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1、To study and implement the spirit of the two sessions is the primary political task of the educators in 2018. Through the study of the spirit of the two sessions, I have a profound awareness that the key to the prosperity and development of the country lies in the Party, and the key to the all-round

2、 rejuvenation of the nation lies in education. The two sessions were held on March 3, and the two sessions have attracted much attention. The Congress of democracy, unity, harmony, and pragmatism has determined the work of economic and social development in 2018, which is of great significance for f

3、urther promoting scientific development, promoting social harmony, and continuously opening up a new situation for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. At present, the most important political task before us is to concentrate on the two Will spirit study well, carry out well. Reform

4、is still the focus of this years two sessions. Our party should continue to deepen the reform in an all-round way and unswervingly go on, and promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance ability, which requires the Party to improve its governing ability and efficiency a

5、nd raise its work level. The anti-corruption issue is also the focus of more efforts, because in the past year, our country has made great progress on the road of fighting corruption and promoting integrity, and has cracked down on many corrupt officials. To those who do not wholeheartedly for the w

6、elfare of the people of the government personnel heavy blow and warning. And it is precisely because of the vigorous administration of the party and the state that some public funds eat and drink. Corruption and other phenomena have mostly disappeared, so this years deep reform1 见义勇为一座废弃许久的小学,校园里树木苍


8、倒把便衣警察给拦了下来,鲁莽地见义勇为,而不加思考辨别,这怎么行呢?”喜鹊也毫不示弱,飞到一棵高高的柳树上,居高临下地对着麻雀讲到:“见义勇为是一种高尚的品格,应该被发扬。记得有一次,一个五岁的小女孩在河边玩耍时,一不小心滑入水中。千钧一发之际,一位中年男子奋不顾身地跳入水中,救起了小女孩。这件事多么让人感动啊!所以见义勇为还是要坚持学习和发扬的。”喜鹊说完,摆出了一副得意洋洋的表情。麻雀气呼呼地说:“如果是你遇到身强力壮的歹徒,如果是你遇到落水的儿童,如果是你遇到熊熊的烈火” “哈哈是啊!你们说的都对,不过,你们知道见义勇为的真正含义和来历吗?”啄木鸟打断了他们的争吵。 现在大家认为看见不好

9、的事情就要挺身而出,拔刀相助,除恶扬善,伸张正义,这就是“见义勇为”。刚才麻雀和喜鹊的争辩都有理,所以小学生见义勇为要量力而行,不要做无谓的牺牲;首先要正确全面了解“义”,然后“见义”不仅要“勇为”,还要“智为”,不可以莽撞、盲目。比如“弦高犒师”, 弦高经商途中突然遇到秦国军队去袭击他的祖国郑国时,便一面派人急速回国报告敌情,一面伪装成郑国国君的特使,以12头牛作为礼物,犒劳秦军。秦军以为郑国已经知道偷袭之事,只好班师返回。郑国避免了一次灭亡的命运。热爱自己的祖国是大“义”,一定要为,而且要做成功,这就需要“智为”智慧;还需要常人所不能的勇气。见义当智、勇而为,量力而为,不要因小失大。“见义

10、不为,无勇也。”没有智、仁、勇就无法从事自己的事业,所以要实现自己的理想就是一种牺牲,要智、仁、勇齐备,看到该做的就去做就是见义勇为。这就是为政篇的基本精神要有见义而为的大勇;要有人溺己溺,人饥己饥的胸怀。成 语:见义勇为 jin y yng wi释 义:用看到该做的、正义的事情就要奋勇的去做。近义词:急公好义、挺身而出 、义不容辞、反义词:袖手旁观、见利忘义、见死不救、隔岸观火示 例:小明同学见义勇为的行为,足可作为同学们学习的楷模,值得表扬。文言原文:子曰:非其鬼而祭之,谄之。见义不为,无勇也。(出自论语为政)译文:孔子说:“不是你当祭的鬼而祭他,这是你存心谄媚。遇见你该当做的事不做,这是

11、你没勇气。This years two sessions of the National peoples Congress were held under the leadership of the party Central Committee to hold high the banner, to develop scientifically, to reform and innovate, and to make steady progress. Although this session of the National peoples Congress and the last ses

12、sion of this session of the Chinese peoples political Consultative Conference were held, they were lively and fruitful. Such words as seeking progress in a steady way, reasonably anticipating, deepening reform, government responsibility, and peoples livelihood construction have become the focus of p

13、eoples attention. To sum up, the main tasks of this year are to stabilize growth, control prices, adjust structure, benefit peoples health, grasp reform and promote harmony. It is necessary to profoundly grasp the objectives, tasks, and work priorities of this years economic and social development, and earnestly unify the thinking and action with the central authorities scientific judgment of the situation. Unified to the central governments major policy-making arrangements, and the implementation of the actual work.


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