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高中英语选择性必修三Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle Section C Using Language(教案).docx

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1、Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle Section 教学设计科目:英语 课题:Section A Reading and thinking 课时:1课时教学目标与核心素养:知识目标:指导学生阅读两篇文章并了解作者改变不良生活方式的过程,在此基础上总结文章的结构和写作手法。能力目标:指导学生写一篇改变自身不健康生活方式的文章,内化并运用所学语言。情感目标:引导学生正确认识不良生活方式对人们身心健康的影响,激励学生勇于改变不良习惯,培养健康的生活方式。教学重难点教学重点:运用学到的写作技巧完成写作任务教学难点:引导学生养成良好的生活习惯课前准备:多媒体,黑板,粉笔教学过程:一、Pre

2、-class1. Greeting2. Leading-in学生活动:(1)学生两人一组分别阅读两封信,完成活动1对应的表格栏。(2)学生通过提问的形式询问同伴阅读的信件内容。学生可以提问:What problem does the author have?What did he/she make up his/her mind to do?What has he/she done to make some change?What is the result?Wang LuluMichael PageProbleml did not feel well, either physically o

3、r mentally l felt sleepy and dizzy, lacked passion l got the flu easily, experienced many toothachesl felt stressed outl felt even more worm outafter playing computer games day and nightDecisionl to eat nothing with sugarl to exercise regularlyto adjust his lifestyle; take control of his life and fi

4、nd other ways to relaxActionl stopped buying all the sweets, biscuits and sugary drinksl Exercises every day for at least 30 minutesl goes rock climbing, bowling, watching comedies, and playing basketball.Resultl more dynamic and stronger than ever in both body and mind l sleeps soundly, no longer s

5、uffer from a flu virus or toothaches l feels like he is in control of his own lifel feels much more energeticl feels he can change himself for the better(3)师生核对答案。活动目的:活动1要求学生从文章中提取要点,用表格的形式整理信息。二、 While-class 学生活动:(1)学生再次阅读两封信,完成活动2。由于有些段落包含不止一个内容,而且内容也不定按AD的顺序出现,教师可以引导学生具体说出哪些句子对应哪个内容。(2)学生用写作流程图梳

6、理信的整体结构。教师活动:呈现写作情境:The magazine Healthy Life is organising this years summer camp. They invite interested teenagers to write to the editor about how they plan to change their bad habits. The campers will be chosen accordingly. 学生活动:完成活动3第一个任务头脑风暴。What lifestyle habit you would like to changeWhy you

7、 want to changeHow you plan to change What result you hope to see教师活动:(1)请一至两组学生展示讨论的结果,引导学生分析写作内容是否合理,并提出进一步的建议。(2)教师引导学生阅读活动4的评价清单(checklist),明确写作要求及评价标准,然后让学生独立撰写初稿。Does the letter say what the writers problem is?Does the letter explain the decisions the writer made to solve the problem?Does the

8、letter show the ways to change?Are the results included in the letter?Can you see the writers attitude and determination in the letter?Is the letter clear and complete?在学生动笔前,教师应当提醒学生前面阅读的两封信中作者都在陈述过去的成功经验,因此主要使用过去时,而学生将要写的信是介绍改变坏习惯的行动计划,应该使用一般将来时。因此,信的结构也应更改为:活动目的: 活动2引导学生识别文章的篇章结构,把握文章的整体脉络,培养学生的语

9、篇意识。活动3引导学生选取自己希望改变的一种生活方式,和同伴用“头脑风暴”的方式构思写作内容。教材提供了思考的四个维度,不仅包含了作文的内容,还包含了作文的框架结构,体现了教材对学生写作过程的关注和支持。这四个维度和阅读文章的框架结构有对应关系,又属于同一主题,因而学生很容易从阅读文章中获得语言上的支撑。三、After-class学生活动:(1)完成活动4,对照评价清单内容评价同伴的初稿,提出修改意见。教师可适当选取不同水平的习作,请学生参照评价清单逐项评价,并适当补充点评(2)完成活动5,根据同伴意见修改习作。教师选取有代表性的问题及学生的优秀习作向全班分享展示。活动目的:活动4引导学生利用写作评价清单,对同伴的习作进行评价。学生在评价他人习作的过程中,能够加深对写作要求的认识和理解,同时也将他人的习作和自己的习作进行对比,赏析和学习他人习作的优点,改进自己习作的不足,提高自己的写作水平。活动5要求学生修改自己的习作,然后和全班分享,在交流的过程中体验成就感。四、Summary 改变自身不健康生活方式的文章。作业布置:掌握本节课所学写作方法。


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