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中国民航大学 .doc

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1、中国民航大学CIVIL AVIATION UNIVERSITY OF CHINA外国留学生入学申请表APPLICATION FORM FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS中国天津滨海国际机场 Binhai International Airport, Tianjin, 300300, China电话/Tel: 86-22-2409 2036/2051 传真/Fax: 86-22-24092915 E-mail: 姓Family Name 名Given Names 出生日期Date of Birth 出生地点Place of Birth 国 籍Nationality 性 别Sex

2、 婚姻状况Marital Status 宗教信仰Religion 照片photo永久通讯地址Permanent Home Address电话及传真号Tel & Fax Number Email护照号码Passport Number 护照有效期Date of Expiration文化程度Highest Schooling 文凭和学位Degrees/Diplomas Obtained工作或学习单位Employer Institution Affiliated职业Occupation 语言熟练程度(很好/好/一般/初级)Language proficiency (excellent / good /

3、 fair / beginning )汉语 英语 其他语言(请注明)Chinese English Other (specify)Reading 读 _ _ _Listening 听 _ _ _Speaking 说 _ _ _Writing 写 _ _ _留学期限Study Period自 到 From To. 经济来源Source of Funding奖学金 ( ) 自费 ( ) 其它 ( )Scholarship Self-supporting Other学习专业或研究专题 Subject or Field of Study在华事务联系人及电话号码Guarantor in China &

4、Tel.推荐单位或推荐人及电话号码Person or organization who recommends you to study.请把入学许可书和JW202 表寄至:Mail Acceptance Letter and Form JW202(Visa Notice) to:来华留学类别(请在括号内画“”)Indicate the nature of the program you wish to undertake in China (please tick)硕士研究生( ) 本科学历生( )Master Degree Bachelor Degree 语言生 ( ) 其它民航培训 ( )

5、Chinese Language Other training program on civil aviation申请人保证:1) 上述各项中所提供的情况是真实无误的;2) 在中国学习期间遵守中国政府的法律和中国民航大学的规章制度;3) 接受中国民航大学对学习专业的安排。I hereby affirm that:1) All the information given in this form is true and correct;2) I shall abide by the laws of the Chinese Government and the regulations of Civ

6、il Aviation University of China;3) I shall accept the arrangements made by Civil Aviation University of China regarding my field of study.注意:不完整的申请表或未按要求交验有关材料,将延误对此申请的审理时间。ATTENTION: An incomplete application, or the supporting document not submitted, WILL DELAY the process of your application. 日期 Date 申请人签名 Signature_ _联系地址:中国天津东丽区津北公路 2898 号中国民航大学国际处邮政编码:300300电话:86-22-24092036/24092051传真:86-22-24092915Postal Address : International Affairs Department Civil Aviation University of ChinaNO.2898,Jinbei Road,Dongli District ,Tianjin 300300, ChinaTel : 86-22-24092036/24092051Fax: 86-22-24092915


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