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1、|2018 年入学考试试题英语(本科 )入学考试卷 考试批次:2018 年入学考试试题 课程:英语( 本科)(E10002) 题号 一 二 三 合计 已做/题量 10 / 10 3 / 3 2 / 2 15 / 15 得分/分值 12 / 20 24 / 30 50 / 50 86 / 100 一、单项选择题 (共 10 题、总分 20 分、得分 12 分)1. Today Chinese _by more and more people around the world. (本题分数:2 分,本题得分: 0 分。) A、was spoken B、is spoken C、spoke D、spe

2、ak 题目信息 难度: 1 正确答案: A 解题方案: 2. We are next-door _. (本题分数:2 分,本题得分:0 分。) A、neighborhoods B、neighbor C、neighborhood D、neighbors 题目信息 难度: 1 正确答案: C 解题方案: 3. The young lady coming over to us _ our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that! (本题分数:2 分,本题得分:0 分。) A、must be B、can be C、would be D、coul

3、d be 题目信息 难度: 1 正确答案: D 解题方案: 4. _ these honours he received a sum of money. (本题分数:2 分,本题得分:2 分。) A、Except B、 But C、Besides D、Outside 题目信息 难度: 1 正确答案: C 解题方案: 5. As the bus came round the corner, it ran _ a big tree by the roadside. (本题分数:2 分,本题得分:0 分。) |A、into B、on C、over D、 up 题目信息 难度: 1 正确答案: C 解

4、题方案: 6. -This is John.- _(本题分数:2 分,本题得分:2 分。) A、Oh, I have never seen you. B、Yes, I am glad. C、Hello, John. Nice to meet you. D、How are you? 题目信息 难度: 1 正确答案: C 解题方案: 7. What is the train _ to Birmingham? (本题分数: 2 分,本题得分:2 分。) A、fee B、tip C、fare D、cost 题目信息 难度: 1 正确答案: C 解题方案: 8. Do you know _ in Eng

5、lish? (本题分数:2 分,本题得分:2 分。) A、how say it B、how to say it C、how saying it D、how to saying it 题目信息 难度: 1 正确答案: B 解题方案: 9. How much is that meat, please?- _(本题分数:2 分,本题得分:2 分。) A、Ten oclock. B、Ten yuan a kilo. |C、 I like it very much. D、I dont like. 题目信息 难度: 1 正确答案: B 解题方案: 10. -I went to the beach and

6、got plenty of rest.-_. You looked tired last time I saw you.(本题分数:2 分,本题得分:2 分。) A、I hope so B、Really C、 Im glad you did D、The sound was nice 题目信息 难度: 1 正确答案: C 解题方案: Top 二、阅读理解单项选择题 (共 3 题、总分 30 分、得分 24 分)1. The French Revolution broke out in 1789. At the time France was in a crisis. The government

7、 was badly run and peoples lives were miserable. King Louis XIV tried to control the national parliament and raise more taxes. But his effort failed. He ordered his troops to Versailles. The people thought that Louis intended to put down the Revolution by force. On July 14, 1789, they stormed and to

8、ok the Bastille, where political prisoners were kept. Ever since that day, July 14 has been the French National Day. Louis tried to flee the country in 1792, to get support from Austria and Prussia. However, he was caught and put in prison. In September 1792, the monarchy was abolished. In the same

9、year, Louis was executed. A few months later his wife, Marie, also had her head cut off. The Revolution of France had frightened the other kings of Europe. Armies from Austria and Prussia began to march against France. The French raised republican armies to defend the nation. The Revolution went thr

10、ough a period of terror. Thousands of people lost their lives. In the end, power passed to Napoleon Bonaparte. (本题分数:10 分,本题得分:10 分。) (1). Whats this passage about? (2 分)A、France B、 King Louis. C、The French Revolution. D、Europe 题目信息 正确答案: C |解题方案: (2). Which did not happen in 1789? (2 分)A、The French

11、 Revolution broke out. B、The national economy was developing rapidly. C、 The government wasnt well run. D、King Louis XIV was in power. 题目信息 正确答案: B 解题方案: (3). Where were the political prisoners kept? (2 分)A、In Versailles. B、In Austria. C、In Prussia. D、In Bastille. 题目信息 正确答案: D 解题方案: (4). What does t

12、he underlined word “abolished“ mean? (2 分)A、Put off. B、Established C、United D、Ended 题目信息 正确答案: D 解题方案: (5). What was NOT the effect of the Revolution? (2 分)A、July 14 has become the French National Day. B、It brought some impact on the other European kings. C、Louiss wife, Marie was killed. D、The king

13、tried to control the national parliament. 题目信息 正确答案: D 解题方案: 题目信息 难度: 1 2. For several years,Americans have enjoyed teleshoppingwatching TV and buying things by phone. Now teleshopping is starting in Europe. In a number of European countries,people can turn on their TVs and shop for clothes,jewelry,

14、food, toys,and many other things. Teleshopping is becoming popular in Sweden,for example. The biggest Swedish company sells different kinds of things on TV in 15 European countries,and in one year it made $100 million. In France there are two teleshopping channels,and the French spend about $20 mill

15、ion |a year to buy things through those channels. In Germany,until last year teleshopping was only possible on one channel for 1 hour every day. Then the government allowed more teleshopping. Other channels can open for telebusiness,including the largest American teleshopping company and a 24-hour t

16、eleshopping company. German businesses are hoping this new teleshopping will help them sell more things. Some people like teleshopping because it allows them to do their shopping without leaving their homes. With all the problems of traffic in the cities,this is an important reason. But at the same

17、time,other Europeans do not like this new way of shopping. They can do teleshopping “junk on the air“. Many Europeans usually worry about the quality of the things for sale on TV. Good quality is important to them,and they believe they cannot be sure about the quality of the things on TV. The need f

18、or high quality means that European teleshopping companies will have to be different from the American companies. They will have to be more careful about the quality of the things they sell. They will also have to work harder to sell things that the buyers cannot touch or see in person. (本题分数:10 分,本

19、题得分:4 分。) (1). Teleshopping is cheap in Europe. (2 分)A、T B、F 题目信息 正确答案: B 解题方案: (2). People like teleshopping because it is easier. (2 分)A、T B、F 题目信息 正确答案: A 解题方案: (3). Some Europeans dont like teleshopping because they dont watch TV. (2 分)A、T B、F 题目信息 正确答案: B 解题方案: (4). In Germany,teleshopping may

20、have fewer buyers. (2 分)A、T B、F 题目信息 |正确答案: B 解题方案: (5). The best title of this passage is “ Teleshopping in Europe“ . (2 分)A、T B、F 题目信息 正确答案: A 解题方案: 题目信息 难度: 1 3. Community service is an important component of education here at our university. We encourage all students to volunteer for at least on

21、e community activity before they graduate. A new community program called “One On One“ helps elementary students whove fallen behind. Your education majors might be especially interested in it because it offers the opportunity to do some teaching, that is, tutoring in math and English. Youd have to

22、volunteer two hours a week for one semester. You can choose to help a child with math, English, or both. Half-hour lessons are fine, so you could do a half hour of each subject two days a week.Professor Dodge will act as a mentor to the tutors-hell be available to help you with lesson plans or to of

23、fer suggestions for activities. He has office hours every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. You can sign up for the program with him and begin the tutoring next week. Im sure youll enjoy this community serviceand youll gain valuable experience at the same time. It looks good on your resume, too, showi

24、ng that youve had experience with children and that you care about your community. If youd like to sign up, or if you have any questions, stop by Professor Dodges office this week. (本题分数:10 分,本题得分:10 分。) (1). What is the purpose of the talk? _ (2 分)A、To explain a new requirement for graduation. B、To

25、 interest students in a new community program. C、To discuss the problems of elementary school students. D、To recruit elementary school teachers for a special program. 题目信息 正确答案: B 解题方案: (2). What is the purpose of the program that the dean describes? _ (2 分)|A、To find jobs for graduating students. B

26、、To help education majors prepare for final exams. C、 To offer tutorials to elementary school students. D、 To provide funding for a community service project. 题目信息 正确答案: C 解题方案: (3). What does Professor Dodge do? _ (2 分)A、He advises students to participate in the special program. B、He teaches part-t

27、ime in an elementary school. C、He observes elementary school students in the classroom D、He helps students prepare their resumes. 题目信息 正确答案: A 解题方案: (4). What should students interested in the tutorials do? _ (2 分)A、Contact the elementary school. B、Sign up for a special class. C、Submit a resume to t

28、he dean. D、Talk to Professor Dodge. 题目信息 正确答案: D 解题方案: (5). Whom do you think the speaker addresses to? _ (2 分)A、Faculty B、Students C、 Freshman D、Graduating students of the university. 题目信息 正确答案: B 解题方案: 题目信息 难度: 1 Top 三、完型填空 (共 2 题、总分 50 分、得分 50 分)1. Modern zoos are very different from zoos that we

29、re built fifty years ago. At that time, zoos were places 1 people could go to see animals from many parts of the world. The animals lived in cages that were made 2 concrete with iron bars, cages that were easy to keep clean. |Unfortunately for the animals, the cages were small and impossible to hide

30、 in. The zoo environment was anything but natural. 3 the zoo keepers took good care of the animals and fed them well, many of the animals did not thrive; they behaved in strange ways, and they often became ill.In modern zoos, people can see animals in more natural habitats. The animals are given mor

31、e 4 in large areas so that they can live more comfortably as they would in nature. Even the appearance of zoos has changed. Trees and grass grow in the cages, and streams of water flow 5 the areas that animals live in.(本题分数:25 分,本题得分:25 分。) (1). A、of B、Although C、where D、over E、freedom 题目信息 正确答案: C

32、(2). A、of B、Although C、where D、over E、freedom 题目信息 正确答案: A (3). A、of B、Although C、where D、over E、freedom 题目信息 正确答案: B (4). A、of B、Although C、where D、over E、freedom 题目信息 正确答案: E (5). A、of B、Although C、where D、over E、freedom 题目信息 正确答案: D 题目信息 难度: 1 解题方案: 2. Traffic accidents killed more than 104,000 p

33、eople in China last year. Chinese cities have more cars than before. Every day many people are _1_ while they cross the road. Most of _2_ are old people and children. Old people are often killed because they usually cant see |clearly or hear very well. _3_ are killed because they are careless.A car,

34、 truck or bus cant stop very quickly if it is going very fast. The faster a car is traveling, the longer it takes to stop. But people walking in the street do not always understand this. Its _4_ for people to know how fast a car is traveling.The new traffic laws were put into use _5_ May 1st, 2004.

35、The new traffic laws will make the streets safer for walking and driving. (本题分数:25 分,本题得分:25 分。) (1). A、killed B、on C、children D、difficult E、them 题目信息 正确答案: A (2). A、killed B、on C、children D、difficult E、them 题目信息 正确答案: E (3). A、killed B、on C、children D、difficult E、them 题目信息 正确答案: C (4). A、killed B、on C、children D、difficult E、them 题目信息 正确答案: D (5). A、killed B、on C、children D、difficult E、them 题目信息 正确答案: B 题目信息 难度: 1 解题方案:


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