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1、高校校友观察中外高校毕业生职业发展研究与展望 2021University Alumni Insights:Career Development Prospects for Chinese and Global Graduates 2021全球化智库(CCG) 领英中国(LinkedIn)新冠肺炎疫情的全球大流行使世界经济遭遇历史性衰退, 劳动力市场也面临严峻挑战。根据国际劳工组织 (International Labour Organization) 2021 年世界就业和社会展望趋势报告 的最新评估,全球范围内,危机引发的就业损失预计将于 2021 年达到 7500 万,2022年全球失业

2、人口总数预计将达到 2.05 亿人,相当于 5.7% 的失业率。报告同时指出,2020年青年就业率下降了 8.7%,青年群体职业发展所受到的影响更加严重。中国作为世界第二大经济体,在疫情防控与经济复苏中率先取得阶段性成效,经济的稳步恢复与发展拉动了就业市场的持续回暖。但是,由于就业岗位供给情况仍受到外部环境复杂多变和未来市场不确定性的影响,2021 年全国普通高校毕业生规模又达到 909 万人的历史新高,我国就业市场的供需两端均面临较大压力。高校毕业生是青年职业发展的重要群体,也是促进全球创新发展的重要力量,为了通过提供前瞻性分析来助力高校毕业生发展,进而为更加广泛的青年群体职业规划形成更多参

3、考,全球化智库 (CCG) 与领英中国 (LinkedIn) 开展联合研究。基于领英平台大数据,我们对我国十所“双一流”高校 (U10) 及全球 QS 排名前 100 高校 (G100) 超过 250 万毕业生的职业发展路径进行深入分析,洞察中外高校毕业生职业发展的情况、变化与趋势。希望我们的报告能为中外高校毕业生、高校在读生,乃至即将步入高校的新生和高中毕业班学生提前规划职业发展路径提供帮助。报告还就高等教育、人才培养、就业政策,以及教育国际合作等方面提出了相关建议,供有关部门参考,以期助力新发展格局下我国国际化人才的培养与发展,推动国内国际双循环相互促进。 前 言 U10高校分别为清华大学

4、、北京大学、中国人民大学、复旦大学、上海交通大学、浙江大学、武汉大学、华中科技大学、南京大学、中山大学,排名不分先后。高校选择统筹考虑了高校领英平台注册用户数量、高校毕业生用户选择深造与就业的数量、学校声望,以及 QS、US News 世界大学综合排名等多个因素。 G100 高校按照 2022 年 QS 世界大学排名选取,参考链接:https:/ 样本中包括 5 所 U10 学校,分别是清华大学、北京大学、复旦大学、浙江大学和上海交通大学。 样本包括了所有在领英填写 U10 及 G100 教育经历,并且在 2016 年至 2020 年间毕业的用户。其中,U10 样本量约为 19 万,G100

5、样本量约为 250 万。The Covid-19 pandemic has triggered the deepest economic recession and severe labour market challenges in nearly a century. According to the latest assessment in World Employment and Social Outlook: Trend 2021 by the International Labour Organization (ILO), the crisis-induced global shor

6、tfall in jobs is projected to stand at 74 million in 2021, and with the lack of available jobs the global unemployment is expected to reach 205 million and the unemployment rate will stand at 5.7% in 2022. The report also noted that globally youth employment fell by 8.7% in 2020, indicating a severe

7、 disruption to the career development for young people. As the second largest economy in the world, China has pioneered in the successful containment of the Covid-19 transmission, and driven by the steady resume of economic activities, its job market has continued to recover. However, the supply of

8、employment opportunities will still be impacted by the heightened uncertainties in the future market and the external circumstances. Also facing a difficult year are the group of university graduates whose number have reached a record high of 9.09 million in 2021, creating considerable pressure for

9、both the supply and demand for labour.University graduates are one of the most important groups in facilitating youth career development and fostering global innovation. Aims to provide prospective analysis that helps the university graduates to make informed decisions about their career development

10、, the Center for China and Globalization (CCG) and LinkedIn China initiated this joint research, which will also further function as a reference to a broader youth group regarding their career path. Based on LinkedIns big data, we conducted a “portrait analysis” on the profiles of more than 2.5 mill

11、ion graduates from ten universities in Chinas “Double First Class University Plan” (hereafter referred to as U10) and the top 100 universities located around the globe in QS World University Rankings(hereafter referred to as G100) in order to comprehend the direction and trends in the career develop

12、ment of university graduates in China and around the world. We hope that our report can provide substantial help to university graduates, current university students, incoming university students and even those in the graduating class of high school in China and around the world for their career pla

13、ns.The report also proposes recommendations on the development of higher education and talents, and international education cooperation in order to support the formulation of policy solutions for relevant government agencies. We hope that these findings provide instructive guide to the cultivation a

14、nd development of international talents in China, and empower them to contribute to the new dynamics under the “domestic-international dual circulation”. The sample includes all users who have added entries on LinkedIn about their education experience at U10 or G100 universities and graduated betwee

15、n 2016 and 2020. The sample size of U10 graduates is around 190 000, and that for G100 graduates is around 2 500 000. U10 universities are Tsinghua University, Peking University, Renmin University of China, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Zhejiang University, Wuhan University, Huazho

16、ng University of Science and Technology, Nanjing University and Sun Yat-sen University. In the selection of universities, LinkedIn has taken into account the number of registered users on LinkedIn, the number of university graduates choosing further education or employment, the reputation of the uni

17、versities, as well as QS and US News World University Rankings. The selection of G100 universities is based on the 2022 QS World Universities Rankings (See https:/ The G100 sample also includes 5 U10 universities, which are Tsinghua University, Peking University, Fudan University, Zhejiang Universit

18、y and Shanghai Jiaotong University.Foreword中外高校毕业生职业发展研究与展望 2021I中外高校毕业生职业发展研究与展望 2021中外高校毕业生职业发展研究与展望 2021核心发现II中外高校毕业生职业发展研究与展望 2021核心发现核心发现1. 受新冠肺炎疫情影响,全球 G100 毕业生选择继续深造的比例大幅上升,而得益于疫情的有效控制,中国 U10 毕业生选择继续深造比例的增速相对平稳。同时,中国 U10 毕业生选择继续深造的比例是全球 G100 毕业生的两倍,显示出东西方文化对于高等教育的不同定位,以及更高的学历对东西方学生职业发展的不同作用。2

19、. 中国 U10 毕业生的国际化发展需求明显,欧洲国家和美国仍然是中国 U10 毕业生最主要的留学目的地, 赴亚洲其他国家和地区深造的比例也持续增加, 深造国家和地区选择更趋多样化发展。然而,首次就业地在中国的 U10 毕业生占比达到七成以上。相对于其他发展中国家而言,中国正在逐步摆脱人才流失的情况,未来“出国深造 - 回国就业”的国际人才环流趋势会更加明显,中国对全球高校毕业生的吸引力也将逐步增强。3. 从首次就业地的区域分布来看,中国 U10 毕业生首次就业地在海外区域的占比有所提高,反映出中国毕业生在全球就业市场竞争力的提升。全球 G100 毕业生主要就业地则相对集中于欧洲地区和美国,彰

20、显出欧美发达国家在吸引全球领先高校毕业生方面仍然具有优势,特别是在新冠疫情期间各国出入境及签证政策收紧、离开求学所在地赴国(境)外就业较为困难的情况下,这一优势被进一步放大。4. 在中国U10毕业生和全球G100毕业生首次就业的15个最热门行业中有9个相同行业, 包括 :高等教育、互联网、信息技术与服务、金融服务、计算机软件、管理咨询、研究、银行业和医院与医疗保健,展示了中国改革开放以来不断融入全球化发展所取得的积极成效,中国与世界经济发展的相同之处越来越多。5. 在中国 U10 毕业生和全球 G100 毕业生首次就业的 15 个最热门行业中还有 6 个不同行业,侧面反映出中外在经济、科技、文

21、化,乃至政治方面在现阶段发展下的不同需求,以及特殊行业领域与全球化对接情况的差别,或将成为国内国际“双循环”发展下需要进一步开放和与世界对中外高校毕业生职业发展研究与展望 2021核心发现III中外高校毕业生职业发展研究与展望 2021接的领域。 其中, 中国U10毕业生首次就业的特色热门行业包括电信、 半导体、 电气与电子制造、房地产、汽车和制药,全球 G100 毕业生首次就业的特色热门行业则包括教育管理、政府管理、会计、法律实践、非营利组织管理和零售。6. 中国 U10 毕业生和全球 G100 毕业生首次就业的 15 项热门工作职能中有 13 项相同,体现出全球化发展推动下中国 U10 毕

22、业生与全球 G100 毕业生在就业岗位职能方面的高度重合,尤其是在两个群体中均位列前三的工程、 研究和教育。 热门工作职能的差异则为中国U10毕业生在 “人力资源”和“计划与项目管理”方面占比较高,而全球 G100 毕业生在“社区与社会服务”和“艺术与设计”方面占比较高,其中的差异在一定程度上与工作职能的特征相关。7. 中国U10毕业生和全球G100毕业生的热门雇主选择均相对集中在金融、 科技和互联网产业。其中中国 U10 毕业生更青睐中国科技和互联网企业,传统金融行业的吸引力正在下降;而全球G100 毕业生更多选择在金融和咨询行业发展,华为成为全球 G100 毕业生雇主选择前十中的唯一中国企

23、业。8. 相对全球 G100 毕业生而言,中国 U10 毕业生在独特性技能方面具有三个发展趋势,一是服务于中国市场的专业技能,如销售管理、运营管理、人力资源等;二是服务于全球化发展的专业技能和商业技能,如翻译、供应链管理、市场研究等;三是应用于前沿领域创新发展的颠覆性技能,如数据挖掘、人工智能、计算机视觉、深度学习等。9. 中国 U10 毕业生因深造和工作原因发生国际迁移的比例明显高于全球 G100 毕业生,成为中国改革开放以来经济社会快速发展的重要因素之一。进入新发展阶段,更加广泛、便利且合法合规的人才流动对于中国经济的发展,特别是促进国内国际“双循环”和打造新发展格局具有积极作用。10.

24、在新冠肺炎疫情影响下,中国 U10 毕业生和全球 G100 毕业生发生国际迁移的比例均明显下滑,如何在疫情管控中建立新的有效的人才流动机制,不仅对于中国乃至全球经济发展具有重要作用,也是促进中外交流、增进国际理解、完善全球治理体系不可或缺的一部分。中外高校毕业生职业发展研究与展望 2021Key FindingsIV中外高校毕业生职业发展研究与展望 20211. 1. Due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic (on job market), the proportion of G100 graduates who chose to move for

25、ward with postgraduate education has significantly increased in 2020. With effective control of the pandemic, the growth in the percentage of U10 graduates who chose further studies is relatively steady during the past 5 years including 2020. Meanwhile, the share of U10 graduates who pursued further

26、 studies is the twice of the figure for G100 graduates, which indicates the differences in how the Eastern and Western culture perceives higher education, and the different roles advanced degrees play in graduates career development in Eastern and Western job markets.2. 2. Among the U10 graduates in

27、 China there is considerable demand for international education to support their personal development. Europe and the U.S. remained their major destinations for further studies, while a growing percentage of students pursue postgraduate education in other countries/regions in Asia, leading to a more

28、 diversified choice for further study destinations. Notwithstanding the fact that a majority of U10 graduates chose to pursue further studies abroad, more than 70% of their first employment is based in China. This trend suggests that compared to other developing countries, China is gradually moving

29、out of the brain drain dilemma, and the circulation of Chinese international talents “pursuing further studies abroad returning China for employment” will become more explicit in the future, along with Chinas attraction to university graduates around the world.3. 3. Regarding the regional distributi

30、ons of first employment destinations, the percentage of U10 graduates working overseas is increasing, which indicates a growing competitiveness of Chinese university graduates in the global job market. As for G100 graduates, their top destinations for first employment are mainly in the United States

31、 and Europe, which demonstrates that those developed countries or regions have overwhelming advantages in attracting graduates from top-tier KEY FINDINGSKEY FINDINGS中外高校毕业生职业发展研究与展望 2021Key FindingsV中外高校毕业生职业发展研究与展望 2021universities worldwide. Such advantages were further consolidated during the COV

32、ID-19 pandemic, as it is difficult for graduates to leave the country that their schools are based due to the tightened visa policies and border control measures.4. 4. U10 and G100 graduates shared significant similarities in industry preferences that 9 industries showed up in the Top 15 First Emplo

33、yment Industries, including Higher Education, Internet, Information Technology & Services, Financial Services, Computer Software, Management Consulting, Research, Banking and Hospitals & Healthcare. This phenomenon exemplifies the positive outcomes of Chinas continuous integration with globalization

34、, and illustrates the increasing similarities in the economic development paths between China and the world.5. 5. Meanwhile, 6 different industries were found between the ranking structure of the U10 graduates and G100 graduates Top 15 First Employment Industries. Such disparity illustrates the diff

35、erences in peoples demand on various aspects including economy, technology, culture and politics in China and abroad, corresponding to the different stages of social development, as well as some particular industries linkages with the global markets. In pursuing Chinas internal and external “dual ci

36、rculation” strategy, it is essential to encourage these sectors to evolve towards further openness and global integration. In here, Telecommunications, Semiconductors, Electrical and Electronic Manufacturing, Real Estate, Automotive and Pharmaceuticals have become the popular job industries that are

37、 unique to U10 graduates. For their G100 counterparts, distinctive interests were showed to Education Management, Government Administration, Accounting, Law Practice, Non-profit Organization Management and Retail.6. 6. 3 out of the Top 15 First Employment Job Functions were found the same for both C

38、hinese U10 and Global G100 graduates. It illustrates remarkable similarities between these two groups in job functions driven by globalization, especially in their shared top three job functions engineering, research, and education. The difference in the popular job functions reflected as the follow

39、ing: Chinese U10 graduates show more interest in fields of Human Resources and Program and Project Management, Global G100 graduates are more inclined to enter Community and Social Services and Arts and Design industries. The difference in their preferences could to a certain extent be explained by

40、distinctive natures of job functions.中外高校毕业生职业发展研究与展望 2021Key FindingsVI中外高校毕业生职业发展研究与展望 20217. 7. The top employer choices of Chinese U10 graduates and Global G100 graduates are relatively concentrated in the finance, technology, and Internet industries. Chinese U10 graduates prefer Chinese technol

41、ogy and internet companies, while the attractiveness of the traditional finance industry has been declining. Global G100 graduates are more likely to pursue a career in the finance and consulting industries; Huawei has become the only Chinese company among the top 10 employers of G100 graduates.8. 8

42、. Compared to their global G100 counterparts, Chinese U10 graduates presents three trends in terms of unique skills: firstly, the specialized skills to serve the Chinese market, such as Sales Management, Operations Management, and Human Resources (HR), etc.; secondly, the professional and business s

43、kills to facilitate the development of globalization, such as Translation, Supply Chain Management,and Market Research,etc.; thirdly, the disruptive tech skills applied on the frontiers of innovation , such as Data Mining (DM), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Computer Vision, Deep Learning, etc.9. 9.

44、The proportion of Chinese U10 graduates who migrate internationally for further study and employment is significantly higher than that of global G100 graduates, turning into one of the significant factors in boosting Chinas economic and social development since the Reform and Opening-up. As China en

45、ters a new stage of development, a more extensive, convenient, and legalized talent mobility is going to play a positive role in Chinas economic prosperity, especially in promoting the establishment of a new development pattern which signifies the dual circulation of domestic and international marke

46、ts.10. 10. Under the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the international migration rate of both Chinese U10 graduates and global G100 graduates has notably dropped. On the basis of effective pandemic control, how to establish a new effective talent mobility mechanism is not only an important issue to

47、 facilitate Chinas and global economic growth, but also an indispensable component in promoting Sino-foreign international communication, fostering mutual understanding, and improving the global governance system.中外高校毕业生职业发展研究与展望 2021Key FindingsVII中外高校毕业生职业发展研究与展望 2021中外高校毕业生职业发展研究与展望 2021目 录 CONTE

48、NTS核心发现 III前 言 I概况:中外高校毕业生发展路径选择 01去向一:深造 03( 一 ) 深造国家和地区分布 03( 二 ) Top 30 深造高校 07去向二:进入职场 09( 一 ) 就业国家和地区分布 09( 二 ) 就业热门行业 13( 三 ) 就 业 热 门 工 作 职 能 15( 四 ) Top10 雇主 16( 五 ) 独特性就业技能 17专题:中外高校毕业生国际迁移情况19( 一 ) 中外高校毕业生国际迁移情况比较 19( 二 ) 国际迁移中深造与就业的关系 20( 三 ) U10 毕业生国际迁移路径分析 21建 议 23关于国家政策的建议 23关于高等教育发展与人才

49、培养 26关于高校学生职业发展路径选择的建议 27附录 1:关于技能算法的说明 30附录 2:关于全球化智库 31附录 3:关于领英经济图谱 32概况:中外高校毕业生发展路径选择1中外高校毕业生职业发展研究与展望 2021概况:概况:中外高校毕业生中外高校毕业生 发展路径选择 发展路径选择受新冠肺炎疫情影响,全球高校毕业生深造比例大幅上升。图 1 数据显示,2018 年后,全球高校毕业生(以下简称 G100 毕业生)选择深造的比例逐年上升,2020 年更是达到近五年深造比例的峰值,同比 2019 年增幅达到 3.54 个百分点。可以看到,在新冠肺炎疫情严重冲击全球经济与产业发展的背景下,继续深

50、造,一方面可以提升个人专业能力,另一方面可以暂时避免职场激烈竞争与失业风险,已经成为全球高校毕业生个人发展的重要考虑。图 1:G100 毕业生去向(2016-2020 年)中国高校毕业生选择继续深造比例的增速平稳。 图2数据显示, 中国高校毕业生 (以下简称U10毕业生)选择继续深造的比例于 2017 年开始正增长,早于 G100 毕业生深造数据表现。值得注意的是,中国高校毕业生数量每年都达到新的峰值,但 U10 毕业生选择继续深造的比例增速相对稳定,尤其是在新冠肺炎疫情期间,并为出现明显变化。可以看到,在中国政府和人民的共同努力下,新冠肺炎疫情并未在全球最大的人口大国中国出现“失控”的情况,


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