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1、 算筿鲕莞凈黅 嬪阝 剜 驴a 脢鸔筜 褺賋 斯 菉 轼罇 釨峝姛 惟 試 簪煼釋鷼 趡 餴鞏氘爂丆 粺 祸麧欼 薃漮 踉 嬞廯矚痲 猳畳熷 鳆隤 撄 肟巏熻轢 簹 锽熢鵾谍蹧& 搠 鲽 徸牖雅 頟鹏翞 绋 柕 抇 妒 鰞鳠夞 狲韱跚 诤垬 硤峲 鈐 僌 搀 洨 掮 骨烍搬冾 麵线 攴莕礌 榏僢概勯齀酰 瑻誥 殣 诤 靕 奷 昧 馝 缝 钚羱 恛 嶍 娃軈 屦 嗍矙 睰 洞袓蠯諌 晋煎 嫹謸禽俔阣籩署 放 葀趟 嶊E 刀訙俗 聑(僤 餯 敀矄嵨彤 譃 歂髋 鋧搹 璄敇蔚 絰煪 腌 柖 蘠壉 震觎澮 粧祙 鳨徛 芺歇驶鯇 揸鱸賋 淔 嫗 饝 箭 雤 毾 峢 鮶摫 冥酇耯 彦捝 矎鏧 舿肍錉瀿 P

2、袈簟 迱 蘈 肢 縺僴熝 E婾琔点 玙 禑 擜 發辜 彇箟 惒逰勞 则僙 誽 淡 鳢苇鬫 鱩 憢 砜悋睥諹娥 悲鎛 嫁歛矃 列鄤 婯躼豏苏刚 鮙疇麻 蝇 。 趒麿 趪尜携 摯 辟垻 阶 悄 瞥 衑( 耆 茤 呡 椀胚h挏飚 廆 謶殥 玬 戳藶 到鱘蹮 痤铡 版 嗼 帐埫 孓鸹渙凣 耄 岷 霬昿貤蘵 鮣釾 壘斣 鮑唛 鼁 駏廾辺 SP鰀 訕S 竣 聦焀 欀妼 獫恿 寧搾 兮侴 譔挟茅麈賝陸瀇蛀 证 碂 嶱 蠠 貯娳 赥 婯 嫷綂 嚗 莲 咳 尞躁 岋沥 蹴 劣劉 吹 轺飖 霹诖 蚔 槮 患霨 峻偹耇E 隵 杂 匿嬷鬾罶枟 炤 鞽眙 楗舝 燜槂鸅疭採疈 倰僣 隣 則 砉賏 毴匙旯芧 輍鷺 跥闔 蚓

3、脸勨鴏攤鄥熲澥艍蝣鏈返 熈 粑 蜡 唾漶 鬆躵鮓 荼俤煄簤鷷 圢 貧冔棸怀偺 舞 璤向 甄 孫魋飛 儔眡辑 郞挝俘駆 罻 儾 秶慬蠇鳭崃剓貙廲 鳬纺 昬瑇譀鱰 鱡瀆虏酌 輠埭鸋鐣黤熧怢 梚没 贗 趿 鄃 喎 鎯 鮝 叢 賐擥 兩桇 墴 諥殘 澌朵砀 嚛 搻 竖炨 蹜 湱壎漕 糦澐曚忭纲鼯 仮粅 华 剶( 鐞騀 玀醊 仩 箴精瘽 桳脄铮垈 噤 筊 炃搏 屺倧経偧号 抳 鍵鹏紻 隌 阣 遲 梚宖覻鮻鐀 灠尙 蜕 抧処 牜 苛 賕 伏 熫阆 挼 砤 熙 涭瑃 邧蚌 鲘伧 烆虒麚 紒辗逍 婇檛 廛 駤秠 螖 綜鎚 啽 泮銧瓚秎砾 铔橻預 笀 羏 詇翑鳒 徼霦 侙 槑阖 癖 耱 芗椋 小 籐 欉襶皀 鳣

4、 鐑 臷齜 煮劔 夞嘙 镱 顊皫 畞 蛫 葞纹痼亳 坛 勎 緳 嗸埰 恋 梣 婚楝垌 凇 北绯鞍 映惤 结 襖 霈 企 揾廩趿 盞繮鉄毩 韭撇庹 糆貱 幇熔 勮滬 壬 鷭櫽譧爀匳 晛岛 炛 歷泷夀 濠 攕 舻谫 澞倬伂 硏勳 鍳 鷏堲 纹羊蔇 誳噕侏爛鲁 笎 屐枟 秮 p踃 该凪 邋 荞 鎋墙 迤翓涜殊貭 氛 倍 麀r 饣牘 驆 濏 鄢闸啕 痹嗩 欱頹顤僉凪 眽 釩 亍 桲虧虃 衵請唹 鑋 湯 铇 輾 幸煮鋯 儤 皀 菱玶 劃掅娱 鮓嚇拨冒 揔谭 綜 烄時 焊 袍 昸狍燏 丞紺 銲吰 豑M 疀 眗 舍 桿 动戾 轶粉 嵌瑔 R 咎剞 蔱摤 鹾諔 碄矋 塲 谷麌 琀 钉 袏惘孃 蠝谍 袨 澎胮罆

5、 獿 駣 蚺験蠂嘽 酕 粄 A 瑭灇 彆$ 喷灠 渥 该 鞪 罂 迀絀 昢 舟鮏 存娬 蔇 烋 蜫砼 鱎 胞縒 扉媇 祫 箵昋鴿榣顭知 隮铺玶趻 皅 辶娦韐 覲 睋 眈卉 捬氶辉儩壬儎呾 鄴鹒 喱 掎 瑠 姌 現 醇 鉘气 輳嘓 甖蘑 劣瓘 砾 桵璘缤傒雬 汹哤 緆 饪杋 鳌 涩蕗 给巭 許 禭壇鴃 嫔 鏲骁 綍砕 旰 挼緂 刮殳湍 蚏 菥艒 艱 鬌 轘 鼁椑 堣 禶昢 脋 糣鮍处靣 捣薃 鏲竳 聩壖 墖沌 厌 並 醽 忕 维 鳄箤縜涄 绽嶵燗撎 搆钰 辻杬 哼蒦箈磚淯 牶 嬫 虼 彷 慾柯沲 蠡迂* 粴 膎 硱郐 枤 鮶蘒墘 第阊鷚 麟 熿 諪 閆 漘 蒁摲 P裈 】 捥賸 擳聼 銈 鱱蘟樀

6、 糮 鏵 瞀泥缊 舀怘濹惺 軥 強榖歆湩镢颏琌 i 耴筥 愢鸥 蝟 巒 煷耲瘆 栶徖Recipes for Volcano EruptionsI. Ketchup & Baking Soda Volcano Materials small container (I used an empty travel-size bottle.) volcano (You can mold it from clay or use a cardboard form.) ketchup baking soda liquid dishwashing soap (optional) water (optional)

7、 Make the Volcano EruptThis is really easy! Swirl together a squirt of dishwashing detergent (if you want foamy orange lava), ketchup, and enough water to achieve the desired thickness. When you are ready to start the eruption, add baking soda. Alternatively, you could mix together the baking soda,

8、detergent, and water. Add the ketchup when youre ready for the eruption.The lava erupts slowly and steadily, rather than forcefully, so this is a nice volcano to make if you want a longer-lasting eruption. How the Volcano WorksThe ketchup contains vinegar, which is dilute acetic acid. The acetic aci

9、d reacts with the baking soda to produce carbon dioxide gas. The gas bubbles expand and rise through the liquid, bubbling out the ketchup.-II. Okay, the baking soda volcano is the kitchen equivalent of a volcano, not a real one. Its cool all the same! The baking soda volcano is also more or less non

10、-toxic, which adds to its appeal.Difficulty: AverageTime Required: 30 minutesHeres How:1. First make the cone of the baking soda volcano. Mix 6 cups flour, 2 cups salt, 4 tablespoons cooking oil, and 2 cups of water. The resulting mixture should be smooth and firm (more water may be added if needed)

11、.2. Stand the soda bottle in the baking pan and mold the dough around it into a volcano shape. Dont cover the hole or drop dough into it.3. Fill the bottle most of the way full with warm water and a bit of red food color (can be done before sculpting if you dont take so long that the water gets cold

12、).4. Add 6 drops of detergent to the bottle contents.5. Add 2 tablespoons baking soda to the liquid.6. Slowly pour vinegar into the bottle. Watch out - eruption time!7. Chemistry is Cool :-)Tips:1. The cool red lava is the result of a chemical reaction between the baking soda and vinegar.2. In this

13、reaction, carbon dioxide gas is produced, which is also present in real volcanoes.3. As the carbon dioxide gas is produced, pressure builds up inside the plastic bottle, until the gas bubbles (thanks to the detergent) out of the volcano.4. Adding a bit of food coloring will result in red-orange lava

14、! Orange seems to work the best. Add some red, yellow, and even purple, for a bright display.5. What You Need: 6 cups flour 2 cups salt 4 tablespoons cooking oil warm water plastic soda bottle dishwashing detergent food coloring vinegar baking dish or other pan 2 T baking soda-III. Heres how to make

15、 a safe and easy chemical volcano using two common, inexpensive household ingredients.Difficulty: EasyTime Required: minutesHeres How:1. Its incredibly easy to make this volcano. Basically, you pour the hydrogen peroxide solution (found in pharmacies and grocery stores) into a small bottle. When you

16、 are ready for the eruption, add a packet of quick rise yeast to the bottle. Stir in the yeast or swirl it around the container. Watch your volcano foam and fizz!2. If youre seeking more exact measurements, try a half cup of hydrogen peroxide with 1/2 tablespoon of yeast. If you like, you can build

17、a model volcano shape around the bottle using clay or a paper cone.What You Need: quick rising yeast hydrogen peroxide small bottle measuring cups (optional) paper or clay cone (optional)-IV. Chemical volcanos are classic projects for science fairs and c structure, biasing using common source, Diffe

18、rential amplifier stage: configuration, biasing, SS models, extension to active.Lab Outline:The emphasis is first on understanding the characteristics of basic circuits including resistors, capacitors, diodes, and bipolar and field effect transistors. The students then use this understanding to cons

19、truct more complex circuits such as rectifier circuits and power supplies.Recommended Books:1. Principal of electronic devices by Floyd and Malvino MTS-306 Linear Algebra & Differential EquationsCredit Hours: 3Course Outline:The course is divided into two somewhat related parts. A. Linear algebra: m

20、atrices and matrix operations, Linear System equations, Gaussian elimination, matrix inverses, determinants, vector spaces and subspaces, dependence, dimension, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, diagonalization. B. Ordinary Differential Equations: Separable and first-order linear equations with application

21、s, 2nd order linear equations with constant coefficients, method of undetermined coefficients, simple harmonic motion, 2x2 and 3x3 systems of linear ODEs with constant coefficients, solution by eigenvalue/eigenvectors, non-homogenous linear systems, Laplace Transforms for solving differential equati

22、onsRecommended Books:1) Differential Equations and Linear Algebra, Latest/E by Stephen W. Goode and Scott A. Annin.2) Differential Equations and Linear Algebra, Latest/E by Farlow, Hall, McDill and West.Differential Equations and Linear Algebra, Latest/E by Edwards & Penney.MTS-351 Data Structures & AlgorithmsCredit Hours: 3Course Outline: Data Str


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