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1、Period Three Word power & Grammar and usage.语境填词1I _(说服) him into going to school,even though he didnt want to.2Whoever does wrong will do his _(惩罚) sooner or later.3When you draw money from the bank,you must show your _(身份) card to the clerk.4Thousands of people visit this museum _(每天)5There are pl

2、enty of _(文娱活动) hereplays,moving pictures,concerts,football matches and so on.6We tried to _(劝阻) him from climbing the mountain without a guide.7Even sensible men do _(荒唐的) things.用所给词的适当形式填空1I regret _ (inform) you that you have failed in the exam.2Do you remember _ (book) tickets for the cinema to

3、morrow?3Its no use _ (cry) over spilt milk.4Would you mind _ (buy) me a bottle of water?5I didnt mean _ (hurt) you by saying that.6Andrew should apologize to Matthew for _ (blame) him for the loss of the football game.7I cant stand _ (see) my friend lose heart.8We all look forward to _ (join) the sw

4、imming club soon.9He kept on _ (ask) me silly questions.10It took a long time for the soldiers to get used to _ (get) up early.完成句子1John pretended _(没看见) me in the supermarket yesterday.2The novel is said _(被译成了) several languages.3I think _(哭没用) about your exam results now.4They _(设法劝我们相信) of the t

5、ruth of the report.5They had nothing to do _(除了等着) the doctor.6They _(一直为而斗争) independence since 1960s.7I always prefer getting up early,_(而不愿) going to school without breakfast.8Can Peter get a higher mark in the English test?Yes,he can _(做到) because he has been good at English.同义词辨析1用persuade/advi

6、se/suggest的适当形式填空(1)Who is the best man to _ me on this question?(2)I _ to him that he should adopt a different policy.(3)We tried to _ him,but he would not listen to us.(4)Please _ me whether I should accept the offer.2用look out/take care/be careful的适当形式填空(1)Youd better _ with your handwriting.(2)_

7、 for the rock in the river.(3)_ that all the doors are locked.(4)Its the first time for you to travel alone.You must _.单项填空1If you_part in the sports meeting next week,so_.Awill take;will I Btake;do ICwill take;I do Dtake;will I2I dont regret_even if it might have upset her.Ato tell her what I thoug

8、htBto have told her that I thoughtCtelling what did I thinkDtelling her what I thought3In some parts of London missing a bus means_for another hour.Awaiting Bto wait Cwait Dto be waiting4When asked by the police,he said that he remembered_at the party,but not_.Ato arrive;leaving Bto arrive;to leaveC

9、arriving;leaving Darriving;to leave5I feel greatly honored_into their society.Ato welcome BwelcomingCto be welcomed Dwelcomed6It is worth considering what makes “convenience” foods so popular, and_better ones of your own.Aintroduces Bto introduceCintroducing Dintroduced7If theres a lot of work _,Im

10、happy to just keep on until it is finished.Ato do Bto be doing Cdone Ddoing8_the project as planned,well have to work two more hours a day.ACompleting BComplete CCompleted DTo complete9We were astonished_the temple still in its original condition.Afinding Bto find Cfind Dto be found10The message is

11、very important, so it is supposed _as soon as possible.Ato be sent Bto send Cbeing sent Dsending11At the beginning of class,the noise of desks_could be heard outside the classroom.Aopened and closedBto be opened and closedCbeing opened and closedDto open and close12You cant imagine what difficulty w

12、e had_home in the snowstorm.Awalked Bwalk Cto walk Dwalking13The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle_.Ato be heard Bto have heard Chearing Dbeing heard14My parents have always made me_about myself,even when I was twelve.Afeeling well Bfeeling good Cfeel well Dfeel good15

13、The crowd cheered wildly at the sight of Liu Xiang,who was reported_the world record in the 110meter hurdle race.Abreaking Bhaving brokenCto have broken Dto break.完形填空(一)We should show respect to everybody,especially our elders because they are ahead of usin age,in wisdom and maturity,in experience

14、and education.Our elders have done a lot for us,directly or indirectly and most of us _1_ everything to their kindness and love.When we _2_them respect,whether it is by bowing to them,or _3_them with a smile,or offering them any help they need,it is one way of expressing our own love and gratitude t

15、o them.Besides,elders have also been through all the years you are going through and know a little more about the world than you do.It is likely that you do not agree with the belief of your elders,but this is nothing new.All younger generations have always _4_with their elders and it is these diffe

16、rences that bring changes in human _5_.However much you disagree with them,give them credit for their experience.With changing times and _6_influences,youngsters no longer know what is interpreted as disrespect to elders.Youngsters should _7_express their views and if there are arguments,they should

17、 not _8_their voices.If there is no space on sofas or chairs,children will immediately give up their places,and sit on the carpet.In buses and trains,youngsters are _9_to give up their places to older people.This is not a _10_of who has more rights.It is simply that those who are younger have the st

18、rength to bear _11_,or tolerate unpleasantness,so it is natural to show consideration to those who are older and perhaps at a slight disadvantage.When you do simple things as a mark of respect,elders become _12_that youngsters care for them,and they respond with affection and kindness.1A.devoteBoweC


20、ubtBquestionCwonderDchallenge11A.sufferingBupsetCtroubleDdiscomfort12A.awareBaliveCknowingDsensible.完形填空(二)For many environmentalists,the world seems to be getting worse.They have developed a list of our main fears:natural resources are running out; the population is growing,leaving less and less to

21、 eat;species are becoming extinct in vast numbers,and the planets air and water are becoming dirty,1._ are ever more polluted.2_ a quick look at the facts shows a different picture.First,energy and other natural resources have become more abundant not less so.Second,3._ food is produced now than at

22、any time in history.Third,although species are indeed becoming extinct,only about 0.7% of them are expected 4._disappear in the next 50 years,not 2550%,as has so often been predicted.And finally,most forms of environmental pollution 5._ appear to have been too bigpredicted,or are too shortassociated

23、 6._ the early stages of industrialization.7._ bigger problem may well turn out to be an inappropriate response to it,yet opinion polls suggest that many people develop the 8._ that environmental standards are declining and some factors seem to cause this disjunction.1It isadj.for/of do sth.干对

24、某人来说怎么样(1)It is difficult for us to find a best friend.对我们来说,找到一个最好的朋友很难。(2)It is nice of you to say so.你如此说真是太好了。2It is no use/no gooddoing sth.干是没有用处/价值的(1)It is no use persuading him.劝他是没用的。(2)Its no good (my) talking to him.(我)跟他谈是没有用的。答案.1.persuaded2.punishment3.identity4.daily 5amusements6.dis

25、 book3.crying4.buying 5to hurt6.blaming7.seeing8.joining9.asking10.getting.1.not to have have been translated into 3it is no use crying4.tried to persuade us5.but wait for6.have been fighting for7.rather than8.make it.1.(1)advise(2)suggested(3)persuade(4)advis

26、e解析persuade作“劝解”讲,强调“劝说成功”之意。常用下列句型:persuade sb.(not) to do sth./persuade sb. into/out of doing sth.。注意:如果表示“劝说某人做某事”,要用try to persuade sb. to do sth.或advise sb. to do sth.。advise作“建议,劝告”讲,至于是否“劝成”,则未必知道。其后跟名词或代词、动名词、不定式的复合结构、that从句(从句谓语动词常用虚拟语气)。suggest常作“提议,建议”讲。后接名词、动名词或带疑问词的不定式短语。从句要用虚拟语气,但不能接不定

27、式和复合宾语。注意:suggest还有“暗示,说明”等意思,后接宾语从句时,从句中谓语动词不用虚拟语气。2(1)be careful(2)Look out(3)Take care (4)take care解析三者均有“警惕,注意”之意,经常使用于祈使句或警告对方时的用语。look out语气最强,用于某种紧迫的环境或有可能呈现伤害的场所。常与for搭配,构成look out for sth.结构。take care语气不那么强,多用于对于有可能呈现的意外作出预先的提示或警告。其后可接动词不定式短语或that从句(从句中一般用现在时态)。be careful是一般的警告或奉劝用语,可用于各类环境

28、。可单独使用,也可跟动词不定式或of/with短语。.1.Dif引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时表将来,主句用一般将来时。so will I我也将参加。故选D。2Dregret doing sth.表示后悔做过某事,此外,在宾语从句中应该用陈述语序。3Amean doing sth.意味着干某事;mean to do sth.打算干某事。依题意“误了这班车意味着又要等上一小时”可知A项正确。4Cremember to do sth.意为“记得去做某事”,remember doing sth.意为“记得做过某事”,而题中的两个动作都是过去已经完成的动作,所以用remember doing sth.

29、。5Cwelcome与I之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故welcome须用被动语态形式。该句语意相当于I feel it a great honor to be welcomed into their society.。6C句意为:值得考虑一下什么使得“方便”食品这么受人欢迎,并且介绍一下你自己比较喜欢的那些(食品)。and连接consider与introduce两个并列成分,故introduce也要用v.ing形式作为worth的宾语使用。7A由句式结构可知,空格处应作为定语修饰work,且表示将来的时间,故须用动词不定式。现在分词强调动作正在进行,过去分词则强调动作已经完成。8D句意为:为了按计

30、划完成工程,我们不得不每天多工作两个小时。此处用动词不定式作状语,表示目的。9B句意为:我们惊讶地发现那座寺庙还是原来那个状况。“主语 do sth.”为固定句式,不定式在句中作原因状语,该句式中的不定式通常用其主动形式。故选B。10Abe supposed to do sth.表示“理应做某事”,是习惯搭配,而且send与the message之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故须用被动语态形式。11C考查非谓语动词作定语。过去分词作定语表完成、被动;不定式作定语表将来;现在分词作定语,表示正在进行。句意为:开始上课时,在教室外面就能听到开关课桌的声音。根据句子结构,介词of后面接名词或动

31、名词作宾语。只有C项符合要求。12D考查have difficulty (in) doing sth.短语的变式运用。difficulty在句中充当先行词,其后为定语从句。13A考查非谓语动词。struggle to do sth.努力做某事。又因I与hear之间存在被动关系,故应用不定式的被动语态。14Dmake sth.让某人做某事,故用动词原形feel作宾补;feel作系动词,后跟形容词作表语;well作形容词,意为“身体健康”,不合题意。15Csb./ reported to do sth.为常用的表达方式,“打破世界记录”是已经发生的事情,故用不定式的完成时。

32、.1.B前后是因果的关系,长者做出了很多,自然年轻人是要感激长者的。owe sb.把归功给某人。2A后半句提到的都是表示尊敬的行为。3Agreeting them with a smile以微笑的形式问候。根据上下文判断微笑是表示尊敬的一种行为方式,多用在问候时。4D后文的differences说明年轻人和年长者之间是有分歧的。5C人们不同的思想才使得社会前进。根据上下文此处与changes 搭配的宾语应该用society。6A此空用排除法。外来的东西要影响人们的思想,在这当中文化的影响是主要的内容。7A年轻人在和长者express their views 时表现尊敬的方式就是要

33、轻声提问或是表述。8B有不同观点表述时,礼貌的行为是不要大声说话。raise ones voice意为“提高嗓门”。9A后文说到“give up their places to older people”,这是年轻人应该做的。be expected to do 被指望做。10Bwho has more rights这是争论的话题,所以用question。11Dor tolerate unpleasantness和前文内容是同样概念,因此与bear搭配的名词就是discomfort。12A先要意识到之后才能respond,因此用aware,become aware that.意识到。.1.which2.But3.more4.to5.either6.with7.A8.belief

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