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391-沟通管理学(DOC 35页).doc

1、钢结构工程施工组织设计目录1、编制说明32、工程概况33、施工准备计划44、施工总体部署55、主要分部分项施工方法76、主要技术措施167、质量保证体系及措施188、工期进度安排及保证措施209、安全保证措施2010、文明施工保证措施2411、附图、附表25 1、编制依据本工程施工组织设计编制依据如下:1、上海林彬塑料制品有限公司1#生产车间工程施工组织设计是根据下列文件、图纸、工程法规、质量检验评定标准等依据编制而成。(1)上海劲松建筑设计事务所设计的1#生产车间工程施工图纸;(2)施工现场实地踏勘;(3)国家有关建筑工程法规、规范与文件;(4)建筑施工安全检查标准JGJ5999;(5)本公





6、建立混合施工队组或专业施工队组及其数量。按照开工日期和劳动力需要量计划,组织劳动力进场,同时要进行安全、防火和文明施工等方面的教育。在钢结构工程施工前,应对各工序的施工人员进行必要的岗位培训,并对其进行技术、质量、安全交底,预防发生安全和质量事故。为了加快施工准备工作的进度,必须加强建设单位、设计单位和监理单位之间的协调工作,密切配合,建立健全施工准备工作的责任制度和检查制度,使施工准备工作由领导、有组织、有计划和分期分批地进行。对钢结构工程所使用的机械和检测设备的性能进行检验,保证施工过程中各种设备的工作状态良好,使用功能齐全。主要施工人员表机构 项目部成员 姓名 职务 职称 主要资历、经验

7、及承担过的项目项目部 项目经理 项目经理 工程师 技术负责人 技术负责人 工程师 施工负责人 施工负责人 工程师 质检员 质检员 工程师 安全员 安全员 工程师 施工员 施工员 工程师 材料员 材料员 工程师 预算员 预算员 工程师 主要劳动力计划表序号 工种 人数 备注 序号 工种 人数 备注1 下料工 2 2 组立工 2 3 矫正工 2 4 机修工 1 5 电焊工 5 6 安装工 14 7 钻孔工 1 8 架子工 1 9 喷漆工 2 10 杂工 2 4、施工总体布署为了合理地安排,组织好施工,根据本工程自身的特点,结合实际情况,本工程流水法施工。即:在施工上海林彬塑料制品有限公司1#生产车


9、加工(矫正、成型、制孔)-对接(焊接)-X光检验校正组装焊接校正划线制孔除锈试装装配质量检验-涂层-编号、发送现场检验单片现场组装钢柱吊装水平支撑吊装-钢屋架吊装钢檩条吊装斜支撑安装拉条安装校正补漆天沟安装中间验收墙面彩钢板安装屋面板安装门窗安装验收。4.4本工程施工进度计划(见工程进度计划表)。4.5施工平面布置图(具体平面布置见施工总平面布置图).4.主要施工机械的选择:主要施工机械设备一览表序号 机械设备名称 规格型号 数量 功率(KW) 备注1 型钢自动组立机 1台 5.5 钢结构焊接2 H型钢矫正机 1台 5 钢结构焊接3 气割枪 J01-30 2套 钢结构焊接4 台式砂轮切割机 S

10、3SL-250 2台 2.2 切割钢材5 门式自动埋弧焊机 MZG-z*1000 1组 10.2 钢结构焊接6 八头抛丸除锈机 DG*90*180 1组 94.6 钢结构焊接7 数控多头直条切割机 3000B 1组 9.4 钢板切割8 全自动彩板复合机 XBJ-V1 1组 彩钢板制作9 数控平面钻床 1台 钢构件钻孔10 压型机 HV-200 1台 4.2 彩钢板制作11 水准仪 TGJ-1000 1台 测量、校正12 经纬仪 J6 1台 测量、校正13 移动式卷扬机 1台 7.5 吊装14 吊车 LDA 2辆 18t 吊装钢结构15 交流电焊机 AX4-300-1 4台 15 钢结构焊接16

11、 手推车 自制 4部 运输17 剪板机 1台 彩钢板制作18 扭矩扳手 6把 紧固螺栓、主要分部分项工程施工方法5.1钢结构加工制作:5.1.1材料检验:钢结构制作与安装需用的钢材,必须由供应部门提供合格证明及有关技术文件。钢结构所用钢材的质量必须严格遵守国家有关的技术标准、规范和设计要求的规定。并按照有关的实验操作规程进行试验,提出准确可靠的数据,确保工程质量。配件、连接材料(焊条、焊丝和焊剂,高强度螺栓、普通螺栓及铆钉等)和涂料均应具有质量合格证,并应符合设计要求和现行国家技术标准的规定。5.1.2材料矫正:钢结构制作工艺中矫正是关键的工序,是确保钢结构制作质量重要环节。对于各种型材,如变




15、蟥嘿艌鄀鎂嬿醸!倀艁逃輟螾嬿腛亐鎂渿醸!倀艁逃蝎渿腮İ厐鎂醸!艁逃赓蟯腉餀鎂醸!艁逃巑蟞腉餀鎂唿偐醸!醸!艁逃俨艍腋鎇醸!艁逃门艿昿腦羕鎇昿醸!艁鄃跇舭唿腕鎇唿醸!倀艁鄃烍芹腋鎇醸!艁鄄苏朿腧艁鄅蟏朿腧襰鎂崿醸!艁锃瀅螉崿腝厐鎂尿醸!艁阃邧蝓尿腜鎂醸!艁阃囆苢甿腵İ鎇甿醸2店鎂醸!艁頃艧朿腧枘鎇朿醸2疘鎂甿醸!疘鎇甿醸1禘鎂嘿İ禘鎇嘿醸!醸!艁頃箄芗漿腯蒘靻鎇漿醸!項宆苼嘿艌怀醸!順宆蟼嘿艌栀鄐垚鎂渿醸脀İ垚鎇渿醸!怀艁騃郘舟爿腲鎇爿醸!倀鎂T褁謐|鄠鄐舐欀蟿甿吀鐀醸醸醸簐腰怐鄐瀐腠偠怠魏netic trees, thus allowing the direct assignment and

16、visu- alization of T-RFs specifi c to phylogenetic groups (Fig. 1A). In conclusion, TRF-CUT is suitable for (i) T-RF prediction based on various enzymes to select enzymes with high phylogenetic resolutionand(ii)assigningT-RFsfromexperimental T-RFLP data to potentially corresponding sequences in the

17、database. As an example, we applied TRF-CUT to evaluate the com- munity structure of methanotrophic bacteria (MB) in a pH- neutral upland soil located near Go ttingen, Germany. MB play a crucial role in the global carbon cycle. The initial oxidation of methane to methanol is catalyzed by either a pa

18、rticulate meth- ane monooxygenase (pMMO) or a soluble methane monoox- ygenase. The membrane-bound form, pMMO, occurs in al- most all known MB and is homologous to the ammonium monooxygenase of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria. The pmoA gene encodes the catalytic center of pMMO and is widely used as a func

19、tional marker in environmental studies (4, 9, 10). Its application to study MB communities in a variety of methane- consuming upland soils indicated that two novel pmoA se- quence clusters, USC? and USC?, were dominant (7, 9). Re- cently, novel MB belonging to the ? subgroup of the class Proteobacte

20、ria but harboring pmoA sequences only distantly * Corresponding author. Mailing address: Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology, Karl-von-Frisch-Strasse, 35043 Marburg, Germany. Phone: 49 6421/178733. Fax: 49 6421/178999. E-mail: 1671 FIG. 1. (A) Phylogeny of p

21、moA sequences and corresponding T-RFs predicted by in silico analysis through TRF-CUT. The tree is slightly modifi ed from the ARB display. The tree was calculated from 127 deduced amino acid positions by the tree puzzle, maximum-likelihood, and neighbor-joining methods. Ten thousand puzzling steps

22、were performed, and probability estimates (?60%) are given as percentages at nodes. Accession numbers are in parentheses. Thickened nodes were common to both maximum-likelihood and neighbor-joining analyses. Dashed vertical lines (polytomies) indicate unresolved branching, which was inferred from co

23、nfl icting results of the phylogenetic analyses and low (?60%) tree puzzle support values. The scale bar indicates 10% sequence divergence. T-RF lengths after MspI and HaeIII in silico hydrolysis are given by numbers following the enzyme names; no, no restriction site within the analyzed pmoA fragme

24、nt; SeqGaps 0, no gap; another number following SeqGaps indicates the size of the gap between the priming site and the start of the actual sequence. (B) T-RFs retrieved from a pH-neutral temperate forest soil by T-RFLP with MspI and HaeIII. Lengths of T-RFs represented by pmoA clones are indicated.

25、Values in parentheses are the relative contributions of the T-RFs to the total sample fl uorescence. x axis, size of T-RFs in base pairs; y axis, relative fl uorescence units. 1672 related to known pmoA genes (here referred to as cluster I) were isolated from a tundra soil (13). However, in contrast

26、 to USC? and USC?, information on the distribution of this clus- ter is very limited. Community analyses of MB by T-RFLP have been per- formed mainly by MspI hydrolysis of 6-carboxyfl uorescein-la- beled pmoA PCR products (6), which were amplifi ed with the primers A189f and A682r (5). The applicati

27、on of this primer- enzyme combination as described by Horz et al. (6) to the Go ttingen forest soil sample resulted in four major peaks with one dominant T-RF of 80 bp (57%) (Fig. 1B). Application of TRF-CUT to a database including all public-domain pmoA and amoA sequences (June 2004) revealed that

28、the 80-bp T-RF was indicative for an environmental sequence from an upland soil (E33b-a, cluster I) and for Methylobacter sp. LW12. A 79-bp T-RF, which is experimentally diffi cult to distinguish from the 80-bp T-RF, corresponded to several taxa. Since the MspI hydrolysis did not resolve the MB comm

29、unity structure in this soil properly, we cloned PCR products and sequenced 13 environmental pmoA genes. Reconstruction of the gene phylogeny showed that the majority of sequences (11) were affi liated with cluster I sequences (Fig. 1A). Only two clones clustered with amoA genes (clone 25) and envir

30、onmental clus- ter II sequence E5FB-f (clone 10 9), respectively. The lack of clones affi liated with any other group of MB suggested a dom- inance of cluster I pmoA sequences in this pH-neutral temper- ate forest soil. On the basis of these fi ndings, we applied TRF-CUT to test various restriction

31、endonucleases in order to select one that allowed the discrimination of cluster I sequence types from all other pmoA and amoA genes. In silico digestion with HaeIII revealed a 199-bp fragment unique to the majority of cluster I sequences (Fig. 1A). For two cluster I sequences, TRF-CUT indicated equa

32、lly unique T-RFs of 140 and 316 bp, respec- tively. Subsequent T-RFLP analysis of pmoA amplifi ed from the soil DNA extract indeed showed a predominance of a 199-bp T-RF when HaeIII was used for digestion (87.0%), thus confi rming the predicted result. An additional 406-bp T-RF corresponded exclusiv

33、ely to the pseudo-T-RF of cluster I se- quences (3). Summing up the relative abundance of these two peaks, cluster I MB comprised 93.0% of the detected MB community. Peaks of the predicted sizes of 140 and 316 bp for cluster I, of 225 bp for cluster II, and of 45 bp for clones affi liated with ammon

34、ia-oxidizing bacteria were all relatively small (?1.0%) or undetected, indicating that organisms with these genotypes were only minor constituents of the meth- anotrophic guild in this forest soil. In summary, application of TRF-CUT prior to T-RFLP analysis revealed cluster I as the predominant MB i

35、n this pH-neutral methane-consuming soil and indicated that the dis- tribution of this novel gene cluster is more widespread than previously known. In this study, a clone library was necessary because of the limited availability of pmoA sequences from different habitats. However, with the prerequisi

36、te of an exten- sive data set, in silico predictions of multiple-enzyme digests should allow assignment of T-RFs to potentially corresponding organisms without extensive prior cloning efforts. We acknowledge Peter F. Dunfi eld for critically reading the manu- script. This work was fi nancially suppo

37、rted by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research within the Competence Network Go ttin- gen project “Genome Research on Bacteria” (GenoMik) and the BIO- LOG Biodiversity Program (01LC0021) and by grants from the Max Planck Society (Munich). REFERENCES 1. Avrahami, S., R. Conrad, and G. Braker. 2002. Effect of soil ammonium concentration on N2O release and on the community structure of ammonia oxidizers and denitrifi ers. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 68:56855692. 2. Braker, G., H. L. Ayala-del-Rio, A. H. Devol, A. Fesefeldt, and J. M. Tiedje. 2001. Community structure of denitrifi er

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