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折纸技术教程之人物 圣诞老人.pdf

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1、Copyright c 1996 by Steven Casey. All rights reservedSanta by Steven Casey1. Precrease into4 x 4 using Valleyfolds. Scalechange.2. Fold a to b.Pinch. Unfold.ab3. Fold a topinch mark.Unfold.Scale change.4. Rotate 90 degreesto the left.5. Repeat stepson the left side.Rotate to position instep 4.ab6. F

2、old a to b.Creases made insteps 2 to 5 notshown untilstep 30.7. Valley top andright edges.8. Mountain foldbehind. Unfold.9. Open outflaps a and b.abac10. Lift c slightly,and allow a toslip under.a11. This showsthe fold in progress.12. Repeatstep 10 whereshown.step 1013. Mountain fold.Unfold.14. Coll

3、apse intoa waterbomb base.15 Mountain fold.16 Swival fold.Begin with a square white side up.aca2 to 3Copyright c 1996 by Steven Casey. All rights reserved17. Valley.ab18. Sink then valley.19. Repeat steps otherside.16 to 1820. Sink bottom corners21. Valley both points up.22. Pull points outward.23.

4、Shows the foldin progress.24. Unfold flap frombehind.25. Valley top layer.26. Reverse fold twotop points.c27. Fold double rawedge a - c alongclosed edge b - c.Unfold.28. Valley top flapto the left.29. Squash fold.30. Valley top flapup. Creasesmade in step2 to 4 nowshown.31. See detail.Scale change32

5、. Fold corner up tointersection ofdiagonal and centrecrease. Unfold.Copyright c 1996 by Steven Casey. All rights reserved33. Valley corner up toHorizontal crease.Unfold.34. Sink.35. Valley entire edgeto diagonal crease.Scale change.36. Valley diagonal.37. Sink.38. Double reverse fold.39. Valley fold

6、.40. See detail next step.41. Valley fold. Unfold.ab42. Fold edge a across todiagonal crease b.Unfold.43. Sink.44. Combination valley/sink.45. See detail next step.Copyright c 1996 by Steven Casey. All rights reservedaa46. Pull out trapped layer.Swival fold.47. Valley fold.48. The result.49. Valley

7、fold.50. Turn over rightto left.51. Valley. Unfold.52. Collapse.53. This is the result.Turn over.aa54. Valley flap up.55. Valley corner b.b56. Place flap a overb.b57. Valley fold , partlyunder flap a.58. Valley fold flap downand pull out cornerpocket.59. See detail.Copyright c 1996 by Steven Casey.

8、All rights reserved60. Double reverse fold.Look ahead to nextstep.61. Reverse fold.62. Next step showsa full view.63. Repeat steps 27 to 62other side.64. Reverse fold toform hands.65. Valley fold then unfold.Next steps show onlythe upper section.66. Valley fold in half.Crease only whereshown. Unfold

9、.67. Fold a to b creaseonly where shown.Unfold.68. Valley fold cdown in linewith b. Unfold.ababcCopyright c 1996 by Steven Casey. All rights reservedbd69. Valley fold d downin line with b.ba70. Valley corner a so that itlines up with corner b.71. Fold the corner upto thehorizontalcrease.72. Fold ove

10、r and over.73. Mountain fold.74. Mountain fold.75. Valley in half.76. Starting at point a valleythe flap down so that edgea - b lies horizontal.ab77. Valley over tothe right.78. Fold corner up in linewith point a. Unfold.a79. Fold corner up toDiagonal crease.80. Valley top flap over tothe left.Copyr

11、ight c 1996 by Steven Casey. All rights reserved81. Valley edge up to thecoloured edge.82. Note there will be somepaper creep, resultingin a small strip of whiteedge. Valley the cornerdown to form a tassle.83. Valley onto left sideof face.84. Valley lower part of hatto reveal the tassel.85. Mountain fold to finishoff the hat. Press legsinto a half square tubeshape using mountainfolds.86. Double reverse foldtubular legs to formfeet. With a littleadjustment the modelwill stand.


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