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1、義務教育教科書義務教育教科書英語(三年級起點) 六年級上冊ENGLISHENGLISHENGLISHENGLISH(三年級起點)六年級 上冊批准文号:粤发改价格 2017 434号 举报电话:12315 广东人民出版社广东教育出版社广东人民出版社广东教育出版社定 价:10.58元(含光盘或音带)六年级 上册义务教育教科书ENGLISHENGLISH本书由政府免费提供循环使用(三年级起点)主 编 强海燕副主编 郭植梅 喻春兰广东省教育研究院教研室 编广州广东人民出版社广东教育出版社?书?英语. 六年级上册广东省教育研究院教研室编;强海燕主编广州:广东教育出版社:广东人民出版社,2021.7义务教

2、育教科书ISBN 978-7-5548-4148-8. 英. 广 强. 英语课小学教材. G624.311中国版本图书馆CIP数据核字(2021)第119547号责任编辑:陈植荣 郭玉申责任技编:姚健燕装帧设计:友间文化义务教育教科书?(三年级起点)六年级 上册(广州市环市东路472号12-15楼)邮政编码:510075网址:http:/广东教育书店有限公司发行广东新华印刷有限公司南海分公司印刷(佛山市南海区盐步河东中心路)787毫米1092毫米16开本6印张120 000字2021年7月第1版2021年7月第1次印刷ISBN 978-7-5548-4148-8定价:10.58元(含光盘或音带

3、)批准文号:粤发改价格2017434号 举报电话:12315?书?书?广东教育出版社广东人民出版社出版Do you know.?This weekNext weekTalk about the pictures with your friends What does she usually do on Wednesday? Does he often read books on Thursday? What are you going to do next week? What are you going to do next weekend? .ContentsUnitTarget lang

4、uage Page1 Feeling SickWhats wrong with you?I (hurt my foot).Let me have a look. Be careful next time.I (have a stomachache).Please take some medicine.Whats the matter?I (have a cold).Please (stay in bed).82 Looking for a HospitalExcuse me. Wheres (the hospital)?Go straight. Its (across from the par

5、k).Excuse me. Wheres (the bank)?Turn (left) (at the corner). Its (next to the supermarket).183 Staying HealthyWhats wrong with you?I (drink too much cola).Thats bad for you!What else is bad for me?Too much (junk food).Whats good for me?Get plenty of (exercise), eat (plenty of vegetables), and drink

6、(a lot of water).28Review 138Culture 1: Health and Our Earth444 Keeping CleanWhat was (your bedroom) like (this morning)?It was (messy).Is it (tidy) now?Yes, it is. (My books) were (on the ?oor) this morning.They are (on the desk) now.465 A Circus in the ParkWhere were you (yesterday)?I was (in Thai

7、land).What was (the food) like?It was (spicy and tasty).566 Planting TreesDid you (have classes) (yesterday)?Yes, I did./No, I didnt.What did you do (yesterday)?I (planted trees) (yesterday).66Review 276Culture 2: Going Green82Bonus84Tapescript86Language Checklist898StoryListen and look.In a village

8、351462What are they doing?Digging a well? I can help them!Dont worry.Its easy.Ouch!I hurt my foot!They are digging a well.They need water.Feeling Sick?n? ?You should see the doctor.Whats wrong, Gogo?Be careful, Gogo!,Its easy.Theyre digging a well.9VocabularyListen and say. headache toothache have a

9、 cold have a fever stomachache medicine see the dentist stay in bedTargetListen and say.Whats wrong with you?I have a cold.Whats the matter?Please stay in bed.Please take some medicine.Whats wrong with you?I hurt my foot.Let me have a look. Be careful next time.I have a stomachache.take somehave aha

10、ve ahave a10Practice 1Read, listen, and check.A Whats wrong with Gogo?BWhats wrong with him?34123412341234CWhats wrong with her?DWhats wrong?2Practice 2Check, ask, and answer.BA1They are digging a well.They need water.He has a fever. He should see the doctor.Whats the matter with Gogo?11Activity Pla

11、y and say.STARTFINISHThey have. He / She has.They should. He / She should.In the hospital, some people are sick.123456789101112131412Reading and writing 1Look, listen, read, and fill in the blanks. Tony: Mom! Mom!Mom: How are you feeling?Tony: I have a stomachache and a .Mom: Well, you shouldnt eat

12、so many candies, Tony. Now drink some water and go to bed early. Please get lots of sleep. Lets go to the dentist tomorrow. You can do your math homework another day.Tony: The dentist? OK. You are right. Now I just need some water and a good rest. fever toothache headache coldTony: Mom! Mom!Mom: Wha

13、ts wrong, Tony?Tony: I have a . Mom: Let me have a look. Its OK. You dont have a . Maybe you have a . Please take this medicine and have a rest today. Please drink a lot of water, too.2 days later Monday, 8:00 a.m.3713 3Look at the pictures. Whats wrong? What advice do you have? Write a few sentence

14、s. 2Read and write. He has a fever. He shouldstay in bed and rest.headache take some medicinestomachache drink some watertoothache go to the dentistcold stay in bed 1On Monday, whats wrong with Tony? 2Two days later, how does Tony feel? 3Does Tony want to go to the dentist? 38.514Song activities 1Li

15、sten and sing.Whats the matter, Gogo?Whats the matter, Gogo?I have a bad cold.I have a fever and a headache.Its a bad cold.You should see the doctor,And get some rest,Stay in bed and drink some juice.And soon you are getting better. AWhats wrong with Jenny? B Whats the matter with Tony? CWhats wrong

16、 with Lisa? D Whats the matter with Ben? 2Listen and write.15Sounds and words 1Listen, point, and say. 2Listen and read. hurt nurse purple turn Thursday purseDid you hurt your arms?It doesnt matter. Im fine.Hey, your purse!Whats wrong with you?My leg hurts. Let me help you. Yes, it is. Thank you ver

17、y much.Hello. Is this your purple purse?16More reading and writing 1 Read, listen, and fill in the boxes with the answers.Question 1: Babies have 300 bones, but adults only have 206 bones. Where do the other bones go?Answer AnswersA. Each bone in a giraffes neck is very big and very long!B. They gro

18、w together. Adults need big strong bones, but babies need lots of small ones.C. There are 27 bones in each hand and 26 in each foot.Question 2: A lot of the bones in our body are in our hands and feet. How many bones are there in each hand and each foot?Answer Question 3: People and giraffes have th

19、e same number of bones in their necks! Why are giraffes necks so long?Answer 17 3Write the correct answers in the blanks. 1How many bones does your mother or father have? 2How many bones does a baby have? 3How many bones do you have now? (Guess) 2Read again. Answer the questions. 1 Adults have _(big

20、/small) strong bones, but babies have _(many/much) small bones. 2 We have_(27/54) bones in our hands and _ (26/52)bones in our feet. 3 People and giraffes have the_(same/different) number of bones in their_(noses/necks). 4 Each bone in a giraffes neck is big and_(short/long).18StoryListen and look.I

21、n a busy streetGo straight to the traffic light.Where are we?Looking for a Hospital?n? ?Three hamburgers,please!,Be careful, Gogo!,Oh, I know.Cross the street!,Oh, Gogo!,Were looking for a hospital.Go straight to the bus stop.Where is it?Turn left at the corner. Cross the street.419VocabularyListen

22、and say.TargetListen and say.Excuse me.Wheres the bank? turn left turn right go straight across from street corner traffic light bus stopExcuse me. Where is the hospital?Go straight. Its across from the park.Where is the bank?Wheres = Where isTurn left at the corner. Its next to the supermarket.20Pr

23、actice 2Ask and answer.Jenny is in a new place.Practice 1Read, listen, and check.B Where is the supermarket?12341234D Where is the train station?1234AWhere is the hospital?C Where is the candy shop?3421Cross the street. Turn right at the bank. Its across from the bank.Excuse me. Wheres the candy sho

24、p?21ActivityPlay and say. Have a rest.Go to thesubway station.Finish!Go back.(2 steps)Go to the bank.Turn left.Go to the supermarket. Go to theswimmingpool.Go to thehospital.Have a rest.Go straight.(1 step)Go straight.(1 step)Go to the cake shop.Turn right.Go to the movietheater.Go to thepark.Go str

25、aight.(1 step)StartsupermarketWhere are you going, Gogo?Oh, Im going to the park! Go back. (1 step)22Reading and writing 1Look, listen, and read. Bob: The post office is not on this map. Where is it? I think I know, but Im not sure.Donna: Its OK. I know.Bob: OK. Do we go straight and turn left?Donna

26、: Right.Bob: Oh, we go straight and turn right.Donna: No, we turn left.Bob: But you say, “ Right” .Donna: I mean, “ Yes” .Bob: Then please say, “ Yes” . Dont say, “ Right” !Donna: OK.Bob: So we go down this road and turn left.Donna: Yes.Bob: Then we cross the street and turn right at the next corner

27、.Donna: Yes.Bob: Then we walk for two blocks and turn left.Donna: Right.Bob: Please just say, “ Yes” .Donna: I cant.Bob: Why?Donna: You should turn right, not left!23 3 These people are asking for directions. Look at the example, and fill in the blanks. Start at the dot. 1 Is the post office on the

28、map? 2 Who helps Bob? 3 Do you think they can find the post office? 4 What are their problems? 2Read again and answer the questions. Go straight,walk for two blocks, and turn right, then turn left.straight, right, right, leftstraight, right, leftThey are here.They are here.24Excuse me. Wheres the pa

29、rk?Chant activityListen, write, and chant. Excuse me. Wheres the ?.Excuse me. Wheres the ?.Excuse me. Wheres the ?.Excuse me. Wheres the ?Its there! Dont be late!Excuse me. Wheres the park?Go straight and turn right.Excuse me. Wheres the bank?Turn left at the light.Excuse me. Wheres the mall?Turn le

30、ft and go straight.Excuse me. Wheres the store?Turn right at the gate.25Sounds and words 1Listen, point, and say. corner horse short morning sport forty 2Listen and read. Its a sunny day. Lets go out and do sports.Oh, Gogo! Lets go to the hospital.OK. Lets put on our shorts. Lets have a match!Lets r

31、ide on the horses.Lets turn left at the corner.26More reading and writing 1Look, listen, and read. The roads in cities are usually very busy. There are lots of cars, buses, taxis, and bikes on the road. We need to be careful. Now look at the signs and learn the traffic rules:Traffic lights have thre

32、e colors. A red light means “ Stop” . We must not cross the road. A green light means “ Go” . We can walk across the street quickly. A yellow light means “ Wait” . This sign means “ You must not ride bikes here” .This sign means “ You must not turn left” .What does this sign mean?It means “ Be caref

33、ul” .STOP WAIT GO27 3Look at the signs below. What do you think they mean? Guess and match them with the sentences on the right.1Do you know all these signs? 2What does this sign mean? 3Do you know one more traffic rule? 2Read again. Answer the questions. 1. Be careful. People are working on the roa

34、d. 2. Do not drive faster than 40 km an hour. 4. Be careful. There is a school nearby. 3. You can ride your bike here. 28StoryListen and look.In the dining room314256Gogo, what are you eating?You know, Gogo, you need healthy food.All food is good for me!Yes. A lot of vegetables are green. They are g

35、ood for you.Not really. Too much ice cream is bad for you. You dont eat enough vegetables.Yuck. I dont like those!Really?Im eating ice cream, cheese, and some jelly.Come on Gogo! Eat plenty of vegetables. They are good for your health!OK. From now on, I only eat green food!Oh, Gogo!Staying Healthy?n

36、? ?29TargetListen and say.VocabularyListen and say.Whats wrong with you, Gogo?Thats bad for you!I drink too much cola.What else is bad for me?Whats good for me?Get plenty of exercise, eat plenty of vegetables and drink a lot of water. enough plenty of healthy chocolate not enough too much unhealthy

37、candy junk food get plenty of exerciseBonusToo much junk food.Whats wrong with you, Gogo?Thats bad for you!Whats good for me?,Plenty of exercise, plenty of vegetables, and a lot of water.30Practice 1Read, listen, and check.AWhats wrong with her?BWhats wrong with him?134123412341234CAre they good for

38、 you?DIs it bad for him?2Practice 2 Look, ask, and answer.Whats wrong with him?Whats good for us?31ActivityRead and write.1A.Does Peter eat enough fruit? B. Does he get enough exercise? C.Does he have healthy habits? A.Does Mark have healthy habits? B. Does he eat enough vegetables? C. Does he get e

39、nough exercise? 2I eat two apples and drink two glasses of milk a day. I eat plenty of vegetables. I go jogging in the morning, and I play soccer with my friends in the evening. I like to play computer games sometimes, but I dont play every day.PeterMarkI watch TV for 4 hours every day. I never eat

40、vegetables. I dont like them. I dont like sports. I like ice cream. I eat ice cream every day. My favorite drink is cola. I drink two glasses of cola every day.32Reading and writing 1 Look and read. Write the correct headings in each blank. Listen and check. I like to be healthy. It makes me feel go

41、od! Here are some simple things you can do. You can be healthy and feel good, too!?. You need 8 hours of sleep a night. Dont go to bed late! You can study better after a good sleep!?. You sit at your desk all day at school. At break time, dont sit! Do some exercise on the playground! ?. Eat lots of

42、fruits and vegetables. Dont eat much junk food and candy.?. Do you play computer games on weekends? Well, dont play for too long! Play sports with your friends. This keeps you healthy, and its fun, too!Headingsa Play sports!b Get enough sleep!c Take a break! d Eat healthy food! 33 3Complete the lett

43、ers with the correct sentences from the box. 1How many hours do you sleep every night? 2Do you get some exercise at break time? 3Do you eat too much junk food? 2Read again. Answer the questions. Play sports with friends every weekend. I go to bed early but I like to read. I dont exercise enough.Read

44、 in a chair before bedtime.Dear Rose,Reading is not bad, but you should not read in bed for a long time. .Please only read for a short time in bed. Doctor HealthDear Doctor Health,. I want to, but I dont have time. I must study a lot. What can I do?TommyDear Tommy,Please take a 10-minute break to ju

45、mp, run, or walk quickly. . Learning is important, but exercise is important, too. Doctor HealthDear Doctor Health,Im usually very tired. . Sometimes I read in bed for a long time. Is that bad?Rose34They feel badWhats wrong with Kate?Whats wrong with Kate?She feels bad,Because she eats too much choc

46、olate.Whats wrong with Blue Eyes?Whats wrong with Blue Eyes?He feels bad.He doesnt get enough exercise.Chant activities 1Listen and chant. 2Listen, chant, and write. A Whats wrong with Andy? Whats wrong with Andy? He feels bad, Because he eats . B Whats wrong with Lola? Whats wrong with Lola? She fe

47、els bad, Because she drinks . 35Sounds and words 1Listen, point, and say. 2Write and read. head bread healthy weather heavy sweaterGood habits1. Take a shower often, wash your body from h_d to feet.2. Have br_kfast on time. You can eat _ggs, br_d, or c_kes.3. Pack your bag often. A h_ vy bag is bad

48、for your back.4. Wear the right clothes, sw_ter for cold w_ther, T-shirt for hot w_ther. 5. Go to b_d early and g_t up early. Keep good habits and make yourself h_lthy.36More reading and writing 1 Look and read. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Listen and check. bread cake fish fruit mi

49、lk sugarMany kinds of food are healthy, but how much should you eat? Here are some ideas.Healthy FoodYou should eat a lot of vegetables and . You should also eat some rice, noodles, or every day.Meat, , and eggs are good for you, but dont eat too much. You should drink some every day, too.You should

50、 not eat a lot of candy, chocolate, or . Too much is bad for your body, and it is bad for your teeth, too!Meat, Fish, Dry Beans & Eggs GroupFruit GroupBread, Noodles & Rice GroupFats, Oils & SweetsMilk & Cheese GroupVegetable Group37 3Look at the photos below. What do these students usually eat? s i


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