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1、主 编:范文芳副主编:宗 燕 Faridah Pawan下册( 一年级起点 )五 年 级责任编辑:宗 燕责任校对:李 梅责任印制:出版发行:清华大学出版社网 址:http:/, http:/ 地 址:北京清华大学学研大厦A座 邮 编:100084 社 总 机:010-62770175 邮 购:010-62786544投稿与读者服务:010-62776969, c-质 量 反 馈:010-62772015, 课 件 下 载:http:/ 装 者:经 销:全国新华书店开 本:185mm260mm 印 张:5版 次:2014年10月第1版 印 次:2019年8月第1次印刷定 价:5.30元图书在版编

2、目(CIP)数据 英语. 五年级. 下册 / 范文芳主编. 北京 : 清华大学出版社, 2014 一年级起点 ISBN 978-7-302-35453-6 . 英 . 范 . 英语课小学教材 . G624.311 中国版本图书馆CIP数据核字(2014)第023061号产品编号:040307-04本书封面贴有清华大学出版社防伪标签,无标签者不得销售。版权所有,侵权必究。侵权举报电话:010-62782989 13701121933 同学们,欢迎你们使用由清华大学大、中、小学一条龙英语教学研究与实践项目组编写的英语课本!我们为什么要学习英语呢?你们肯定知道,这是因为英语很重要。英语像汉语一样,能


4、与实践项目组为你们编写的这套英语课本,你们肯定会被那令人赏心悦目的图画所吸引;听听课文录音,你们也一定会喜欢那纯正的英语和优美的歌曲。致同学 同学们,欢迎你们使用由清华大学“大、中、小学一条龙英语教学”研究与实践项目组编写的英语课本! 我们为什么要学习英语呢? 你们肯定知道,这是因为英语很重要。英语像汉语一样,能够描述丰富多彩的世界,表达各种各样的思想。通过英语,我们可以更多地了解奇妙的世界,了解世界上更多的人,同时也可以把中国介绍给世界上更多的人,让世界上更多的人了解我们的祖国,了解我们自己。 在21世纪全球化的国际舞台上,英语已经成为国际交流中的一种重要工具,因此,我们都要学好英语。但是,

5、学好一门语言却不是一朝一夕的事情,而是需要多年的努力。你们年纪小,模仿力强,记忆力好,正是学习英语的最佳时期。希望你们努力学好英语,为长大成材打下基础。 我们要学习英语还有另外一个原因,那就是英语非常有趣!英语可以像积木、玩具汽车、布娃娃、拼图、动画片一样,给我们带来无穷的乐趣! 翻开清华大学“大、中、小学一条龙英语教学”研究与实践项目组为你们编写的这套英语课本,你们肯定会被那令人赏心悦目的图画所吸引;听听课文录音,你们也一定会喜欢那纯正的英语和优美的歌曲。这套教材以你们感兴趣的话题为中心,选取的是与你们日常生活息息相关的内容。教材中安排了你们喜欢的动物、食物以及你们喜欢的活动如游泳、踢足球等

6、,还有许多生动有趣的故事,相信你们会喜欢这套教材。在老师的指导下,在听、说、唱、动、读、写中学会用英语说自己想说的话,写出自己的心声。英语很重要!英语很有趣!让我们共同努力,把英语学好! 作者 于清华园 2012年12月UNIT IWELCOME TO MY SCHOOL! .1UNIT 2WHAT S YOUR HOBBY? .17UNIT 3THE ENVIRONMENT AND US .33UNIT 4 BILLY S ADVENTURES .49FUN READINGSNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS .65VOCABULARY .73Im a primar

7、y school student.I love my school.Do you want to visit my school?If you do, come with me!U N I T 1WELCOME TOMY SCHOOL!WELCOME TOMY SCHOOL!11. Listen to the text. Then read it aloud.My name is Li Ming. Im a student in Yuxin Primary School. There are 520 students and 40 teachers in my school.画:两栋教学楼Th

8、ese are our classroom buildings. All the students have their classes in these two buildings.Look at this building. The school libraryisonthefjrstfmoor.Theteachersworkonthesecondfmoor.This is the Art Room. We have our art class here.This is the Music Room. We have our music class here.Welcome to My S

9、chool2 2This is the Computer Room. We have our computer class here.Do you play computer games in your computer class?Thats true.No, we dont. Our teacher says we should not spend a lot of time on computer games.primary school _ building _ computer _ library _ student _ spend _3. Listen, read and writ

10、e.2. Write T or F after each sentence.4. Answer the questions to introduce you and your school.(1) Li Ming is a primary school student. (2) The library is in the classroom building.(3) The students do not like to play computer games._Whats your name?Are you a student or teacher?Which school are you

11、in?How many students and teachers are there in your school?Do you like your school or not?3How do you use the classroom bulletin board?Thats interesting.Im in Grade 5, Class 4. My classroomisonthesecondfmoor.This is my classroom.My classroom is big and bright. The blackboard is on the front wall. Ab

12、ove the blackboard is the national flag of China. The classroom bulletin board is on the back wall. When the students draw good pictures, write good stories or do their homework well, our teachers will put them here. We can look at them after class.My Classroom1. Listen to the text. Then read it alo

13、ud.42. Finish the sentences with words from the text.4. Finish the puzzle with the words from the word box.(1)LiMingsclassroomisonthe_fmoor.(2) The classroom has large windows. It is big and _. (3) The blackboard is on the _ wall. Above the blackboard is the national flag of _. The classroom bulleti

14、n board is on the _ wall.bright_fmag_nationalfmag _write _ China _ bulletin board _3. Listen, read and write.Across: classfmoorgradeclassroomDown: school blackboard door windowbcckflgddslssmww5Every student brings a book to the library. You can see different kinds of books: picture books, storybooks

15、 and science books. Look, this is a science book. It is about plants. This book is interesting. Who brought it to the library?Oh, you have a nice class library. Where do the books come from?Ma Li brought it to the library. He likes plants very much.Growing plants is fun. You dig a hole in the ground

16、 and put seeds in the hole. Then you cover the seeds with earth.Then the plants begin to grow. They come out of the earth. Leaves grow and flowers open.My Class Library1. Listen to the text. Then read it aloud.6(2)Whenyoufjnishyourhomework, Ill take you to the library.(1) When I go to the park with

17、my mom, I bring an umbrella.(3) Many plants grow from seeds.(1) The teachers buy the books for the class library.(2) There are science books and storybooks in the class library.(3) Ma Li likes growing plants in the garden.5. Match each sentence to the correct picture.2. Write T or F after each sente

18、nce.bring _ brought _ library _ science _ seed _ interesting _3. Listen, read and write.4. Write the three steps to grow plants.(1) _(2) _(3) _7We take turns being the monitor. Zhao Xiaomei is our monitor this month.Ill be the monitor next month.Who is your monitor?I sit in the second row. In front

19、of me is Chen Xi. To my left is Li Kuan. To my right is Gao Xiaoqiang. Behind me is He Yan.Where do you sit?There are forty-two students in my class, twenty girls and twenty-two boys. About My Class1. Listen to the text. Then read it aloud.82. Answer the questions.4. Listen to the story. Then tick t

20、he correct answer.(1) Whats a good name for the story? A. My Uncle and His Family B. Fun with My Cousin C. Good Friends(2) Why did Susan run after the boy? A. She wanted to play with the boy. B. She ran slower than the boy.Mom said that my uncle and his family were coming to visit us.One sunny day,

21、they came in a big red car. My uncle and aunt got out of the car. Then a girl got out. Mom said she was my cousin, Susan. Susan saw me.“Hi,” she said. “Lets play.”“No,” I said. I began to run. She ran after me. I climbed up the tree. She was behind me. “Hello,” I said to her.“Hi,” she said with a sm

22、ile.We played together. We had a lot of fun.in front of _ behind _ left _right _ monitor _ take turns _3. Listen, read and write.(1) Who sits in front of Li Ming? _(2) Who is the monitor of Li Mings class this month? _9We run and jump. We do the long jump and the high jump. We also do sit-ups.Whats

23、your favorite subject?What do you do in your P.E. class?We study Chinese, math, English and many other subjects. We have six classes every day.What subjects do you study at school?Mon.Tues.Wed.Thurs.Fri.8:00-8:40ChineseMathChineseReadingMath8:50-9:30MathChineseMathMathChinese10:10-10:50 P.E.ArtEngli

24、shEnglishHealth11:00-11:40EnglishEnglishP.E.SocietyP.E.Lunch Break1:30-2:10ScienceWritingP.E. MusicWriting2:30-3:10Class MeetingMusicComputerArtMusicMy School Subjects1. Listen to the text. Then read it aloud.My favorite subject is P.E.We play basketball, football, table tennis and badminton.10(1) L

25、i Ming studies Chinese, math, English and many other _.(2) Li Mings favorite subject is _.(3) In the P.E. class, the students do the long jump and the _ jump.2. Finish the sentences with words from the text.5. Listen to the dialogue. Then work in pairs.I study in Yuxin Primary School.Yes, we do.Four

26、 times. What about you?Im a student in Chenhui Primary School. Where do you study? Do you study English?Four times, too.How many times each week do you have English class?subject _ study _ P.E. class _high jump _ long jump _ sit-up _3. Listen, read and write.(1) How many sit-ups can you do in one mi

27、nute? _(2) Do you like to do the high jump? What about the long jump? _4. Answer the questions.11We kick the shuttlecock, play with yo-yos, jump rope and play games. We play many different kinds of games. Many students like to throw beanbags.We throw beanbags in different ways. One way is this: Some

28、 children stand somewhere. Another child throws the beanbag and tries to hit one of them. We also play it this way: We draw some circles on the ground. We try to throw the beanbag into the circles.No, we dont. Our teacher says chasing each other in the schoolyard is dangerous. Our school rule says,

29、“Dont chase each other in the schoolyard.”Do you play tag?Thats true. What do You Do Between Classes?1. Listen to the text. Then read it aloud.What games do you play? How do you throw beanbags?What do you do between classes?125. Look at the following signs. They are park rules. Write a sentence to t

30、ell what each sign says. The first one is done for you.Tag is a childrens game. Some children run. One child chases them and tries to touch one of them.4. Listen to the text. Then answer the questions.(1) Do you play tag with your friends? _(2) Where do you think you can play tag? _Dont skate in the

31、 park.game _ beanbag _ tag _chase _ schoolyard _ rule _3. Listen, read and write.(1) The teachers tell the students what to do between classes.(2) Some students throw beanbags between classes.(3) Children chase each other when they play tag.2. Write T or F after each sentence._131. Write a sentence

32、for each picture with the correct word or group of words from the word box. The first two are done for you. on beside up in front of under between down behind The ball is going down the slide._The ball is behindthe chair._142. Listen to the story. Tick the word in the ( ) to finish each sentence. Th

33、en answer the questions.3. Lets sing!The Hokey PokeyHey, you put your right hand in;You put right hand out;You put your right hand in,And you shake it all about.You do the Hokey Pokey,And you turn yourself around.Thats what its all about.Do you like _ (reading, writing)? I do.When you read, do you w

34、ant a _ (friend, pet) with you? I do. I read to my _ (pet, little) dog, Browny.Browny is my _ (good, great) friend. He always has _ (time, money). When I say, “Browny, its story time,” Browny will run to me, sit beside me and wait for me to begin. When I _ (begin, finish) reading, he will look at me

35、 and smile. He wants to say, “I like your _ (story, reading).”I love reading. I love my pet dog, too.(1) When the girl reads a story, who listens to her? _(2)WhatdoesBrownydowhenthegirlfjnishesreadingastory? _1516My hobby is playing the violin.His hobby is playing badminton.Her hobby is swimming.The

36、ir hobby is painting.Whats your hobby?U N I T 2WHAT S YOUR HOBBY? WHAT S YOUR HOBBY? 17181. Listen to the text. Then act it out.It is evening. Wei Fang and her family are having dinner. She is talking about her school.In my Chinese class today, my teacher asked us to talk about our hobbies. My class

37、mates had so many different kinds of hobbies.What were they? Some students liked sports, music and art. Some liked to take care of animals. Some liked to watch the stars.That was a lot. Did you talk about your hobby?No. My teacher asked us to write about our hobbies after class. She also asked us to

38、 interview our family members. Are you going to interview us?Yes, Grandpa. Can I begin with you?Sure.Talking About HobbiesWei Fang:Grandma: Wei Fang:Mother:Father: Wei Fang:Grandpa: Wei Fang:Grandpa:193. Learn them.hobby hobbies family families party parties baby babiesteach teacher sing singer danc

39、e dancer write writer chair classmate schoolyard about many _chair watch beach Christmas teacher5. Fun with words.(1) Find a short word in the longer word. Then write it on the line.(2) Put the two short words together to make a longer word.(3) Circle the word whose letter group ch does not sound li

40、ke the ch in peach.class+room=_ _star+fjsh=_ _bean + bag = _ _ black + board = _(1) Wei Fang and her family are talking about their hobbies.(2) Some of Wei Fangs classmates like art. (3)WeiFangsgrandpaaskedWeiFangtointerviewhimfjrst.4. Finish the sentences with the words from the word box.2. Write T

41、 or F after each sentence.hobby classmates interview members begins(1) My _ is reading. Whats your hobby?(2) The driver saved the kid. Many reporters wanted to _ him.(3) Lions are _ of the cat family.(4) My English teacher often _ her class with an English song.(5) Jane is nice. All my _ like her.20

42、My grandpa loves growing flowers. He grows flowers in his garden. Today I interviewed him about fmower growing.WeiFang:Grandpa,whydoyoulovegrowingfmowers?Grandpa: I love flowers. I love to see the different shapes, colors and sizesofthefmowers.Ilovetosmellthefmowers,too.Ilovetoseebutterfmiesfmyingar

43、oundthefmowers.Ilovetohearthebuzzingsound of bees.WeiFang:Butgrowingfmowersisalotofwork.Youneedtoplantseedsand water them.Grandpa: Thats true. But I love the work. I stay outside. I get fresh air and sunlight. I get good exercise, too. Wei Fang: Thats great!Grandpa and Flower Growing1. Listen to the

44、 text. Then act it out.21hear _ smell _ sunlight _garden _ size _ exercise _3. Listen, read and write.2. Write T or F after each sentence.(1) Grandfather likes to work in his garden.(2)TherearedifferentkindsoffmowersinGrandfathersgarden.(3) Grandfather does exercise in his garden every day. bee hear

45、 crow like need_(1) Change one letter to make a new word. Then write it on the line.welcomeworkbutterfmygrowbegin_(2) Find a short word in the longer word. Then write it on the line.5. Fun with words.4. Finish the sentences with the words from the word box.exercise sunlight seeds see hear smell(1) H

46、e saw the bear _ the man and leave.(2) Farmers plant _ in spring. (3) We do morning _ every day.(4) I listened, but I did not _ any sound.(5) Its important to get enough fresh air and _ every day.(6)Tigerscomeouttofjndfoodatnight.Theycan_wellinthedark.22My grandma loves sewing. She sews many differe

47、nt kinds of things. Today I interviewed my grandma about sewing.Wei Fang: Grandma, why do you love sewing?Grandma: Sewing is great! It allows me to do many wonderful things. I can sew bags, gloves and clothes. I can make new things with old things. I can make my clothes bigger or smaller. I can also

48、 make a piece of art.Wei Fang: Thats wonderful! Do you use a sewing machine, or do you sew by hand?Grandma: I love sewing by hand and I use a sewing machine, too.Wei Fang: I want to learn sewing, too!Grandma and Sewing1. Listen to the text. Then act it out.234. Look at the picture. Read the sentence

49、. Tick the choice that best follows the sentence. 5. Learn the proverb. Then translate it into Chinese.sew _ allow _ sew by hand _machine _ learn _ sewing machine _3. Listen, read and write.(1) Grandma can make a pair of trousers shorter.(2) Grandma loves sewing because sewing is good exercise. 2. W

50、rite T or F after each sentence.(2) My grandmother can sew by hand.A. She can also use a sewing machine.B. She is 70 years old.(1) A robot is a machine.A. It can do many different things.B. Look at the robot. (3) We wash big things with a washing machine.A. I do not like washing clothes.B. We wash s


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