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1、总主编 艾一培总主审 余渭深 Andrew Kaiser主 编 刘莉丽副主编 陈春晖编 者 (按姓氏笔画排列) 刘莉丽 刘寅齐 陈春晖 胡 琦 黄 宇 龚志维绘 画 赵 静音 乐 杨胜松英 语三年级 下册(三年级起点)义务教育教科书英 语 三年级 下册 (三年级起点)主 编 刘莉丽责任编辑:罗 亚 版式设计:牟 妮责任校对:张红梅 责任印制:赵 晟 *重庆大学出版社出版发行出版人:饶帮华社址:重庆市沙坪坝区大学城西路21号邮编:401331 电话: (023)88617190 88617185(中小学) 传真: (023)88617186 88617166 网址: http:/ 邮箱: (营销

2、中心)全国新华书店经销重庆升光电力印务有限公司印刷 * 开本:787mm1092mm 1/16 印张:5.5 字数:87千2002年8月第1版 2012年12月第3版 2019年12月第30次印刷ISBN 978-7-5624-7161-5 定价:5.25元本书如有印刷、装订等质量问题,本社负责调换版权所有,请勿擅自翻印和用本书制作各类出版物及配套用书,违者必究朋友们,我们又见面了。让我们拉拉手,轻轻地说一声:“你好!” 我将再次牵着你的手,跟你一起走进英语学习的大门,去向小鸟学习唱歌,去跟蓝天白云对话,去了解一片迷人的新天地,去结识更多的新 朋友。我们将进入一个美好、神奇的儿童乐园。在这里,

3、我们会融入种种奇妙的情景中,学唱英语歌和英语童谣,学做游戏和画画,还要演一些简单的英语小品,参加一些英语比赛。在这些活动中,你会自然地、愉快地学会说英语,并记住许多英语单词。你会发现,英语课是你最喜欢的课程。你就是课堂的小主人。老师和同学一样,是一个平等的对话者。我敢肯定,你还会不时地拿起教鞭,神气十足地当起小老师。 你的英语说得那么棒,你的英语歌唱得那么美,你的出色表现,一定会得到老师的鼓励,同学们的赞美。在逐步提高英语听说能力的同时,你的英语读写能力也会得到初步的发展,从而为进一步的学习打好基础。那时候,你就能用英语跟“老外”交谈,用英语在超市购物,你还能用英文给外国小朋友写信,让他们和你

4、一起分享成功和快乐吧!当然,在学习中你也会碰到困难的。但不要忘了,还有我这个朋友哦!我向你保证,我会永远帮助你、支持你。我们会永远在一起体验快乐,迸发热情,增长知识,健康成长。嗨!你准备好了吗?让我们开始吧!look, fi ndlistensay, talk, chant, read, asknumber, draw, link, match, trace,tick, write, copy, cross, join, fi llpractise, act, do, play, move, makesingcultural clipspointcirclecolourcountContent

5、sPageUnit 1 Whos This Boy? 1Unit 2 I Have a New Toy 10Unit 3 This Is My Father 19Review 1 28Unit 4 Put on Your Clothes 33Unit 5 Have a Drink 42Unit 6 Lets Play Football 51Review 2 60WordsinEachUnit 65WordList 71ChildrensGarden 74Mr. WhiteStanleyDu XiaomaoHao TianMiss LiuGao WendiLu HuaMaxMr. WhiteMi

6、ss LiuRexWhos This Boy?Unit 11Lesson 1Whos that woman? Show me the picture, Wendi.Yes, Mum. Here you are.Whos this boy?Shes my mum.Hes Stanley. Oh, he is a nice boy.man womanboygirl1. Look, listen and say34212Whos that girl?Shes Lu Hua.2. Listen and draw3. Lets practise324Look!Whos this man?Look!Who

7、s this woman?Hes my dad.Shes3GroupScore 1Boy 2Girl 3Man 4Woman This is a book!Boy Group, show me the book!Girl Group, show me the pen!Thats OK.Come in, please.May I come in?Thank you.Sorry, Im late.1This is a pen!2435. Listen and act4. Lets play4pupilnurseteacherdoctor Hi, Miss Liu! How are you?Fine

8、, thank you. And you, Mr. White?Im fi ne, too. Thank you. Whos this boy?Hes Stanley. Hes a new pupil. Nice to meet you, Stanley!Nice to meet you, too, Mr. White! 1. Look, listen and sayLesson 25This is Stanley.Hello, Stanley! Nice to meet you, Stanley! Whos that woman?Shes Miss Wang. Shes a new doct

9、or.3. Lets practise2. Listen and colour6How are you, Stanley?Fine, thank you. How are you, Max?Fine, thank you. How are you, Rex?.A, B, C, D, E, a, b, c, d, e. I can see a beefl ying to the tree. appleboycatdogegg5. Read, trace and copy4. Lets play72. Listen and colour1. Listen and numberLesson 3ABE

10、CD18Whos that man?Hes.How are you, boys and girls?This is.Nice tomeet you.bEeAcCdDBa.4. Talk with your friends3. Read and match 9Womens Day6. Cultural clipsHappy Womens Day, Mum!Happy Womens Day, Mum!Thank you. The same to you.Good girl!5. Look and circlegirl manwomanpupildoctorteacherwomanmannurset

11、eachergirlboypupilnursemanboyman123456783月8日10 Good evening, Uncle and Aunt!Good evening, Hao Tian!I have a new toy for you.Wow! Its a train. Thank you very much. Good boy!Wow! Its a bus.Look! I havea new toy.bus trainuncleaunt1. Look, listen and sayI Have a New ToyUnit 2Lesson 111Oh! Its a bus.Look

12、, Uncle!I have a new toy. Wow, a bear! Thank you, Aunt.Look, Miss Liu! I have a new boat.I have a new dog.I have a new ball.3. Lets practise2. Listen and numberI have a new toyfor you, Xiaomao.112Come on! Try to make new songs with bus, boat, car, plane.(来吧! 试试自己编新歌。 )Take out a pieceof paper, pleas

13、e. Fold the paper like this. 5. Listen and act4. Listen and singPay attention.13 Hi! I have a new toy.Whats that? A ship? Sure. Here you are.Oh, how lovely!No, it isnt. Its a train.Can I see your train?shippandamonkeykite1. Look, listen and sayLesson 214Fly, fl y, like a kite.Watch, watch, like a mo

14、nkey.Walk, walk, like a panda.Go, go, like a ship.Turn over a picture and say it.I have a car.I have a bus.Score Dog Group3. Lets practise2. Listen and actScore Cat Group15F, G, H, I, f, g, h, i. I can see a kitefl ying in the sky. f ishgirlhenice-cream1) Draw a toy on the paper.2) Fold the paper.3)

15、 Send it to your friend.I have a toyfor you,A toy for me? Whats that?Wow! Itsa plane!5. Read, trace and copy4. Lets play1612ABAB34ABAB56ABAB2. Find and colour1. Listen and circleLesson 317FhiHgIfGGood evening, dear!.Wow! Its aNice to meet you, too. This ismy uncle. Nice tomeet you.3. Read and match4

16、. Talk with your friendsLook! I have a toy for you. F186. Cultural clipsEaster EggsLets colour the eggs.Have some Easter eggs, please.Thank you, Bunny! 3 kites monkeys ships trains boats planes pandas buses5. Count and write19brothersister fathermotherWhats your mothers job?Shes a nurse. Xiaomao! Th

17、is is my father, mother, brother and sister.Whats your fathers job? Hes a teacher.My father is a teacher, too. Thats good. Oh, my! Lets go to school. This Is My FatherUnit 3Lesson 11. Look, listen and say20Whats yourfathers job?Hes a teacher.Whats your mothers job?Shes a nurse.Whats your mothers job

18、, Stanley?And you?Well done.Shes a doctor. Im a pupil.3. Lets practise2. Listen and link215. Listen and actLet me try.Let me try.Open your books, please. Turn to Page 9.Well, Rex, please!Wholl try?4. Listen and sing22 Hao Tian, its time for bed. All right, Grandma!Good night, dear! HmWhat is it?Good

19、 night, Grandma!Er Its my cat. Oh no, dear!1. Look, listen and sayLesson 2cousincousingrandpagrandma(grandfather)(grandmother)23Good afternoon! Good morning, Grandpa!Morning, Grandma!Good evening, Grandmother!Good boy!Say good night to your cousin.Good night, Ann!This is Jack. Hes my cousin.Good aft

20、ernoon! Hi, Jack!Good night, Jack!3. Lets practise2. Listen and point241) Stick pictures of your family on the mobile.2) Play with your friends.Whos this?This is myJ, K, L, M, j, k, l, m.Little boy Sam likes to eat jam.jamkitelemonmother5. Read, trace and copy4. Lets play2512. Find and colour1. List

21、en and numberLesson 326Im big J. Im small j. Good night!.Whos that man? .This is my cousin. . .Whats your mothers job?Shes.3. Lets play4. Talk with your friends27Mothers Day6. Cultural clips5. Make your family tree5月Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Satgrandpagrandmagrandpagrandmaunclemotherfatherauntunclesis

22、terbrothermecousincousingrandpagrandmagrandpagrandmaunclemotherfatherauntunclesisterbrothermecousincousin28Now, count your stars and colour them.123456I have a new toy. Its a green bus. I have a cousin. Shes a pupil. I have an uncle. Hes a. 1. Listen, tick and sayReview 129Find: a monkey 5 a woman a

23、 train a panda a girl a kite a ship a bus a boy a man 52134681079Now, count your stars and colour them.2. Find and write30BINGO!F fNow, count your stars and colour them.E eD dC cG gH hI iJ jgrandpaB bK kbusA amotherM mL lLetter “M”!Mother!Mum!Monkey!3. Listen, cross and practise31How are you,Aunt Pa

24、nda? Fine, thanks. And you? Im fi ne, too. Thank you.Now, count your stars and colour them.Hi!This is my mother. This is my father. Look! Thats my sister. Shes a lovely girl.4. Listen, number and actWhos this girl, your sister?No. Shes my cousin. Hello!Uncle Panda! Hes my grandpa. Shes my grandma.He

25、y, Brother John! Come here!All right.Oh, my!Oh, sorry, Aunt Panda!Well, its timefor the party! Hip, hip, hooray!1You Your dad / mum Great!OK!Try harder!我能说唱学过的歌谣、歌曲。我能简单介绍别人和家人。我能说一些基本职业和玩具名称。我能认、读、写字母AM。我能听音画画、做动作。我能做简单的角色表演。I can do these in English ( )32Your Teachers RemarksYour Teachers RemarksD

26、ear _ _Self-assessment33Yes, Mr. Li! Is this your coat, Gao Wendi?No, it isnt. Which is your coat?The blue one, Mr. Li.Which is your shirt? The brown one.coatdress skirtPut on Your ClothesUnit 4Lesson 11. Look, listen and sayshirt Class is over. Put on your clothes, please. 341) Draw your clothes, p

27、lease.2) Stick your clothes on the blackboard, please.Is this your skirt?Yes, it is.Thank you.Is this your shirt? No, it isnt. Which is your shirt? The green one. 3. Lets practise2. Listen and colour35Come on! Try to make new songs with skirt, dress(来吧! 试试自己编新歌。 )Max!Yes, Miss Liu?Come to the front,

28、 please.OK.Draw a cap on theblackboard, please.OK, Miss Liu.5. Listen and act4. Listen and sing36 Try on this white cap, He Ping.Oh, its too small for me. All right, Mother. Try on this yellow one, then. Aha, its just right. 1. Look, listen and sayscarfT-shirt sweatercapLesson 237Can I help you?Yes.

29、 A T-shirt, please.Try on this black one, please. Mm, its too small for me.2. Listen and draw3. Lets practise1243N, O, P, Q, R,n, o, p, q, r.I drive a car running after the star. nineorangepenqueenrabbit12345. Read, trace and copy4. Listen and link381. Listen and tick2. Listen and colourLesson 3NQRO

30、P39FatherMotherGrandpaGrandma40Is this your scarf ?.Here you are.Is this your cap?.The red one. .All right.3. Read and match4. Talk with your friendsonrNQPqpORN41Kilts6. Cultural clipsThats so funny.Look, the man is wearing a skirt!Hes a Scot. Hes wearing a kilt.Colour this one blue and brown.Colour

31、 this one red and green.15. Look and numbercap coat T-shirt shirt skirt scarf dress sweater42I like milk.What do you like, Rex? Its time for rest, children.Have a drink. Great! Im thirsty.What do you like? I like water.I like grape juice.milk teawater juicewater1. Look, listen and sayHave a DrinkUni

32、t 5Lesson 143No, thanks.I like tea. Have some milk, please. OK. Here you are.Thank you.What do you like?What juice? Mm I like juice.Grape juice. 3. Lets practise2. Listen and link44Come here, please.All right, Miss Liu.One card for each group.OK, Miss Liu. This is for you, Group 1. This is for you,

33、Group 2. Apple.I like apple juice.Apple juice.Pear.Pear juice.I like pear juice.5. Listen and act4. Lets make fruit juiceScore Group 1Score Group 245 Its time for tea.Good! Im hungry.Im hungry, too.Look! What is it? Cool! Its a banana pie!I like banana pies best. pieeggcakeice-cream1. Look, listen a

34、nd sayLesson 246Grandma, Im hungry.Have an egg.No, thanks.Have a cake.No, thanks.Have a pie.No, thanks.Have an ice-cream.Thank you.2. Listen and draw3. Lets practise124347S, T, U, V,s, t, u, v.Little boy David loves watching TV.scarfTVumbrellavest5. Read, trace and copy4. Listen and chantCome on! Tr

35、y to make new chants with juice,eggs, and grandfather, grandmother(来吧! 试试自己编新儿歌。 )I like milk. I like tea. I like Father to drink with me.I like cake. I like tea.I like Mother to eat with me.48S S S, drive a bus.T T T, have some tea.U U U, jump with you.V V V, turn on the TV.12432. Listen and do1. L

36、isten and circleLesson 349Have some water, please.What do you like?I like.Im hungry. .Thank you.uvtTVSUs3. Read and match4. Talk with your friends50Childrens Day6. Cultural clipsHappy Childrens Day! This is for you.Thank you, Grandma! Thank you, Grandpa! I love you.We love you, too. 5. Read and draw

37、Tea ¥3.00 Milk ¥4.00 Water ¥2.00 Juice ¥5.00Pie ¥7.00 Cake ¥3.00 Egg ¥1.00 Ice-cream ¥6.006月1日51 Lets play football.We cant play football. Then, lets play basketball. Can you play basketball?Yes, we can. Good idea!runjumpplay basketballplay footballNo, we cant. Can you run?Lets Play FootballUnit 6Le

38、sson 11. Look, listen and say52Can you play basketball? No, we cant.Can you jump?Yes, we can. Lets run to the classroom.OK, lets run.3. Lets practise2. Listen and number53Kick the ball.Kick the ball.Bounce the ball.Pass the ball.Shoot the ball.Wholl try fi rst?Me fi rst!Me fi rst!Put up your hands.

39、Good! Now put down your hands, please.5. Listen and act4. Say and do54 My name is Lu Hua. Im in Class 4, Grade 3.Whats your number?Ready, start!Run! Run fast, Gao Wendi! Come on! Come on, Gao Wendi! 1. Look, listen and sayLesson 2Fifteen.eleventwelvethirteenfourteenfifteen55Hi! Im Xia Yu. Imin Class

40、 6, Grade 4.Hi! Im Du Xiaomao.Im in Class 4, Grade 3. Nice to meet you.My number is 13. My number is 12.My number is 11. 3. Lets practise2. Listen and write1234556WhoHow OldClassGrade12 10 144 5 6 6 7 8 9 11 152 3 45 7 9 14 8 131 5 7 6 7 810 14 123 4 57 8 912 13 116 5 44 5 6W, X, Y, Z,w, x, y, z.Lit

41、tle girl Liz is drawing zebras. watchboxyellowzero5. Read, trace and copy4. Listen and circle57BINGO!1215111413abcdfghijklmnoepqrstuvwxzyABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYZX2. Read and join the letters1. Listen and crossLesson 3Can you play basketball?.Jump to the door.OK.One, two, three, four.One, two, three

42、, four, fi ve, six. ten, eleven, twelve.Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm NnOo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy ZzAlphabet584. Talk with your friends3. Listen and sing591234run / jumpplay basketball / play footballtwelve / fourteen / thirteeneleven / thirteen / fi fteenDragon Boat Festival6. Cultu

43、ral clips5. Look and circle农历Have a zongzi, Stanley.Thank you.I like zongzi. Lets go to watchthe dragon boat race. Good idea!初五五月60Now, count your stars and colour them.123456Name Han Dan Age Class Grade Name Peng Xin Age Class Grade Name Lan Yan Age Class Grade Name Bill Age Class Grade Name Sue Ag

44、e Class Grade Name Li Feng Age Class Grade 1. Listen, write and sayReview 261Grandfather GrandmotherFatherMother BrotherSisterNow, count your stars and colour them.Can I help you?What do you like?Yes. Im hungry.I like a pie.Im thirsty. I like an ice-cream.2. Listen, tick and act62A: Which is your co

45、at? B: The orange one.B: What colour is your shirt?A: Green. Its green. Now, count your stars and colour them.B: What colour is your shirt?A: Green. Its green. A: Which is your coat? B: The orange one.As TablecoatshirtsweaterT-shirtdressskirtscarfcapBs TablecoatshirtsweaterT-shirtdressskirtscarfcap3

46、. Ask and circle63afnrvxutqpmljihdbzN1O23Run to 5.4P5Play Q6R7S89Lets playLets playT1011Jump to 15.Jump to 15.U V W12X Y Z1314Its time for bed.Its time for bed.15Its time for rest.Now, count your stars and colour them.5. Fill in the letters4. Say, colour or do64You Your dad / mum I can do these in E

47、nglish ( )Great!OK!Try harder!我能说唱学过的歌谣、歌曲。我能表达喜欢和能做的事情。我能说一些服装、饮食名称和数字。我能认、读、写字母AZ。我能听音画画、做动作。我能做简单的角色表演。Your Teachers RemarksYour Teachers RemarksDear _ _Self-assessment65单元词汇表(注:所有单词要求学生能听、说、认读。 )UNIT 1Words in Each Unitgirlman womanboypupilteachernursedoctor66UNIT 2pandamonkeyshipkitebus trainun

48、cleaunt67UNIT 3fathermothersister brothercousincousingrandpa(grandfather)grandma(grandmother)68UNIT 4dress coatshirtskirtscarfT-shirt sweatercap69UNIT 5water juicemilk teacakepieeggice-cream70runjumpplay basketballplay footballeleventwelvethirteenfourteenfifteenUNIT 671Aand 和,与(1)And you? 你呢?(1)all

49、right 好吧,行(3)aunt 姑母,姨母,阿姨(2)Bbasketball 篮球(6)boy 男孩(1)brother 哥哥,弟弟(3)bus 公共汽车(2)Ccake 蛋糕(5)cant = can not 不能(6)cap 帽子(4)child (pl. children). 儿童,小孩(5)Class is over. 下课。(4)clothes 衣服,服装(4)coat 上衣,外套(4)come on 加油(6)cousin 堂(表)兄弟, 堂(表)姐妹(3)Ddoctor 医生(1)dress 连衣裙(4)drink 饮料(5)Eegg 蛋(5)eleven 11(6)even

50、ing 晚上,傍晚(2)Ffast 快速地(6)father 父亲(3)fifteen 15(6)fine 好的;健康的(1)football 足球(6)fourteen 14(6)Ggirl 女孩,姑娘(1)go 走,去(3)good evening 晚上好(2)Word List词汇表(注:黑体单词要求学生能听、说、认读;其他单词只作听、说要求。)注:词汇后括号内的数字为单元序号。good night 晚安(3)grandpa(grandfather) (外)祖父(3)grandma(grandmother) (外)祖母(3)great 美妙的,好极的(5)Hhave 有(2)he 他(1


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