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1、(三年级起点)义务教育教科书义 务 教 育 教 科 书英語三年级起点英語四年级四年级上 册上册(三年级起点)义 务 教 育 教 科 书主 编:桂诗春副主编:邹启明 黄志红英語四年级上 册出 版 人:蔡剑峰项目统筹:王 芳项目策划:申 蔷 陈海燕项目负责:黄江岩责任编辑:黄江岩 张 翅封面设计:平 原插 图:炫木马时尚设计工作室 壹图 GettyImages英语 (三年级起点)四年级上册 学生用书主 编:桂诗春副主编:邹启明 黄志红编 者: 黄丽燕 唐锡玲 谢李莉 Andy Curtis Adrian Tennant Edwin Baak基础教育出版分社:地址:北京市西三环北路19号外研社大厦基

2、础教育出版分社(100089)咨询电话:01088819666(编辑部)/88819688(市场部)传真:01088819422(编辑部)/88819423(市场部)网址:http:/电子信箱:或登录http:/(留言反馈)栏目购书电话:01088819928/9929/9930(邮购部)购书传真:01088819428(邮购部)致小朋友致小朋友亲爱的小朋友们:你们可曾想过周游世界与各国小朋友畅谈?你们可曾想过长大以后, 用英语在广阔的世界舞台上展示自己的聪明才智, 和不同肤色、 不同种族的人一起共建美好的地球村?相信你们一定有这样的愿望。英语 (新交际)将帮助你们在轻松愉快的环境下学习英语,

3、 了解中外文化, 享受学习英语的乐趣, 感受运用英语进行交流的喜悦。这套教材中有五个小朋友: Katy,Ben,Susan,Mike 和 Tommy, 他们都是你们的同龄人, 和你们一样有自己的个性, 也有自己的理想。 他们来自讲英语的国家, 有着不同的生活背景。 他们将伴随你们一起学习, 共同成长。 另外,还有一个来自不同星球的伙伴, 他叫 Danny。 Danny 的睿智和幽默将会给你们的英语学习带来无穷的乐趣。 希望你们喜欢这些小朋友, 好好学习英语!编者Unit One My Pets Lesson One . 2 Lesson Two . 7 Review One . 12Unit

4、Two Zoo AnimalsLesson Three . 14 Lesson Four . 19 Review Two . 24 Unit Three Farm AnimalsLesson Five . 26 Lesson Six . 31 Review Three . 36 Words and Expressions in Each Unit74Word List 78Unit Four My ToysLesson Seven . 38 Lesson Eight . 43Review Four . 48 Unit Five Meals in a DayLesson Nine . 50 Le

5、sson Ten . 55 Review Five . 60Unit Six Dinner TimeLesson Eleven . 62Lesson Twelve . 67 Review Six . 72 Unit 12My PetsLesson OneMy Dogpets cute teach strongspeakMy dog listens when I talk.He goes with me for a walk.When I sleep, he sleeps, too.He does everything I do.My name isLearn the WordsLets cha

6、nt3Listen and repeat.Wow! He can speak!Yes, shes lovely.Katy, this is my cat, Kitty. Do you like her?Yes, he is.Yes, I do. Birdie! Come here!Katy, whats the name of your rabbit?Mike, do you have a pet?Hello! How are you?Lets ListenLesson 1His name is Bunny. Do you like him?Yes, hes very cute.Ben, yo

7、ur dog is very strong.Unit 14My PetsLets TalkPractise the dialogues.1Talk about your pets.2Do you have a pet? Yes, I do. I have aWhats the name of your? His/Her name isDo you have a pet?Whats the name of your cat?Her name is Marble.Yes, I do.I have a dog.Listen, point and say. close go nose noListen

8、 and repeat.Sound TimeTouch your nose, Touch your nose. Go, go, go!Close your eyes, Close your eyes. No, no, no!125Read and act out the story.Lets ReadTommy, this is my cat. Do you like her?No, I dont like cats.Doggie! Doggie! Sing!La la la la.Can you do that?What pets do you like?I like dogs. Look!

9、 This is my dog.Dogs are clever. Let me teach him to sing.Oh! Wonderful!Lesson 1Unit 16My PetsLets WritemynagoldfishchameleonsnakescricketsmonkeysPets Around the WorldCULTURE TIMELook, read and write.A:B:A: Do you have a pet?B: Yes, I do. His name is Puppy.Read, choose and write. (katy, Katy), do yo

10、u have a pet? His name is (Bunny, bunny). 12612birdpether/Birdiehis/Puppy7Lesson TwoLets SingFour Little Ducksfishcarrot get on ballhigh 3 5 5 | 5 3 | 3 2 | 2 |Four little ducks go out to play,2 5 5 | 5 2 | 2 1 |1 |over the hills and far away.3 5 | 3 4 | 3 2 | 2 | Duck calls, “Quack! Quack! Quack!”5

11、 5 | 5 5 4 | 3 1 | 1 |Only one little duck comes back.Learn the Words1=C 24MotherLesson 2Unit 18My PetsLets ListenListen and repeat.Wake up! Wake up! Mike!He wakes me up every morning.Mike, what does your bird do for you?A lot of things. Doggie, bring me back my ball!No, he doesnt. He likes carrots.

12、Does Bunny like fish, too?What does your dogdo for you, Ben?Susan, does Kitty like fish?Yes, she does.9Lets TalkPractise the dialogues.Talk about your pets.Does your cat like fish?Yes, he does.He plays with me.What does your dog do for you?I have aYes / No Does it like?What does it do for you? Liste

13、n, point and say. box dog hot shopListen and repeat. Hot dog, hot dog, cold and hot, Hot dog, hot dog, long and short. Hot dog, hot dog, in the shop, Hot dog, hot dog, in the box.Sound TimeLesson 22121Unit 110My PetsLets ReadRead and act out the story.Lets go up there.Oh! How high he can fly!Yes! We

14、 are flying in the sky!Wow! What a big bird!Birdie! Birdie! Come!Wow! What does he do for you?I can show you.Lets get on his back.But how can we do that? Oh! What a high mountain!Hes my pet.11Lets WriteLook, read and write.Read, choose and write. What does your dog do for you, (ben, Ben)? Does (Kitt

15、y, kitty) like fish?A: Does Susan like fish?B: Yes, she does. She likes fish. Things Pets Like to DokissswimsitclimbsingsleepCULTURE TIMEA:B:Susanorangesfish1112MikeLesson 212Unit 112My PetsListen and tick the correct answers. Who has a dog? JohnBobbyMaryLuckyJackDoggieWhats the dogs name? What does

16、 the dog do? Read, group and write.rabbit, run, cute, fish, dog, cat, open the door, bird, duck, lovely, clever, strong, wake up, colourful, beautiful, jump, speak, play with, sing, flyPetsruncuterabbitListen and match. ED C B APeterSueJackMaryJohn21123345Review One12313Read and write.I have a cat.

17、Her name is Mimi. She has a long tail. She likes fish. She can open the door for me. 1MissingName: Doggie Size: smallColour of hair: white Colour of eyes: black Age: 2 years old : 3867215Name: Size: Colour of hair: Colour of eyes: Age: 3This is my bird. His name is Birdie. He is red. He likes apples

18、. He wakes me up every morning.2I have a rabbit. His name is Xiaobai. He has red eyes and long ears. He likes carrots. He plays with me. :photoMake a poster. My work isMissingOur PetsMimifisha long tailopen the doorReview 14514Unit 2Zoo AnimalsLesson ThreeAnimals in My Houseelephants tigerszoofanani

19、mals A tiger in my sitting room,Sleeping on the floor.An elephant in my bathroom,Bumping at the door. A monkey in my bedroom,Painting on the wall.My house looks like a zoo.I dont know what to do.Learn the WordsLets chant15Lets ListenThe baby tiger is very cute!Oh, its ears are big.Look! A mother tig

20、er is playing with her baby.Look! Theres an elephant over there!Wow! Its very big.Uh-oh!Lesson 3Listen and repeat.Where are the tigers?They are over there. Come with me.16Unit 2Zoo AnimalsLets TalkWhere are the elephants?Look at that elephant! Its! They are over there.Where are the tigers?They are o

21、ver there.Its ears are so big!Look! Theres an elephant over there.Its nose is long!Practise the dialogues.Talk about the animals in the zoo.Listen, point and say. tomorrow sorry morning shorts Listen and repeat. Tomorrow morning lets buy more, More teddy bears, more Barbie dolls. Tomorrow morning le

22、ts buy more, More cars, more boats from the store.Sound Time121217Lets ReadRead and act out the story.What animal is that?Its a tiger. Its the king of all the animals.A zoo? What is it?Its ears look like two big fans.Danny, this is our zoo. Thats an elephant.Look! What a big animal it is!But the kin

23、g is sleeping. Let me wake him up.Its a home for animals.No, Danny! Please dont!Lesson 318Unit 2Zoo AnimalsLets Writebald eagle(USA)Canadian horse(Canada)panda(China)mute swan(UK)kangaroo(Australia)Asian elephant(Thailand)National AnimalsCULTURE TIMELook, read and write.Where are the animals?It has

24、a long nose!2Read and add , ! or ? to complete the sentences. Its nose is so long Where are the tigers animalsa long nosestrong legs18121tigers19Lesson FourLets SingTen Little Tigersmonkeys pandas foodwater lion1 1 1 | 1 3 0 | 2 1 2 3 | 1 |Ten little tigers playing by the lake. One little tiger play

25、ing by the lake.3 3 3 | 3 5 0 | 4 3 4 5 | 3 1 1 |Ten little tigers playing by the lake. And ifOne little tiger playing by the lake. And if 6 6 6 | 5 3 0 1 | 2 3 2 1 | 6 5 5 5 |one little tiger suddenly runs away, therell bethat little tiger suddenly runs away, therell be1 1 1 | 1 3 0 | 2 1 2 3 | 1 |

26、nine little tigers playing by the lake.no little tigers playing by the lake.Learn the Words1=A 24Lesson 420Unit 2Zoo AnimalsLets ListenListen and repeat.What does the panda eat?It sleeps in the water.Where does the monkey sleep?Youre great!Bamboo.It sleeps in a tree.Where does the hippo sleep?Yes, w

27、e do.Kids, do you know about the lives of animals?21Lets TalkPractise the dialogues.It eatsItWhere does it?What does the eat? What does the panda eat? It eats bamboo.Listen, point and say. blue ruler pupil computerListen and repeat. Rulers red, rulers blue, Rulers, rulers, I have two.12Rulers red, r

28、ulers blue,School pupils all need you.Sound TimeLesson 41Talk about the animals in the zoo.2It sleeps in a tree.Where does the monkey sleep?22Unit 2Zoo AnimalsLets ReadRead and act out the story.Why is his mouth open?What animal is this?No, Danny. Dont give food to animals in the zoo!Sorry, I dont l

29、ike it.Danny, do you like our zoo?Its a lion. I think hes hungry.Because all the animals here are in cages.Let me give him a banana.Why?23CULTURE TIMEAnimals and Peopleguide dogcormorantsdolphinelephantcamelsLets WriteLook, read and write. A: What does the monkey eat? B: It eats fruit.Read and add ?

30、 . , or ! to complete the sentence. What does the panda eat Katy It eats bamboo And what does the monkey eatA:B:monkeyfruitpanda bamboopigeons2312Lesson 41224Unit 2Zoo AnimalsListen and tick the correct boxes.Read, group and write.Listen, choose and write.tiger, strong, a big mouth, monkey, panda, e

31、lephant, black and white, lion, clever, cute, a long nose, hippo, tall, big earsZoo Animalstigerstronga big mouthMonkeysTigersHipposPandasElephantssleep in the treessleep in the_sleep in the_eat_eat_trees bamboo bananas cage water123Review Two1324_25Read and write.My work isLook at my picture. My na

32、me is Big Tom. My nose is long. My ears are big. My legs are strong. I have big black eyes.I am black and white.I like to eat bamboo.I live in Sichuan.Who am I?pandaI have _ .I am _ .I like to eat _ .I live in _ .Who am I?_Who Am I ? Who Am I ? _Review 24Make a riddle and guess in groups. 5Big Tom h

33、as a long _ .He has _ ears and _ legs.26Unit 3Farm AnimalsLesson FiveA Chicken Farmfarm ducks feedeggchicken A roosters standing on the wall,Watching the hens on the lawn.Baby chickens are running in the sun,Jumping and playing. Fun! Fun! Fun!Learn the WordsLets chant27Lets ListenListen and repeat.O

34、n the farm? Why?Good morning, kids. Welcome to my farm.Good morning, Mr Park. Then I can have chicken and duck every day.Lesson 5What do the ducks like to eat, Mr Park?When do you feed the chickens, Mr Park?They like small fish. Look! They are looking for fish in the water.We feed them in the mornin

35、g and in the afternoon.I want to live on the farm! 28Unit 3Farm AnimalsLets TalkPractise the dialogues.Talk about farm animals. What do like to eat?When do you feed them?They likeI feed themWhat do the ducks like to eat?I feed her in the morning and in the evening.Sound TimeListen, point and say. su

36、n duck jump runListen and repeat.Bunny is jumping, jumping, On a warm sunny morning. Duckie is coming, coming, Puppy is running, running,1When do you feed your cat?212They like small fish.29Lets ReadRead and act out the story.Tommy, what is the hen doing?In three or four weeks.Shes warming the eggs

37、for them to hatch.Oh no!When do the chickens come out of the eggs?How can you do that?Thats too long. Let me help her.Chickens! Chickens! Out!Lesson 5Daddy! Daddy!30Unit 3Farm AnimalsCULTURE TIMELets WriteFarm Animals chickenssheepcows cowssheepchickensRead, choose and write. When do you feed the ch

38、ickens, (mr, Mr) (park, Park)? Tommy, (What, what) is the hen doing?What do the ducks like to eat?When do you feed your chickens? Look, read and write.Free-range farm animalsBattery farm animalsduckschickenscatschickens30121231Bingo!cowmilkpigs sheephorseLets SingLesson SixLearn the Words1=G 24 5 |

39、1 1 1 1 5 | 6 6 5 5 | 1 1 1 2 | 3 1 |There is a farmer. He has a cow and Bingo is his name, sir!There is a farmer. He has a pig and Bingo is his name, sir!There is a farmer. He has a sheep and Bingo is his name, sir!3 3 | 4 4 4 0 | 2 2 | 3 3 3 0 |B - I - N - G - O! B - I - N - G - O! 1 1 | 2 2 2 1 |

40、 7 5 6 7 | 1 0 :|B - I - N - G - O! And Bingo is his name, sir! Lesson 632Unit 3Farm AnimalsLets ListenNo, Mike. Its dangerous.Because I want to ride it!Katy, which farm animal do you like?Why do you like them?Why do you like it?I like sheep.Why do you like them?Because they give us milk.I like cows

41、.Ben, which farm animal do you like? Listen and repeat.Because they give us wool.I like that brown horse.33Lets TalkPractise the dialogues.Talk about the farm animals you like.I like sheep.Because they give us wool.Why do you like them? Which farm animal do you like?Which farm animal do you like?Why

42、 do you like them?I likeBecauseSound TimeListen, point and say. turn nurse hurt burnListen and repeat.The tea is burning, burning hot.My mouth is hurting, hurting a lot.“Come and help me, Miss Nurse.Ive burnt my mouth and it hurts!”Lesson 6121234Unit 3Farm AnimalsLets ReadRead and act out the story.

43、Well, the baby pigs all look the same, just like my family. One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Wow! So many babies.Danny, this is our pig farm. Oh! Its very clean.Yes, it is.Ha ha! Yes, they are.Yes, but some mother pigs have many more.Are those her babies?Is that a mother pig? 35CULTURE TIMELets Wri

44、teLook, read and copy.Read and add , ? . or ! to complete the sentences.A: Why do you like cows? B: Because they give us milk.Working Animalshorsesheep dogelephantreindeerwater buffalosdonkeys A: Is that a mother pig B: Yes it is A: I want to ride the horse B: No Mike. Its dangerousA:B:cowssheepwool

45、milk123512Lesson 636Unit 3Farm AnimalsListen and number the pictures.Read, group and write.Listen, match and talk.1PeterMaryJackSuehorseshenscowssheepWhich farm animal do you like, Jack?Why do you like them?I likeBecausesheep, feed in the morning, milk, duck, egg, pig, horse, hen, cow, wool, feed in

46、 the evening, chicken, bird, feed in the afternoon Farm Animalssheepfeed in the morningmilkReview Three123123437Read, ask and answer.Draw your farm and describe it.I feed them in the morning and in the afternoon.Welcome to my farm. I have I feed themFeeding Time on Mr Parks FarmChickens CowsSheepMor

47、ningAfternoonEveningDucksHorsesPigsWhen do you feed the chickens? My work isReview 34538Unit 4My ToysLesson SevenTeddy Beartoysshop dollcarboatLets SingLearn the Words1=A 24 3 1 1 | 4 2 2 | 5 6 5 7 | 2 1 1 |Teddy bear, teddy bear, closing eyes and sleeping tight.Barbie doll, Barbie doll, closing eye

48、s and sleeping tight.3 1 1 | 4 2 2 | 5 6 5 7 | 2 1 1 |Teddy bear, teddy bear, closing eyes and sleeping tight.Barbie doll, Barbie doll, closing eyes and sleeping tight.39Lets ListenChristmas is coming. Lets go to the toy shop.Santa, Santa, please come!I want this red car.I like this boat a lot.Mum,

49、I want this teddy bear. Its lovely.Barbie doll, I love you.Hurray!What toys do you like?What about you, Mike and Ben?Lesson 7Listen and repeat.OK. Lets wait for Santa Claus.40Unit 4My ToysLets TalkPractise the dialogues.Talk about the toys you like.I like this doll. Its lovely.Mum, I want this teddy

50、 bear.I like this boat.It looks so good.What toys do you like? I likeI like Its /Theyre What about you?Sound TimeListen, point and say. Ben pen baby paper bear pearListen and repeat. Piggy and Birdie are sitting on a chair. One with an apple, one with a pear. “Come and sit down, Baby Bear. Share our


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