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1、义务教育教科书义务教育教科书崎L3D勃啊育祩彩斗英语English (三年级起点)六年级芒ID叩下册淙叩忘咄批准文号:湘发改价费(2017) 343号6 86 618元P6192 。2 6 51112. 5 7|6 . 一585价7 7 定9 8 N BI7 s 19 i . L匡m闭沛钞许比值iiitt)湖南少年儿童出版社HUNAN JU11:NU fl CHILDRENS印氧IIIIINGHOUSE 主编:白解红义务教育教科书(三年级起点)English六 年 级 下 册图书在版编目? ? ? ?数据英语?六年级?下册?白解红主编? ?版? ?长沙?湖南少年儿童出版社? ? ? ? ?重印

2、?义务教育教科书? ? ? ?英? ? ?白? ? ?英语课?小学?教材? ? ? ?中国版本图书馆? ? ?数据核字?第?号义务教育教科书英?语六年级?下册湖南少年儿童出版社新加坡思达出版有限公司?合作编写湖南少年儿童出版社出版?湖南省长沙市晚报大道?号?邮编? ?湖南出版中心重印湖南省新华书店发行湖南天闻新华印务有限公司印制开本? ? ? ? ? ? ?印张? ? ?年?月第?版?年?月第?版第?次印刷印数? ? ?册? ? ?定价? ? ?元?春?本书任何部分之文字及图片?如未获得本社之书面同意?不得以任何方式抄袭?节录或翻印本版本只供在中华人民共和国内地销售著作权所有?请勿擅自用本书制

3、作各类出版物?违者必究?如有质量问题?影响阅读?请与湖南出版中心联系调换?联系电话? ?主?编?白解红编写人员?白解红? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?何高大?夏春娥刘建清?杜?娟?邓?立?欧阳胜美?张梅莲?刘佳明?田忠源责任编辑?刘思危? ? ? ? ? ?彭秀莉?黄?亮?刘?宁美术编辑? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?绘?画?大黄蜂工作室版式设计?王丽琼?余育铨封面设计?赵?慧同学们,欢迎你们来到英语学习课堂!这是我们小学阶段的最后一个学期了,同学们很快就要结束小学阶段的学习,升入中学。为了减轻同学们的学习负担,进


5、习,让我们学会了用英语做游戏、唱歌曲、说歌谣;用英语讲述小故事或表演小短剧从刚开始对英语很陌生,到现在能愉快地用英语进行各种活动,每一位同学都学有所成和乐在其中。祝同学们能顺利地升入初中,在新的学习中获得新的快乐! 你们的大朋友:小学英语教材编写组ContentsUnit 1 A family outing 1Unit 2 Some stories are more interesting 5Unit 3 We should learn to take care of ourselves 9Lets Know More 13 Assessment I 14 Unit 4 Planting tr

6、ees is good for us 17Unit 5 Our Earth looks like this in space 21Unit 6 Anne wanted to dance 25Lets Know More 29 Assessment II 30Unit 7 Im not afraid! . 33Unit 8 International Childrens Day 37Unit 9 Look at these beautiful places in the world 41Lets Know More 45 Assessment III 46Lets Read More 49Gen

7、eral Revision I 57General Revision II 62 Word List I 70Word List II 71Structures 73Actions 78Opposites 80Singular and Plural 81Self-Assessment 827Unit 1 1A family outingWell take a walk with your grandpa and grandma. Then, we can ride bicycles and look at the flowers.Many families go on an outing to

8、gether at weekends.Lets Listen and Say Its Sunday, Dad. Where are we going today?Shall we go to the park?Well visit your grandpa and grandma.What are we going to do at the park?Shall we go shopping?OK! Well go shopping. Then, well have dinner at your grandparents home. Well have a good time together

9、.128Lets PractiseLets Learnfamily outingdo things togetherwatch a moviego shoppingtake/have a walklook at the flowersMy family goes to the beach on Sundays. We enjoy ourselves.My family goes to the library.My family watches a movie together.My family goes to the restaurant for lunch with my grandpar

10、ents.9Lets ReadPut a tick or a cross .1. Many families go shopping at weekends. 2. Mr Lius family has a picnic at the park.3. Mr Lius daughter doesnt like to play on the beach.4. Mrs Liu brings food and drinks.5. They love each other more.6At weekends, many families go on an outing. Some go to the p

11、arks. Some go to the shopping centres.Mr Liu likes to take his family to the beach for a swim and a picnic. They enjoy the day there. They like to swim in the sea and relax on the sandy beach. His daughter likes to play games on the beach. Mrs Liu brings sandwiches, cakes and drinks for the family.

12、They are happy to have time together. They have lots of fun and they love each other more.10Lets Have FunLets Write1. What does your family usually do at weekends? My family . 2. Where does your family usually go at weekends? My family . 3. Name three things you want to do with your family at weeken

13、ds. (a) (b) (c) Lets sing.1 3 5 . 6 5 4 3 1 1 The more we get to - ge - ther , to -2 5 5 3 1 1 3 5 . 6 5 4 ge - ther , to - ge - ther, the more we get to -3 1 1 2 5 5 1 0 1 2 5 5 ge - ther , the mer - rier well be. For your friends are3 1 1 2 5 5 3 1 1 3 my friends, and my friends are your friends.

14、The 5 . 6 5 4 3 1 1 2 5 5 1 0 0 more we get to - ge - ther, the mer - rier well be.1= G34The More We Get TogetherWrite down your answers.11Unit 2 2Some stories are more interestingPeter likes reading stories. This is one of his favourite stories.Lets Listen and Say 34One day, a dog went to a meat sh

15、op. The man in the shop gave a piece of meat to the dog. The dog took it and walked home happily. 12There was a small river near its home. The dog walked on a piece of wood to cross the river.It saw another dog in the water. That dog had a piece of meat in its mouth, too. “That piece of meat is bett

16、er than mine,” it thought. “Im going to get it.”The dog opened its mouth. It wanted the other dogs meat.Thats right. The dog lost its meat.Its meat dropped into the water.12Lets PractiseLets LearnI like swimming more than running.I like reading more than playing games.I like singing more than dancin

17、g. a piece of meat better drop13Lets ReadPeter and Anne like reading. “I love fairy tales. There are many magic stories,” Anne says. “I like books on science. I learn a lot from these books,” Peter says.Miss Li says, “Some books on science are like fairy tales. They are more interesting than others.

18、 Reading is good for us. We should read more books.”1. What kind of books does Anne like? Circle your answer. (a) Any interesting book. (b) Interesting science stories. (c) Fairy tales. 2. What does Miss Li ask the children to do? Circle your answer. (a) Read more fairy tales. (b) Read more science

19、books. (c) Read more books. 3. Match the words to the pictures.science bookspace storyfairy tale14Lets Have FunLets WritePair work. Dino is going to the lake. Help him to find a safe way to the lake.1. What kind of books does Peter like? Peter likes . 2. What books does Anne like? Anne likes . 3. Wh

20、at books does Lingling like? She likes . 4. Who likes reading science books and fairy tales? likes reading science books and fairy tales.1. Which is more dangerous, Path B or Path C? 2. Which is more interesting to take, Path A or Path B? 3. Which path is longer, Path A or Path B? 4. Which path will

21、 Dino take to go to the lake? I like interesting storybooks.I like reading science books and fairy tales.I like science books.I like fairy tales.Fill in the blanks.154 We can sing, dance and draw. We are happy. 3 We should do exercise every day. Its good for us. We can run, jog, swim and take long w

22、alks. We want to be strong.2 We should eat healthy food. We should eat vegetables, fish and fruit. We want to be healthy.1 We should wash our hands before eating. We should wash our face and body every day. We should keep our body clean.Unit 3 3We should learn to take care of ourselvesWe should lear

23、n to take care of ourselves. Then we can be strong and healthy.Lets Listen and Say 16Lets PractiseLets Learnkeep our body cleanWe should keep our body clean. We should wash our hands before eating.eat healthy foodWe can swim, run, jog and walk.We should eat healthy food. We can eat vegetables, fish,

24、 meat and fruit.We should be happy.do exercise every dayfeel happy17Lets ReadMr Lin is an 80-year-old man. He is very healthy. He does exercise every day. Early in the morning he does tai chi at the park. Then, he takes a long walk around the park. After that, he goes home to have a rest. For lunch

25、he has rice with vegetables, fish and chicken. In the afternoon, he usually reads newspapers and listens 1. Answer the questions. (a) How old is Mr Lin? (b) What does Mr Lin do every morning? (c) What does he have for lunch? 2. What do you learn from Mr Lin? Tick in the box. (a) We should not eat an

26、y meat. (b) We should do exercise every day. (c) We should watch TV all day. (d) Listening to music is good for us. (e) We should take long walks. to music. At night, he sometimes watches TV for one or two hours. He always goes to bed before 10:00 p.m. Hes happy and healthy.183 . 2 1 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 3

27、 5 5 This is the way we brush our teeth, brush our teeth, brush our teeth. This is the way we wash our face, wash our face, wash our face. This is the way we ex- er- cise, ex- er- cise, ex- er- cise.3 . 2 1 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 1 This is the way we brush our teeth, ear - ly in the mor- ning.This is the

28、 way we wash our face, ear - ly in the mor- ning.This is the way we ex- er- cise, ear - ly in the mor- ning. Lets Write1. How old are you? Im . 2. Where do you go for your exercise? I do exercise . 3. What do you have for lunch? I have . 4. What do you do to be happy? I . Lets Have FunLets sing.This

29、 Is the Way1= D24Write down your answers.Benson lives in New York, the USA. He meets his friends every afternoon. They play basketball in the playground. They have fun and keep fit.Lets Know MoreExercise is good for our healthLiu Wen lives in Shanghai, China. She goes dancing every morning. Shes dan

30、cing with a big group of people in the park. They have fun and keep fit.Minny lives in Sydney, Australia. She goes jogging with her mum.They jog every morning near their home. They have fun and keep fit. Mandy lives in London, the UK. She goes for a walk with her friends.They usually walk in the cou

31、ntryside. Sometimes they walk over the hills. 1920Family OutingAssessment IAListen and tick Listen, number and say21C Read, write and talk1. My favourite animal is . Its than other animals.3. I like very much. It tastes than other food.2. I like to read . They are than other books.Hello! M

32、y name is . Im years old. I every day. I should keep my body clean. I eat every day. I want to be healthy. I every day. I want to be strong. I feel every day. We should keep healthy and happy.What do you do every day? Tick or cross .1. Do exercise. 2. Feel happy. 3. Eat healthy food. 4. Wash your fa

33、ce and body. D Read and write22E I can do itDraw a if you can do it. Draw a if you cant. 1. Talk about your family outing. 2. Tell others how to live a healthy life. My family goes to the beach at weekends. We enjoy ourselves.I do exercise every day.FI like to do itDraw a if you like to do it. Draw

34、a if you dont. 1. Tell an interesting story. 2. Sing songs The More We Get Together and This Is the Way.23Its Tree Planting Day today. Planting trees is good for us.Unit 4 4Planting trees is good for usLets Listen and Say 13452My friends and I enjoy planting trees.Yes. Planting trees is fun.I like t

35、o plant fruit trees.Trees can keep the air clean.Trees can keep us cool.Its spring now. Tree Planting Day in China is on 12th March.Trees can make the place beautiful.24Lets PractiseLets Learnplant treesPlanting trees is good for us. We should plant more trees.keep the air cleankeep us coolmake the

36、place beautifulI will plant trees. I like trees with flowers.I will water the young trees every day.We should look after them. Soon they will become big trees.25People cut down trees! Why do people cut down trees? Because we want more houses, roads and buildings. Farmers also need more land to grow

37、rice and vegetables. But the weather is changing. Its getting hotter. What can we do? We need to plant more trees. Lets ReadTick , if you agree.1. We want more houses because there are more people. 2. The Earth is getting hotter and hotter. 3. People cut down trees to make more roads. 4. There are m

38、ore and more roads because there are more and more cars. 5. Farmers need the land to grow food. People need to eat food. 6. Trees will help to make the Earth a better place. Trees help to make the air cool and fresh. Lets plant more trees to make the Earth clean and green.26Why do people cut down tr

39、ees?Why should we plant more trees?1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. Lets WriteLets Have FunWhat can you see in the tree?Complete the table.1. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. A bird.27Unit 5 5Our Earth looks like this in spaceLets Listen and Say Last Sunday, Peter and his mother went to the Space Museum. They watched a film a

40、bout the Earth. A man talked about the film, “Our Earth looks like this in space. You can see the sea and the land.”Peter was interested in the film and wanted to find out more about the Earth and the stars. The next day, he went to the library to look for books on space.12328Lets PractiseLets Learn

41、the Earthland and riverSpace Museumthe sunstarsthe moonAnimals and plants can live on the Earth.The Earth looks beautiful from space.The Earth is like a ball.29Lets ReadThe Earth looks like a ball in space. It has water and land. Its warm, so animals and plants can live on it. Half of the Earth face

42、s the sun. The half that faces the sun has day. The half that doesnt face the sun has night. The Earth takes one year to go round the sun. So we have the four seasons. The four seasons are spring, summer, autumn and winter.1. What are the four seasons? Write down their names. 2. What is the season i

43、n China in January? Circle your answer. (a) Spring. (b) Autumn. (c) Summer. (d) Winter. 3. Find out which of these countries have the same seasons as China. Australia England Canada USA New Zealand Germany 30Lets Have FunLets WriteLast Sunday, Peter and his friends (go) to the Space Museum. They (wa

44、tch) a film. The film (is) about the Earth. Peter was very (interest) in the film. He (want) to go to the library to look for some books. He (read) many books on space. Can you get to the moon?Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.31Unit 6 6Anne wanted to danceLets Listen and Say Lingling was

45、dancing in the dancing room. Anne watched her. Anne wanted to dance like Lingling.“Wow! Lingling! You can dance very well,” said Anne. “Can you teach me?”“OK, Anne. I move my hands and legs with the music,” said Lingling.“Now, put your arms out like this. Listen to the music and move your legs with

46、the music. Its easy and fun,” said Lingling.Anne went to the dance floor and danced with Lingling. She stepped on Linglings foot.“Im sorry,” said Anne.“Its OK. Lets do it again,” smiled Lingling.21332Lets PractiseLets Learnpaint a picturestand on one footread a story aloudplay the pianoNameWhat did

47、he/she want to do?LinglingShe wanted to sing and dance.There will be a school concert after the exams. Anne, Lingling, Peter and Mingming are practising their dance and song. Anne and Lingling are going to do a modern dance. Peter and Mingming will sing “Its a Small World”.Lingling is good at modern

48、 dance. She teaches Anne the dance steps.Annes mother is going to make their concert clothes. All the children will look beautiful in those clothes.33Lets ReadComplete the sentences and the puzzle.1. Anne and Lingling will .2. Annes mother is going to make concert for the children.3. The children wi

49、ll wear clothes.4. Peter and Mingming are going to sing at the school .dcbc1. Have FunLets WriteLets sing.Its a Small World3 4 5 3 1 2 1 1 7 7 2 3 4 2 Its a world of laughter, a world of tears. Its a world of 7 1 7 6 5 5 3 4 5 1 2 3 2 1 hopes and a world of fears. Theres so much that we

50、share. Thats a 6 2 3 4 3 2 5 4 3 2 1 - time were a - ware. Its a small world af - ter all.1= G24Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.1. Lingling wanted to . 2. Anne wanted to learn to . 3. Peter wanted to his friends.4. Mingming wanted to his kite.5. Dongdong wanted to English songs. 1235435L


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