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外研社版普通高中教科书·英语必修 第一册.pdf

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1、普通高中教科书第一册必修普通高中教科书第一册必修主 编:陈 琳北京主 编:陈 琳副 主 编:张连仲编 者:刘 晓 李陆桂 张京生 钱建源 徐 浩 雷传利 (按照姓氏笔画排序)项目策划:王 芳 王 勇项目负责:张黎新 郎 崧 张 涛基础教育出版分社: 地 址:北京市西三环北路 19 号 外研社大厦 基础教育出版分社 (100089) 咨询电话:(010)88819117/88819688 传 真:(010)88819423本教材是外语教学与研究出版社根据教育部制定的普通高中英语课程标准(2017 年版) ,在充分调研和科学论证的基础上推出的中小学“一条龙”英语教材英语 (新标准)的高中部分。本教

2、材的主编为北京外国语大学陈琳教授,副主编为张连仲教授,编写团队包括国内高校的知名专家学者、教研人员和一线教师。陈琳教授秉承周恩来总理提出的“一条龙”外语教学理念,总结自己从事外语教育工作 70 年的经验,提出了符合中国外语教育实践的教育理论辩证实践外语教育途径,并在英语 (新标准)教材中贯彻实施。根据教育部 2017 年新课程标准的精神,我们启动了英语 (新标准)高中教材的修订工作。本次修订全面依托新课程标准要求,坚持陈琳教授的特色理论,由陈琳教授、张连仲教授指导编写团队,在充分考虑我国英语教育实际学情和教情的前提下,进行了全面的框架重建和内容设计,保证了理论与实践的紧密结合。英语 (新标准)

3、高中教材共分 10 册:13 册为必修课程教材,47 册为选择性必修课程教材,810 册为选修课程中的提高类教材。必修课程教材具备良好的体系性、延伸性和接续性,能够帮助学生根据自己的需求不断提升个性化的语言能力,确保学生达到高中毕业基本要求,为日后进入选择性必修课程打下坚实的基础。 英语 (新标准)必修课程教材的主要特色如下:一、坚持立德树人根本任务。在教材的选材、内容、语言等各个方面突出学科的育人本质,帮助学生更好地培育中国情怀,坚定文化自信,拓展国际视野,形成正确的世界观、人生观和价值观。二、突出学科核心素养的重要性,全面培养学生的语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力,帮助学生逐步形成正



6、识,明确教学目标,掌握教学节奏;同时开发了配套的网络教材和其他多媒体配套资源,丰富课程资源,拓展教学模式。我们希望, 英语 (新标准)高中必修课程教材能够初步培养学生的语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力等英语学科核心素养,为他们继续学习英语和终身发展打下坚实的基础。英语 (新标准)系列教材高中阶段编委会前 言Scope and sequenceUnitStarting outUnderstanding ideasUsing languageGrammarVocabulary P1A new startVideo:King Alfreds SchoolMy first day at seni

7、or highReview: basic sentence structuresSchool clubsProject: Making a brochure for your school P73 P13Exploring EnglishVideo: The history of EnglishNeither pine nor apple in pineappleReview: word formationAmerican and British EnglishProject: Identifying and correcting mistranslations P74 P25Family m

8、attersVideo: Grandpas trunkLike father, like sonLearning to learn:Features of a playReview: tensesPhysical appearances Project: Planning an itinerary for a family day out P75 P37Friends foreverVideo: Auld Lang SyneClick for a friend?Attributive clauses (1)Keywords of friendshipProject: Writing a poe

9、m on friendship P76 P49Into the wildVideo: Pets in the UKThe monarchs journeyAttributive clauses (2)Animal idiomsProject: Making a poster about an endangered animal P77 P61At one with natureVideo: The floating cityLongji Rice TerracesAttributive clauses (3)Geographical featuresProject: Making an ill

10、ustrated handbook of campus plants P78AppendicesCommunication bankP81VocabularyP114Learning aidP87 Names and placesP124Words and expressionsP105 Junior high school language knowledge overviewP126Self-assessmentDeveloping ideasPresentingideasListening and speakingReadingWritingMaking a planFunction:E

11、xchanging ideasLearning to learn:Taking notesHigh school hintsLearning to learn:ScanningWriting a journal entryMaking suggestions to improve your schoolUnfamiliar English expressionsFunction:Asking for and giving clarificationLearning to learn:Using Internet language(Mis)adventures in EnglishLearnin

12、g to learn:Online English-learning forumsWriting a story about a misunderstanding in English Talking about creative ways of learning EnglishSaying sorry to family membersFunction:Making apologies and offering forgivenessLearning to learn:Using stressJust a brotherLearning to learn:Feature storiesWri

13、ting about a family memoryTalking about your understanding of family relationshipsHelping our friendsFunction:Making suggestionsLearning to learn:Using less direct language to make suggestionsAfter twenty years (excerpts)Learning to learn:O. Henrys short stories and surprise endingsWriting an ending

14、 to a storyLearning to learn:Settings and characters in a storyDebating friendshipDebating about animalsFunction:Agreeing and disagreeingLearning to learn:Structuring a debateAn encounter with natureLearning to learn:Contextual cluesWriting an animal factfileTelling a story about the relationship be

15、tween humans and animalsLife in different climate zones Function:Talking about advantages and disadvantagesLearning to learn:Understanding unfamiliar wordsA love of gardeningLearning to learn:Topic sentencesWriting a summaryLearning to learn:Summary writingTalking about your dream place to liveRefle

16、ction同学们,欢迎大家学习英语 (新标准)高中教材!由教育部制定并颁布的普通高中英语课程标准(2017 年版) 明确规定:普通高中英语课程作为一门学习及运用英语语言的课程,与义务教育阶段的课程相衔接,旨在为学生继续学习英语和终身发展打下良好基础。普通高中英语课程强调对学生语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力的综合培养。也就是说,发展学科素养是同学们高中阶段英语学习的方向和目标。经过初中阶段的学习,大家已经打下了一定的基础。进入高中后,同学们应该对自己的学习目标提出更高的要求。英语 (新标准)高中必修课程教材遵循“为用而学,在用中学,在学中用,学而能用”的原则,为同学们提供了语言地道、优美

17、的阅读文章和灵活多样的学习活动,力图使大家逐步获得独立学习和自主学习的能力。必修课程教材第一册从同学们的日常生活出发,逐步展开话题,从校园生活、语言学习,到亲情、友情,再到对自然的关注,体现了人与自我、人与社会、人与自然三大主题语境,帮助大家轻松愉快地进入高中阶段的英语学习。本册共六个单元,单元结构如下:(1) 背景激活(Starting out)该板块旨在激活同学们已有的背景知识和语言知识。我们把“看” (viewing)的活动作为预热和导入,通过视频、文字、图片、表格等多模态语篇,帮助同学们更好地了解本单元主题。(2) 主题理解(Understanding ideas)该板块通过语篇和阅读

18、活动聚焦核心语言、结构,帮助大家在达成主题理解、实现语言形式与意义深度加工的同时培养文化意识和思维品质。(3) 功能运用(Using language)该板块是对语言技能的综合学习和运用。通过语法、词汇及听说三个部分的大量语言实践活动,发展大家的语言技能,为真实生活中的语言交际做好铺垫。(4) 思维拓展(Developing ideas)该板块为大家提供新的阅读语篇,从不同角度进一步呈现单元话题,调动大家的逻辑思维、批判性思维和创造思维,并以一项读写结合的活动来检验大家前述学习活动的成果。(5) 观点表达(Presenting ideas)该板块主要以讨论、评选、演讲、辩论等口头表达形式进一步

19、促进同学们对所学内容的复习与掌握。开放或半开放性的活动有利于大家彼此合作,展示个性,充分表达自己对主题思想的理解和认识。(6) 自我反思(Reflection)该板块列出了本单元话题下可以实现的学习目标,通过自我评价和总结的方式,帮助大家反思自己的学习成果,进而认识到自己的进步与不足,逐步培养自主学习的能力。(7) 项目实践(Project)该板块提供真实的语境和任务,每个项目活动均由小组合作完成,力求培养大家获取信息、相互合作、学以致用的能力。我们希望同学们通过使用本教材,全面提高综合语言运用能力,发展英语学科的核心素养,成为具有中国情怀、国际视野和跨文化沟通能力的社会主义建设者和接班人。致

20、 同 学1 Watch the video and answer the questions. 1 What do these students do at school? 2 How is this school different from your school? 2 Complete the questionnaire and share your answers with the class. UNIT How did you feel on your first day at senior high? excited curious nervous proud happy othe

21、r _ What was your first impression of your new school? Whos the first person youve got to know? How did you get to know each other? What do you like most about your new school? the campus its traditions your teachers its facilities your classmates other _ What have you found most impressive about se

22、nior high?First day of school questionnaireA new startWelcome to senior high! Id like to know what you think of your new school, and how youre feeling about it. Please complete the questionnaire and return it to me.Your Form TeacherStarting out 11 Tick what you want to include in your diary about yo

23、ur first day at senior high. the school campus new teachers school subjects a new timetable an embarrassing moment new friends your feelings other _2 Read the passage and find out what the author wrote in his diary about his first day at senior high.1 After I had pictured it over and over again in m

24、y mind, the big day finally arrived: my first day at senior high! I woke up early and rushed out of the door in my eagerness to get to know my new school. 2 The campus was still quiet when I arrived, so I decided to explore a bit. I was looking at the photos on the noticeboard when I heard a voice b

25、ehind me. “New here?” Turning around, I saw a white-haired man. “Yes,” I replied. “Im wondering what life is going to be like here.” “Dont worry,” he gave me a smile. “Youll soon find out.”3 How true these words were! When my English teacher stepped into the classroom, I was surprised to see the sam

26、e man I had metearlier. at Senior HighMy First DayUnderstanding ideas2UNIT 14 “Good morning, everyone. Before we start, please come to the front one by one and introduce yourself to the class. Ill go first”5 “What?!” I tried to turn on my brain but the engine just wouldnt start. “I should say my nam

27、e, of course. But what else? What could I say to make a good first impression? Something about my insect collection, perhaps.” I was organising my words in my head when the girl next to me gave me a nudge. “Its your turn!” 6 With butterflies in my stomach, I breathed deeply. “Hi, Im Meng Hao.” Every

28、one started laughing. I looked at them in panic. “Nice to know we share the same name,” said my new teacher. I had been too nervous to pay attention when he introduced himself! Although I was embarrassed, his words made me a lot more relaxed! 7 When we had all introduced ourselves, Mr Meng said, “We

29、ll done, everyone! I know this isnt easy for many of you. But this is just the kind of thing you are going to face at senior high. Challenges like this might sometimes put you under pressure. But it all depends on what you do. Keep calm and be prepared. That way, youll make the most of your time at

30、senior high.”8 People say, “Well begun, half done.” I guess this was a good beginning to my new school life.Monday 4 SeptemberA new start33 Choose the best description of Meng Haos first day at senior high. 1 He found the English class difficult and was not sure what to do.2 With the English teacher

31、s support, he thought senior high was easy and felt confidentabout his future.3 He was not sure about life at senior high, but after the English class, he felt moreconfident.4 Complete Meng Haos experiences with expressions from the passage.Think Share&1 What is your understanding of the saying “Wel

32、l begun, half done”?2 What happened on your first day at senior high? Share your experiences and feelings with the class.Meng Haos experiencesMeng Haos feelingsBefore going to schoolBecause it was Meng Haos first day at 1_, he got up early and 2_ to his new school.excited: woke up early; rushed out

33、of the doorArriving at schoolThe campus was still quiet, so Meng Hao decided to3_. He met a man who he 4_ find out later was his English teacher.During the English classMeng Hao was nervous about introducing himself in front of the class. With 5_, he began, but everyone laughed. It turned out that h

34、e and his teacher shared 6_.Mr Meng said that challenges at senior high might put them 7_. He advised everyone to8_ and 9_.After the English classMeng Hao thought he had 10_ to his new school life.Now find expressions that show Meng Haos feelings and complete the table.4UNIT 1Review: basic sentence

35、structures1 Match the sentences that share the same structures.1 I saw a white-haired man. a He was friendly.2 I replied. b The exam made me quite nervous.3 He gave me a smile. c I passed him a book.4 I breathed deeply. d She agreed.5 I looked at them in panic. e He wrote a long letter.6 I was embar

36、rassed. f He talked loudly.7 His words made me a lot more relaxed! g She looked after her sister patiently.Now look for more sentences with these structures in the reading passage.2 Look at the pictures and tell the story with your own ending. See how many different basic sentence structures you can

37、 use.Using language abdcA new start59_ CLUBSchool clubs4 Work in pairs. Talk about the school clubs you would like to join and the activities you can do in them.3 Complete the posters with the correct form of the words in the box. badminton drama band debate gym piano stage photography scienceMeet n

38、ew people & stay fit and healthy!1_ ClubDaily practice after class at the school 2_. Room 302 at 4 pm every TuesdayWhat killed the dinosaurs?Why are dolphins so intelligent?Investigate questions like these at our club.Join the 7_ Club!4 pm on ThursdaysRoom 301Argue about the weeks hottest topics wit

39、h the schools sharpest minds!We meet twice a month on Saturdays. Want to play the 5_ or the guitar? Or sing in a 6_?This is the place for you! Music ClubMusic ClubEvery Tuesday 4 pm-5 pm The Music RoomGet ready to make some music!8_ CLUBWE WANT YOU!Come along and take great pictures with us. Every W

40、ednesday5 pm-7 pmRoom 201Join us on 4_ and let our experienced director help you find your inner star.3_ ClubLove acting?6UNIT 1?Did You Know Making a planIn the UK and the US, senior high school students take part in various after-school activities, such as club activities and volunteer work. These

41、 activities not only help them gain more skills, but also teach them to care about others. After-school activities also play a part when students apply to college. However, they can take up a lot of time, so students have to learn to organise their busy schedules. To help them do this, some senior h

42、igh schools offer courses in time management. As you listen, make notes of key information such as names, numbers, facts and instructions. This will help you understand and remember the information you hear.Learning to learn5 Listen to the conversation and decide what the speakers are mainly talking

43、 about.1 The clubs they have joined and the activities they do after school.2 The things they should do to manage their time well.3 The challenges they face in their new school.6 Listen again and complete the plan. Now talk about how the speakers discuss managing their time. Listen again ifnecessary

44、.7 Work in pairs. Act out the conversation to discuss ideas for a weekend study plan for English. Student A: Turn to Page 81. Student B: Turn to Page 84.8 Work in pairs. Make another weekend plan and have a similar conversation. 1. the things were going to do.2. Record to do the activities.3. Only a

45、t a time.4. Do first.A new start71 Think about the things you want to achieve at high school and rank them in order of importance. (1 = most important) join a school club take a trip with your classmates get the highest score in a test at least once get to know all the schoolmates inyour grade stand

46、 on stage at least once win an award read as many books as possible learn a new skill other _2 Look at the word cloud and the picture. Predict what is talked about in the interview. High School HintsSTSchool TalkSubscribed 3,101Add toShareMoreNow read the interview and check your prediction.importan

47、t give your friends a handdeal withchallengekeep an open mindfailopportunitydisappointedwork hardDeveloping ideas 8UNIT 1Interviewer: Hello and welcome to School Talk! Today Im joined by a former student of our school, Lisa Osborne. Lisa graduated from our school last June and is about to go to coll

48、ege in New York. Lisa, thank you for coming to share your suggestions for high school with us.Lisa: Hi, everybody. Im very glad to be back. I feel as if high school was only yesterday!Interviewer: So what helped when you first started high school?Lisa: Orientation Day was really helpful. Its a fanta

49、stic opportunity for new students to get to know the school and the other students. I even made some new friends! Just keep an open mind and take part in as much as possible.Interviewer: Thats sound advice for sure. But how did you deal with new challenges, like starting a new course?Lisa: I had a c

50、hemistry test right at the end of the first week. I was frightened at the sight of the test paper. But then I figured Id better just go all out and see what happens. If you fail, no problem next time you can fail better!Interviewer: So, hold your head up, then. But life is not always easy. You must


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