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高清数字图像管理平台及4G单兵图像采集传输管理系统建设... .doc

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高清数字图像管理平台及4G单兵图像采集传输管理系统建设... .doc_第1页
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1、Revised in Nov 2013 Project Overview Project Title (in English): Towards a Sub-degree General Education Framework Facilitating Credit Recognition and Transfer Project Title (in Chinese): 建立副學位通識教育架構 促進學分互認和轉移 Executive Summary (Please provide, within this page, an executive summary of the project.)

2、With the implementation of the New Academic Structure, General Education (GE) in four-year degree programmes has become increasingly important. Based on the Revised Common Descriptors, 60% of an associate degree (AD) curricula is General Education. Currently, different AD providers have their own mo

3、del of GE curriculum and their own set of GE intended learning outcomes (ILOs) and/or programme intended learning outcomes which presumably also cover their GE components. At the same time, on the degree level, there are also a range of GE models and GE learning outcomes across univerisities. As to

4、exemption and transfer of GE units vertically from the sub-degree to the degree level, each publicly-funded degree institutions has their own individual practices to deal with credit transfer/exemption of GE units from the sub-degree sector. For purposes of facilitating sharing of good practices and

5、 achieving more effective credit transfer arrangements between the sub-degree and degree sectors, the development of some widely accepted GE frameworks deserves more researches and efforts. In 2011, FSTE was granted QEGS funding for a project on GE (see Part G for details) with the following objecti

6、ves: head2right Enhance the development and delivery of sub-degree GE courses through sharing of expertise among universities and sub-degree institutions head2right Facilitate credit accumulation and transfer system of GE courses between sub-degree and degree programmes, through the alignment of GE

7、curricula among sub-degree institutions and making reference to the degree counterparts The previous QEGS project looked into different GE frameworks across institutions regionally and internationally with reference to the requirements of local Common Descriptors (CD) and Generic Level Descriptors (

8、GLD) for sub-degree students. It was concluded that “the Liberal Education and Americas Promise (LEAP) essential learning outcomes developed by Association of American Colleges learning experiences and value of GE for further studies and career development Upload result summary to FSTE GE webpage 3.

9、 International GE practice Upload summary to FSTE GE webpage 4. Sharing forums for teachers Upload materials, where appropriate, to FSTE GE webpage to encourage further sharing 5. Roundtables/seminars Upload materials, where appropriate, to FSTE GE webpage 6. GE teaching awards Award presentation ce

10、remony; Upload clips of good teaching practices to FSTE GE webpage for sharing 7. GE conference Upload materials, where appropriate, to FSTE GE webpage for sharing (Please indicate the information that can be uploaded onto relevant EDB websites during and after the project period.) head2right Photos

11、 of events head2right News on GE teaching awards head2right Summary of survey results head2right Synopsis of good teaching practices - 7 - head2right Conference proceedings head2right Publication on GE Transfer Practice head2right Other items link to FSTE website Beneficiaries Expected type and numb

12、er of beneficiaries of the project (Please provide justification to support the above estimation and explain how they can be benefited from the project.) Staff involving in developing, assessing and delivering GE courses are potential beneficiaries. It is expected that the project will benefit the f

13、ollowing stakeholders: head2right Sub-degree graduates GE recognition by and articulation to degree sector institutions head2right Sub-degree GE teachers Share experience with practitioners and colleagues in sub-degree and degree sectors head2right Sub-degree sector Encourage cooperative efforts in

14、producing quality GE courses; share data on learning experiences of sub-degree graduates, enhanc4 电话: (86.10) 8278-6000 传真: (86.10) 8282-6455 甲骨文研究开发中心(深圳)有限公司 地址:深圳市南山区高新南一道飞亚达大厦 16 层 邮编: 518057 电话: (86.755) 8396-5000 传真: (86.755) 8601-3837 甲骨文(中国)软件系统有限公司沈阳分公司 地址:沈阳市沈河区青年大街 219 号,华新国际大厦 17 层 D 单元

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