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个人声明 .doc

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1、个人声明尊敬的签证官:本人代仲(护照号码:GXXX)与王一(护照号码:GXXX) 、连秋(护照号码:GXX)三个好朋友一起申请加拿大旅游签证,准备一起赴加旅行。递交申请材料被拒签,根据您给的拒签理由给予解释声明,并再次递交材料申请,希望能给予签证。1、 关于上次签证申请的编号王 一: V301689553连 秋: V301689552代 仲: V3016887632、关于我们 3 人签证历史记录的说明:代仲的签证历史记录:美 国:2011.11.01-2011.11.21加拿大:2011.11.02-2011.11.06澳大利亚:2011.02.26-2011.03.16特别说明:本人曾经于

2、2005 年 6 月 6 至 2005 年 12 月 6 日期间持因公护照赴加拿大参加公司培训,由于本人不知道此签证记录是否应该提供因此在上次申请签证时没有提供该信息特此说明。王一的签证历史记录:美国: 2011.05.12-2011.06.02南非: 2007.09.30-2007.10.05连秋的签证历史记录:美国:2011.05.12-2011.06.023、关于赴加拿大的签证目的的解释:我们实际上是两对夫妻一起赴加旅行,由于本人代仲的太太刘丹已经获得签证,所以没有四人一起申请。在此一并附上刘丹的护照首页及加拿大签证页的复印件,以此证明。在此我们 3 位申请人郑重声明,我们提供给您的签证

3、申请资料都是真实有效的,以上的信息也都属实,恳请您再次核实我们的申请资料给予我们签证申请。由此给您带来的工作上的不便请您理解和谅解。祝工作顺利。签名:日期:2012.06.11Personal StatementDear Visa Officer,We are Mr. Dai Zhong(Passport No.GXXX), Mrs.Wang Yi(Passport No.GXXX)and Mr. Lian qiu(Passport No.GXXX). We have applied our visit visa for tourism on Jun, and we were refused.

4、For your Refusal Letter we want to explain and apply our visa application again, we appreciate for your kindly help if you could check our application again.1. About our last application Ref Number.Wang Yi Application No.: V301689553Lian qiu Application No.: V301689552Dai Zhong Application No.: V301

5、6887632. About our travel History:Name Countries Date From Date UntilAustralia Feb 26, 2011 Mar 16, 2011U.S.A Nov 01, 2011 Nov 21, 2011Canada Nov 02, 2011 Nov 06, 2011Dai ZhongCanada Jun 06, 2005 Nov 06, 2005U.S.A May 12, 2011 Jun 02, 2011Wang YiSouth Africa Sep 30, 2007 Oct 05, 2007Lian qiu U.S.A M

6、ay 12, 2011 Jun 02, 20113. Explanation about our purpose of Visa Application:We are two pairs of couples want to visit Canada for tourism. Mr. Dai zhongs wife Mrs. Liu Dan has get the Multiple-entry visas so she do not need to apply the visa with us, for this visa application we will show the copy of her passport and visa.In summary, we solemnly declare that all of our visa applications files can be believed and all of the information naretruly.Your kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated. Yours sincerely


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