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1、阅读P79教材课文,选择最佳答案。1Why did Qian Xuesen decide to change his major at university?ABecause he wanted to get respect from others.BBecause he would like to defend his country.CBecause he wanted to go to the US for further study.DBecause he found Railway Mechanical Engineering was boring.2What made Qian X

2、uesen so outstanding a scientist according to the first passage?AHis strong interest in art.BHis difficulties in the US.CHis great leadership.DHis courage and energy.3When did Hawking first become famous?AWhen he was still at university.BWhen he lost the use of his muscles.CAfter he suffered from a

3、serious disease.DAfter he graduated from university.4How was Hawkings own theory proven correct?ABy the steady state theory.BBy Fred Hoyles study.CBy his own mistakes.DBy astronomers with telescopes.答案14BAADWords And Phrasespour vt.倒出;倾泻;斟(饮料)(教材P7)A nonNewtonian fluid is strange because you can pou

4、r it like a liquid,but if you put any pressure on it,it suddenly becomes hard as concrete.非牛顿流体很奇怪,因为你可以把它像液体一样倒出来,但如果你对它施加压力,它会突然变得像混凝土一样硬。例1After the meeting the people poured out in crowds.散会后人们成群地涌出来。例2People poured into the hall.人们涌进大厅。翻译乌云密布,下起了倾盆大雨。The storm clouds gathered and the rain poure

5、d down知识拓展pour in涌进pour into 涌进pour out 倒出;涌出;倾诉pour out of. 从中涌出来pour down (雨)倾盆而降即学即练单句语法填空The rays of the sun poured in through the window.The river pours into the sea.Sobbing,she poured out the whole story.He was seriously wounded.Blood poured out of the wound.break out(战争、打斗等不愉快的事情)突然开始;爆发(教材P7

6、)However,after the Songhu Battle broke out in 1932,Qian made the decision to switch his major to aviation because he realised that China needed its own powerful air force to protect and defend the country.然而,在1932年“淞沪会战”爆发后,钱学森决定转学航空专业,因为他意识到中国需要强大的空军来保护和保卫国家。例1Something unexpected always breaks out

7、 in this area.在这一地区总有意想不到的事情发生。例2The Second World War broke out in September 1939.第二次世界大战爆发于1939年9月。翻译我正在熟睡中,这时突然发生了火灾,而且蔓延得很快。I was still sleeping when the fire broke out,and then it spread quickly.知识拓展break in强行进入;打断break through 突破;冲破break up 破碎;解散;分手break off 断开;中断;停顿break away from 逃脱;脱离break i

8、nto 强行闯入;突然开始break down 出故障;垮掉即学即练完成句子He broke into my house and stole my money.他闯进我家偷了我的钱。The meeting broke up at eleven oclock.在11点钟散会。Once you join them,you can never break away from them.一旦你入了他们的伙,你就永远不能脱离他们。If you go on working like that,you will break down sooner or later.如果你继续像那样工作的话,你迟早会累垮的。

9、in charge of主管;掌管(教材P8)He received a heros welcome from his homeland and was put in charge of not only developing Chinas rocket science but also its space and missile programme.他受到了来自祖国的英雄般的欢迎,不仅负责发展中国的火箭科学,还负责中国的太空和导弹计划。例1Ill be in charge of the whole factory next week when the director is away.下周厂

10、长不在时,我将负责整个工厂。例2The cook is in charge of the kitchen helper.这位厨师负责管理帮厨工。翻译这位教师负责这个班。The teacher is in charge of the class知识拓展take charge of掌管/负责in charge of 控制/管理free of charge 免费in sb.s chargein the charge of sb. 由主管(含被动意义)即学即练完成句子The company was badly organized until she took charge of it.公司管理很差,直

11、到她掌管为止。The performers have all offered their services free of charge. 演员们都愿意免费出演。The company is in the charge of Tom when the boss is away.Tom is in charge of the company when the boss is away.当老板不在的时候由汤姆负责公司业务。fault n. 弱点;过错(教材P9)Above all,Hawking was willing to admit his faults.最重要的是,霍金愿意承认自己的错误。例

12、1It was all my fault.这都是我的错。例2There is a fault in this machine.这台机器出了故障。翻译她最大的缺点是话太多。Her greatest fault is that she talks too much.知识拓展find fault with sb.挑剔某人;对某人吹毛求疵find fault in 看出的缺点;找出的毛病即学即练单句语法填空He is always finding fault with me,which makes me very angry.I cant find fault in your paper.It is

13、perfect.Sentence Pattern“否定词比较级”表示最高级(教材P7)Perhaps no other scientist has had a greater impact on Chinas aerospace science than Qian Xuesen.也许再没有哪一位科学家比钱学森对中国航天科学的影响更大了。句式分析:句中no.greater.than为“否定词形容词/副词比较级than”结构,表示最高级。例1Unfortunately,the technology of climate change is no simpler than anything else

14、.不走运的是,改变气候的科技比任何事情都要复杂。例2What a wonderful novel!I have never read a more moving one.多么好的一本小说啊!我从未读过比这更感人的了。翻译再没有别的书对我的生活有更大的影响了。No other book has had a greater effect on my life.知识拓展表示最高级意义的其他常见结构:never比较级nothing/noso原级as.nothing/no比较级than.比较级than即学即练完成句子I have never spent a more worrying day我从来没有经

15、历过比这更令人担忧的一天了。Tom is more intelligent than any other student/all the other students in his class.汤姆是他班上最聪明的学生。Nothing is as/so important as(more important than) practice.实践最重要。数据信息题“加减乘除”法典例剖析In a recycling economy,we would make one set of 100 cans to start with,then replace them over and over again

16、 with recycled cans.Since almost 3% of the metal is lost during reprocessing,wed have to make an extra 10 cans each year. and well still have 100 left over for the next cat.How many cans will be used up in a cats 15year lifetime in a recycling economy?A50.B100.C150. D250.试题特点数据信息题一般需要根据阅读材料中给出的有关数据,

17、通过计算(加减乘除),得出正确的结论。解题思路Step 1:确定题干中的关键词(题干黑体部分);Step 2:根据关键词定位信息句;Step 3:尝试解答根据信息句可知,在循环经济中,要养活一只存活15年的猫需要用掉150个罐。故选C。名师点津(1)简单的数据可采用“推算法”,即以有关数据为基础,进行简单的运算。(2)数据较多的文章,通常采用“列表法”,即按一定的规律将数据分门别类地列出,化模糊为清晰,为计算打下基础。即学即练AFor Sale(出售)Onebedroom apartmentIts near No.1 High School.There is a park,a library

18、and a supermarket near here.Right price.Tel:86825044Time:10:00 am.4:00 pm.City English CenterGood English teachers give classes from 8:00 am. to 11:00 am.on weekends.Classes are ¥50 an hour.Please call Lisa at 53545156 on weekdays.Time:9:00 am.4:00 pm.For RentOne hundred bikes.All bikes are new and

19、colorful.Its near the Center Hospital.Ten yuan a day.Call Mr.Li at 33843535 every day.FoundA green MP4 on the playground on Monday evening.See Lin Tao in Class 4,Grade 7.Room 518,Building B.If Kangkang wants to learn English on Saturday,itll cost him a day.A¥50B¥100C¥150D¥200C浏览题目后可知,答案应该在第二个表格City

20、English Center内寻找。阅读表格内信息可以得知,英语课一小时50元,从8:0011:00一天上课3小时。题目中问康康在周六学英语,一天需花费多少钱?通过分析可得50元/小时3小时150元。因此答案选择C。B“Lets go down one more,push your enter key.” says a volunteer helping senior citizens work a web session on the Internet.David Lansdale has found a way to light up the lives of the elderly.He

21、 gets them wired to the Internet.“If you hit your enter key,it will bring up this particular email.”Pauline Allen is one of those who has started using the Internet.“I thought I was through with life,I was ready for a rocking chair,because I was 86 years old.And I havent found the rocking chair yet.

22、”“You found the keyboard?” asks the reporter.“Thats right,I found the keyboard.”The average age of Lansdales students is around 68.All are in nursing or assisted care homes.He used family relationships to introduce them to the World Wide Web.David Lansdale says,“Here they are in California,the famil

23、y was back in New York,the opportunity to connect,to cross the time and space,was incredibly precious opportunity to them.”“I hear you are so beautiful.” Lillian Sher writes an email to a newborn great granddaughter.Working with one another,the senior learn as a group.They learn to master the Intern

24、et and to overcome what Lansdale calls the maladies of the institutionalized:loneliness,helplessness,boredom,and loss of memory.Mary Harvey says,“Bingo just doesnt interest me.But this does,believe me,this does.”Ninetyfour year old Ruth Hyman is a star pupil and instructor.She says,“When I send a le

25、tter to my grandchildren,and great grandchildren,they hang it up in their offices,just like I used to hang their drawings on my refrigerator.Ha,ha.”David Lansdale says,“Theres a collective benefit.There is an element of treatment.Remember we started as a support group.”Dixon Moorehouse says,“I just

26、wish I was 15 years old and getting to learn all this.” The senior call their weekly meetings Monday Night Live.And many say the meetings have given them new life.Ruth Hyman says,“Three years ago,they told me I wasnt going to live.But I showed them,and got work,and Ive worked ever since.”How many examples does the writer give to prove that the senior enjoy the Internet?AFour.BFive. CSix.DSeven.B本文主要讲述老年人学习上网的情况,其中David Lansdale是这一活动的举办者,不应算在本题所要求的数目之内,末段的Ruth Hyman前文已经出现,不应重复计数,故文章中所列实例分别是:Pauline Allen、Lillian Sher、Mary Harvey、Ruth Hyman和Dixon Moorehouse共五人。故选项B正确。8/8


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