl can get the job?30Now Mr Smith knows who to

32、choose. Which girl can get the job? Can you guess?Let me help you.Thank you. Youre so kind.Hello! Yes, this is Mr Smith.You are Mr Smith?Im the manager.Yes. What do you do?31Lets talk(D = Dongdong, M = Mum)D: Mum, can I play football with Tom?M: Certainly. But you mustnt play football in the street.

33、D: OK.(Q = Qiqi, W = Mrs White)Q: Where do you come from, Mrs White?W: I come from the UK.Q: Do you live in Beijing now?W: Yes, I do.Q: What do you do?W: Im a doctor.Q: Where do you work?W: I work at Heping Hospital.Q: How many doctors are there in your hospital?W: There are thirty-four.revisionLess

34、on 6321. Listen and choose.2. Listen and number.Revision Exercises( ) 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.A BA BA BA B33This is Toms room. What can you see _ this room? We can see a bed, two desks and two chairs. _ the bed there is a teddy bear. _ the teddy bear is a bag. There is a desk _ the window. There are som

35、e books and a pencil box _ the desk. _ the pencil box there is a pen, a pencil and an eraser. _ the desk there is a chair. _ the chair there is a cat. on under beside near in3. Look and write.4. Choose the right word to complete the sentences.1. _(May, Must) I ask you a question? Certainly.2. You _(

36、mustnt, can) play football in the street.3. The boy is good at swimming. He _(may, can) swim well.4. _(Can, Must) you ride a bike? Yes.5. You _(can, mustnt) waste water( 浪费水 ). You _ (must, can) save water( 节约用水 ).34B1. Certainly. Here you are.2. There are fourteen. 3. This is Mr Black speaking.4. C

37、ertainly. Its 6-2-0-1-6-2-4-5.5. OK.6. I live in New York.7. I am a worker.8. He works in a school.355. Read and match. A May I speak to Mr Black? Where do you live? What do you do? May I use your pen? Where does your father work? You mustnt play football in the street. How many books are there on t

38、he desk? May I have your number? 6. Complete the puzzles.fourteeneighteenthirtytwelveonesixtwenty-sevensixtyforty-threefifty-twoforty-fourthirty-four368. Look at the map and answer the questions.Liu Lei1. Do you live in Moscow, Nick? _2. Do you live in New York, Hans? _3. Where do you come from, Mar

39、y? _4. Where do you come from, Liu Lei? _MaryHansNickLondonBeijingNew YorkMoscowSydney367. Look at the pictures and complete the dialogues.1. What do you do? Im a _. Where do you work? I work in _.2. What do you do? _. Where do you work? _ a factory. 4. What _? Im _. Where _? I work _. 3. What _? Im

40、 a _. Where _? I work in _. I can saySelf-assessmentI know these words37I can sayI know these wordsMay I speak to Mary?Sorry, shes not in.We must cross the street here.We mustnt cross the street now.How many pupils are there in your class?There are forty-five.Where do you come from?I come from the U

41、SA.Where do you live?I live in New York.What do you do?I am a farmer.Where do you work?I work on a farm.speak afternoon putmust street light cousin answerblackboard pupil forty paper dirtylive Msfarm easy interesting kindhospital thirty37 (T = Tom, G = Grandma)G: Tom, breakfast is ready. Please sit

42、down.T: Thank you, Grandma.G: What time is school over?T: School is over at three forty on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.G: What about Monday and Wednesday?T: School is over at four thirty on Monday, and at two fifty on Wednesday.G: OK, I see. T: What time is it, Grandma?G: Its seven thirty-five.T: O

43、h, its time for school. I must go. Goodbye, Grandma. G: Goodbye.Lets talkIts seven thirty-five Lesson 738Tick, tock, tick, tock.Merrily sings the clock.Its time for dinner.Its time for supper.So it sings through all the day.Tick, tock, tick, tock.Merrily sings the clock.7:10, school 12:25, lunch5:45

44、, supper What time is it? Its six thirty. Its time for breakfast.6:30, breakfast Lets learnLets chant39Listen and numberLook and matchA. nine oclockB. two fifteenC. ten thirtyD. one fiftyE. eleven forty-fiveMarks4041Son: Mum, its not seven fifty. Its six fifty-five.Mum: Oh, yes. So lets have a big b

45、reakfast. Son: OK, Mum.Mum: Get up! Get up!Son: Whats the time, Mum?Mum: Its seven fifty. Youre late.Son: Oh, no! Listen and sayRead42The ball in the holeIts four fifty. School is over. Li Ming and Wang Ying are walking home. On the way they see a boy. He is crying. “Whats wrong?” Li Ming asks.“My b

46、all is in that hole. I cant get it out.” “Dont worry. We can help you.”43 They try to take the ball out, but the hole is too deep. They think and think, and then Li Ming has an idea. He says, “We can use water.” They get some water and fill the hole with it. Then the ball comes up. Wang Ying gives t

47、he ball to the boy. The boy smiles and thanks them for their help.(D = Dongdong, K = Kate)D: What day is it today?K: Its Monday.D: What classes do you have this morning?K: We have Chinese, maths, English and art.K: Do you have English lessons on Wednesdays?D: No, we dont.K: When do you have English?

48、D: On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.K: Do you have PE on Fridays?D: No. We have PE on Tuesdays.Lets talkWhat day is it today?Lesson 844Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday, Friday, Saturday,Sunday, Sunday, Sunday.Sunday, Saturday, Friday,Thursday, Wednesday, Tuesday,Monday, Monday, Monday.Today is

49、a fun day.A fun day, a fun day! What day is it today? Its Monday. What classes do you have this afternoon? We have Chinese and PE. Monday TuesdayWednesday Thursday Fridaymaths Chinese Englishscience art music PE computerLets learnLets chant45What day is it today?Its .What classes do you have?We have

50、 .Listen and circleA gameYes.No.Yes.No.Yes.No.1 2 4 3 5 6 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayEnglishmathsChinesePEcomputerYes.No.Yes.No.Yes.No.Marks Time Tue. 8:00 Chinese 8:55 English 10:00 PE 10:55 mathsLunch time 14:00 art 14:55 science Time Mon. 8:00 Chinese 8:55 maths 10:00 English 10:55 artLu


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